UE4 / Unreal Engine 4 / Data Tables (CSV & JSON)

UE4 / Unreal Engine 4 / Data Tables (CSV & JSON)

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@pseudostew989 - 28.05.2018 00:37

Thanks for this, it's a really good clear tutorial! Very helpful <3

@HDico2013 - 28.05.2018 19:40

Wonderful! Very useful indeed.

@taylorhead9842 - 29.05.2018 14:48

Thank you so much for this!

@blakegt.7326 - 02.06.2018 02:05

Hi, please make a tutorial for LODs triggered by BP

i´m having a hard time, bassicaly i created a creature that morphs, like a wolfman for example, but... this character needs LOD, my problem is that there is no LOD morph target option, this mean i can only use morph targets for main mesh, even if i create my second mesh (LOD) and add new similar morphs, if i import this new mesh, after i get far... morphs wont be applied, meaning that if my human character becomes a wolf... when i move far, it will turn to human again, because LOD version don´t know when to apply the morph and it doesn´t sync with base mesh morph target... also in Maya i canot modify the main mesh topology, i might do it by a blendshape, but how to trigger a blendshape (morph target) as an LOD when looking from far? maybe there is a way to apply LOD´s by BP instead from Unreal LOD system, but how to do LOD by BP? please make a tutorial.

@davidedwards8986 - 04.07.2018 00:53

This was great! Thanks for going into the details after you got the data table setup.

@gurkenstudios9247 - 21.07.2018 17:02

As always, very great video! I have to say -- for learning more about UE4, Blueprint videos really help. Maybe it's just because I like this visual style of learning :) Keep the good work up and thank you for the great video!

@DarekGreenly - 24.08.2018 11:59

I usually speed up these kind of videos, but you speak quickly enough and pack all the important stuff there. Nice :)

@stefanheiler2329 - 20.12.2018 17:46

Thanks for the Video. Next time you may want to clear the list of recent files in Sublime :P

@kognitiveresonanz3562 - 25.01.2019 05:39

Thanks for the Tutorial. Could you please upload the file with the finished Widgets etc.. I would like to see how to visualize the Data Table Information in the way you showed at the beginng of the video. The Link in the video's describtion does not seem to contain what if shown in the video. Non of the shown Blueprints is in there

@renderloungevr189 - 12.05.2019 11:29

Great tut. A question, will this work in real-time if we replace event begin with event tick? So when we save the CSV with new data is updated in unreal runtime?


@kartune0832 - 12.05.2019 20:28

hey nice vid, i was wondering if this works with other types of variables like booleans or arrays, can't find much about the topic for some reason

@sharkeyboy123 - 17.05.2019 18:29

Great tutorial. Have you any experience reading in realtime json data from an API ? Eg. reading in tweets from twitter. Thanks

@Jobzachariah - 17.06.2019 11:52

Thanks Manh

@olegsuptelia1401 - 29.07.2019 09:37

Hi, Thank you for video. I have a question, please would you like to help? Is it possible to cast for instanced data without spawning an actors? I mean is it possible to get data without actually spawning of this? For shop for example. Or it should realize in other way?

@OoXLR8oO - 09.10.2019 01:10

Great video! I was wondering if there was a way to import csv files into UE4.

@jwh1997 - 04.03.2020 03:23

Still relevant and a well done tutorial.

@argosbrave6415 - 31.03.2020 02:06


@vivekpatel7403 - 17.04.2020 09:33

really helpful;, thank you... just one question.... is it possible that if JSON file updated... then in unreal data automatically update??? no need to report it again.

@kerynadcock2226 - 23.04.2020 23:18

So useful, great to have UE4 open to such data input and output. THANK YOU!

@selvakumarss8417 - 04.06.2020 12:42

Hi this is very helpful. can u please upload the project file and download link here, it will be more helpful. The link in the description is not working.

