Near death experiences: What really happens when you die?

Near death experiences: What really happens when you die?

Times Radio

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Michael Wolff
Michael Wolff - 16.09.2023 15:52

There is so much that could be said, about this topic; I am sure many people have had experiences that go beyond the every day explanation, that most of our doctors tell us. Let me share one of mine. When I was a boy, I didn't like hockey and my father was a big hockey fan... this caused a bit of a problem for us and it made me dislike hockey even more, since I felt like my father wasn't proud of me, because I didn't like his favourite sport. So, when I got married, I told my wife, we would get along fine as long as we never discussed hockey. She said, that was fine, as she didn't care for it, either. Why did I share this? Here is why.... When our first child was born (a girl) she never saw a hockey game on tv. No one ever baby sat her; I was a very over protective parent, and since I was molested as a boy by our school janitor, when I was 5/6, I became overly cautious. One day, when my daughter was 3 years old, she started asking me a question. She wanted to know where her son was. I thought she was playing, at first, but then it became apparent that she was serious. I asked her what her son looked like, and she gave me a very detail picture, of a slim man with curly red hair (she described it as orange) who wore a brown leather coat and drove a white car. She went on to tell me that her son used to pick her up and take her to the hockey games (she had never seen a hockey; not one in person nor on tv). Puzzled, I asked her, "When did he do that?" thinking she might say, "Oh, the other day." but she didn't. She responded by saying, "You know, daddy, when I was an old lady." I should add, I didn't, at the time, even believe in reincarnation. Eventually, I did send this story into a writer who did publish it.... as he felt it had the sound of authenticity. Consciousness is a very fascinating thing.

Fancy McClean
Fancy McClean - 13.09.2023 00:31

As he said there is NO evidence for his speculation- at this stage, this is not science. An interesting hypothesis, no doubt, but to proceed though the true scientific process we need data. Go gather and report. Otherwise, there is nothing more to be said. Flaxen Saxon.

saleh ali
saleh ali - 09.09.2023 07:45

Dr Sam is a great man I had ever known.

hottrendz - 07.09.2023 18:57

We need more videos like this. Because all those biblical stories are fake af

ian kerry
ian kerry - 07.09.2023 06:58

Dr Sam parnia is an illuminating figure and his scientific and unbiased approach is exemplary

lar - 06.09.2023 10:31

The cia discovered all about this stuff back in the 80s stargate operation during that time monroe institute and the cia delved heavily into conciousness known famously as the gateway process 35 page research paper explains it all. They even have diagrams and charts of how this works conciousness the absolute hemisync and that we are apparently god experiencing life through the holos. Zeta frequency minds inhabiting an avatar. Extensive research into the Characteristics of Sinusoidal Signals which have some sort of relevance to the human psyche. Life is all frequencies all interacting with other frequencies vibration, and what's funny is the research doesn't exclude religous religious beliefs as their all connected into expressing that we are collective conciousness experiencing creation and the goal to is to rediscover ourselves as we are all one.

Azure - 02.09.2023 21:37

To me nde stuff prove nothing but how human mind creates everything we know. You can try to find some mysterious hidden truth behind, but it's nothing more than mental activity, and considering what they "saw" just happened in their mind, it means what they "experienced" was in their mind as well. So is for us. We can't see any "reality" and anything beyond our mind, and it seems that everyone doesnt even know what I'm talking about.
But it's complex, and the average person doesnt even want to investigate further; learning how our mind works.
Once you're aware of it, you don't simply believe like a gullible guy of what you can't explain. Rather, you remain aware and you remember how your perception works.
And if you learned something more, you're also aware that when you're trying to investigate something, the one behind this investigation it is always you, and you can't avoid to be yourself meanwhile. That means everything you can do is filtered by your perception, and the answer you will find are still yours.

The Truth
The Truth - 26.08.2023 12:02

Nobody can handle the truth

Ross B.
Ross B. - 23.08.2023 05:08

All I can think of... it is similar to a therapeutic acid trip, lucid, deep subconsciousness, which is the real universal truth of self understanding itself. I do ketamine treatments every two weeks, which is analgesic dosage, but not anesthetic.

