The Jewish Catholic

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blamtasticful - 19.09.2023 05:07

Eh this is low level Catholic apologetics. If the church is truly divided then Catholicism is false because then the gates of hell prevailed against the church. Rather than this actually being the case the model we have in the Old Testament is that the "official" government and the priesthood can fail to stand by the truth but that God always saves a remnant.

Larry Williams
Larry Williams - 18.09.2023 20:12

The structure of the 7 churches in revelation seem to be far more Protestant than catholic.

Andiamo Lire Forex & Crypto
Andiamo Lire Forex & Crypto - 18.09.2023 03:50

Awesome, subscribed.

MThomas - 17.09.2023 08:17

You describe Protestantism from a worldly view and not a saved view. The unified body that Christ spoke of is his body not denominations. There are many denominations that have the remnant who are born again along with false converts. Christians do not attend the assembly for others but for service to God the father and a renewing from the Holy Spirit. The assembly is not meant for unbelievers but believers. Outreach is for the unbelievers. Men are to be his own priest. Read scripture and you will find that Jesus Christ is the head and then God the father, not a bishop then the pope then Mary then Jesus and finally God. Your pope who is a heretic and Social Justice Warrior who knows nothing of Gods Justice or else he would warn the world and not try to combine your false religion with other false religions. Your pope affirms gay marriage and covers up sex crimes against children just like all the other popes. Your pope denies Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Your pope kisses the Mary statue and worships it. Do you remember the second commandment about not making graven images of anything in heaven or below? Are you born again as Jesus said you must be? You would have been born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit upon conversion if you were truly saved. You deny scripture as Gods final authority? Where else do you get your knowledge of God then, other false religious texts? This is dangerous. Your confused by Satan because you were dragged from one heretical church to another when you were young. Do you believe a man is justified by faith alone in Christ alone or justified by man’s works and faith in Christ? Just because you believe that you can trace your religious structure back does not mean it didn’t go wrong somewhere or you are right. Look at the Jews who believed they were justified because they were from the seed of Abraham. Jesus told them they were of their father the devil. Something you should think about.

Daydreamer - 16.09.2023 16:50

I might not know much about Catholicism, but I’d try to explain some things from my side as a Protestant.
1. The problem of sola scriptura is not the inadequacy of the Scriptures, but human ego. Protestantism doesn’t teach us to be equal with God, at least in where I’m from. Progressive Christians might. Easily with sola scriptura, that would be debunked from Adam and Eve’s story, since it was exactly the lies from the serpent to feed human ego. Sola scriptura imo would suggest us to accept what the Scripture said as the final word, even if it sounds harsh or doesn’t agree with our desires.

2. Church hopping is not always wrong. I think it’s more nuanced than that. If I hop because the pastor’s teachings don’t let me stay in comfort zone, then it’s wrong. If I hop because the pastor teaches false doctrines, like teachings that we can be like God, it’s unwise to stay there. Otherwise you can go to church where you enjoy being there. If I can’t move from Charismatic to a more traditional Protestant churches because the routines there would suck the life out of me. People from there would be overwhelmed and pass out if I were to invite them to my church. Go to a church that works with your personality, I’d say.

3. Authority system from Catholicism doesn’t really solve the underlying issue imo. At the end of the day, our leader is a human who’s a sinner, can be biased and hypocritical too, and sometimes not any more perfect than us. Since we hold sola scriptura, I, too, have to fact check everything my pastor teaches with what is in the Scriptures, and see if I can find any problems with it. Sola scriptura’s intention is for Christians to be critical towards problems and look back to God’s Word. Not simply to anyone’s interpretation, including my own.

µshot_singer - 15.09.2023 23:36

How do I become Catholic?

Tomas Cantu
Tomas Cantu - 15.09.2023 17:20

when Jesus prayed fir one body, he wad hoping that the church would nit become corrupt. brother take a course on reformation. by you staying and listening to the catholic dogma, you are just as quilty.. you are in love with catholicism and not with God.

bm ak
bm ak - 15.09.2023 06:02

The Bible is the authority as it is the inerrant Word of God.

fvalenzuela34 - 15.09.2023 03:00

Word of God > “Sacred traditions”

NeededGR13F - 13.09.2023 20:41

Protestants have not divided Jesus' Church. In Matthew 16:15-20, Jesus established his Church on the confession that "Jesus is the Christ and The Son of the living God", first spoken by Simon. All Protestants, despite what denomination they call themselves, are a part of this Church if they genuinely make that confession.

