YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED to Compare Starfield & Baldur's Gate 3

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED to Compare Starfield & Baldur's Gate 3


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FuncleChuck - 28.09.2023 05:20

People have a very hard time separating “I had fun playing this game” and not taking it personally when you point out the flaws, because they were able to ignore or overlook them so they assume you’re just being a dick… who can say who’s right and wrong.

j85grim - 06.10.2023 16:34

After watching several video reviews like this one, I think I can safely say that Starfield is the worst game I have never played (and never will).

j-eric preis
j-eric preis - 06.10.2023 16:32

Starfield is oblivion level when talking to npc. any interaction with noname npc in BG3 is definetly more immersive than starfield.

ONE Zero
ONE Zero - 06.10.2023 16:20

Me 17 seconds in:
"Wait you bought starfield? You didnt just try it out with xbox gamepass before buying for real? Thats dumb!"

croaton07 - 06.10.2023 16:05

Just read the Steam reviews. They show how horribly disconnected the gaming community is from reality.

Sami - 06.10.2023 16:01

I stopped playing after about 4 hours, I could see where the game was going and I wasn't impressed with anything I saw in those 4 hours.
If a game is so lackluster that you NEED to play it for 15 hours just to, idk get the gist of the game? Why the hell would I play it.

A 1
A 1 - 06.10.2023 15:53

Anyone giving Starfield 10 out of 10 must have either never played another game or be taking a back hander from Todd. Starfield is worse than Skyrim for immersion and is last gen for graphics and dialogue. Average at best, mis sold at worst.

Leo Jackouski
Leo Jackouski - 06.10.2023 15:43

In the real world, people aren't focused on one thing super seriously. We sometimes make light of situations and people respond accordingly. I feel like in Starfield all the NPCs are absorbed in their tiny little worlds. No Karlach being chaotic etc... The NPC's in starfield have no depth of character, motivations, or complexity.

Bowsar1337 - 06.10.2023 15:38

goy slop or goy slop
taps cheek
so many choices, gaming is amazing now it's better than ever!

Heldermaior - 06.10.2023 15:30

Based on their replies on that business deal and my own experience using ChatGPT to create ideas for scenarios in a DnD campaign, Bethesda basically used ChatGPT to write the dialogue of that quest. Especially the latter bit where he says nothing is worth killing for. ChatGPT has this thing where it tries to fall on the reasonable scenario even if it goes against the tone set for the character or the encounter. I created this evil warlock/bard character who is chaotic evil and when trying out interactions against him, when pushed or contraried which should lead him to basically murder everyone he backs off... Much like what you show here... Despite being a complete break in tone with how the story was progressing... Heck I just wrote that dialogue almost verbatim to set up an encounter like this in GPT... Like same result... Sure words were a bit different. But yeah the base result was the same. When it came to choosing violence chatGPT tries to throttle it down again. Despite telling me the same that any method is valid, what is important is the alien artifact.

Rob - 06.10.2023 15:28

This was an amazing, well put together video. You have me subbed.

HarrierJint - 06.10.2023 15:28

How anyone can give SF a 10/10 after playing Cyberpunk 2.0, let alone the Phantom Liberty DLC, is baffling to me.

Tong Pa Fu
Tong Pa Fu - 06.10.2023 15:21

BG3 easy win for Game of the Year. That is unless Elden Ring releases it's DLC. Which I highly wish they don't. I'm knee deep in BG3 and won't have time to play Elden Ring DLC.

H y
H y - 06.10.2023 15:20

People are still defending this shit game?

Cody Sarazin
Cody Sarazin - 06.10.2023 15:13

its a Bethesda game, its the same mechanics in all fallout games and skyrim. they just chose other things over new mechanics or more set pieces, probably a creation kit problem.

Game Scape
Game Scape - 06.10.2023 15:04

Got starfield from gamepass. First thing I thought was it barely looked better than skyrim. People just look dumb.
The story didn't grab me at all. In fact I was so not invested that I gave up on it right after the tutorial.
Quests popping up just by walking by people filled my menu with bloat I didn't know I even had.
Best part of the game in my opinion is the ship builder and even that is too strict in some aspects.
I'm glad I didn't buy the game.

Zar ryc
Zar ryc - 06.10.2023 14:57

Starfield is trash. Biggest joke is the "open world". It's a loading screen simulator with a bunch of disjointed randomly generated wastelands. Guess mars killed it for me too, because that's where I tried to immerse myself. I thought maybe solar star system would be the most inspired and interesting, because it's the one we actually live in. Turns out it's baren and empty too.

And all the radiant quests are shit. In 5 hours of gametime I met the same dying guy, who wants his last meal twice on two different planets. I had 2 rescue a miner from a cave, where I go to the cave and there's the miner there sure, but get this, there's NOTHING ELSE there. THERE IS no threat. No monster, no spacers, no person down on the ground wanting a med kit. No there's just a miner dude, standing that's like hi yeah that's me, the guy in danger, thanks for finding me.