Michael Tiller
Michael Tiller - 20.08.2023 02:24

If you die 13 times what dies that do to your brain

Tim Snyder
Tim Snyder - 15.08.2023 18:58

The brain dying shouldnt have enough power left to produce these experiences

Ero - 09.08.2023 22:24

It s remarkable that the doc implied that there might be sth beyond life..i thought that as a scientist he would have said the exact opposite

Elina Lukyanova
Elina Lukyanova - 05.08.2023 02:34

I have lots of doubts about NDAs. People see things based on their religious beliefs, they speak to angels in their language (very multilingual those angels), also where does free will end and “God” and all those religious attributes start. Unfortunately all experiences are different in that aspect which makes them personal, subjective and thus questionable. Smb wrote here on the comments they were proclaimed dead and then several more defibrillations and they are back. This is pure chance that a doctor decided to try again and it worked. As much as I want to believe I just think we don’t know enough about what dying is and that NDAs are the remaining brain activity before it completely shuts off.

Louisa Little
Louisa Little - 28.07.2023 01:19

I worked with Sam. Amazing doctor. 🙏☺️

M S - 23.07.2023 10:24

His basic claim about the point of death is very confusing, and not accurate. Death does not occur when the heart stops pumping. Death occurs when the brain and all functions stops. In his case his ”research” is based on people they revived after their heart stopped for a while. But the brain must have had enough oxygen left to continue working. Otherwise they would never have revived them. (Or is he claiming they can revive brain dead individuals? That would be something!)
I don’t find it ”miraculous” that patients can experience things around them even in a near death state as the brain still works.

memory chibwe
memory chibwe - 21.07.2023 20:39

I want to talk to you sam about a medical case

Raymot1 - 12.07.2023 12:13

I don't think scientists believe that the brain produces consciousness "magically". (3.10) It's true they can't explain it.
It's also a guess to say that humans are unique in having a non-local consciousness.

Moonbot168 - 11.07.2023 13:06

Most of nde's can be explained with DMT.

ElasWorld - 11.07.2023 10:33

I wish I could shadow him doing his amazing work.

Marcus Svensson
Marcus Svensson - 02.07.2023 23:36

So basically Sam Parnia tried to prove the existence of an afterlife, but failed miserably?

billy mellon
billy mellon - 01.07.2023 15:52

the cells hibernate for HOURS after body death n without med treatment ( how long in icewater?) OMGosh thats so creepy cool n so is that how they brot back the corpse of Hillary? Member when she did the Kuru shuffle she bobble around looking for brains was kinda scary

andrew ruiz
andrew ruiz - 08.06.2023 23:32

Why do they call it "near death"? Are you dead or not. Because if you're near death your not dead. So you don't know what happens after you DIE. Just like saying someone overdosed. When I grew up ppl who overdosed were dead. Make a video from after life then I will believe

izildinha renzo
izildinha renzo - 25.05.2023 01:28


Doris Thibodeaux
Doris Thibodeaux - 22.05.2023 21:27

When my mother got very sick she would talk to her siblings who had passed away. There were 2 brothers she had not spoken to. One in New Mexico, who had disappeared over and over again and by this time had probably passed away. However, the baby brother could not be found, even though we knew he was in the area. His oldest son sounds like his dad. When she heard his voice, she visibly calmed down and passed away a few days later.

Another time like this happened with my stepson, who’s mother and I were close, was in the hospital dying from lupus and he didn’t want to see her. I told him he needed to tell his mom goodbye or he might regret it later. Well when we got to her room and as soon as he spoke she smiled. She died the next day. Both my mom and my stepson’s mom needed to hear their loved one voice so they could go with peace in their hearts.

