The Key to Writing Freakishly Good Dialogue | Video Essay

The Key to Writing Freakishly Good Dialogue | Video Essay


1 год назад

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LocalScriptMan - 24.05.2023 06:08

The consultation thing is paused right now. There is no waitlist. I made this video when my channel was much smaller. If consultations come back, it will have to be a raffle of some kind. I cannot accommodate the thousands of people who want my help. Thanks 👽

Kixad - 27.09.2023 06:10

The sponsorship Segway made me crack up so hard that my ribs cramped.

CentoEDezMontauk - 26.09.2023 22:32

I read so many xianxia stories that could be SO much better with this videos, subscribed.

Just G.O.
Just G.O. - 26.09.2023 21:46

I loved this because although this is all info I already know, it's still inspiring to watch someone get into their craft. Also, i caught myself nodding a lot because this is almost exactly how I approach my scenes. Watching this video reminded me that I'm probably better at writing than I give myself credit for, so thanks!

Um Belenense
Um Belenense - 26.09.2023 20:11


maw maw
maw maw - 26.09.2023 19:57

kima deserves so much better

Ryan Milam
Ryan Milam - 26.09.2023 19:36

Omg how he slid that sponsor in there (chef's kiss)

Annamalistic - 26.09.2023 00:54

"I am a giant personality theory nerd." *Lists MBTI and Enneagram type.
I'm dying 🤣 I always knew I was a nerd but now I feel even nerdier. I literally pin everyone I meet with their personality type, even forcing them to take it out of curiosity. It's so accurate though!!!

Saad Ali Khan
Saad Ali Khan - 25.09.2023 13:00

Brilliant Essay

Magi - 25.09.2023 06:07

Bro that ad break was brilliant!

cubescubos2 - 22.09.2023 16:08


Allam El-Dib
Allam El-Dib - 22.09.2023 06:08

as soon as you mentioned personality types I immediately subscribed💀

Arkanyte - 21.09.2023 19:21

Bro... I need a full novel or TV episode of the Phillip and Kema Script

Davi Nonato Braid
Davi Nonato Braid - 20.09.2023 18:29

The sponsor caught me so off guard that I couldn't help but to laugh. I didn't like it... I was so invested in the scene, but oh boy... I can't help but to find it funny

Killer Falafel
Killer Falafel - 19.09.2023 19:23

Bro what?

Martin Motshoane
Martin Motshoane - 18.09.2023 15:13

Kima - Skipta out on all streaming platform

Voids - 18.09.2023 11:30

that ad segue was so GOOD i was on the edge of my seat before that punchline

pancakes - 17.09.2023 11:22

Well?! Is it real or not??

JHannah121999 - 16.09.2023 19:00

Anyone else feel like they’re getting writing advice from Joe from You

Dorca Sanchez
Dorca Sanchez - 16.09.2023 04:11

"Not key moments connected by vibes" HAHAHAHAAHAHAH

Ron Liebermann
Ron Liebermann - 16.09.2023 02:21

Everyone goes through life with "good days" and 'bad days". But most of us never sit down to analyze what a "good day" is supposed to be. Happiness? Money? Flow? It could be all of those things. The soon-to-arrive "experience economy" promises to deliver what they call a "Peak Experience". Each person will submit to the organizing his or her time and activities by the government. But there's a catch: If you don't actually make your own plans, then you can't take credit for any outcomes. You'll be like a small child following Mom and Dad around the Grocery Store. Listen: Beyonce didn't write a single song. Neither did Whitney Houston. Neither did any of those Motown Stars. They were small children following Mom and Dad around the grocery store. And Jay-Z isn't a businessman. He's just an actor. All of these black "success" stories are a complete fabrication designed to make people believe that creative freedom still exists. But it doesn't. Motown was the first group of people to put on the shackles of "Peak Experience". Beyonce is just a rich stripper, and her husband is just a rich pretender. There was no genuine talent or effort involved.

I say this because so many people suffer from what I call the ""Underdog Syndrome". It's a permanent sense of resentment which comes from having been told again and again "You DESERVE to be happy." So now we have a million young people who are not happy, and they feel that somehow theyve been cheated out of their birthright. Black women always call each other Kings and Queens in order to try and claim a status which they don't possess. But they don't deal in reality. They deal in pure fantasy. And the problem with pure fantasy is that sometimes the ugly truth creeps in. So it must be expelled. Do you remember the black singer Alliya? She died for the crime of being talented alone. She didn't need an externally-controlled life. So the Black Panthers took her real life. It's true. Stevey Ray Vaughan wrote exciting blues music that was the opposite of sad blues music. That earned him the death penalty.
The concept of "Peak Experience" means "No talent". "No free will". And "No Opinions".

