American reacts to Who Invented The Worlds most Important Inventions

American reacts to Who Invented The Worlds most Important Inventions

Ryan Wuzer

8 месяцев назад

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Tiborg - 23.11.2023 06:48

A lot of things in this video were actually invented by Hungarians,but it's "not an interesting nation" to mention...

Angela Bolorino Martins
Angela Bolorino Martins - 23.11.2023 05:30

The plane was invented by Brazilian Santos Dumont.

Michael Coldwell
Michael Coldwell - 23.11.2023 01:12

Sir Frank Whittle (English) jet engine.

Michael Coldwell
Michael Coldwell - 23.11.2023 00:59

John Logie Baird (Scotish) invented the first publicly demonstrated colour television in 1926

NarRakasa - 23.11.2023 00:57

Alan Turing cracked the enigma code.

Michael Coldwell
Michael Coldwell - 23.11.2023 00:54

Humphry Davy invented the light bulb in 1802

danganbeg - 22.11.2023 23:40

So many MISTAKES. Cine camera was FRENCH. Combustion engine was BELGIUM.

danganbeg - 22.11.2023 23:37

What you meant to say was EUROPE whupped your ass.

Isabelle the Frenchy
Isabelle the Frenchy - 22.11.2023 13:20

That video is obviously not serious historical material . How did you not notice an error of 3 centuries for Christiaan Huygens ?? It's 1656, not 1956 .
Edison often got credited for inventions he only perfected and patented, or took from his employees, not really discovered first. It is good to be somewhat aware of that .
Television was first experimented by John Logie Baird in Scotland in 1922, patent in 1923.
Germany did not invent the printed press, China did.
Oh, and just for the record, photography and cinema started in Europe ( France, 1826/27 and 1895) . As for the Minitel , back in 1980 its French users could make online purchases, make train reservations, check stock prices, search the telephone directory, have a mail box, and chat in a similar way to what is now possible with the World Wide Web.
It helps to have a wider perspective of things and check with historians of different parts of the world . India and China would be credited with a lot more.

Cocoroach - 22.11.2023 11:41

Omg half od that list is false

Carlos - 22.11.2023 02:38

Wait, but Alexander Graham Bell was Scottish (born in Edinburgh). He only became a naturalised US citizen in 1882 (years after inventing the telephone). If you had to pick one it would make more sense to put the British flag (although putting both the American and British flags is the best option).

Ann Thorpe
Ann Thorpe - 21.11.2023 21:32

Not the light bulb nor the telephone

Ale Massa66
Ale Massa66 - 21.11.2023 21:23

The paternity of the invention of the electric telephone is still disputed today. Charles Bourseul, Antonio Meucci, Innocenzo Manzetti, Johann Philipp Reis, Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray, among many, have all been credited with the invention of the telephone.
However, the primacy seems to belong to the Italian, Innocenzo Manzetti. He, as reported by numerous testimonies of the time, Italian and international newspapers that spoke of the public demonstration of 10 July 1865, managed to create an electrical device capable of communicating remotely using the principle of electromagnetic induction.

Ada “ADA” Lace
Ada “ADA” Lace - 21.11.2023 20:19

Graham Bell did not invent the phone he only bought the patent, the inventor is an Italian guy

Stanislav BANDUR
Stanislav BANDUR - 21.11.2023 18:21

Baghdad battery is quite funny think, because of multiple findings only one has (had) composition of iron core in copper cylinder in clay jar, all other used different strips of copper/silver/tin with some writings on them and they were multiple of them inside jars - it is more likely some container with spells and prayers defending households, than a battery. Other weird thing is that even some people say that electricity was used for electroplating, none of electroplated artifacts was found ever (but it could be ok if some inventor made an invention in his lab and never released it to public, not much info about that, then we cannot be sure in any explanation, but some can seem more likely)

Mein Name
Mein Name - 21.11.2023 18:09

You always stumble over the German letter 'Z'.

It is pronounced like the hardest sound you can make, while saying something similar to an 'S'-like letter. Sometimes it feels like there's an invisible 'T' before.

