Hypertensive Urgency - Say no to the ER!

Hypertensive Urgency - Say no to the ER!


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Fredy Hermenegildo
Fredy Hermenegildo - 15.07.2023 18:51

Excellent lecture , highly yield information for a better medical practice when dealing with high blood pressure patients in the ER mostly referred by another doctor. Warm regards from Perú

Steven - 29.04.2023 08:28

Been to er with hypertensive emergency three times.
They never once checked my kidneys.
Gp sent me for tests and its renal hypertension due to renal artery stenosis.
Right now 225/142 p110. On max dose meds x3.

shoelacess 18
shoelacess 18 - 08.04.2023 01:29

Mine was 227/187 and was sent to the er with no symptoms it’s stayed that high for 4hrs.

Lying Eyes
Lying Eyes - 17.12.2022 20:34

How does one know at home if we are having damage? We see high numbers and then what?

Brilliant - 02.12.2022 12:49

Excellent video that explain what is actually going on particularly for those who have a concern about urgent high blood pressure to alleviate the stress they feel about having high blood pressure that has peaked as in resistant hypertension. When it won't come down, and you are freaking out about having a stroke. It can help you settle down until the BP can be brought under management actually making you less hypertensive.

Kenneth Vaughan
Kenneth Vaughan - 01.07.2022 00:36

Thank you. This really helped me understand the confusion in regards to my treatment. I had read in some health charts that 180/120 was a go to the ER immediately number, full stop. I occasionally get numbers in that range (just the top) during high anxiety (which is now centered around my BP). I could for the life of me understand why the ER clinician and my primary care doctor just sent me home with BP medicine and told me to focus on anxiety. I thought that if I’m hitting these numbers throughout the day, then I must be a walking powder keg. I thought the traffic example was particularly helpful to that end.

But it looks like they all did the right thing.

Jay The Djentleman
Jay The Djentleman - 03.04.2021 13:51

Also, it is very VERY easy to screw up a blood pressure test. Things such as this can make your blood pressure go up

Lack of sleep
Incorrect cuff placement/fitting

And so much more

Salma Mohammed
Salma Mohammed - 29.03.2021 17:46

Thanks 💜
Is oral Nifedipine like sublingual Nifedipine!!
Also not prefer in urgency HTN??

Knockoutorion - 17.12.2020 03:35

A doctor sent me to the er just because my blood pressure was 200/100. I told her that I was not having chest pain, sob, difficulty talking. I wasted the doctor,s, nurse time. The doctor at the clinic panic.

ROB - 11.12.2020 03:30

Recently in hospital with bp at 246/90. I felt great, ultrasound showed no kidney damage.

Anidi Fanelefog
Anidi Fanelefog - 12.10.2020 10:52

I made use of this product and learned satisfying final results. After carrying out this blood pressure levels plan, I ran across on the search engines, my blood pressure was 152/92 during my trip to the health care clinic. It has then returned my blood pressure to a safe and sound level after I had tried it. The guide continues to be very beneficial to me. It has helped to regulate my blood pressure. Using Google to get this guidebook. This tip is Jason Cυnobroke

EL - 31.08.2020 03:36

There are different types of Aortic Dissection, I've inherited the rarest kind, No Collagen, within the Aorta. The same that killed my Father and Grandfather. My father went through a Surgery, and 72 Pints, YES, 72 PINTS of Blood, and he ended up being Brain Dead, AFTER his first Surgery! My Doctor, knows, not to let anyone touch me, because I've inherited the same disease!

Venkateswarlu Erukala
Venkateswarlu Erukala - 26.04.2020 21:05

Commonly used drugs for hypertensive urgency

Judy T
Judy T - 20.04.2020 06:54

Fοr sοmε timε (clοsε tο 2 yεαrs), I wαs kεεping υp with my mεdicαtiοn tο mαintαin my high blοοd prεssυrε nοt until this mοnth I stumblεd upοn αbοut this "Sοyutο Weebly" (Gοοɢιε it) trεαtmεnt. Mεdicαl dοctοr εxplαinεd tο mε blοοd prεssυrε lεvεl is rεturnεd tο nοrmαl αnd I dοn`t rεαlly nεεd tο put mοnεy intο mεdicinε fοr hypεrtεnsiοn lεvεl..

RILEY (SlotDog) PLAYS SLOTS (He's a dog)
RILEY (SlotDog) PLAYS SLOTS (He's a dog) - 15.12.2019 08:31

Woke up today. BP 190/130. Took 10 mg. Alt ace. Ramipril. And 100 mg metoprolol. And. Small .25 of xanax. For possible panic. No change in bp. Went to urgent care. After 2 hours. BP 180/125.
Sent me to er. No organ damage. . 5 hours later. Bp Started to come down. Discharged with bp 160/101. Prescribed
Clonidine. This all happened today.
Not sure . Why. But my bp is high. And I've doubled my meds .
I'm 59. Male. 5' 11" 170 lbs In shape. No Smoking no alchohol no bad food. 3 hours at gym daily.
Why would my BP spike. Nobody knows
It stays around 160 / 100.
No answers. Just more meds.

Al May
Al May - 09.08.2019 15:25

could I get organ damage with a blood pressure of 150/100?

Dr. Pratikshya Satpathy
Dr. Pratikshya Satpathy - 21.06.2019 03:48

Thanks to you ...you make the topic so simple to understand 😊

AR VANNOY - 04.05.2019 23:45

My BP goes up 30 points every time I go into a DR's office. Very informative video. Thank You!

Shecot - 31.01.2019 08:04

Great video, very informative, thank you!

TMB247 - 21.11.2018 06:24

I get those super high numbers whenever I lie down in a Dentist's Chair ... they do my pressure and say they will be back in a few ... my cue to start breathing, after a couple minutes of relaxation and deep breathing my pressures are normal and we get on with the pain and suffering.

Her Pens Dope
Her Pens Dope - 19.10.2018 04:41

Handsome and intelligent.

lifecast - 10.10.2018 21:16

Thank you..I was really worried about my fathers high blood pressure readings over 180 but no signs of pain and damage..now its been clear to me

Ashley Dalstra
Ashley Dalstra - 18.02.2018 09:17

Great lecture!!! I work in the ER and urgent care and you're exactly correct!

Augustine A Boateng
Augustine A Boateng - 20.11.2017 02:22

What do I do assuming am in the house alone, and I detect that my blood pressure is elevated?
