This REALITY WORSHIPS ME! Goddess Activation! Affirmations Meditation | LOA Manifestation Tools

This REALITY WORSHIPS ME! Goddess Activation! Affirmations Meditation | LOA Manifestation Tools

Cutie Meditations

11 месяцев назад

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@ambry1864 - 04.10.2023 15:33

This is perfect🔥🔥🔥🔥

@Inner.G63 - 04.10.2023 15:55

Mind blowing ❤

@ManifestWithMe1111 - 04.10.2023 15:58

Okay cutie❤

@quadeadzone - 04.10.2023 16:06

Love it

@goddessarcana - 04.10.2023 16:11


@beebee3871 - 04.10.2023 16:19

Wow these affirmations are GOLD ❤❤❤❤❤ thank you!

@livenow9110 - 04.10.2023 18:04

You are just an magical person on the earth 🥹😍 every subliminal i have used, has worked like an magic 🤩

@adrianepb8607 - 04.10.2023 20:36

Baybeeeeee these affirmations are superb

@Amillionare890 - 04.10.2023 22:19

This is heaven sent! Beautiful visuals as well as affirmations! Thank you cutie!

@mtorres118 - 08.10.2023 20:29

Thanks! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE IT 😍 you are so creative and brilliant 🏆 ❤️‍🔥🙏

@bolajitosin1120 - 14.10.2023 15:53

This is a bomb 💕💕💕💕💙💚💛🧡♥️💝

@sofiapreeti-ff3bd - 15.10.2023 16:02

This is so wonderfully curated. Thank you✨

@MagnoliaGarner - 18.10.2023 02:20

These work too effin fast for me 💅🏼👸🏼❤️

@brianabanana1087 - 19.10.2023 23:35

I’m obsessed with your channel! I don’t need anymore channels! Your tapes/subs are all I need😭🩷

@Proverbs.chapter3.verses5-8 - 08.11.2023 12:33

I am graceful. I am elegant. I am a good person. Everything i touch turns into gold. I am perfect and immaculate. I am stunning. ✨✨

@nefatarrichambers6439 - 17.11.2023 15:41

I claim it and receive it all right now I am a goddess and everyone see and acknowledges my goddess

@nefatarrichambers6439 - 17.11.2023 15:41

I also claim permanent results from this thank you

@TabassumPathan-ss2sm - 07.12.2023 17:15

Works miraculously and also my life has become so easy. I listen in the morning everyday, n from first day what i think what i want or just a wish in mind for sec, it becomes my reality. Everything i desire get it in 2 hrs or less. Thank you cutie❤ lot's of love from India ❤❤

@chimonhannah9677 - 10.02.2024 00:40


@ip3931 - 11.02.2024 23:36

I could certainly benefit from being treated like a goddess 😊

@Barbies_playroom - 18.03.2024 23:59

This is the best one

@Barbies_playroom - 23.03.2024 22:16

I love this. “Always have beennnn.” ❤ I love this video. ❤❤❤

@Cat-wq6mq - 21.04.2024 13:50

This is fucking perfect like me !

@saiwrld222 - 15.05.2024 21:21

thank you for these reminders🥹🤍 this is life changing

@konanakatsuki-111 - 09.06.2024 15:05

Thank you ❤

@anshekaupmanue7427 - 25.06.2024 16:56

Cutie i just love ur subliminals❤❤

@leoovenuss - 27.06.2024 22:43

why am i so creative and advanced?

@TaylorElizabethSwift - 07.07.2024 02:46

My energetic minimum is limitless 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗡️🗡️🗡️🎯🎯🎯✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻

@sid_heat - 07.07.2024 02:46

Sooo true

@TaylorElizabethSwift - 07.07.2024 02:48

I rock his world ✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻

@amandav9091 - 14.07.2024 23:36

I love these affirmations!

@nefatarrichambers6439 - 15.07.2024 03:44

I claim manifest and receive all this right now thank you

@bohemianbeauty92 - 21.08.2024 18:09

Can you please do one for clean and organized?

