4 Reasons Highly Intelligent People Tend To Be Depressed

4 Reasons Highly Intelligent People Tend To Be Depressed


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@yubear420 - 10.12.2023 11:26

I must be so fcking smart

@nishaghosh5403 - 10.12.2023 08:24

I am also a highly intelligent and now I am 16 years old and I am totally agree with it because all this points are related
In my childhood l achive many things .l was highly creative and in all activities l like sports,dance, drawing and also a topper in my childhood .

But in this time l affected by many psychological problems like anxiety and depression and more l think that I lost everything

@cheukyingchow8515 - 08.12.2023 21:56

I just move to a new school a few days ago cuz I was moving house. And I became slightly or so depress right now because, one it is hard to maintain friendships from my old sch, I was really close with them but it just so hard. Two, all the ppl in my new sch know each other already for a good 2 years or more. It just feel like there is an invisible wall between them and me. I don't know what to do now...

@mattappleton3399 - 05.12.2023 11:33

This video made me feel really smart and I'm not happy about it!

@fionaramsay9157 - 25.11.2023 10:32

Interesting. I have been a piano teacher for many years and I have noticed that there are some very clever students who give up after about Grade 1, when the learning process requires more muscle training (ie practising) than brain work. They are too accustomed to their brains giving them easy success and have never learned how to slog.

@christopherfallout4552 - 25.11.2023 03:30

another test with flying marks.

@keeganmclean2017 - 19.11.2023 21:23

Nobody understands why we’re depressed and we can’t tell them why they don’t understand because it would hurt their ego.

The only path forward is to just distract yourself and try to ignore that fact. Just do something without thinking about why.

@rokkothehund7402 - 19.11.2023 04:25


@gyarmatidavid9760 - 18.11.2023 00:59

Didnt a mensa member murdered someone because they annoyed them?

@abelhernandez2381 - 15.11.2023 03:59

138 iq here. It's simple. We are smart enough to realize that life is miserable and pointless.

@alexanderh2715 - 13.11.2023 00:41

I had a very hard time in school because I couldn't focus because I got very tired and bored. Mathematics in uni (engineering) was the first time I cared for the subject because it got way more interesting once it got more theoretical. Loved it and had 0 problems staying focused for 1,5 hrs. I relate with the points in the video and it's annoying because the pressure I create for myself is very hard to overcome. I'm work on it constantly and it got better but it's still a long way.

I also get along very well with someone who is probably autistic but I didn't realise until someone pointed it out because to me this person's thought patterns just made a lot of sense to me.

@user-mj3pr1hi6s - 11.11.2023 20:42

Worst is my problem with not making friends and my high expectations !

@dominicolson6978 - 10.11.2023 23:07

I’m proud of who I am today, but there were so many times I wished when I was younger that I could trade my intelligence just to be normal and embrace ignorance. I could never hold a conversation, I was always awkward, and no one ever wanted to be my friend unless I provided the answer key to their homework. Even in college, I was better friends with my professors than my peers. They were the only ones who shared my curiosity and could intellectually stimulate me enough to stay involved in a conversation. It took a lot of time and therapy for me to truly learn how to socialize, but it was necessary and I am all the better for it. I used to be arrogant, and had a massive ego, teaching biochemistry and cell culture as a sophomore in college. One day, I was humbled, and it truly opened my eyes to what it means to be intelligent. Sometimes, being the smartest person in the room means admitting you’re not. It means admitting what you don’t know, and searching for the answer rather than pretending you already have it. That’s what true science is, and it’s what I practice and teach to this day. I hope this helps someone that’s in the shoes I was wearing just 5 years ago.

PS: reply to this comment if you would like me to elaborate on how I was humbled. I never mind sharing the story because I want people to learn from it like I did.

@Jimmyni-kk4em - 10.11.2023 17:29

Is that so? I am depressed by my parents. So they think I have down syndrome

@manojgarg4220 - 03.11.2023 11:27

I dont why i feel like this video is not for intelligent people but to confirm our self opinion that we are intelligent. So that we no longer feel depressed

@Commonsenseiscool - 28.10.2023 16:12

I’m not that intelligent but I happened to be a stupid misbehaving child who was raised right, surrounded myself with the right people and was influenced by scientific documentaries which has shaped me into my current stem nerd form and has caused my social awkwardness and caused people to bully me

@gregariagirl - 19.10.2023 21:33

So if my IQ is just below 130, can I chalk up all my happiness to those few missing IQ points? 😜

