The Killing Joke Movie and The Problem With Comics

The Killing Joke Movie and The Problem With Comics


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@gonkdroid5851 - 01.02.2024 06:27

Leave darkhawk out of this.

@jeffreyatlee8785 - 27.01.2024 07:37

The biggest crime DC commits is a note I believe is given to every adaptation team: "You are here to help us sell more comics"! This is the only explanation that makes sense to me.

@jeffreyatlee8785 - 27.01.2024 07:28

How the hell didn't they see the benefit of making Overkill a woman?😮😮

@darksouls-qv8jb - 20.01.2024 05:59

Ok im getting pissed about bat girl atleast they didn't number to call in to say whether she lived or die in the real world oh sorry Robin and it wasn't even the female robin

@GrayFox_74 - 17.01.2024 05:02

I thought you edited in the Half Life 2 crowbar sound effect.

@carlosantoniopaezcuba4494 - 14.01.2024 22:29

This mfer showing the awful recolored version killed me.

@adriancampbell8045 - 06.01.2024 06:29

I liked it

@frankawohlert6806 - 05.01.2024 01:07

Aaaaaa i was so scared I thought it was gonna be about the band

@hunterwade9030 - 03.01.2024 17:56

I hate this dude and he always ends up in my feed

@KB-zq9ny - 03.01.2024 00:21

With Three Jokers, they could remake Killing Joke and use Killing Joke as the first part and Three Jokers as the second.

@RerememBerering - 30.12.2023 22:13

Alan Moore is a god level persona in the industry and if he gave us every crossed style idea he had we would all have our imaginations expanded.

@Kiever_Sloane - 28.12.2023 15:40

I'm gonna object to the statement about the beginning being filler. Movies need to be self contained in a way comics don't. Setting up some kind of story with Barbara and Bruce we very nessiary for this movie to work.

@comedicidiot - 25.12.2023 18:22

The thing that always makes writers feel like they're genius is making their themes super obvious. It makes the writers feel smart for making these "genius" stories and it makes audiences feel smart because they actually get the meaning of the story for once. I have just described Zach Snyder and his fanbase.

@patrickdeel4283 - 15.12.2023 11:40

For me, the good thing to come out of the Image revolution of the early 1990s wasn't the bad writing. It wasn't the bad art. It wasn't the over produced comics that were a glut on the market. It was the do it yourself attitude of the Image founders that was that good thing. That DIY spirit of Image was what inspired me, regardless of how bad the comics were

@user-kh6vx9yf9v - 15.12.2023 06:58

I stopped reading Marvel and DC around 1993 because the art was so awful. The hair, the boobs, the muscles, the pouches. I've returned to mainstream comics over the past couple years and found some great art and writing but there was a long period of sheer cringe.

@greenhowie - 14.12.2023 18:32

Whenever someone brings up turning Transmetropolitan into a movie or series I remember how Alan Moore's comics have been "Adapted" and I'm glad it stayed as comics. We all remember Tank Girl.

@Mort7an - 14.12.2023 13:37

Any crimes against Alan Moore committed by the Image guys and their followers pale into insignificance against the crime of the artless huckster Stan Lee stealing the pay and credit for Jack Kirby's stories and creations. In the first 20 years of his career Stan created nothing of significance. Everything that he is known for happened in the ten years that he rewrote the dialogue over finished stories by Kirby (a man who had 20 years of prolific creativity behind him at that point) and other talented writer/artists at Marvel. From the moment Kirby left Marvel Stan wound down his writing and created precisely nothing of significance for the rest of his life. Kirby went on to create worlds upon worlds of characters for the remainder of his days. To prevent Kirby getting his rightful credit and reward for his creations, Stan testified in court against Kirby, under oath - saying that he (Stan) created everything and all Kirby did was follow out his instructions and create a few background characters. Any comparison of the respective works of these two men can see that this is about as far from the truth as a statement can get and yet there are still (I assume intelligent) people in this very comment thread believing the Marvel/Disney hype/lie and praising Stan.

@FAYZER0 - 14.12.2023 03:15

Gotta love Stan Lee being unfailingly polite.

@starberryjello-hx6or - 13.12.2023 18:55

somewhat related but Brian azzarello was responsible for making Batman damned aka the Batman’s penis comic. just thought I should include that in his roster of interesting writing choices

@ob2kenobi388 - 13.12.2023 16:23

I can so easily imagine a better version of the Two-Face scene:

Batman and Gordon are walking through the halls. Gordon at first averts his eyes from Harvey's cell, clearly looking uncomfortable, until he hears the soft plink of Two-Face's coin landing on the floor. Gordon stops, looks, hesitates, and walks over. He tosses the coin back through the bars.
G: "Harvey?"
H: (no answer)
G: (starts to turn to walk away, turns back) "It was... it was heads-up, Harvey." (Starts walking away)
H: "...Thanks."
G: (catches up to Batman) "(sigh) I miss him, Batman. I wish he was back to his old self. We all have our bad days, but I guess life just... tears you in half sometimes. Not always so literally, but..."
B: "Sometimes, you lose something you can't get back. It's what you do once that thing is gone that matters."
G: "...Yeah."

Obvs I'm not a professional writer, but I think this short interaction between Gordon and Harvey would help to show that, even now, Gordon hasn't let go of his sympathy-that Gordon still considers Harvey as some kind of a friend, even after everything. It'd show that Gordon has lost a lot in his time, foreshadowing him nearly losing Barbara later-Harvey was split in half, and now Barbara's about to (effectively) lose her lower half, and Gordon's gonna need to hold himself together through that. It shows that Gordon hasn't quite let the city get to him and is still a good person in the end.


