How to Rescale Images in Gimp Without Losing Quality | Change the Resolution | Tutorial-34

How to Rescale Images in Gimp Without Losing Quality | Change the Resolution | Tutorial-34

Living Image

2 года назад

3,811 Просмотров

Hello Gimp Users, 
In this tutorial, I am going to demonstrate how to rescale/resize/upscale an image without losing quality in Gimp. You will also learn how to rescale particular layers without affecting the entire image. Changing resolutions and also the DPI/PPI will also be demonstrated. Please consider watching the full tutorial to understand everything clearly. 


#Gimp #Rescale #Resize #Image #Photo #Edit #Minimise #Maximise #Upscale #Resolution #Quality #Change #DPI #PPI #Convert #Photoshop #Easy #Compromise
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