Change Your Beliefs While You Sleep: Removing All Limitation (8 Hours)

Change Your Beliefs While You Sleep: Removing All Limitation (8 Hours)

Dylan James

3 года назад

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chaseatlanticfan - 16.11.2023 08:40

okay i fell off badd ya’ll and i’m back again here we go day (1) :- Nov 16 - 6 hours asleep , then went back to bed for the other two

Isabel Howes
Isabel Howes - 16.11.2023 03:16

I cant sleep with headphones on..will it work ?

Crystal S
Crystal S - 14.11.2023 05:22

He says to put the volume on 1 right before mute if sleeping. Does it still work if I cant hear exactly what's being said?

Melon Lord
Melon Lord - 13.11.2023 16:05

Guys this tape works! I just heard for the first time while sleeping ( before sleeping I just repeated once or twice that I do not have have any resistance to these affirmations and my subconscious is absorbing them like a sponge). Today I woke up really calm and at peace about ky desire knowing that it is already there. My dad apologized to me ( he never apologizes, though it was not really a big deal) and one of my app is still working for me even though I had cancelled it's subscription. I'm just going to keep listening to this. This really works!

Arianna - 13.11.2023 01:35

Is it normal to experience sleep paralysis?

Rochelle V
Rochelle V - 07.11.2023 20:59

These affirmations hit different..,Very detailed for the programming already in subconscious

N LLiva
N LLiva - 06.11.2023 09:55

I'm playing on my speaker. Do I need to be able to hear them well enough to consciously understand them? Or can I turn the volume so low when I sleep that I can't really hear it? Will my subconscious still pick up on it?

Jesssdoesart - 05.11.2023 12:53

Night 1 of watching 🎉
Been in a pretty bad depression slump, and saw this recommended on TikTok the other day, so thought hey why not! Yesterday was the worst day for my depression, suicidal ideation, hopelessness etc. Listened to this all night, and I’ve woken up feeling better?? Like, actually ready to start the day, not procrastinate. I feel motivated. Now I’m not saying this is a magical cure, this could just be coincidence. But it’s clearly knocked something in my brain. Looks like I’ll be listening to this most nights from now on! ❤

N LLiva
N LLiva - 04.11.2023 08:09

My first night listening. Is this normal? Difficult time falling asleep while the tape was on, slept really bad and then woke up after less than 3 hours of sleep, not able to go back asleep.

Morgan Steele
Morgan Steele - 31.10.2023 10:46

This really helps me thank you so much

Nixie - 27.10.2023 13:28

From day 5-13 things were getting worse and worse and then yesterday (13th day) battle inside me felt like a really tough burden on my heart. I was freaking out, wobbling and at some moment I fell in tears throwing out all of the emotions. Today (next day) I feel much better. Not perfect but better. I also found myself switching off the tape at night uncounsciously. It’s curious because at first when I started my journey, I could sleep with the tape even 8 hours but things got more difficult. Would you say It’s purge? because I honestly idk

brianna g
brianna g - 27.10.2023 07:50

hi, does anyone know if this is still effective if i put it at the lowest volume? i believe hearing somewhere that my subconscious mind will still be able to pick it up but the video says where headphones so im not exactly sure?

Bee Bee
Bee Bee - 26.10.2023 17:14

I listened to this one night . And it’s starting to work?

I wake up every morning checking my messages to hear from a certain someone. I’m usually obsessed and anxious and desperate for messages from this person. Today, I looked at the app and I didn’t bother to open it. I just don’t care? Idk, I feel more peaceful today. This was only one night, so I’m excited to see how continuous use will make me feel. Thank you Dylan!

EPD - 25.10.2023 11:06

Is it okay to leave this on most of your day while working?

Ayesha Irfan
Ayesha Irfan - 24.10.2023 09:37

October 23rd

lettie 🤗 elisabeth
lettie 🤗 elisabeth - 23.10.2023 17:07

☆ also might 4 update ☆
You know in that groggy state when you're "coming to" in the morning?
It hit me: "dont take any thing personally. Its not personal".
We all hear that all the time in the self concept community.

But this time it came from within me.
Id grasped it

Its amazing how one belief can take out 20 with it. Like an umbrella.

