Neverwinter - What is a Legacy Character ?

Neverwinter - What is a Legacy Character ?

Galactic Underwear

2 года назад

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@GalacticUnderwear - 16.05.2022 05:45

Legacy characters exist and i am making efforts to make sure this gets fixed . i do the same for others problems aswell but legacy toons are a very easy fix so it's easier to do ! let me know your opinions below . And as always drop a LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the content.

@PatrickDKing - 05.04.2023 06:25

Did not know this. What I find more interesting is the old stuff apparently wasn't really deleted or whatever but more so left there but the means to access it just removed from us. Interesting decision on Craptics part. What's even nicer, is if the old stuff is there, it could be a lot easier to reinstate too. I personally don't really care if it stays or goes. At best, maybe there's a few people left still having fun in this game, at worst I'm totally unaffected by it. I collect mount skins, that's all I ever do anymore. lol. I'm sure the legacy toon people have already reaped whatever they can from the advantage anyway. And that is where SOME of the content creators fail. They wait until they and all their buddies benefit and AFTER they monetize the knowledge by making content. So no one is really high and might as far as I'm concerned.

@Winter-404 - 08.06.2022 05:02

I might have legacy characters and not know it. XD I have many toons from the dawn of time and never really bothered with respects. If I do, It would not bother one bit. I am all for fixing the game and making improved changes that are much needed in game.

@brianlewis1431 - 29.05.2022 16:53

It's fair because they have been playing for so long

@jimmycricket6592 - 23.05.2022 21:09

And they keep bragging about their dps pathetic

@MasterOGA - 18.05.2022 19:25

15 loadouts? Man Legacy characters even get more loadouts than normal characters

@s4suke30 - 18.05.2022 19:18

well i logged in after 6 years and i was forced to get a oathkeeper or justicar path, well not forced but cant get change any enconter power if i dont

@marshallodom1388 - 18.05.2022 03:20

Feats and power are one thing but are there legacy gear items? Will the band of air be considered a legacy item someday? They do have a history of nerfing things that are not considered broken and switching loadouts might not fix.

@lazarond - 17.05.2022 20:25

I had personally messaged Aragon on discord about this. He said he would contact them about it as well. I'm glad you are bringing it to their attention as well. The problem with a forced respec is they can still bypass it. I know of a few people in the Xbox community that know how to bypass and keep their powers regardless of the forced respec. And yes I hate Legacy characters. They make end game content trivial... and people that may not have been able to complete content otherwise can get carries because of it..

@huggiebear7913 - 17.05.2022 15:40

Best fix: Go back to pre mod 16 & away from cookie cutter characters. Worst mod in NW history. It was nice to have options and hybrids of sorts. So boring and brain numbing now.
Not sure your going to get many people to tell you if they are Legacy toons tho, since your telling cryptic lol 🤣🤣🤣

@kevinjezierski3467 - 17.05.2022 05:03

Not really an unfair advantage since parties work together. If one brings buffs to the party does it help the party? Yes. Should we cry because others can help in ways we cannot? Sure, but why are you crying about getting buffs and strong team mates?

@DirtyRat-zr5nv - 16.05.2022 23:36

I always figured there were people like this in the game. I was always amazed by people who could all but one shot a head of Tiamat or something like that. Makes more sense now.

@vanishxlegit6495 - 16.05.2022 22:31

I actually find it funny that people are so triggered over this. Let people have their fun. It is cryptics fault for being lazy and copy and pasting code over code. The game is more fun and enjoyable with a legacy character. And besides, how can they take out “old feats” when the same ones are currently being used on current paragon paths? They would have to completely redo everything.

And by the way, force respec doesn’t get rid of the feats 😂 so I wish cryptic good luck in fixing their shit show of a code

@terrymills810 - 16.05.2022 20:57

I dont know shit, i dont talk shit but would like shit fixed in this game. Keep telling them.

@Seracs - 16.05.2022 20:08

Bro i cant found eminem's intro song its about to drive me crazy

@thejammiestjam - 16.05.2022 18:54

I mean, yeah, I do miss my MI Sab, and AC DC, but things are fine right now. I'd like to see a bit more options for variety, but I also don't want to go back to the clunky methods of before either, when you had to keep waiting to earn those XP power points to get each power to rank 4.

@smokingone - 16.05.2022 18:52

I was playing vos with a paladin the other day who had aura gifts, my power was up to like 120k rofl

@Kim4ra - 16.05.2022 16:56

It's bad that Cryptic still hasn't fixed the problem. Because healing with OP or cleric was very easy with mod 16. And all normal clerics or OP are disadvantaged. Cause who dont want a healer he can spam the daily or heal the whole time without looking at divinity?

@juicedaninja0001 - 16.05.2022 14:51

Idk I'm torn, in 1 aspect it's cool to have something that others don't because you were around to get that thing or what-not but I also think it is an advantage and unfair. 🤔

@riveraharper8166 - 16.05.2022 14:03

Force respec then.
There were modules which started with it.