@karenespinosa8251 - 15.10.2023 18:36

Pile 1. I used to think every second i was in pain. Now i want to stop

@karenespinosa8251 - 15.10.2023 18:36

Pile 1. I used to think every second i was in pain. Now i want to stop

@karenespinosa8251 - 15.10.2023 18:36

Pile 1. I used to think every second i was in pain. Now i want to stop

@karenespinosa8251 - 15.10.2023 18:36

Pile 1. I used to think every second i was in pain. Now i want to stop

@karenespinosa8251 - 15.10.2023 18:34

Pile 1 i think every second. I was feeling pain all the time. Now i want to stop

@karenespinosa8251 - 15.10.2023 18:32

Pile 1... I think all the time and every second

@brendatrump5163 - 15.10.2023 15:31

I'm easily annoyed by people because most of them seem so shallow and/or fake. I'm 50 yrs. old so I've had a long time to observe people.

@NganHoang-dy8el - 15.10.2023 15:01

I think it is very important for Highly intelligent person learn to connect with others around with heart, and realize your mind is a tool. Critical thinking, analyzing, insight, pattern recognization, big picture thinking… use them for your benifit and people’s benifits. Having an outlet for your mind (fulfills the need to complex thinking). Find your people along the way.
And, learn to take action - this is the only thing that counts.
Also, the need to be right. Learn to accept that people wont get your point, and you dont need to win, to prove yourself. Learn communication skill. This will solve a lot of problems.

@AnthonioNesbitt-go2bg - 14.10.2023 23:59

"As we get older life because more painful" some times I just want to give up😢 only the love my family has for me keeping me going❤

@weisstofall2615 - 27.09.2023 21:14

I wish this was not relatable

@maz3563 - 27.09.2023 20:45

That sounds like an oxymoron since if you are intelligent, you should know that emotions FOLLOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING, just like your Creator, who knows BEST, says about how we’re made.
Want to be happy most, if not all the time, THINK happiness, or if you prefer depression, which is dumb, think sad thoughts.
It’s not rocket science sheeple…

@WhyNotAzure - 25.09.2023 16:29

well, relatable, but i know im not intelligent at all

@perun.m8005 - 23.09.2023 14:04

Avarege intelligent young man surrounded by stupid people very nice combination for depression.

@lilyrobyn8105 - 21.09.2023 02:21

I don't think I'm intelligent, at least not academically, but I relate to a few of these. Honestly, a lot of my self hatred surrounds my struggle to connect with others and really speak my mind. My inarticulation only makes me more self-conscious, especially in job interviews or situations where I have to prove my worth. But something I've noticed, especially in younger generations, is that a lot of people can confuse unintelligence with a lack of confidence. Our self-confidence could be rock bottom, making us unable to think clearly bc we're too self-conscious or depressed. But that doesn't mean we don't have our moments of incredible brainpower or creativity

@RiMruhere - 20.09.2023 03:19

I have depression not smart😢

@SarvaePCM - 16.09.2023 10:47

Love the animation

@Spooglecraft - 14.09.2023 13:58

i can relate to all of them, but i found a way to deal with number 4: find joy in non-intellectual things and adjust your definition of intelligence.
finding joy in non-intellectual things is something i'm pretty sure everyone, no matter how intelligent, can do and is doing in one way or another. you don't need high-concept media or elaborate puzzles to have fun. and just because you enjoy something because you can analyze it to death, doesn't mean you can't connect with those who "just" enjoy it because it's cool. and some stuff just isn't intellectual at all but still one hell of a fun time. and a lot of those things are great to connect with people all across the spectrum of intelligence.
adjusting your definition of intelligence sounds tricky and like cheating, but it's not that hard (still feels like a nice little cheat for life, though). if you just go by raw intelligence, you can find yourself separated or above others because of some number, which can be quite isolating and harmful. a definition that works better for me is based on curiosity, open-mindedness and not needing to always be correct. you can have the highest IQ in the world, but if you don't doubt yourself, you're still dumber than someone who's willing to reevaluate their thoughts and opinions. defining people's intelligence by this instead of some ultimately arbitrary measure of intelligence gets you way better intellectual stimulation and allows for a great exchange of ideas. and if you're highly intelligent, you're probably gonna have a lot of fun in that.

@mikachu0626 - 14.09.2023 05:40

As someone who struggles with mental health, I can relate to all of these. Especially the maintaining friendships part.