CommonDog - 21.05.2023 00:31

Why is Jo Koy giving lectures on NDEs

Croissant Lover
Croissant Lover - 20.05.2023 03:55

good video <3

Tower of Resonance
Tower of Resonance - 19.05.2023 17:39

I don't want to get extremely metaphysical but every since I was 16 years old, I noticed something about "friends". We would all randomly come together and the ones that stuck with me happened to have the same type of conscience.. But it got even further than that,. I also discovered that one really true friend not only shares my conscience type but also every other element in between... As the years passed I could simply think of someone and they would appear somewhere at a very random time... When I was 19 years old, I had my 1st car Toyota Camry 1991 and I thought of a friend from college randomly and he was sitting on his back bumper of his car pumping gas..
Long story short it happens all the time and I feel sometimes as if I am walking without even controlling my own walking. , I discovered this myself and I even discussed it with psychiatrists and psychologists, and they all agree with me that there is something beyond everything that makes you who you are physically...

Michael Westhead- Westhead Sports
Michael Westhead- Westhead Sports - 19.05.2023 12:32

I love the interview but did Dr Parnia slip into the supply closet for the interview?

Coco L'Asticot
Coco L'Asticot - 18.05.2023 02:32

That went quickly from "we don't know what really happens" to plain dualist speculations.
Really not a fan of this kind of take from a scientist.

rejo philip jose
rejo philip jose - 06.05.2023 13:51

Cant agree about thoughts as it could be created by nurrsl networks and so does ai do it , what we dont understand about consciousness is the I , like how we perceive stuff and not thoughts.

Tenacious Spectre
Tenacious Spectre - 05.05.2023 11:22

I think it's something to do with fractal geometry, during the dying process we get our life reviews, than everything folds back into time when we are born but don't keep our memories with us they are locked away for good but we are born again without knowing who we were before.

Παναγιώτης Μαρίνης
Παναγιώτης Μαρίνης - 28.04.2023 17:06

The soul is the entity born during physical life on Earth.
Perhaps, there are two categories of animals, those with and those without soul developing intrinsic capability, depending on order grade of construction.
After death, there are more invisible beings in the sunlight. We know them from religion.
Some of them are really dangerous. Better to be prepared according to Jesus, in order to pass through their position around our world.
Symbolisms and vivid experiences in the Orthodox Christian Religion, that has used ancient hellenic philosophy in order to paste them in words, are real in a physical manner.
Modern technology can not reach them, dur to its dimensional limitations.

Παναγιώτης Μαρίνης
Παναγιώτης Μαρίνης - 28.04.2023 16:54

It seems, that in the woman's body the human embryo is developing, and incapsulates in itself the concentrated environmental influence through its mother's body, and through its own body in its two main concentric cavities in connection with a neck, which will speak its own connection, in life.

RatKiller - 22.04.2023 04:36

They Are HERE!!!!!! 👽 🌎 I Seen The Black Orb flying around at night

Ricky Stephens
Ricky Stephens - 22.04.2023 00:27

Sam parnia is a joke he tried to prove ndes and he found out that he didn't like the findings

K - 15.04.2023 21:54

So fascinating, I love that people like Sam exist and are looking to find answers to our biggest question.

Jeff Holt
Jeff Holt - 13.04.2023 04:55

Obviously he has never been in a psychiatric hospital. Where is their consciousness?

Jeff Holt
Jeff Holt - 13.04.2023 04:54

Animals have emotions and thoughts. We are a product of evolution, cave people (idiots). Our brain has evolved over time, our skulls have changed. This is just our brains shutting down based on our subconscious thoughts. Some people have said they have seen beautiful dome buildings, brick paths, what about people before the brick was invented? Before the dome was created? Native Americans didn't have brick paths or dome buildings. They lived in a skin house. Your brain creates people you have never seen before when you dream, places you have never been. I would think the brain releases natural opioids, serotonin, dopamine, at death.