"Sola Scriptura" is not that Scripture is "the final and sole authority", it's that Scripture is "the sole infallible authority". the word "sole" points to the word "infallible", not to the word "authority". Christians are beholden to the word of God; Scripture is the word of God; we don't have any other tangible examples of the word of God in our possession. Both RCC's and the Reformers agreed to each of these points during the Reformation debates. But your church didn't want to agree to the logical conclusion of them.

RCC's deal with church hopping as well. That isn't a Protestant problem.

wattsobx - 13.09.2023 04:52

And to draw your parallel to relativism Catholics were the first protestants the reformation was the reformation of the Catholic Church not the orthodox church so Protestantism is just a branch of Catholicism. I can see the Eastern Orthodox trying to lay this claim but I can’t see it coming from the Catholics.

wattsobx - 13.09.2023 04:49

While I tend to agree with the need to get back to a universal church you are downplaying the whole reason Protestantism or really we should say the reformation started. It was to reform the corruption in the Catholic Church. Literally the Catholic Church did not want anybody to be able to read or interpret any scripture on their own while rampant corruption was being taught from the church being able to buy your way out of Hell essentially. It’s exactly the fact that Luther brought this corruption to light that allowed the reformation to even be a thing .

Gregory Thompson
Gregory Thompson - 12.09.2023 18:06

Rome crucified our Lord and the Catholics persecuted the true church. I challenge you to read Foxs Book of Martyrs so it can open your eyes to how idolatrous the Catholic Church was and is to this day.

All religions are coming back to Rome to establish the false Christ all under the headship of the magisterium. God dispersed the people in the confusion of Babel bc of their idolatry. Babel or Mystery Religion is reestablishing itself under the banner of Catholicism, especially under Pope Francis. Just like I did with Catechumen I begged him to ask God to grant Him true repentance so he would see the need for true justification through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Every time you partake of the Mass you prove over and over again that Christ payment on the cross was not enough to forgive sins. Repent and believe Jesus sacrifice was enough, he wasn’t a victim he willingly gave up his life to save the elect chosen by God. The elect are the bride and the true church especially the saints who gave up their lives in opposition to the papacy. The blood of saints will ever be tainted by the Catholic Church but those saints are protected now and forever in the presence of the Lord. Be blessed and beg for repentance before it’s too late and allow God to give you the true comforter, the Holy Spirit.

TheDbwillia - 12.09.2023 15:20

I’ve been Protestant all my life and love the Lord so much, and lately I have been drawn by the Holy Spirit to follow through on James 4:8 “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you,” and over and over again the Catholic Church keeps coming up. I was raised in the Midwest where Catholic folks were seen as non Christians and following the devil, but the more I learn the more I see this is not the truth and is actually a lie. I’m praying daily that God opens my eyes. I’ve been raising my kids Catholic because of my husband, but having them attend a Protestant service and I’m feeling that I’m drawing closer to becoming Catholic. I’m scared as I know my family will be against it - and I still have to figure out a way to accept the Pope and the saints and Mary as the church does, but I know that if I keep pressing into Jesus he will show me the way. Please pray for me. Thank you.

Sidmeister - 12.09.2023 09:03

Spot on.

chad rams
chad rams - 10.09.2023 03:47

Im neither catholic nor protestant (i reject both) im a bible believing Christian.

cat land
cat land - 07.09.2023 23:05

im catholic 27 here ago,im now protestant,let me te you the truth about catholic its EVIL ,one day you will see it

Candy Clews
Candy Clews - 04.09.2023 09:11

In my country (UK) there were thriving Christian communities in the decades following Christ's death and resurrection. Evangelists brought the Gospel to our shores via Jerusalem, Galatia (Turkey), Gaul (France) and North Africa (none from the RCC/Rome which did not exist at that time). In 597 AD, Pope Gregory 1st sent an aggressive mission team to our shores with orders to bring every Christian under the yoke of Rome. This had nothing to do with the Gospel, this was a politically motivated invasion and those who resisted were put to death (would Christ have behaved in this way?). The Synod of Whitby in 664 AD marked the moment Papal authority had everyone in Rome's grip and it took us nearly 700 years to return to our Biblical faith and escape the corruption of Rome.

M Mc
M Mc - 04.09.2023 08:50

Spot on. The source of division is pride and the father of pride is Satan

Timothy O'Reilly
Timothy O'Reilly - 04.09.2023 05:24

You're an excellent teacher - keep up the good work!

Stanley - 04.09.2023 00:42

Protestantism = 50K denominations, pick your flavor. Its basically a joke. As for the catholics, they need to rejoin the orthodox church and get rid of this ungodly pope thing.