Think of the warning sound a rattle snake does just before attacking you, or a car tyre stabbed suddenly with a sharp knife and all of the air goes out.

Oliver Cumberland
Oliver Cumberland - 21.11.2023 14:36

Just on behalf of Australia:
cochlear implants (bionic ear) that enable the deaf to hear; the ultrasound scanner that has more uses than you'd think; the electric drill; Google Maps; spray on skin for burn victims and others; the black box flight recorder; artificial pace maker; polymer bank notes; aircraft escape slide; permanent crease clothing; anti-cervical cancer vaccines;

lovin pa
lovin pa - 21.11.2023 10:11

Lawn mower was invented in Australia

sighted19 - 21.11.2023 02:36

the pendulem clock was the first clock that told the right time

HellStr82 - 20.11.2023 21:33

Uhm ... Germans made engine powered planes in ww2 . i mean they used them in combat.

Elizabeth Mcintyre
Elizabeth Mcintyre - 20.11.2023 18:12

The refrigerator was invented before that a British man

Neven Zakelj
Neven Zakelj - 20.11.2023 15:25

Manny things from this video invented Nikola Tesla. Like ekectro motor, telefon, and manny others things witch we use today.

Bernie Ninian
Bernie Ninian - 20.11.2023 01:17

John Logie Baird a Scot is attributed to inventing the first Live Broadcasting TV

JK - 19.11.2023 22:34

I'm surprised that SMS text messagings inventor Matti Makkonen (Finland) wasn't on that video.

CniKKoR - 19.11.2023 22:04

I use a microwave oven for exactly 2 things: heat milk and melt butter that's it
Stupid Americans learn how to cook properly!

Roger Taylor
Roger Taylor - 19.11.2023 22:00

One of the greatest inventions,not mentioned, was the transistor and that was the work of three Americans

zach vogel
zach vogel - 19.11.2023 21:43

I think the pengolum clock was teh first one

Autor T.A.M. Lang
Autor T.A.M. Lang - 19.11.2023 20:16

Who made this list? The US claims Band Aids? Yeah, the Brand, but didnt invented some Beiersorf this in the 1880s already?

thord Salmond
thord Salmond - 19.11.2023 19:52

Lots of mistakes. Motion picture camera, Louis Le Prince is French.

Nicosixth Robin
Nicosixth Robin - 19.11.2023 13:24

Did I miss it or did they leave out the atomic bomb? But, well, there weren't any military inventions there like the tank or just firearms in general, so might be a choice they made for the video. Still, nuclear energy usage should be there somewhere. And what about X-rays (German)? Or the hot air balloon (France)? The first satellite (Russia)?

Gigi Gigi
Gigi Gigi - 19.11.2023 10:24

Ai uitat inventator insulină,avion cu reacție și stiloul cu peniță,

TheVanclif - 19.11.2023 05:43

Turing did not invented the computer, but the turing machine.
A Turing machine is a mathematical model in theoretical computer science that defines an abstract machine. With this computer model, characters are manipulated according to fixed rules. The Turing machine is named after the British mathematician Alan Turing, who introduced it in 1936/37.

The Z1 was a mechanical calculator designed by Konrad Zuse in 1937. It was the first freely programmable calculator to work with binary numbers and had many of the computer architecture elements of the later model Z2, but was unreliable due to mechanical problems. Their successors, the Zuse Z3, 1941 and Zuse Z4, 1945, were the first universally programmable computers.

And about Edisson:
The beginnings of the light bulb reach back to the erly 1800s. However, what we considder the modern Light bulb started arround the last quarter of the 1800s.
In 1874, Alexander Nikolayevich Lodygin received a patent in Russia for an incandescent lamp with a carbon filament or a thin carbon stick in a glass bulb filled with nitrogen.