@sarayotuber - 23.08.2024 20:38


@cutieaffs - 04.10.2023 15:28

I am a living goddess.
You are a living goddess on earth.
I am a goddess and that means I always get what I want.
You are a goddess and you know that at all times.
I am a goddess and everyone recognizes my goddess status.
You are a goddess and everyone acknowledges that fact.
I am a goddess and I am the magnetic center of my reality.
You are a goddess and your universe revolves around you.
Because I am a goddess everyone and everything I desire comes to me easily and effortlessly.
Everything you desire, desired you first.
The men I desire find me irresistible, addicting, alluring, and captivating.
The men you desire are always working hard for your approval, happiness and acceptance.
I create extremely fast.
As the operant power of your reality, everything conforms to your intentions instantly.
Manifesting is natural, fun, easy and instant for me.
You create fast like a Goddess.
As the goddess of my reality I’m always in a state of abundance and I’m always thinking about how things can go right for me.
You’re always having wonderful thoughts about your life.
Why does everyone worship me?
Why does everyone worship you?
Why do people react to me like they’ve seen God?
You are a Goddess on Earth.
Why do people respect me like I’m God?
You are a Goddess.
Why does this world bend in my favor regardless of rules or laws?
You are a Goddess.
Why am I always in an amazing mood?
You are a Goddess, following your joys.
Why is it obvious that I am a Goddess?
You are a Goddess and everyone knows it.
Why do I have such a good reputation?
You are a Goddess, people can only think highly of you.
Why am I the most intelligent person to ever exist?
You are a Goddess, there are no mysteries to you.
Why does my beauty enhance and multiply every nanosecond?
You are a Goddess, epitome of beauty and grace.
Why do I live like a Goddess?
Your life is an enchanted dream.
Why do people crave my energy, attention, focus and feel blessed by it?
You are a Goddess, your every action is full of power and magnetism.
Why am I the most coveted and most wanted?
You are a Goddess, nobody in this world compares to you.
Why do people think I’m the most beautiful and radiant person they’ve ever seen?
You are a Goddess, you posess the highest levels of beauty perceivable by human eyes.
Why does my beauty leave everyone pondering the perfection of it?
You are a Goddess, people spend so much time studying your mind-bending beauty.
Why am I constantly showered in compliments?
You are a Goddess, everyone is compelled to praise the perfection of your form.
Why does everyone treat me with honor, reverence and the highest forms of respect?
You are a Goddess, you invoke feelings of gratitude, bliss, and ecstasy in those blessed by your presence.
Why does my beauty outshine the sun, moon and stars?
You are a Goddess, your beauty is unmatched and unparalleled, you are divine.
Why am I so beautiful that future historians study my beauty, charm and power.
You are a Goddess, you leave a mark in history due to your immense power and beauty.
Why am I so gorgeous that life forms outside of the Earth realm notice me?
You are a Goddess, everything in the known and unknown universe worships you.
Why does every existing thing favor me, support me, bless me and assist my life?
You are a Goddess, each and every existing things prays for your blessing.
Why does every existing thing know me as its Goddess?
You are the Goddess of this reality and everything rises and falls based on your attention to it.
Why do I have extreme power and persuasion ability?
Because you are the Goddess creator of this reality.
How do I make anyone and anything bend to my will?
With your powerful god-like intention, everything bends to your will.
Why does everything love me in my desired ways?
All things send you loving and supportive energy, regardless of anything.
Why is my existence full of joy, beauty, art, passion, abundance, luxury and fun?
You are a Goddess and you are here to have fun and enjoy yourself.
Why do I have extraordinary vampire-like charm?
You are a Goddess, your charms are extremely potent and effective.
Why is my life full of luck and miracles?
You are a Goddess, so everything in your universe must work in your favor at all times.
Why was I born a Goddess?
You are a Goddess, always will be, always have been.
Why do my lovers feel blessed to be in my presence?
You are a Goddess and to be the focus of your attention is their desired reality.
Why do I have a hold on any man I desire?
You are a Goddess, so nothing could ever come close to your affection, it gives them life.
Why do I have extreme confidence and the perfect self concept?
You are a Goddess and you know yourself as such.