Rose A
Rose A - 03.09.2023 22:42

Catholicism is a continuation of Roman paganism and goddess worship (Mary).

timothy doult
timothy doult - 01.09.2023 13:44

no protestantism makes perfect sense its the false teaching of the rcc which does not

E. Q. V.
E. Q. V. - 31.08.2023 09:53

Then you have the pope offering people indulgences for twitter follows. Protestants don’t want to be our own gods, that’s your thing you’re projecting. We have an issue with people acting like they have more authority than Jesus over our salvation.

E. Q. V.
E. Q. V. - 31.08.2023 09:35

Ok, but at the reformation the Catholic church was not only abusing its power, it was selling indulgences for money. So the Catholic church had totally departed from Jesus. You can’t leave out that history. It was the rampant corruption of the Church and it’s abuse of power which led to the reformation. It was man who corrupted the church with mans sins, and thus man had to be removed from standing between a person and God.

EmberBright - 29.08.2023 11:00

To answer your first point of contention, are you under the impression that there were divisions in the Church prior to the Reformation?

Otherwise, Protestants are less divisive than Catholics for example, as we can look at Catholics and say we are both part of the Church, Catholicism excludes everyone else.

Christopher Amoroso
Christopher Amoroso - 28.08.2023 12:10

Perfectly said my brother. Sola scriptura is nonsense. There are many sola scriptura deniminations but they interpret the scriptures different from each other. I have been to sola scriptura denominations myself so i know.

Kai Kalii
Kai Kalii - 28.08.2023 06:11

Who is all going to purgatory?

Kai Kalii
Kai Kalii - 28.08.2023 06:10

Ohhhh… you are so deceived. You believe that Catholicism isn’t relativism? Catholics follow a pope who believes he is equal with Christ, Catholics worship and pray to idols. Catholics pray to the apostles, explain to me WHERE IN SCRIPTURE does it say that the dead can even hear our prayers. No where. You wonder why true Christian’s church hop, because many church’s are teaching a false doctrine like Catholics do. Can we say that Catholics may jump to a different church when they find out that the priest is rapping multiple children? Or is that a pass for them?

Michael Rayson
Michael Rayson - 24.08.2023 15:54

Amen, teach them brother, one love Catholic all the way.

That One Hacker
That One Hacker - 24.08.2023 07:26

I just found your channel and my mother’s mother’s mother was Jewish and I’m Catholic

Louis_trs - 23.08.2023 22:06

I am going to get baptized by the Holy Catholic Church

Erick Renaldo
Erick Renaldo - 22.08.2023 18:18

Do you know, that Martin Luther said that "the faith as confessed by Luther and his followers is nothing new, but the true catholic faith, and that their churches represent the true catholic or universal church".

Martin Luther did not consider his movement as protestant. The title of 'protestant' was given by other entity, not the Lutheran persons.

big corky
big corky - 22.08.2023 11:35

The Catholic Church has a despicable history, the only reason it has changed is because people seen through the power hungry maniacs in charge, they would still be abusing and controling people if they could get away with it

Nick G. Kiefer
Nick G. Kiefer - 22.08.2023 06:54

As a protestant Christian I would say you are not wrong. Jesus did want a unified church. I think the biggest factor for me is disagreement upon the concept of infallibility of the Pope and even the Pope's legitimacy. We have a different understanding of Matthew 16. Overall, a very thoughtful video. I have nothing but love and respect for my Catholic brothers and sisters. 🙏

PieMaster2425 - 20.08.2023 13:53

"...after the 1500s, after the protestant revolution we see that that has not been the case."
Catholics over here with their third and latest divorce and acting like it's the other person. Let me tell you the common factor with the three schisms has been the Catholic Church. It is not the Protestants who deny communion to the Catholics. It appears to me that Protestants are more catholic than the Catholics.

JOHNLONG - 20.08.2023 12:30


Grandson of Man
Grandson of Man - 18.08.2023 20:12

6 days then rested?
Or Georges Lemaître's assessment?

Gonzalo Raul Lizarzaburu Baca
Gonzalo Raul Lizarzaburu Baca - 18.08.2023 11:22

The speaker failed miserably in defining Christianity. Notice how he doesn't mention Jesus as being the only definition of Christianity . Poor fellow.

Christy Coco
Christy Coco - 18.08.2023 00:00

Look at how Catholics are attacked. Wouldn’t Satan work on destroying the one true church? The apostles spread the gospel first with the Jewish people. When they were rejected they went to the gentilles. Thank you Jesus and apostles for dying for us.

