#345 ESP32 vs STM32: Which one is better (Bluepill)?

#345 ESP32 vs STM32: Which one is better (Bluepill)?

Andreas Spiess

4 года назад

237,100 Просмотров

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Balazs Kovacs
Balazs Kovacs - 30.09.2023 16:11

No. Never. Dont buy stm32. undocumented shhhh...

Power and Control
Power and Control - 11.06.2023 19:24

This guy left hand is so smaller than the right one

Mark Ward
Mark Ward - 15.05.2023 19:55

Which board is best for creating a wifi security camera?.

Rixtronix LAB
Rixtronix LAB - 24.04.2023 15:02

Nice video, keep it up,thanks :)

fatih Sezer
fatih Sezer - 04.02.2023 00:26


MA Junyi
MA Junyi - 01.11.2022 17:44

Bluepill is probably refer to movie "The Matrix". But I'm not sure because later an improved version used black pcb and call Blackpill instead of using red pcb.

George Gu
George Gu - 21.10.2022 07:43

availability of libraries, documentations, and example projects are crucial.
price is probably the least of concern, unless you plan for mass production.

stealth fighter
stealth fighter - 19.10.2022 10:35

The technology or the Matrix scenario?

Colin Wong
Colin Wong - 17.10.2022 12:55

May I know which one will have lower power consumption with Bluetooth?

Hakam Singh
Hakam Singh - 08.10.2022 14:04

Hello sir , I am using stm32f401 black pill but adc output fluctuate a lot how I can remove noise ..thanks

Chicken Permission
Chicken Permission - 08.10.2022 10:25

write your own libraries

Paul Campbell
Paul Campbell - 29.09.2022 21:48

You know the BluePill is a pretty weedy STM32. An F4 would have been better.

K:) - 12.09.2022 03:21

When I finalized a RFID project, storage/EEPROM was the main consideration. Having 4MB of storage, clearly, ESP8266 was the winner. Still is.

Behnam Rasti
Behnam Rasti - 11.09.2022 12:28

thanks it was helpful for me

xConundrumx - 09.09.2022 00:55

The main advantage imho to the STM32 boards is the STM32Cube software that allows you to configure the chips truly purpose driven ways and turning off anything you do not need. The memory depends on the type of STM32 you are using and the implementation. Some even exceed the ESP32 memory setups.

Onder Yurekli
Onder Yurekli - 02.09.2022 23:17

esp runs wifi and ble5.

Carlos Narvaez
Carlos Narvaez - 13.08.2022 23:02

No entiendo para que le pone un título en español a un tutorial en inglés ...

Tree Librarian
Tree Librarian - 10.08.2022 17:30

a little bit more on the STM32 ADC's ... no experience with ESP32 so I cant say how this stacks up...
There are 2 ADC's, both operating at 1us, and can be configured to sample alternately or simultaneously and scan automatically over all 10 inputs in any order and with differing sampling gate times (longer gate times allow for higher impedence sources and greater stability) and can link with DMA for hands-off cyclical filling of a block of memory with ADC values with interrupts at 1/2-buffer intervals for processing.
The DMA can also be used to cyclically write hardware registers from a range in memory, triggered by hardware interrupt, for hands-free PWM dithering or block serial send/receive, or anything else you can imagine doing by copying memory to hardware registers on interrupts.
Speaking of interrupts, it may be possible to get even much faster interrupt response from the STM32 if you code it yourself and set up the interrupt pin wisely with maximum interrupt priority and minimum disambiguation overhead. Also, using the library functions like digitalwrite will add an overhead from all layers of calculations and function calls required to drill down to the actual hardware write. Should be possible (IRQ to GPIO) in ~14 cpu cycles (0.2µs).
Finally, I've only ever used maple-mini clones which all came with the maple bootloader pre-loaded so I've only ever needed a USB cable to program them their only disadvantage was that one of the 10 ADC lines doesn't make it to the edge of the board. I do remember the "Red-pill" boards that were around at the time that STM32 was first being integrated into arduino, I seem to remember them being hard to make work but cheaper (missing something?). Blue-pill/Red-pill were terms coined to distinguish the blue solder-mask ones that worked better from the red solder-mask ones that often didn't in forum threads discussing how to make them work, since there wasn't much else to distinguish them.

