iOS 15: Why does \.self work for ForEach? – Core Data SwiftUI Tutorial 1/7

iOS 15: Why does \.self work for ForEach? – Core Data SwiftUI Tutorial 1/7

Paul Hudson

2 года назад

8,030 Просмотров

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@dftuplyxjltdvg9610 - 23.08.2022 16:14

Is the point of this that you can now safely foreach over an array with non-unique elements? Let studentGrades = [92, 88, 100, 98, 92]. Good student.

@obsessed92 - 21.06.2022 15:05

Thank you very much for explanation !

@servicestwo4754 - 20.06.2022 16:38

why doesn't he explain why the hashs are separate in between app runs when before he says the point of hashs is that "hello world" will have the same hash all the time?

@austintan2745 - 11.03.2022 21:44

One basic understanding I lacked that needed to be spelled out for me:
\.self refers to each element of the ForEach array, not the \.self of the containing ContentView Struct

@DavidNitzscheBell - 16.02.2022 12:30

Why is this Core Data Swift Tutorial 1/7 after the Bookworm project which also uses Core Data?

@AbbeyOnAtkins - 09.12.2021 07:53