But blacks are so jealous of what they believe to be white happiness that they'll do anything to "catch-up". Well, almost anything. The point here is that jealousy and envy are usually not the result of actual injustice. These emotions are the result of self-imposed failures. In my life, I've occassionally had people comment on my writing abilities. They say that I've enjoyed the unfair advantages of going to college, having a mother who was a newspaper editor, and hanging around with literary types. So my "success" as a "writer" isn't really "legitimate". And they may be right! But what exaclty is success? And what's talent? And what's legitimate? These questions matter because blacks (and females in general) have a very hard time writing well. It's partly lack of intelligence; but the greater part of women's failure to write well is that they suffer from terrible literary incongruence. They start by condemning poverty. Then they promote welfare. Then they deny that people are responsible for their own lives. Then they claim to be victims of white privilige. Then they want more tax money. It's always the same story.
Look: Sticking to a single narrative is not the key to becoming a good writer. But Black Lives Matter doesn't tolerate intellectual freedom. For example: What if a black woman wrote that welfare should be replaced by work. Black men and women should just show-up every morning for an eight-hour job. It could be any type of work.

Well, that black woman would be expelled from the Sisterhood; she'd become an outcast. And in that restrictive political environment, no female in America, black or white, has the artistic freedom to really say what she thinks. All of the girls are living in a Soviet Prison Camp, where fantasy is the only real reward. So in my opinion, I'm not a great writer. You suck.

Ranea Hester
Ranea Hester - 15.09.2023 09:18

xD OMG how sponsorship hits you harder than anything else

Brandon't - 15.09.2023 02:34

The sponsor delivery is as clean as an hypocondriac kitchen, truly incredible

J M - 14.09.2023 01:09

I lost it when you called shimmer sizzurp 😂

Popotato - 12.09.2023 12:15

Best or worst skillshare idc i loved it

Kerrigan Queen of Blades
Kerrigan Queen of Blades - 12.09.2023 10:41

I got fully invested in the Phillip and Kima show, you better make it happen now

Zach - 12.09.2023 00:18

I really really dislike Phillip

JustinCage - 10.09.2023 22:57

"-But I'm an Arcane writer."
That's when you know your show is class

Chevy Purdie
Chevy Purdie - 10.09.2023 19:30

Holy SHIT that ad drop

JeanDeVrailley - 10.09.2023 17:30

That fucking shillshare shill was the work of genius

Philip A. Jones
Philip A. Jones - 10.09.2023 08:54

Thank you for spelling "Philip" correctly.

Austin Cota
Austin Cota - 09.09.2023 17:39

Why tf is there Minecraft gameplay during the first 5 sec?

LegendaryOutlaw - 09.09.2023 09:51

The Philip and Kima scene was way too relatable. I mean not all the buildup but the part where someone I was trying to talk to start d rambling about skillshare gave me flashbacks

Javier Fernandez
Javier Fernandez - 09.09.2023 02:54

"This video is brought to you by skillshare." fucking hilarious

Aaron Robb
Aaron Robb - 09.09.2023 02:43

Hey, I need help on that "big character flow chart" part. What is that? I feel like its what im missing from my story right now.

TheLesser - 08.09.2023 08:19

the visual representations were greatly effective, in junction with actual movie takes.

M Berto
M Berto - 08.09.2023 02:51

thank you for this video
this is so great
refilled my motivation to write again

Lambino - 08.09.2023 00:36

This video boils down to having an understanding of symbolic thinking.

Lambino - 08.09.2023 00:29

This isn't a video essay. This is a video lesson.

Astha Myriam
Astha Myriam - 07.09.2023 22:10

Bro used some witchcraft to get me obsessed then "this video is sponsored by-" DUDE YOU'RE GOOD

Mark Arandjus
Mark Arandjus - 07.09.2023 14:43

Keema losing it in the background of the sponsored segment ahah!

Christian Soto
Christian Soto - 07.09.2023 03:43

who up pineappling they pizza

DecentTurtle - 06.09.2023 18:07

Dude is so good at writing that he knew exactly when we were most engaged just so he could pull a prank on us

JD Powell
JD Powell - 06.09.2023 00:04

The sponsorship 4th wall break had me in stitches, and my coffee went up my nose. 😂 brilliant, especially with her dialogue.

calcite_dragon - 05.09.2023 05:43

Daang this was a good video!
