CNET News - Meet the robots making Amazon even faster

CNET News - Meet the robots making Amazon even faster


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@Laila_in_ur_area - 21.01.2024 10:03

Whos watching this in 2024??

@BaldisWorld - 03.05.2023 14:28

Oh wow! Looks cool! I just swear if I get ran over by one.

@NameCallingIsWeak - 20.05.2021 20:45

Amazon : we're not replacing people with these ...
Mom & Pop store :

@meeka5447 - 16.04.2021 22:04

The robot itself is genius

@xxkittyxx1781 - 08.03.2021 13:19

Welp at least now you don't have to look for everything XD

@fearne8174 - 06.01.2021 13:18

I’m here for homework

@sevillanathanielromelc.7932 - 11.05.2020 10:07

The generation is changing😢😪

@maggieobrien3163 - 08.05.2020 05:24

This is how robots take over the world.

@reapyrr - 06.04.2020 22:02

how long until robots can get corona virus

@mistermelty1578 - 26.03.2020 16:23

It's a roomba but stronger

@horde4909 - 20.03.2019 09:24

I for one will welcome our AI overlords

@liberator328 - 20.02.2019 03:01

What does improving efficiency by 20% even mean? Define efficiency lmao

@niclas3672 - 17.01.2019 14:34

Hey man, can someone right the entire video in text? Need it right now

@SobboMonkeVR - 27.07.2018 21:36

Lol those robots have nametags on them xD

@ibraveheart5700 - 31.05.2018 08:49

I wanna get on one and see where it takes me

@liseacik - 26.05.2018 06:18

If robots do everything, did everything will buy robots

@ArkaelDren - 13.05.2018 04:25

"PLEASE READ" I heard the same exact words, then started to post. Glanced down and their it was, 10 identical posts saying the exact thing I am going to post.

"While some may worry that robots will take away jobs from humans, Amazon insists that is not their intention"...

From what "stupid tree" would a person have to fall from, hitting EVERY branch on the way down, to believe this load of shit? 5-8 years every sorter you see on these lines will be replaced by robots. Making higher profits for incredibly wealthy shareholders turning personal wealth into more and more billions. Here is a small money example. If I have 5 billion turning .06% interest, I am making 360 MILLION a year just off the interest. Have you ever considered to ask why a person that has that amount of wealth still needs to take away tens of thousands of incomes, making those tens of thousands of family's loose everything they own. Which on an individual basis would be like the billionaire splitting a penny a thousand ways. I hope for an after life, just to stand beside these people to be judged first as long as they are NEXT.

@xmassan20906 - 12.05.2018 06:30

Can I have my own BB-8?

@ntnsty - 25.04.2018 01:24

No, you’re not replacing your people, just all the people who work in small shops and companies with less scale and efficiency. Not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing, just saying.

@TikiShootah - 22.03.2018 06:41

The workers look Soo unhappy.

@kingdongmclong9795 - 07.03.2018 10:55

Can't wait for a few Breaking News report...
1. Someone hacks the system and gets control of the robots and drones and causes chaos, death & destruction in the warehouse.
2. Someone hacks the system and gets control of the robots and drones and gives themselves free stuff.
3. Reports of AI workers sexually harassing the human workers (I don't believe I'm saying HUMAN workers!?!).
4. Reports of human workers sexually harassing the AI workers.
5. Reports of AI workers sexually harassing other AI workers.
6. The absolute absence of humans... anywhere!!! CREEPY!!!

@esuus - 26.02.2018 02:56

Shame on you CNET "Our focus with automation is to help people do their jobs, not to replace people." - and you just let that marketing statement stand without fact check? That's some shitty journalism.

@smirnidj - 23.02.2018 23:45


@lastnameford7703 - 11.01.2018 07:34

This is a very good thing maybe humans can start building robots and spending more time with their families and maybe the world will start thinking about getting people to feed themselves relying on grocery stores. what a joke

@jannujokunen2701 - 01.11.2017 22:10

We have "associates"...

@hereIam1965 - 27.10.2017 11:25

how does the robot get tasked ?
does a robot starting from point 1 get sent to any of 1000 points(destinations) or
do they receive a signal and the closest on a empty journey goes to that point (instruction ?) ?
or perhaps ... one that is finished in 30 seconeds ( precalculates ?) receives a retask and proceeds to a point.

@CarFreeSegnitz - 22.10.2017 22:19

Corporations fight tooth and nail to reduce their expenses, increase revenue and externalize cost. The only way forward for Amazon is to reduce their labor and inventory cost while increasing their sales. If it appears that Amazon is employing just as many people as before at the same time they are increasing automation it is because their revenue is going up. In a world of finite demand those increasing revenues are coming at the expense of Amazon's competition, traditional bricks and mortar retailers. Bricks and mortar can't keep up so are forced to close putting their employees out of work. The net effect of Amazon automation is fewer people working in retail for less money. Good? Bad? Just the facts...

