How To Set Up A Subdomain on Namecheap BasicDNS

How To Set Up A Subdomain on Namecheap BasicDNS

eBiz Corey

3 года назад

15,304 Просмотров

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@revatibaseshankar - 13.09.2023 13:35

Hey created the subdomain using a record but website not available error after viewing it in browser.

@lometogo3290 - 06.04.2023 21:35

Hello, do you think this set up will work for an aws ec2 instance?

@m-fazin - 10.08.2022 08:48

tnz sir

@hakanaki - 27.02.2022 04:52

Please how long does it take to propergate? Mine is taking forever 😔😔

@JormaX - 11.01.2022 14:16

I have the Custom DNS instead of Namecheap BasicDNS on Namecheap. If I change the Custom DNS to NCheap BasicDNS will that affect my main domain website in a negative way, stop working etc.? I need a subdomain for promotion things(confirming another site(=subdomain) for Facebook advertising)

@danielprimrose7509 - 10.12.2021 06:27

Not clear on the IP address

@yashjain4618 - 24.03.2021 18:38

How do I get the IP Address? I just got My Namecheap Domain. Please help