I agree with your conclusion. High scores for this game make no sense. Any claim that it's a GOTY contender is absurd. Feels like these claims are made by people who never played any other game in their life. Starfield boring, functional, the bare minimum.

Kong773 - 06.10.2023 14:54

Of course they can be compared

Cole Parker
Cole Parker - 06.10.2023 14:53

I'm a tinfoil hat guy. I think the high praise for Stanfield was a calculated move by the industry to drown out the complete success of bg3

Leo Jackouski
Leo Jackouski - 06.10.2023 14:48

Just like a films genre doesn't determine how good it is, the same applies to games. To suggest otherwise is literally discrimination.

Alex Walters
Alex Walters - 06.10.2023 14:26

You absolutely can compare Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 just like you can say if one film is better than another. They don't have to share any traits. Starfield is an awful game that looks at least 2-3 generations old with it's limp d(*k writing, it's lifeless mannequin cast, it's ugly graphics and meaningless "choices". Baldur's Gate 3 is a great story with multiple paths, great writing and a cast of characters that feel like real actual living beings. In one way there is no comparison because games like Cyberpunk and BG3 are good. Bethesda hasn't wowed anyone since we came out of the vault in Fallout 3 and even that game had limited content, a dumb af story that anyone that graduated high school knows is fundamentally flawed, and terrible gameplay systems.

Daniel Rand
Daniel Rand - 06.10.2023 14:17

You can nitpick this much about anything in any game. Baldurs gate having to point out 5 times astarion is a vampire, then you take a long rest and he tries to bite your neck and the game has to explicitly tell you he's a vampire and your character acts shocked like we didn't notice after literally one glance at him right when we meet the character? Come on dude. They are both great games, stop this nonsense. Gamers really be acting up lately, maybe touch grass once in a while.

JumboCod91 - 06.10.2023 13:22

You know man it really depends on the community. I played 2 hours of No Man's Sky which I felt so utterly bored and uninterested with that I asked on the forums about it. I have never had a more polite and helpful conversation online in my whole time using the internet. The people I talked to ranged from 30h players to 1000+h players and they all pretty much told me I was right and that if that was how I felt about the game after playing it for such a short time then I wouldn't enjoy the rest. These people knew their game, knew why they liked it and knew why I didn't like it. Not once did someone tell me I hadn't played enough, because fundamentally some experiences can be subjectively shit, and if the small amount of time I spent in the game was shit, then there was no point me eating more shit for the next 40 hours.

ThisVideoAnnoyedMe - 06.10.2023 13:00

The real question is how many people played BG3 and Starfield and still praise Starfield somehow.

DraK_DaRippa - 06.10.2023 12:55

i love people tryibg to suggest better writing for tv or games hahahaha stick to your dayjob

Kostya Saushkin
Kostya Saushkin - 06.10.2023 12:50

Starfield is so boring and dull that I want to watch this video but I can't. Because I am already falling asleep 😂

Chaos Reveals Order
Chaos Reveals Order - 06.10.2023 12:41

"Play 5+ hours to get to the good part" = BAD GAME. How pathetic can you get? Trying to find excuses for inexcusable rushed development. No wonder our games are so garbage if people always look for an excuse. It's like someone serving you shit on a fancy platter and you order seconds.

Wolfhors3 _
Wolfhors3 _ - 06.10.2023 12:34

Comparing BG3 and SF is like comparing motorcycles and cars. They're not the same thing.
I like games like SF better than games like BG3. I like motorcycles better than cars. Ones about the journey and ones about what you're journeying in.

Danceofmasks - 06.10.2023 12:31

I like starfield but I don't understand how anyone can give this game any more than a 7/10.
It's a mediocre bethesda game, and bethesda games are generally shallow to begin with.

Rings of Jupiter
Rings of Jupiter - 06.10.2023 12:01

Freakin Outer Wilds was so great. I even hate time loop games but OW integrated it so well all was forgiven

Heldermaior - 06.10.2023 11:57

I played starfield for about 6 hours total... It feels like fallout 4 with a space skin. I have no patience. I will. Try it again in 4 or 5 years. With a bunch of patches and mods. For now, BG3 takes all my time... The game is so good... I am nowhere near finished with it and I am well on my way of my second playthrough.

Magnus Ludvigsen
Magnus Ludvigsen - 06.10.2023 11:56

There's something to be said about story that emerges from just piecing together things you discover.
One of my favorite games TUNIC has a lot of text... but very little text you the player understand... because its written in a made up language. And yet the story IS told. You piece it together through playing. And when you complete the true ending, you feel something.

Elden Ring is another game. It hardly tells you anything directly. But man, reaching rhe bottom of the Subterranean Shunting Grounds, to discover what's down there. Melina growing ever more aggregated at every grace. Man that was just an amazing story progression.

Del - 06.10.2023 11:54

If you want to railroad conversations to have less branches because branches aren't what your game is about, do it the way cyberpunk does it. Have an orange one that moves the conversation forward and white options for when you want to hear more of the lore. That way you are never wasting your time because if you want to hear the lore you hear the lore.