Roman Shevchuk
Roman Shevchuk - 28.06.2022 13:11

-> Try to compare speed
-> Use Arduino IDE

1000+ IQ

Andy S
Andy S - 01.06.2022 19:30

Thanks for the great video, but I wouldn refer to STM32F1 as just STM32. STM32 is a huge family, like x64, there is F0 that is even slower and there is STM32H7 that can be clocked at speeds up to 480 MHz with a benchmark performance greater than 1,000 DMIPS, so stating in the table that STM32 is slower than ESP32 on floating point is straight away misleading.

Sullivan Zheng
Sullivan Zheng - 16.05.2022 17:02

ESP32 actually has quite fast ADCs with at least 650Ksps speed if using DMA. The problem is lack of documentation to enable this feature. I spent a few weeks hacking and testing this feature. Now I am working on an ESP32 SDR, and I think it is the best MCU for hobbyist to build an SDR, because:
1) ADC with 650 ksps effective sample rate. Sufficient bandwidth to demodulate FM and LORA baseband.
2) dual core + very powerful FPU. No more fixed-point/integer DSP algorithm workarounds.
3) Lots of SRAM compared with similar priced development boards.
4) ESP32 DSP library, integrated into ESP32 Arduino Core v2.0+. Optimized at assembly level and can do FFT 2x faster than arduinoFFT. It has complex number support, IIR, FIR, Matrix manipulations etc. Really amazing.
ESP32 really has lots of processing power, and probably the best processing power for the money.

technics6 - 12.05.2022 00:34

What about reliability of ESP32? I'm always afraid, that it will do some monkey bussiness and I use STM32 with expensive wireless modules... I also see that many manufacturers use modules that are waaay more expensive than ESP32.

Robert Lugg
Robert Lugg - 29.04.2022 19:29

Great comparison. Because there are so many stm32 variants it would be interesting to compare others. For instance for the same price as esp32, are there stm32 boards with WIFI and Bluetooth and a floating point number?

Fernando - 06.02.2022 15:52

Thank you!

Aldrin Aldrin
Aldrin Aldrin - 22.01.2022 15:19

Regardless of ESP32's advantage I won't support any company that would bring me closer to being aimed at with a missile above my head. China's government is always a deal breaker for me.

abreyu - 11.12.2021 02:21

blue pill is the entry level of stm32 series...

Dave -in-NJ
Dave -in-NJ - 28.11.2021 17:35

I WISH... there was a library to use the ADC at high speed and not with the Arduino overhead

Dave -in-NJ
Dave -in-NJ - 28.11.2021 17:34

I do wish that there was more uniformity in the names.
the Maple Mini was a 4 layer board, better isolation of the ADC lines.
as I understand the ADC lines share a ground with the digital pins and therefore are less stable
the Blue Pill was a NANO format, with the STM32F103xxxx
the Black Pill was the NANO format also with the STM32F103xx
the 'new' black pill is the STM32F4xxx
there once was also an STM32F103 without bootloader that used to be a dollar less.
and now there is a 2nd chip maker who sells the CH32F103 that has the NANO form factor.
all this really means is that you must read about the board you buy. BUYER BEWARE

Yun Shi
Yun Shi - 05.11.2021 18:33

Thank you very much for such a detailed and clear comparison. Since they are all pretty cheap, I’ll buy all of them to have a try and compare the outputs in my projects.

