「Rolling Sky Remake 1.2.9r」MULTIVERSE | MEGA COLLAB  | MasterMonivin

「Rolling Sky Remake 1.2.9r」MULTIVERSE | MEGA COLLAB | MasterMonivin


55 лет назад

2,899 Просмотров

Discord servers
MonivinUnitedArmy (my server) : https://discord.gg/Y24gqX2
Rolling Lounge : https://discord.gg/bEZRMZQ
Rolling Infinity discord server : https://discord.gg/j9kRD2b3XR
Rolling Universe : https://discord.gg/Sa4gQBU5AAv
Professional Block Official Discord Community : https://discord.gg/nhG2RB99EG
Rhythm Join Official Discord server : https://discord.gg/pqs6Nk7p9d
Rolling Unlimited Official Discord server : https://discord.gg/yw6REytRYm


Rolling Sky Remake 1.2.9r - MULTIVERSE | MEGA COLLAB
Difficulty : ★★★★★
Collectibles : 20💎, 3👑
Length : 4 minutes 47 seconds
Host & Textures for MULTIVERSE : @kzy_1dev
Level routes : KaizyRS, MasterMonivin (me), @GMDThread8 , @unsent1mental , @amberRS , @kogg , @RSBrazilOFFICIAL , @_BroX_ , @lexay , @Saka_list20
Recorder : @SmileFaceRS
Level cover : @not_a_creator_shine
Music : Feint - Weavers


0:00 Shout-out / Intro
0:25 KaizyRS
0:50 MasterMonivin (me)
1:12 GDFlutter
1:33 MasterMonivin (me)
1:57 Unsent1mental
2:18 Amber
2:40 KONGG
3:01 GDFlutter
3:23 RS Brazil
3:46 BroXGamer
4:08 Lexay
4:30 Saka_
4:52 KaizyRS
5:23 How to download my RSR/RJ levels
6:04 Outro

All of my Rhythm Join/Rolling Sky Remake levels can be found in my Discord server (MonivinUnitedArmy) above! ⬆️


Don't click this! : https://bit.ly/2XtUL3d
Nothing to see here...

I'll be giving a shout-out to a random subscriber each video! All you have to do is subscribe to my channel and comment "MULTIVERSE"


Check out my playlists for more videos

Rolling Sky: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe-v9XHvvaRdfcBb9MogSfuykBzg-fTrC
Dancing Line: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe-v9XHvvaRfEXItCW5vB5eIms9EpQV0p

Thanks for watching and subscribe

#RollingSky #rollingskyremake #mastermonivin
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