Being not chosen, not good enough, a ton of things i was experiencing from childhood and parental things. All became zilch when i realized (internally ACCEPTED, like for REAL) that nothing is personal.
It wipes out everything.
Everything i thought was my fault.

Funny how takinf responsibility for our ASSUMPTIONS relieves us of responsibility FOR HOW OTHERS TREATED US.

My beliefs about me and what i deserve are personal
What others do: are not 🥰😍

I feel so free and wonderful.
Thank you again D.
Truly in love with this sleep track.

lettie 🤗 elisabeth
lettie 🤗 elisabeth - 23.10.2023 16:55

☆night 4 update😻😍🤩☆
Its so funny. A month ago i couldn't sleep withany noise at night. ANY.
Then i cohld play aff tracks if they were super low.
Now i cant sleep unless they are LOUD.
Like at some point in the falling asleep stage, Dylan's voice just becomes and rhythm and cadence, a lull, a sound. Im going unconscious so i dont make out the words. Its just a hum of rhythm. I love it.

This was i think my 4th night with this track.

The best, deep, rich, soothing, happy dreams of my life.
I meant to take a 2 hour nap yesterday afternoon. It became 18 hours, out cold.
Happy blissful advenrure filled dreams

I love this so much. Thank you.
I woke up with no anxieties, no concerns, just zest and glee for life. So long since ive felt that😍

Khushi Mishra
Khushi Mishra - 23.10.2023 04:21

okay so i know Dylan mentioned that you might get dreams where your limiting beliefs show up but did it happen to people when they were awake? maybe feelings of anxiety? is that the same thing?

because i didn't listen to this the whole night but I have been trying this out for the past 2 nights and I feel a bit anxious even though i have no reason to be and I have a few limiting beliefs resurface.

nero - 21.10.2023 23:00

What if you accidentally fall asleep and miss a day? Is that okay? 😭

Malu Couto
Malu Couto - 19.10.2023 02:41

Just believe it! If you have any doubts about rather or not you should listen to this JUST. DO. IT! I won’t get into details but my whole life has changed this past year starting on the day I first had this on in my sleep, and yes, a most of it is my own accomplishment, but every night I would have this on, on the next day I would receive my results! Relationships that should have ended, university acceptance letters, dreams coming true… everything that was out of my control this video took care of it for me, and by “this video” I mean the vibrations it sends the universe. Everything is energy and you receive the energy you give. This video puts you in the same vibrations of whatever you’re manifesting. The universe is by your side, deliver, trust, accept and thank it.

Benzo Nohara
Benzo Nohara - 18.10.2023 15:15

my progress so far:

Day 1: woke up stable, got a little upset when I saw an Instagram comment from him. It wasn't anything serious, but it was under a friend of his. It took a while to regain my stability. During my break on work I also listened to affirmations.

Day 2: woke up feeling good , I tried to manifested that my SP's mother would say that he still had our photos, and she did. I'm on a good path and building a positive self-concept 😌✌️

Day 3: Woke up with a confident feeling, felt good throughout the day. Of course, I still thought about my SP often, which is normal as we just ended a 3-year relationship.

Day 4: woke up feeling very insecure and missing my SP. I struggled with the current situation but tried to accept and let go, which i found challenging. I pulled myself together but had moments of struggle. It's okay; it's only my fourth day of listening to these affirmations. I had previously listened to other limiting beliefs for 11 days but switched because a friend said the latest version might work better. So, I've been at it for a total of 15 days. I also listen to the affirmations during the day. This is the first time this week I felt so down, but I'm proud of how strong I've been the rest of the week. It's only been 3 weeks since my SP and I broke up, so it's harder to distance myself because it's still fresh.

Day 5: woke up stable, then had a down for a while. I tried to pull myself out of it by listening to affirmations and doing breathwork. Then, I went to the city with a friend, and I didn't think about my SP for a while. When she left, I fell back into a down (I notice that my old beliefs show up when I'm alone), which I still find challenging to control. When I got home, I meditated, which helped. I felt good for a while. after dinner I had another dip. I looked for distractions and went to sleep feeling good with the affirmations on.