@imbetterthanyouis - 12.09.2023 03:09

i have the most problems with dumb people , i also have the unfortunate situation of living in a small town where most people are blatantly unaware of the rest of the world , 3 of the most common things people say to me is 1 thank god you were here , 2 where the hell did you come from and 3 what do you mean , and its the 3rd one especially when i explain or say things as clear and concise as possible and still you get what do you mean , im forced to deal these people and the most frustrating part is i know i should just skip straight to violence because it will make me feel better but cant because i value my freedom , so now i take " what do you mean " as they are a lost cause and thats the point to stop talking to them and move on ,,,,, that has led to some extremely short conversations

@Karuiko - 10.09.2023 08:50

Perhaps the 4th one is the only one that easily gets better as time goes on. My younger self(5~19ish) always tended to be closer and engage more with adults. But eventually as you grow to an adult yourself, it's no longer such an age difference.

@myself2noone - 25.08.2023 03:09

Barring 3. That just sounds like neuroticism, and that's kind of inversely correlated with IQ.

@yourfriend7088 - 23.08.2023 17:54

I can not wait for the new disorder..."I'm helpless from hyper intelligence". Haha, that's called lazy.

@davidarellano4568 - 22.08.2023 10:32

The whole smart-kid complex and resulting high expectations thing is really tough. Growing up, my classmates would genuinely gasp if I wasn’t perfect on the tests. My parents would have, at best, an unenthusiastic “you’ll do better next time” response if I got less than an A (even A- was bad). For the reasons outlined in the video (in combination with certain others I won’t get into), I believe these set me up to interpret certain significant events that occurred when I was a teenager in a hopeless way. These events gave me a sense of being perpetually “imperfect,” and thus, worthless/unlovable/sub-human. This led to a diagnosis of MDD for (so far) the rest of my life (I’m 33 now). Last year, after 10 years of actively troubleshooting my psychology, I finally met the expectations of my family by getting a very well paying job. I moved back home, and after sharing how well I’m finally doing, I got the silent jealous treatment and some of them minimized my accomplishments (“it’s because he doesn’t have kids.”) This made me feel purposeless and triggered one of the most severe MDD episodes I’ve ever experienced this past year. Now that I realize how brainwashed and emotionally enslaved I was, it’s amazing how liberated I feel. I really believe this issue is one of deepest root causes responsible for the frequent depressive episodes and daily suicidal ideation that I had experienced for the last 20 years. Now they’re less frequent, and the ideation is almost non-existent. Here’s hoping my work toward healing myself is finally paying off 🍺, and thank you Psych2Go for validating my previous thoughts and being an important part of my healing journey since the start of the pandemic. In a world where it’s hard to get help, let alone articulate what you need help with, channels like yours are more significant to mankind than NASA putting someone on the moon 🍻.

@dsc3275 - 16.08.2023 19:23

If you can see how terrible the world is, isbeing run, how terrible evil people are, and how little you can change it, its depressing.

@CooLDEaFY4204Me - 05.08.2023 09:56

Well damn,, we need stay positive if we are smart or not smart person, just saying…. Be happy 😃

@neurowolf7594 - 30.07.2023 07:10

How to become less smart and this popped up.
You read my mind but come on.

@whenthesundontshinee7357 - 29.07.2023 00:18

Nah im not depressed.

Because im a genius

@frozenmaypul5291 - 25.07.2023 10:11

The last one is the most relatable. I am not saying im some Albert Einstein however I do well in school and my projects at home. My supposed best friends adopted some anti-school and pro entrepreneur crap. Now when I hang out with them it feels like I am unwanted but they keep me for the ride just because I'm their old friend.
For example, they don't respect my decision to continue school and still study. They keep calling me a nerd and impaling I'm waisting my life, even tho I always make room for hanging out with them.
Sometimes they imply that they are smarter and more capable than me so they will critique me for the smallest things they don't follow. Adding anything to the conversation just results in them calling me a smart-ass, nerd or a geek. I told them that I'll cut them out if they continue like this and they said they'll change, it lasted for 2 weeks.

I still don't know if they're just a reflection of my actions, because I act almost the same with my other friends, who aren't like them, and they seem to have no problem with me (I even asked them).

Anybody with slight intelligence should stay away from "energy vampires" and should surround themselves with people they're comfortable talking with.

@andyyellowhouse2108 - 09.07.2023 07:29

Well I have an anxiety disorder and people say I’m smart and I over analyze

@eugeniorenaldos - 03.07.2023 11:39

Constantly being aware of the significant biases and prejudices that 99,99% of people possess in everyday conversations creates an extremely painful barrier when you are the only one employing spotless logical reasoning.

@timn4481 - 30.06.2023 02:56

This is me. I'm mensan 148. Life is very difficult. And I'm reasonably 'normal'. But I have all these challenges and more, and stifling depression. I constantly question existence itself.
