Lets go C9...I believe in yall
ОтветитьY’all crazy get wippie back
Ответить31 views in 2 minutes...what does that mean for C9
Ответитьhow does this affect c9 legacy
ОтветитьWhy is vanity still there 😂
Ответитьwhere's fenis?
Ответитьwhy did I think this roster would become good, holy fuck this may become the NA version of 2023 KRU ngl
ОтветитьUnderdawgggg roster but still GOATed
ОтветитьFNS as coach announcment when?
ОтветитьL org
ОтветитьYo 3k views is crazy💀
ОтветитьTooooo mid
Ответитьaint no way we have to use clips before the Split rework, surely moose had to of had some sort of clip from the past year no?
Ответитьwhat does this mean for c9 tho?
ОтветитьJakee wasn’t the problem. You guys just dropped the best up and coming smokes player
(The org not the team)
Damn runi is back he's the best IGL
ОтветитьLets go Runi!!! Glad hes back
ОтветитьHappy to see Runi back on the squad!
ОтветитьHow long does this roster last 😂
ОтветитьWhen are they gonna realize that dropping Xeppa is the way to go.
Ответитьdropping jakee when you put runi back is js
Ответитьhave more roster announcements than playoff wins
ОтветитьHow does this affect Oxy's legacy????
ОтветитьProve them wrong, I believe in you guys 👍
ОтветитьWTF?? they dropped runi back in September and pick him back up now after dropping jake? wtfffff
ОтветитьMaybe they should stick to baseball because for the love of god they can’t play valorant
ОтветитьYea, not it gg c9’s legacy
ОтветитьHow does this affect FNS’s hating
ОтветитьWhat about C9?
ОтветитьYou won't even qualify for masters shangai so continue to make this content its better
ОтветитьI’m like the biggest vanity truther but it’s time for him to produce
Ответитьonly fns can save your views
ОтветитьWho the fook is moose 😂
ОтветитьDylan is so back
ОтветитьDamn y'all fumbled the bag not keeping tenz. The views are low
ОтветитьHow does this affect C9's legacy though
Ответитьcan someone explain "what does this mean for c9" sentence
ОтветитьRuni is really killing in vct man this guy is actually monster