Day 6: Had a restless night with many dreams about my SP, most of them involving us getting back together and things working out. I woke up feeling positive but immediately thought of my SP. My SP is going through depression, and since he doesn't have many friends, I find it important to send him messages saying that people care about him and that it's okay to talk to me. We've been apart for just 4 weeks, and he made that choice. Since then, he's been even more depressed. Despite trying to improve my self-concept and manifest him back into a relationship with me, I sometimes struggle with the circumstances. That's why I leave these messages to let him know people care. He doesn't respond, but that doesn't bother me. I see it as a positive first step. Today, I also planned many activities to keep my mind off him 😌 Today was a more positive day than the last two.

Day 7: I could almost finish the affirmation track but woke up a few times because my AirPods fell out or suddenly went dead. I had 3 dreams about my SP; in two of them, we got back together, and one involved a 3rd person. I was a bit scared that I might manifest this now, but I woke up quite positively. I went for a walk during which I felt great! When I returned, I fell into a dip again. During a dip, I try to focus on myself and then tell myself it's okay, it's done.

Franki Brooks
Franki Brooks - 18.10.2023 00:58

Do I HAVE to wear headphones with this Cus my airpods only last 5 hours, they fall out of my ears, I move a lot so even if I bought headphones they would come off Cus I can’t sleep flat 😭 can I just leave it on my tv

Shivani B
Shivani B - 17.10.2023 03:19

I listened to this for 2 nights. I won a raffle(laptop sleeve) just by stating out loud that I would win it. I had not even registered to this event, I had just showed up. This is crazy and made me immensely happy. Thanks a lot for this video

Zed Haych
Zed Haych - 13.10.2023 05:33

21 day challenge
Day 1)(Friday13 Oct) Today i felt calmer throughout the day and felt good and kept active (returning to this as i havent been as consistent with it)
Day 2) (Saturday 14 Oct) Felt triggered with a certain scenario that occured with a close family member but reminded myself of my worth and my intentions. Stablised myself and carried on with the day then had a lovely evening, food and catch up with my bestie.
Day 3) (Sunday 15 Oct) Today was just a standard day at a couple of things that occurred i would usually probably react but i thought no, I'm not wasting my energy on that today i priortise my peace. (SIDE NOTE - guys are complementing me telling me I'mabsolutely beautiful, gorgeous or stunning) i miss my SP but i feel calmer about it and not spiralling as bad as i wouldve.
Ive started attracting in jobs that are of higher pay (I'm hestitant to apply to them.. yet.)
Day 4 (Monday 16 Oct) felt alright for the most part, feel more confident to some degree managing things i would usually tend to procrastinate on. Overall felt steady throughout the day starting to not 'care' so much about SP
Day 5) (Tuesday 17th Oct) will update
Day 6) missed Wednesday
Day 7) missed Thursday
Day 8) friday 20th oct - i feel ive lost a sense of time and space. I need to focus more on myself i have been trying to practice more self care and not get dragged into others dramas.
Day 9) Saturday 21st) - went really good, met up with some family members and everything with smooth.
Day 10) Sunday 22nd) not much happened
Day 11) Monday 23rd) not much happened although i have moments i feel more stable- got an email saying ive passed my graduation 😀 🎉
Day 12) Tuesday 24th) got asked out on a date but i asked to rearrange as i dont feel ready for it just yet.
Day 13 Wednesday 25th) will update
Day 14 Thursday 26th Oct) missed, however my SC seems to be becoming stronger- still have moments of doubt/ fear creep in but persisting. Feel empowered for small sporadic moments and then feel anxious again. Visited family friends. I FELT understood and validated in a mutual conversation that was being had that I would've previously been felt judged on.
Day 15 Friday 27th Oct)

catherine - 13.10.2023 00:06

Last night was the first night I could sleep through the entire night while listening to this!!

GG - 11.10.2023 10:56

Wow talk about it working. Had a crazy dream I was running away with the person I care about most from violent criminals

nero - 10.10.2023 16:46

Do I have to finish the whole 8 hours every night for it to work? What if I only get 5-6 hours of sleep?