Why do I wake up flawless?
You are a Goddess, every atom of your being is in complete perfection at all times.
Why do I have the voice of an Angel?
You are a Goddess and your voice hypnotizes all who hear it.
Why do I make hearts flutter?
You are a Goddess and you make your desired people feel things they've never felt before.
Everyone agrees that I am deserving of worship and praise.
You are a Goddess worthy of worship and praise.
My desired people drop down on their knees over me.
You are a Goddess and your desired people are grateful to you.
Why are my eyes so seductive?
You are a Goddess and your eyes are a heavenly masterpiece.
How do I put people into a trance with a single glance?
You are a Goddess with god like ability to enchant and seduce at will.
How do I attract my desired amount of loyal followers, orbiters, worshippers?
You are a Goddess so naturally your desired groups of people flock to adore you in your desired ways.
Why do people feel the need to give me my desired items?
You are a Goddess so people make offerings to you in hopes of your blessing.
Why do people always give me money?
You are a Goddess so people feel the urge to uplift you at all costs.
Why am I always receiving my desired gifts?
You are a Goddess and you are worthy of all good things.
Why do I always get free 5 star meals?
You are a Goddess and the world is yours for the taking.
Why do I always attract free services?
You are a Goddess so you never get your hands dirty.
Why do men want to make my life easy?
You are a Goddess and your desired men are willingly at your beck and call.
Why do men worship me?
You are a Goddess.
Why do men love me?
You are a Goddess.
Why do men deeply respect and honor me?
You are a Goddess.
Why do men praise me?
You are a Goddess.
Why am I always successful?
You are a Goddess, failure was never an option.
Why do all of the most amazing, exciting and lucrative opportunities constantly come to me?
You are a Goddess, so all great things are made for you.
Why am I financially stable and secure without working for it?
You are a Goddess, you are here to live lavish.
Why is money constantly flowing into my bank account?
You are a Goddess, wealth and abundance is meant for you.
Why do I make so much money without lifting a finger?
You are a Goddess, you automatically manifest wealth.
How come everything I touch turns to gold?
You are a Goddess with the proverbial Midas touch.
Why does everything I do turn into a masterpiece?
You are a Goddess, with a genius understanding of aesthetics.
Why is my every move a sensation?
You are a Goddess, everything you do rocks the world.
Why am I an inspiration?
You are a Goddess, there is no one like you.
Why am I an unstoppable force?
You are a Goddess, you are consciousness and are operating above the laws of this realm.
Why do the best ideas come to me?
You are a Goddess with direct access to the realm of ideas.
How am I so creative and advanced?
You are a Goddess with complete understanding of every topic you desire to master.
Why are my visuals so next level and groundbreaking?
You are a Goddess, you are automatically everyone's type and above every beauty standard.
Why am I the trendsetter?
You are an ethereal being, beyond the understanding of everyone.
Why am I the trailblazer?
You are Goddess, and everyone wishes they could do it like you.
Nobody does it like me.
Nobody can.
Everyone focuses on me.
You are the focus.
When I enter the room, every head turns to acknowledge me.
Every eye exalts you.
Why is my life full of constant conveniences?
You are a Goddess, your every action is prepared for, the universe makes your way easy and pleasing.
How am I such an amazing conversationalist?
You are a Goddess, you have a vast understanding of a multitude of subjects.
How do I always know exactly what to say and when?
You have profound social awareness and communication abilities, reaching the hearts and minds of everyone you speak to.
Why does thought transmission work instantly and perfectly for me every time?
You are the Goddess, the universe and everything in it exists within you.
Why does my every word hold immense power?
You are a Goddess, your words are laws.
Why are my affirmations and intentions the most powerful?
You are a Goddess, your intentions are decrees.
Why do I manifest the best in my reality?
You are the only creative force, there can be no secondary cause.
Why do people think I’m from heaven?
You are the prodigal daughter, materialized from the ether, to experience a fantastical existence on earth.
I’m a Goddess on Earth, enjoying my Earthly experience to the fullest.
You are the Goddess, the operant power and everything is you pushed out, there is nothing too hard for you.