@SkyExplosion - 13.12.2023 11:44

I'm pretty sure the wierd ass Bat Sex scene is because Bruce Timm has a daddy/daughter fetish.

@user-pl1yp1tj8b - 13.12.2023 03:04

Interesting points... and here's a criticism about the briefest of moments in your video: Why did you include Art Spiegelman with those other creators? It's a textbook example of 'Which of these do not belong?' Nothing against 'Maus' and, yes, it did come out around the same time as 'Watchmen' and 'Dark Knight', but it had absolutely no influence on grimdark superhero comics. If you wanted to include an alternative comic that did have some influence, Jaime Hernandez's Mechanics stories from 'Love & Rockets' would be a better choice. Again, not to knock 'Maus', but I don't know how influential it was even in the alternative scene. I think Harvey Pekar's 'American Splendor' inspired more knock-offs. 'Maus' is good, but it does not contribute to your thesis.... though Vladek Spiegelman's central role in DC's forthcoming ReRebirth may prove me wrong...?

@user-tg2kg5cf1d - 12.12.2023 03:09

bro not cable !!!!!!!! wtf xforce still slaps today

@sydlexia5261 - 12.12.2023 02:12

Cable slander? How dare you, sir.

@kirkhodges1946 - 11.12.2023 23:42

I've worked as a story artist in animation. What they care about is you hitting your deadline. A lot of scenes are decided without much question or nuance. They residing process is just a binary question of if it's turned in yet. Literally nobody cares.

@plaidchuck - 11.12.2023 07:12

The comic sucked in the first place and only was well known for jokers origin story.

@WalkerRileyMC - 10.12.2023 21:15

I know people love to hate on Liefeld, but you cannot deny just how much the guy loves comics, knows about comic lore, and how he created some of the most popular characters of the 90s. I think his problem has always been that he got too popular too quickly. No time to refine his artwork when he's being tasked to pump out as much as he can as quickly as he can.

@juannaym8488 - 10.12.2023 12:26

The last scene was really cool

The rest? Yeah no

@terribletimes902 - 09.12.2023 13:19

And now, Image Comics is doing more interesting stuff than the main two

@dreaziemobbins - 09.12.2023 09:31

something you may have missed is that batman is fukin stupid and it's for babies. You're not a dumb little baby are you, baby?

@flasher702 - 08.12.2023 12:01

Watching this after watching "Plagerism and You(tube)" is like hearing the same arguments again: If you try to copy something you didn't understand because you didn't really study it, you will make a bad copy that gets things wrong.

@thomfyoufool - 06.12.2023 21:43

Ok Rob seems like a terrible designer, but with Image comics having The Maxx, and invincible, you can’t say it sucks (although I’ve heard the show is better then the comic for invincible)

@raphael-ov9py - 06.12.2023 07:49

Why is there a character called Forearm lmao

@colonelweird - 02.11.2023 19:58

Not one of Hbomb's better videos. The reality is that Alan Moore & compatriots opened the door to new kinds of stories, including a mountain of shit stories. But also a lot of great comics that could not have existed before the 80s. The comics landscape is more diverse than it ever was before, and the worst excesses of 90s comics are long gone. Today even Image publishes a lot of great work. And the causes of that awful wave of 90s comics are complex, but the main artistic cause is that most publishers didn't yet know how to integrate the new values into their existing styles. So they took the least-common-denominator approach, and made everything simply dark, edgy, and brutal -- and very very stupid. But over time, they learned.

Most comics are and have always been pretty bad. Moore changed what that looks like, but there have also always been great comics, and Moore also had a lot to do with a lot of great comics since the 80s. He did not in any sense kill comics, not even in the evidently ironic sense intended by Hbomb.

@duhmzdaih - 31.10.2023 21:47

Great video! I remember liking the comic, but having problems with one specific thing. After shooting Barbara, the Joker implies like three different times that she's going to be disabled, and I was like... HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT??? does he have x-ray vision? can he see the future?? he shot her and given the complexity of the human body there're thousands of possible outcomes, even death, and becoming disabled under these circumstances isn't necessarily going to be for life, but that's what the Joker said like three different times. He could have been vague about the outcome, he could have said that she would be very damaged after that, without details, but I remember him being very specific about what was going to happen. The comic is still very interesting and really stands out in the context of that medium.

@wjzav1971 - 31.10.2023 19:33

I read Alan Moore's the League of Extraordinairy Gentleman. One thing that caught my eye were the vivid and detailed background depictions. Two people might talk and walk across a street and in the next panel you see a wide shot of the street with dozens of people doing stuff that has nothing to do with the plot but gives you a great impression that this is a lived in world where you could just walk in and breath.

@waxblast7528 - 30.10.2023 17:00

Nearly 2 million views and 100000> likes? Thats an L take if I've ever seen one

@guy84838 - 25.10.2023 15:56

watched killing joke with my dad painfully aware he wanted what happened to barbra to happen to me because it would give him an excuse to go off the deep end, he loved shit like that and loved the killing joke

@Aetharn - 21.10.2023 23:17

Those fucking noises at the beginning are just stock sounds lmao, even valve used them

@ArtJutsu-ec4by - 05.10.2023 23:38

Honestly, the original story sucked too

@sigmasss3747 - 02.10.2023 21:28

Boy you must hate across the cringe verse if you hate filler in this movie. Can't wait for a hate essay on that.

@sigmasss3747 - 02.10.2023 21:27

You forgot spidey's black alien suit that made him really angry and kinda bad like an antihero but more like an edgy teenage kid lol. Probably targeted towards edgy nerds reading the comics in the first place.
Oh they're still adopting it to this day and it's equally as edgy and corny lmao.

@datwee7576 - 02.10.2023 09:07

V for Vendeta slander is mental illness