Blue★ - 06.10.2023 11:53

What i realized when you were shooting the ship. The sound is the same one you get when running into something. It's the shells hitting the hull, they are the same as running into something in space

WarPoodle 2600
WarPoodle 2600 - 06.10.2023 11:52

Starfield would have been amazing like 8 years ago. Bethesda never evolved their story designs

pokymars - 06.10.2023 11:47

You could say Starfield showcases Bethesda doing what they do best: making buggy and kinda bland games.

Doesn’t mean people can’t enjoy them, and if they do enjoy them, don’t make them feel bad about it— vice versa if people don’t like Starfield.

Let people enjoy the games they wanna play, because arguing over it isn’t worth the energy. Stating your opinion is generally always a good thing, even if it’s a shit opinion.

Rings of Jupiter
Rings of Jupiter - 06.10.2023 11:43

Skill issue

waRr3nxx - 06.10.2023 11:41

If Starfield had come out 10 years ago it would have been better received. But its sterile environments and frankly boring quests and dead eyed characters make it a waste of time for me and many others.

BGS never learns from their mistakes and relies too much on others to fix them.

Del - 06.10.2023 11:36

If bethesda took some of that money they were saving from not rebuilding their engine from the ground up and put it into writing, I think I would like their games better. I haven't played Starfield yet because I don't like $70 entry $100 full version games. I'll wait until its on sale. Playing a game already costs me time I should be working so this is a very expensive proposition to me. The other reason I held off is because Fallout 4 had no memorable characters or questlines and I figured they haven't changed since then. In an RPG story and characters are way more important than gameplay, hence why the JRPGs are so loved despite basically being card games in their combat.

Butterfliesandzebras - 06.10.2023 10:36

From what I've seen of starfield it looks shit.

Soulmask - 06.10.2023 10:34

This first quest with foot tracks prompts seems as enjoyable as a Chinese struggle session

tHeWasTeDYouTh - 06.10.2023 09:55

Baldur's Gate 3 and Elden Ring completely beat Starfield.
I used to be the biggest Bethesda fan ever but I am done with them.

Vaareth - 06.10.2023 09:33

the mario analogy and the enderman sound were brilliant xD
i've seen many lets play of starfield and i'm glad i did and didn't buy that crap. the game is so boring, it's as good as skyim in some areas, and worse than skyrim in the rests... a 2023 game is worse than an 2011 game....
false sense of choice for dialogue as any option or whatever always end up the way they wanted, and you can choose to kill anyone or anything because the game would break as they didn't build the game to compensate/accomodate YOUR choice, the only thing you can do is follow what they developped, it's like playing call of duty, you follow story, period.
the game could have been so much, it's so bland and boring, and i'm baffled at how bland it is, even elder scrolls feels more exotic.
imagine, titan a.e. meet treasure planet... the game could have been this good and this diverse and exotic and "wow effect". why can't we have jobs ? remember gta vice city where you could do cop missions or firefighter missions, none that is available in a space game, can't be taxi like in 5th element (and no town like that either), can't be cop, or space cop, can't be anything, you can't even be a racing pilot... imagine them doing like 10 race track, and a championship held every 5 in game years, with a random 5 track cup be it regular or mirrored, you could become a pilot, just to train on those tracks to be the number one, now that's pod racing, they could have done that, but they didin't, they were lazy, new people would buy the "bethesda" game and call it a day....

Matt Fayne
Matt Fayne - 06.10.2023 09:12

NOT ALLOWED TO COMPARE? What is this, the USSR? Problem is, there IS NO comparison because Baldur's Gate is the most boring series I ever tried to play and a waste of my money. Starfield on the other hand, is a MASTERPIECE!!! 10/10

Summer - 06.10.2023 09:09

If the game fails to hook you in after 5 hours its a failure of an AAA RPG.
We do not have this problem when the game is good with a tight, engaging story and good gameplay are the bare minimum that will hook in any RPG fan. Especially from Bethesda, this was a lackluster release.

V - 06.10.2023 08:58

400 hours in CP77, 250 hours in BG3 and I still want to play. 56 hours in SF felt punishing.

EstariaValens - 06.10.2023 08:52

Thank you for that. I agree with most of what you said, though I do think you give BG3 a bit too much praise. BG3 was indeed an excellent game, and certainly worthy of GOTY; however it wouldn't even breach my top 50 games in terms of story construction.

More importantly, I learned a lot from this video, and thus you, about story construction. Much like your criticism of Starfield, I had always had people tell me how to construct a story, but never explained it well. What you produced here, with relevant illustrations, did for me what 45 years of education never could. And for that, I thank you.

Rey - 06.10.2023 08:50

Chipping away at this video, and I got to the bit about Taye and Anna. While it's certainly not a satisfying conclusion, you can actually give her 20k credits which will supposedly go toward improving their lives, with appropriate NPC dialogue about being thankful and using it to leave Mars. I haven't really continued Starfield since, so I can't say if you ever see them anywhere else. I guess the dialogue option doesn't show up if you don't have the money for it? Strange, since I don't remember anything really hinting to the player that they could do something if only they had the money.