Beata Monika Nowak
Beata Monika Nowak - 10.10.2023 14:52


Sadia Tasnuva
Sadia Tasnuva - 10.10.2023 12:57

These affirmations are your new beliefs. Don't treat it as a school project that you have to do it for 21 days then you're done & never have to listen to it again. Don't stop until you are completely a changed person, even then keep listening to it or any tapes to solidify it properly. I'm listening to it & not looking for any changes cause I understand now that it will occur when I trust the process, not looking for any change. It took me so long to understand that when you focus on you everything falls into your lap. It's okay. Relax. Give some time to yourself. Don't be hard on yourself & drop the urgency. Good Luck.

face man
face man - 09.10.2023 17:43

I have done several other self concept affirmation and now i'm trying this one . Lets see if it changes anything . DAY 1

Morgan Steele
Morgan Steele - 08.10.2023 09:56

COCOA - 05.10.2023 15:08

Thank you for these meditations. Finally on a routine excited for the next couple of weeks. This is going to set a great foundation 🧘🏿‍♀️😊

Morgan Steele
Morgan Steele - 05.10.2023 10:23

milkbredi - 03.10.2023 20:57

do we have to use headphones? 😅

iheartjeonghan - 01.10.2023 19:00

is it okay if we skip a day or two? bc i think i skipped one or two days 😭

ThinkersEra - 01.10.2023 18:06

1 October

Shooq Mulla
Shooq Mulla - 01.10.2023 00:21

I’m on day 10 of listening but I came back to say that I’ve been feeling much more confined and loving towards myself! My sp has not showed up in the 3D yet but I know that he cant stop thinking about me 🤷‍♀️ also I’ve been getting ALOT of attention from members of the opposite sex. They’re obsessed with me!! Hahahaaa

Shanoxx - 29.09.2023 02:00

notes to myself

i started this on the 19th of sept 2023

Day 1: done
Day 2: done
Day 3: done
Day 4: done
Day 5: done
Day 6: done
Day 7: done
Day 8: done
Day 9: done
-- missed
Day 10: done
Day 11: done
Day 12: done
Day 13: done
Day 14: done
Day 15: done
Day 16: done
Day 17: done
Day 18: done
Day 19: done
Day 20: done
Day 21: done

Daisy Ainembabazi
Daisy Ainembabazi - 27.09.2023 16:10

i am starting this today 27th September, 2023 - 27th October, 2023. i pray for discipline.

Ds - 26.09.2023 08:49

I listened to it today for the first time. And only for about 4hrs and 30min. I had a dream of what i have been affirming that is I am the most intelligent person. Getting good grades are so easy for me. Also i could see my sp studying with me 😂

isheonna Faulkner
isheonna Faulkner - 26.09.2023 05:04

I listened last night and had dreams about demons and ghost… very scary I must say but I’m holding on to release the past trauma I may be still experiencing 🫶🏽 I will vibrate higher than I ever had in my life of living and I’m claiming that respectfully 🙏🏽

littlenia - 25.09.2023 00:44

BucketHatDom - 24.09.2023 15:35

I played this for the first time and within 30 minutes my SP texted me!

gabriel Cristea
gabriel Cristea - 23.09.2023 12:36

I have two questions, can I listen to this in order to manifest my sp or should I listen to the limitless love one? Question 2: Can I listen to music on the same time with this? Will my subconscious hear the affirmations, even though my concious hears the music?

chaseatlanticfan - 21.09.2023 17:23

today was day 18 , for some reason last night and the night before the internet kept pausing the video and when i wake up its on a completely different one kinda frustrating and ik i didn’t get the 8 hrs in cus i slept late and woke up early but it doesn’t matter i’ll keeep going
day 24 - I missed a day ngl but i am honestly still trying to chnage those core beliefs so if you’re reading this and feeling like nothinh is working focus on the core beliefs and not the circumstances i wish I realized this 21 days ago but i guess it had purpose that i realized it today
day 37:- so my sleep schedule has been a problem i end up sleeping late and than not getting in the full 8 hours or some nights I just take off the headphones when it’s at the 4-5 hr mark but i’m still going

Shivani Sharma
Shivani Sharma - 20.09.2023 22:36

I have just listened it for 2 days in a row and got long time pending promotion.
Really powerfull.
I am very greatfull. ✨🧿

Shooq Mulla
Shooq Mulla - 19.09.2023 14:52

Is it recommended to listen to this before the other videos? Because I’m on day 3 of listening to limitless love and I wake up feeling in a bad mood due to my subconscious resistance. Could this be limiting beliefs? And should I switch to this instead?

SG - 18.09.2023 00:35

day 1 done