@tuppyneverwinter5426 - 16.05.2022 12:28

I think that was the last secret that a CC posted about

@ronben-ezer8373 - 16.05.2022 12:00

Eh, how many people with legacy characters had there, on all platforms combined? Maybe 20? Not much more than a few tens. It's rare enough to not be a problem, so I think we should just let these people enjoy it. I don't have any legacy toons myself, but I wouldn't want to see it get fixed, solely because it sounds like a lot of fun

@GlennElliottKeller - 16.05.2022 11:09

I am surprised. I’m a fairly long time player and had not known. Just shows how relatively well the whole thing has been kept under wraps.

@gregoryzoll.3751 - 16.05.2022 10:08

XD I was a legacy without know it
and I use a token to resp😂😂
but it's better to force the resp for all
legacy are to cheat.. XD

@christopherfrost1216 - 16.05.2022 10:05

No idea. Came in after redeemed mistake.😉

@TheAmitendra - 16.05.2022 09:19

Yeh now that you mention it I do remember seeing one tr with a different paragon in my starting days which was not available to me. so I googled it and found out it was some old paragon so ignored it. Just didnt know it had benefits over current ones lol

@jeffzeiler346 - 16.05.2022 08:38

Don't care about there being legacy chars in the game,q really. Also don't care if it gets fixed and goes away.

@katiaazizi - 16.05.2022 08:04

I didn’t know this was a thing. I wouldn’t know what a Legacy player was if a was in a group with one. But that’s just me.

@johnnydamm22 - 16.05.2022 07:42

LMAO if this still exist within neverwinter it just shows how incompetent cryptic studio is

@MW3King77 - 16.05.2022 07:36

I agree. Also there are people I know that have 4 more boons then everyone. They didn't lose their old sharandar boons.

@kennybyrd1783 - 16.05.2022 07:30

You can absolutely fix the problems, content creator!!!

@adrie8503 - 16.05.2022 07:25

Throat Yogurt. 🤣🤣🤣

@dracory4155 - 16.05.2022 07:19

People in this comment section, jeez.

Module 16 was a simplification, yeah, but it was necessary. People speak of "build variety" - don't make me laugh. There were meta builds that looked the same and most classes were useless if they weren't buffing. Healers and tanks had no place due to life steal and meta being to one-shot everything.

Nowadays we do have meta builds, people will use what's best in slot for their class, but that doesn't mean that other items are useless until you get necessary items. Both healers and tanks can actually choose from a good amount of builds. Tanks can do more damage, be tankier or get self-healing build. Healers can go full heal, full buff, in between and tanky. Only DPS get the short end of the stick and yet I've never seen someone with exact same build in terms of enchants and companions outside of CoK. I, myself, use full % AoE, for example.

And edit to stay on topic: gtfo with legacy. That's an exploit and might be bannable as it gives unfair advantage over others.

@gusarcher5446 - 16.05.2022 07:14

There was a recent "world record" (but it wasn't, the record is 52 seconds for bugged runs) that seemed buggy. And yep, guess what was in the buff bars...

@marcp3791 - 16.05.2022 07:13

Thank you for talking about this. Exploits such as this one are often kept on the DL, and as this one is certainly game-breaking it should be being talked about. If players don't think it is a big deal they are ignorant to the potential or realised benefits of an exploit or they or their friends are profiting in one way or another. All too often these same players, at least in my personal experience, will run these broken builds and want it kept secret, but are the most vocal when broken parts of the game are fixed. The truth is that bugs like this create environments where certain players can gain an enormous advantage and it should be stopped. I applaud you for taking this position; it is not easy being "that guy" but the community is better of for it. Respect.

@tanishawatts6532 - 16.05.2022 06:55

Oh there's a bug on whisper knife rogue with the stealth meter and the atwills need buffs on warden ranger and whisper knife rogue

@antmanTR - 16.05.2022 06:23

If they keep showing off then they can only blame themselves when it gets fixed.

@lancemichael1973 - 16.05.2022 06:22

Yeah. Just write it into the story? Some amnesia black out or something? I was gone for two years. Left in a somewhat protest against the barovia ban wave. Thought it was bs. But did comeback just in time for the last Christmas event. And I had forced respec. So not sure why others didn’t get it? Or was it because I want away long enough to bypass a respec? Either way. They need to go. I’m wondering on some build videos I see. Some players have like 15+ more roll stat points on their character? How is that? Like I have all the same neck and belt bonus but they have a ton more stats beyond?

@benthomasian437 - 16.05.2022 06:16

I'd rather rather they brought these things back.

@MalakStarfire - 16.05.2022 06:08

Oh the tears that will come if they do a force respec on all loadouts for everyone. I'm sure quite a few whiners will quit because they can't be bothered to click the few buttons it takes to respec.

@dark2kore6 - 16.05.2022 06:04

Welp i dont have a legacy toon cause i definitely respeced mutilpy time during that time and as far as other people having legacy toons i couldn't care less

@AEspiral - 16.05.2022 05:59

Actually several changes of module 16 should have been undone. The game just isn't fun anymore. No build variety, nothing... The state is sad.

@AEspiral - 16.05.2022 05:57

To be honest I would came back to Neverwinter if I could play my good old Guardian Fighter from the time the classes were fun!

@honeyafun7450 - 16.05.2022 05:56

can you please point out that the bonus chest in the Master of the Wild Hunt skirmish is still bugged and takes AD instead of reroll tokens.. 🙂