Lichwood - 15.08.2023 17:35

I welcome the challenge in good faith.

1) Your criticism of Protestantism's view of the Bible as the sole authority, actually meaning that our interpretation of the Bible is the actual authority is a valid criticism that does cause a lot of issues. However, it is not unique to Protestantism. Catholicism has this exact issue, twice-fold. Catholic scholars must read and interpret the bible, and come up with teachings, and teach their followers, which in turn themselves must also interpret to the best of their ability. Catholicism, however, does admittedly have an advantage, as more experienced scholars can attempt to correct individuals who struggle with their own interpretations (and protestantism does this too, but to a more limited degree). But this is a trade-off, because if the scholar misinterprets, entire swaths of followers now have an erroneous perspective. Since no human institution is incorruptible, there needs to be a check-in-balances (hence the Bible as the sole authority). Is the trade-off worth it? Depends. If you think you can interpret the bible well on your own or at least judge theologan's teachings well, then yes. If you can't adequately judge theology, then you would be best served to follow a trustworthy spiritual leader (such as a Catholic scholar), but then here's the issue, how do you know they're trustworthy? These are not easy questions, and there is no easy solution.

The Catholic Church has made serious mistakes before, many of which they then had to ratify. They're not infallible. The individual needs to make the call of whether they trust the catholic scholars more than themselves or non-catholic scholars.

2) The Catholic Hierarchy is indeed superior to Protestant Hierarchies. Again it's a trade-off. I like the Catholic Hierarchy, I wish we protestants had something similar. The idea of Protestantism was not to divide the Church, it was to reform it. The mistakes of the Catholic church were too egregious, so we could not in good conscious continue to follow it. We failed to reform it, the Catholic Church failed to reconcile with us. Just like the schism of the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Church. It's a shame. But we're still united as brothers in Christ.

A (radical) protestant is responsible for his own theological shortcomings. If he identifies an issue, he can fix it. A catholic is beholden to another's theological shortcomings. If they do not fix it, then he shares in the shortcoming. Which position you is most advantageous depends on the person. Some people believe they are good enough to take responsibility for their own theological shortcomings, when they'd probably benefit from deferring to another. Meanwhile, some people believe they ought to defer to someone else, but would benefit if they went on their own.

I would argue that the severe decline of Catholicism in the world is evidence of its need to reform. Certain protestant sects are being much more effective at leading people to Christ than Catholicism. Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from one another?

Mapheko Chesi
Mapheko Chesi - 15.08.2023 12:15

Been a catholic all my life, for a while though, I have been wondering why the priest during mass has to pray the Eucharistic prayer that concentrates both Bread and water into the body and blood of Christ. I believe that was delaired by Christ during the last supper. Why not simply pray over the water and host in faith believing that Jesus already declared them to be His body and blood

vince eso
vince eso - 15.08.2023 12:05

Welcome Home bro.

smokr john
smokr john - 15.08.2023 06:57

The basics of Christianity are shared by the overwhelming majority of Protestant churches,
as in ONE BODY albeit with secondary differences..
Protestant churches are much more closely identified with the early Christian church vs. the regale trappings and unbiblical (man-made) inventions of the Catholic church.
When confronted with unbiblical "theology" of the pharisees, Jesus , every time. rebuked them and always directed them back to scripture, the Bible, God's word.
That is HIS example to us as ONE body, GOD'S WORD only, sola scriptura.

Jessica Penaloza
Jessica Penaloza - 15.08.2023 00:22

The Jews were the first real faith created by God. If I were to convert to anything it would be to be Jewish with the acceptance of yeshua as my messiah.

higor alves
higor alves - 14.08.2023 18:53

Everybody that belive that Jesus is son of God is part of body of Christ,its not a phisical place.

Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter - 14.08.2023 10:46

The very first protestant is Lucifer

Sintrias - 14.08.2023 08:21

eeeh. the church was divided long before the protestant reformation when the great schism happened. it's misleading to say the church was unified until the 1500s.

prove to me that the pope is a Biblical office. while some protestants may see church leadership as an authority, i don't know any protestant that believes any church leader's authority is above the authority of Christ. even the apostles did not claim such authority.

Scripture is clear that it is God-breathed and spiritually interpreted. of course there will be many who misinterpret Scripture. that is nothing new and was even present in the first century. the protestant reformation made Scripture widely available to the common people. right interpretation should be the responsibility of the church as a whole, not to a select few.