@danielhayden999 - 08.07.2020 22:21

Quick Q for JSON format, what structure row type do you need to use if one of your variables is nested, i.e. for the sword you could have "colors" : {"head": "silver", "handle": "brown"}. Any help greatly appreciated.

@dkeane408 - 12.08.2020 23:30

Great tutorial, extremely helpful! Do you have a tutorial where you explain how the data tables display when you walk over to them / interact with them?

@wertolotik - 07.02.2021 14:05

Hello, could you please post a tutorial on how to make a texture based on a table? something like a height map or a temperature map. This would be very interesting in terms of displaying data on the surface of an object using color.

@rctrickstipsfun6504 - 26.05.2021 13:17

thanks, very good tutorial! is it also possible to change the values in ue4 en export that .csv to the original one? i would like to alter data in the .csv in ue4 and go back to the original data!

@adityahumnabadkar2626 - 19.07.2021 19:03

Hello. I had a doubt. I have a dataset consisting of traffic signs in a .csv format. Can I represent them in unreal engine in the form of mesh?

@brazelabs8451 - 04.11.2021 16:45

In 2021 with Unreal 4.26 can you now also set values in a data table? Did they introduce a blueprint function for that? I remember 4.1 did not have that capability. Can Unreal now write into a data table or database?

@grayghostdev13 - 08.12.2021 06:50

Excellent video, much appreciated! I've been trying to do this with a single-columned table (i.e. a list), and every time I try to import it, it just says there's no data to import, because it's looking for data by row (of which there are tens of thousands), but no corresponding data (because it's a list). Is there a way to do this by "importing a table" (but with just one column), or is there a correct way to import a list from a text file?

@boitahaki - 07.02.2022 02:58

Help!... I am using Unreal 4.27, and I don't have this 'row editor' options!! I can't add more in the table!

@williamrich3909 - 06.09.2022 17:45

If the .csv is changed, will the updated values reflect in the game?

@GodOfDes - 01.01.2023 11:31

what about deal with large amout of text, there is no way to seperate by comma, and the csv is also hard to manage

@JohnRiversOfficial - 09.02.2023 19:11

im liking the video for your effort, but youre wrong. as a ue noob, i taught myself how to work with enums, dts and structs and what your doing is actually taking extra steps.

@micaBREEN - 16.02.2023 12:35

great explanation man. i was wandering i saw a marketplace item where they saved character preset from there character generator to a datatable i know datatables are read only and they someway on the save created a text file or something then used a blueprint in edit mode to update the datable i am working on something similar and was trying to figure out how i coul do that.i want to have a preset menu thanks on advance for any information you could share on this

@lolaswift111 - 22.06.2023 15:55

hi brother. thanks a lot for this video. it's old but it's useful. I'm just wondering what are the options of writable datastructure. it'd be great if Datatable is not readonly. For example, I want to create a vocabulary learning app in unreal, I can use data table to store all the lessons and words. however, I want the user to be able to mark some words or some lessons as learned or bookmarked. so every time when they open the app, the app remembers their progress. Looks like the only way I can achieve that is to save some data using Game Save Object? and when the app starts, load the datatable into memory into Maps, and load the saved data and do some data mutation? I need to do a lot of query into the data and make changes. with traditional software development, I might want to use sql/nosql database for example. with unreal, I can't figured out what are my options in terms of data structures and data persistance. Any suggestion? thank you very much again for your time and effort making the tutorials.

@JW-dp1bs - 25.06.2023 18:28

In the "Get Data Table Row" node, how would you connect multiple Data Tables to it?

@dddd012 - 11.09.2023 10:08

I never consider that the row name could be the custom defined name, which is always set as number. Really inspiring tutorial video!

@DevEnabled - 27.05.2018 19:13

In this video, I cover the process of creating a CSV file ready for use in an Unreal Data Table to easily store and update large numbers of values. We also cover how to work with JSON files both importing and exporting from the engine.