Brandon - 31.10.2021 04:45

Thank you for freely sharing such great content. It is intellectually interesting, quirkily entertaining, and best of all technically informative for us trying to get back to our roots in electronics and learn how to operate todays newfangled gadgets :) If I had to guess I would say you are one of those rare individuals that know what an exciter is and at the same time can hold your own at any maker fair today. Good on you sir!

jstro-hobbytech - 22.09.2021 15:59

If you notice a lot of high end clones of various devices from China use the stm32 to very good use. Their original 3d printer mainboards use the stm as well, they've basically set an industry standard as far as consumer commercial and diy printers go. The rise of voron, rat rig and other diy printers all use stm32 based mainboards. Granted they normally run clipper which requires a pi but I suspect that is for ui reasons as much as it is for it's processing power. I've personally never had a project that I've needed an stm dev board for. They are also much more expensive in Canada than esp32 boards. I usually test new sensors on a nano but most of my projects use the esp for its easy wifi. I'm not a fan of espressif as a company, their business decisions usually seem to flip flop as far as which ide they want to throw their hat in. I wish arduino would use some of their money on a real ide but that's not going to happen because their new boards are overpriced and under powered also their iot integration really grates on me. I'd pay their iot cloud fee happily if they sunk some money into updating the text editor to make coding not such a pain. I'm not a fan of vs code so I've been moving away from c based coding to python because python ides are not resource hogs on your pc. Rant over haha

Staibisser - 06.08.2021 14:41

ESP32 vs STM32WB5M? Andreas, do You have already expierence with the STM32WB5M?

Minh Hoang Le
Minh Hoang Le - 08.07.2021 03:51

Stm32 not $2 anymore bangood is over $10 now. such gold digger and leakage of library i'm tired with stm32 now.

AOAB50 - 30.06.2021 19:56

Many thanks again for the great efforts to give us comparison results ready and free.

Nicolas Jonasson
Nicolas Jonasson - 02.06.2021 14:58

Saying "stm32" is like saying "microcontroller". This was the weakest stm32f103. The "black pill" is a stm32f446, 180mhz, fpu, dsp etc...

Muhammad Arshad
Muhammad Arshad - 30.05.2021 06:43

Hi , I have Arduino Nano Stm32. Which has already program in it. I want to copy program from Arduino board.

Lu. Wi.
Lu. Wi. - 29.05.2021 11:41

Thank you

Joseph Brunner
Joseph Brunner - 25.05.2021 07:11

Get to the point....thumbs down

Blu Perfect
Blu Perfect - 24.05.2021 23:31

Thank you for such an amazing content. It was really helpful. Stay safe and have a great day. Best wishes for you.

Ricardo Cervera
Ricardo Cervera - 28.04.2021 16:15

I need help to make a can bus to wake up a battery using STM32

Tarash Sajaia
Tarash Sajaia - 22.04.2021 02:33

what about nrf52833?

Paul Kirchhof
Paul Kirchhof - 13.04.2021 18:47

I don’t understand serialport from STM32F411 for programming with this port . A Mac dont find any USB-Port . Which is the driver for Mac,, for Windows?? is windows knowing the correct driver?
I use Arduino IDE for Mac on OS 10.14.6.

TomTRobot - 13.04.2021 08:11

It looks like the more common Bluepill USB update method is to install the USB HID bootloader (Available on Github. Web search for "seradis bootloader".) Some generic Bluepill boards come with it already installed. The HID bootloader is supported under Arduino using STM32duino and doesn't require any proprietary drivers to be installed. It also takes up less than 2KB of FLASH.

TrisT - 29.03.2021 14:08

"probably because it has a floating point processor"
You don't say. Comparing apples and oranges and getting surprised they're different.
Also using a mainstream stm32 version for speed comparisons is just dumb. If you want speed you're obviously gonna buy a high performance version. Which you barely even mentioned there are hundreds of different versions people can pick from, it's almost like you don't even know it yourself. This is a very dumb comparison video for the most part, at least from the pov of someone who is serious about performance.

Great Projects
Great Projects - 25.03.2021 08:55

Great Job! Thanks for sharing.

Пустой канал
Пустой канал - 18.03.2021 20:55

What is the interrupt reaction time for arduino 328?

Jessie Gashler
Jessie Gashler - 07.03.2021 06:18

A genuinely clear and concise comparison of the two. I'll be subscribing to your channel based solely on this video. Fantastic work.