Chicks Grow Too
Chicks Grow Too - 07.04.2023 23:16

I think people would be more open to believing there is a “God” or higher power after you die, that loves you, no matter what - if we would take away these “threats” of, “if you don’t believe this, or that, or live your life exactly this way, according to this book, etc. then you won’t go to Heaven.” I believe when we die, we will be met by a force that is so powerful that we can’t put it into words, and it will be an overwhelming love. If I’m wrong, we will be in a state of peaceful sleep anyway, so it’s a win-win. Just chill out, no guilt trips, be peaceful, kind to others and happy. Period. ❤❤❤

Naomi Doner
Naomi Doner - 02.04.2023 18:38

3;15 your brain cells generate some thoughts through neurons and receptors ...hunger pain sad happy etc are responses to data transmitted from nerve to nerve until it reaches the brain...yet someone who is amputee still has phantom feelings where there are no limbs....maybe the thoughts/ideas of self can be found in understanding why we have sensation/sense beyond our physical... like we know a bat uses sonar to locate, we do that too in a way from accessing memory we easily know where we are in relation to other...I love what your doing Dr Parnia...thank you so much

RiCkY BeLaFoNtAe 💯💯👌🏾
RiCkY BeLaFoNtAe 💯💯👌🏾 - 01.04.2023 10:09


luke lombard
luke lombard - 26.03.2023 23:48

Well i guess i had to say this but nobody thought he or she knew ,, why question ? Have you ever been attack in differ way while your sleeping or not at home end up poisoning your juice or food ? They allmost  killed me and allmost didnt make it , being druged and poisoned you what they did to me , how would you feel about that other then your conserned your marijuana and cannbis? Huh ? Would you like to be me ? Huh ? Well keep in mind my health , your children and grand children health and you think you got the rights ,, well does it feel like if your a Al-Qaeda sleeper cell wondering around in your own town follow you and waiting ro be killed like the 666 or devil warshipers and a bad physics paganism.. well you better think about it . Cuase if you think still funny , it wont be funny if someone looking for you like a Al-Qaeda sleeper cell with less protection or none at all ,, with me it was to late and lucky to tell about it .

Abhi - 20.03.2023 22:50

Jesus Christ

Jenn Klein
Jenn Klein - 17.03.2023 07:07

I have known about all this stuff since childhood.And have had plenty of so- called experiences through out my adult life.BUT I perceive this phenonema as natural, not supernatural!! After 15 mins. plus, you are dead!We still don't understand the behaviours of the brain yet, but we learn more all the time 😏 Their is no life after death tho, which doesn't bother me at all. I have had a very interesting life♥️🌞♥️

swadlol - 15.03.2023 23:54

I spent 15 minutes in cardiac arrest. Don’t remember anything while “dead”, I just remember being comatose for a week.

ElGringo - 12.03.2023 11:34

We do not die. our body dies, but we are not our body. It's not a belief, it's my conclusion after many years of studying consciousness. Main stream science is materialistic and takes wrong assumption (our brain creates our consciousness, which is a belief or a hypothesis and absolutely not a scientifically proven fact) and do not consider testimonies (what people say is not valid, only what formula or repeatable observations are valid) but the fact is that these testimonies are SO numerous and consistent from one to another and in different kind of experiences (NDEs, OBEs, shared DEs, past lives testimonies, mediumship, psychedelic experiences, terminal lucidity and many others... they are all saying the same things, they are all consistent with the "we are not our body" theory. Hopefully many scientists start now to investigate and change their approach to a wider science (see post materialistic science).

Lwr Law
Lwr Law - 09.03.2023 06:28

We are spiritual beings experiencing a physical life. Not vice versa...Dr Prashant Solomon.

BW - 04.03.2023 19:54

Interactions with Brain cells, nervous system, neuro transmitters, consciousness, and subconsciousness.

Jill dent
Jill dent - 02.03.2023 00:27

We also have people see things while alive and awake. I heard this music 3 times the night before my dad passed, the last time it came behind my ear.... then when my dog passes a sheik came over my head. Then my child and I heard a groaning man upstairs when NO ONE was there!.... lots of others so these NDE's arent the only things showing us.