@alexandredelage2382 - 02.10.2017 10:07

ces robots me font beaucoup d'effet

@Tomern121 - 07.08.2017 22:01

Thank god they have these robots, this job is already insanely exhausting..without these robots id probably die

@Ferda1964 - 29.07.2017 01:50

there won't be any need for the humans in the future and so we will save the planet

@ceramictiletonight - 28.07.2017 19:33

Look at what is required for these things to work. Clean, perfectly level concrete floors with location sensors every yard / meter. I see these operating in new, purpose built warehouses but what about the existing warehouses? Retro-fit? How many sqft of existing warehouses are there in the world? It sounds like it is going to cost a lot of money to eliminate the expense of employees. After the elimination of low paid employees, who do they plan to sell this stuff to? No job means no money means no sale, so if they are successful they are nothing but a snake eating its own tail. Insanity

@Chaps0n - 28.07.2017 10:54

It doesn't matter whether they will take our jobs in the future or not. If we would only learn how to work together, with eachother, for eachother, instead of working for a paycheck and against eachother, we would all be rich and thriving. 'Money' doesn't do anything people. We do all the work. It baffles me to see how people fail to understand that we don't need a monetary system whatsoever. All we need is eachother. There will be no more hunger, no more homelessness, no more poverty, less criminality and so on.. It baffles me to see how we, billions of people, are letting us being controlled and enslaved by, and to benefit, a pathetic small group of people. Come on folks, it's made up (digital) currency created out of thin air. Most of it doesn't even exist. You go to work 5 days or more, working 40h or more for digits on a computer screen. The amount of currency that has actually been printed (or minted) is ridiculously low, the rest of it DOES NOT EXIST. It's a fairytale. It's an illusion. It's a scam. And it will only get worse as time passes by. Wake up fellow humans. Let's take matter in our own hands.

How about we set up a date where, regardless of the time zones, we all go to the bank at once to collect our precious 'money' we've worked so hard for? It should all be there, right? Because it is ours. We have worked for it. You should be able to transfer all of the digits on your screen into evenly worthless paper money. I dare and challenge you people to join in on this. We can create our own reality. We don't have to be stuck in the reality the not even 1% has created for us. Let's make humanity proud. Let's thrive as a species. Let's write history.

@coisalinda2424 - 26.07.2017 02:40

Nice one

@yoyayoyu - 25.07.2017 08:41

This is a result of too much playing computer games and almost no study of real, practical engineering!!!!!!!!

And no limit of how much expensive to sell an article, or how cheap labor to make it is in China.

@HailAnts - 25.07.2017 08:29

I give them six months before they all become self-aware and start targeting the employees for termination!

@KAGE-rody - 25.07.2017 05:13

Begin the Matrix world.

@ferozsharieff1145 - 24.07.2017 14:08

No jobs for Humans

@tomgates316 - 24.07.2017 12:56

A couple of wrong bits in their Kiva system could cause a bit of a hassle.

@darsoulr - 14.07.2017 20:31

Kyoto toyko Amazon corn on the cob.....I'm tired and need coffee and robots cost electricity and don't require medical or tax robot workers...

@Dcahlert - 14.07.2017 16:48

Robots don't buy cars. you tube

@sorahweiss5821 - 22.06.2017 12:27

Meet the end of the world.

@tylerpeterson4726 - 19.06.2017 21:12

Though if Amazon's priority were jobs, it would have simply hired more people to get the 90 minute pick time to 15 minutes. Their priority is the customers, employees are a means to an end. If Amazon got a chance to 100% automate a factory, you can bet they would spring at the chance.

@CalvinHodgson - 05.06.2017 05:59

Technology like this helps improve our standard of living and thus own more things if you so desire.

Like they mention about peak, people are ordering more and thus greater numbers of workers are needed to fulfill them; this is even with the robots. It helps lower the cost of goods sold and leads to cheaper prices.

@sunny-xc8hx - 13.05.2017 19:00

Robots should pay taxes just like working people

@Stringbean421 - 11.05.2017 20:34

What a load of crap! If Amazon could get rid of human workers by replacing with robots then they'd do it like a shot. Why would Amazon lie about not replacing humans? The only reason humans still work at Amazon is because the technology isn't quite there yet to replace those jobs that the people are doing. But it will come you mark my words. They're even starting to use drones to deliver your parcels thereby not having to use courier services. It's all about money, money, money and making profit. Saving on wages by replacing people with robots will eventually happen not just at Amazon but elsewhere that can use them.

@EmeraldRubyTea - 09.05.2017 23:19

This is cool and cute! I want to see this live!

@KingsportMan - 06.05.2017 08:09

Amazon seems like a great company. They have so many items in stock, but the Amazon Marketplace can be a nightmare. I would advise anyone to order directly from Amazon and avoid those third-party sellers. Some of them are con artists. They will send you a pack of chewing gum instead of what you actually ordered. A fraudulent Amazon seller is usually a person selling an item for an extremely low price.

@schlaznger8049 - 27.04.2017 05:14

The Asians of Amazon. They work all the time doing a boring ass job and never complain.