The British physicist and chemist Joseph Wilson Swan also developed an incandescent lamp in 1860 using charred paper as a filament in an airless glass bulb. It was not until 1878 that he succeeded in producing a practically usable electric light bulb. He acquired his patent in England in 1878, two years earlier than Edison acquired his comparable patent in the USA. He equipped his light bulbs with a special socket, the Swan socket, which, unlike the screw threads of Edison light bulbs, did not come loose when shaken, for example in vehicles. After initial patent disputes, Edison and Swan came to an agreement and eventually founded a jointly operated company in London in 1883.
So, call Edisson the inventer is a bit optimistic... sorry

Zuzy 2022
Zuzy 2022 - 19.11.2023 05:41

It is not fake, before Egypt there was a batteries in the land where is Iraq today like 4000 years BC, however it could produse a charge so small that probably it's been used for gold plating in the decorative and jewellery manifacture to its aesthetic appeal. Gold is the least likely to oxidise compared to other metals – it doesn’t even oxidize in water.

Charlie Yerrell
Charlie Yerrell - 19.11.2023 00:14

Ryan some of this is total bullshit. The person who made this programme is a dickhead. We the British had a working computer called collosus in ww2 . He has told many falsehoods. Marconi invented the radio in the UK in a town called Chelmsford. It is all on record. You need to look up the real deal as you yanks say.

kragiharp - 18.11.2023 17:33

The physics behind the telephone was invented by Philipp Reis.
Without this, Bell would have not been able to enhance the telephone.

Similar with Otto Lilienthal and the Wright brothers.

billy budd
billy budd - 18.11.2023 17:07

The main objective of this list seems to be to enable the US to claim other people's inventions.
Michael Faraday was actually English, so that's one fewer American invention in the list!
Alexander Graham Bell was also a Brit, so that's another one!
The first working TV was invented by another Scot, John Logie Baird.

Luca Paolini
Luca Paolini - 17.11.2023 14:07

Cool name for a battery inventor 😂 that comment killed me

michal03966 - 17.11.2023 10:42

Uneducated American - may I ad ...

Portugal Zero world cup
Portugal Zero world cup - 17.11.2023 01:32

Peter Henlein watch ⌚
Theodore maiman - lazer
Antonio meucci - telephone
Roger Easton- gps
vint cerf - internet
Alessandro volta - battery

David Williams
David Williams - 16.11.2023 04:04

Bill frost was first person to fly not the right brothers, .... also the radio "Italian " was in wales , the beach he sent signals from is named after him in ... history is full of fraudsters ...,

Moribax - 16.11.2023 01:29

Bell didn't invent the telephone, the Italian Antonio Meucci invented it, his patent is 1 year older than Bell's.

Enrico Fermi was italian, not american. He got the US citizenship in 1944, while he invented the nuclear reactor in 1942.

Rayyunn - 15.11.2023 13:45

what a shame the half of the video show up the wrong invetor this videos fck up

Bramfly - 15.11.2023 13:12

Netherlands inventions: the submarine, telescope, microscope, stockmarket, multinational company (VOC), compact cassette, CD, DVD, Bluetooth, WIFI and others

Scarlett Devina
Scarlett Devina - 15.11.2023 01:58

Many of the inventions that Video claimed to be from the US aren’t actually…..

Scarlett Devina
Scarlett Devina - 15.11.2023 01:55

Bell wasn’t the inventor of the telephone

Marmatari - 14.11.2023 18:33

Enrico Fermi was Italian

EU Citizen
EU Citizen - 14.11.2023 16:13

Americans did not invent a lot but you are good on making money from it and the good promotion makes some people thing America invented it plus the American ignorance of course.

Stuart James Anderson
Stuart James Anderson - 14.11.2023 15:36

Alexander Graham Bell is Scottish though. Bit of a reach for the US to claim that. Also rhe TV was also mainly attribute ñd to John Logie Baird, another Scot! As was radar by Robert Watson-Watt. The video author clearly didn't do his research.

Carol H
Carol H - 14.11.2023 05:06

Turin invented the World Wide Web.

Carol H
Carol H - 14.11.2023 05:04

Some of this is plain incorrect. Suggest Ryan that you google some of these inventions and you will see the errors.
