Canadian MP Michelle Ferreri on the Freedom Convoy & Justin Trudeau's poor leadership (CLIP)

Canadian MP Michelle Ferreri on the Freedom Convoy & Justin Trudeau's poor leadership (CLIP)

Chuong Nguyen

2 года назад

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@richardsamanthajones5476 - 08.06.2022 21:16

Great interview 👍

@oldie4210 - 29.05.2022 02:47

Michelle hit the nail on the head, it was a movement against government oppression and government control. The emergencies act was a dictatorial grasp of power, by privleged narcissistic elitists

@davidcampbell1476 - 23.05.2022 03:00

Trudeau, nasty, creepy dictator.

@margaretmarydempster4738 - 23.05.2022 00:33

What a bunch of BS. Anarchists, squatters, law breakers, dim witted, bored weekend merry makers. Give me a break! This bedlam cost the country hundreds of millions of dollars and attracted fascists and low lives from here and abroad. You aren’t fooling anybody.

@elmiraselim143 - 21.05.2022 02:43

Michelle Ferreri: you are a LEADER and thank you for your support!!! Trudeau divided Canadians and he has to leave.

@yonayehezkel3150 - 17.05.2022 17:36

𝗖𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗨𝗽 𝗘𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗣𝗼𝗹𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗛𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗡𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲

The United Nations recently celebrated the International Mother Earth Day as a reminder to protect the environment. Heat waves, droughts, fires and heavy rains that cause severe flooding have become more frequent in many parts of the world due to climate change, which affects the entire worldwide population.

The Earth is facing a “triple planetary crisis,” warn UN officials. Climate disruption, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste are the main areas of concern regarding the current state of the environment. This year, the Earth Day’s theme is “Invest In Our Planet,” so what would humanity's best investment for the planet be?

We need to start by cleaning up the planet. There is no place on Earth where the air and water are clean, and that's a real problem. In theory, tackling this issue should be our priority when it comes to taking action to improve the dismal state of our planet. But let’s not fool ourselves. Such a plan alone will solve nothing.

It will only help the international organizations to justify their own existence. They tick off "done" to raise as much money as they want, and that's it. If we do not improve relations between us, we will not be able to achieve the great and ambitious improvement in nature that we want and need to attain globally. We will never achieve a good result through bureaucratic, mechanical measures.

There are a lot of people sitting in their comfortable offices profiting from the environmental crisis and demanding money and respect. They keep flying from one end of the world to the other on all kinds of missions to make a lot of noise with what they are "doing" and which everyone "needs to hear" as if that alone means something is happening, but in practice we see no real progress. The Earth must also be cleansed of them, of these people who engage in useless campaigns that only cause harm because they mislead the world, leading it away from the real solution.

The cleaning of the planet should start inside out. If we do not clean the planet from within, and continue with our reckless behavior and the selfish nature of our hearts as before, nothing will change for the better. The immense sums invested in environmental initiatives should be directed to spreading an educational process aimed at improving the way we relate to each other.

Humans are the most developed and influential factors of all of nature's levels: still, vegetative, animate and human. Since we occupy the highest level in nature, positively affecting the environment, the climate, and nature in general can be achieved by reaching positive relations among us. On the contrary, by letting our divisive drives tear apart human relations, we also destroy our surrounding environment, the very nature that our lives depend on.

The more we humans are able to correct ourselves by changing our divisive attitudes toward each other into positive attitudes of mutual support, encouragement, mutual responsibility, and reciprocal concern, the more we will receive positive feedback from nature. And the more we develop without making this necessary correction, the more negative feedback we will receive from nature, as we have experienced in the form of natural disasters, pandemics.

It is of utmost importance for us to organize our thoughts, desires and qualities so that we understand that saving the environment and a shift to a better future depend solely on changing our attitudes to each other: from antagonistic egoism to positive, compassionate and cooperative relationships.

@stanbarnes7284 - 16.05.2022 17:12

The truckers convoy wanted the power to go back to the people and away from governments and mandates and the poke and the woke. They had enough of a lying government and msm.

@gillesandfio8440 - 16.05.2022 15:52

Nothing in Canada's history united Canadians like the Freedom Convoy 2022. A proper association is united by a loyalty to ideas, and the mandating of freedom (a uniquely American idea) is the most beautiful of ideas to be loyal to.

@christopherbuckley7544 - 16.05.2022 06:08

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We have so many laws in Canada that have been rammed down our throats in the past several decades, particularly OHS regs, that you MUST comply with, you CANNOT question, you CANNOT challenge, or you are a "BAD" person and a "HAZARD", and you must be eliminated from employment...even when your questioning serves the purposes of legislation. It's ALL f'd !!!

@kelvinmann1058 - 16.05.2022 05:42

This situation has brought this country so far backwards. The trust that the police had with the public has been eroded as well as trust in the government to respect its citizens. Not to mention the complete and utter abuse and neglect of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Absolutely shameful. It is nice to hear someone actually tell the truth about the protest in Ottawa. Now if there was just some action taken against the Trudeau governments overreach of power, there may be hope to restore a little faith in government. Very small maybe.

@christinarosed.p.1967 - 15.05.2022 09:25

We are still alone months after the Convoy for freedom. I cry everyday of brokenness. Nothing was resolved or corrected or heard from the NDP/Trudeau Government. Every day is brutal aftr more than two years. It is a jail a never ending punishment. This happened at a very important time in my life after working my whole life all my benefits like meeting grandchildren building a home and just working have all been robbed from me....make him stop please! MAid is NOT IS NOT AN ANSWER!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!

@frankbowkett8306 - 10.05.2022 10:03

never forget the cops...without them none of this would be possible...just sayin...

@victorjadams4220 - 10.05.2022 08:12

Re: Expiration date = Trudeau could have ended the protest any day from the 1st day by simply meeting with the leaders and discussing a solution! The only reason it got to police violence and crushing the protest was entirely the govt's fault for not opening a dialog!

@markblaine7460 - 09.05.2022 22:03

The trudo government is emulating Joseph Goebbels (yes,Nazi party WW2) . Tell a big enough lie enough times, to get people to believe!

@johnemorrison-kj3ox - 09.05.2022 20:34


@markbuilt - 09.05.2022 20:02

My niece living downtown Ottawa was harassed every day trying going to work and fallowed her home , who did that ? You

@NAV-tv7xf - 09.05.2022 18:10

In 2022 Justin is totally controlled by Klaus and the World Economic Forum. The truckers didn't have a chance with Klaus at the helm. Just my unprejudiced opinion.

@eotwh - 09.05.2022 06:26

Start asking for JT's tax returns for trhe last 7 years

@johnyaceyko9775 - 08.05.2022 05:32

Here is a reality, powerful and careful and watchful. The government has to follow the direction.

@tdwebste - 06.05.2022 08:03

Justin knows Canadians HATE him
But, Trudeau needs to be praised.

Justin Trudeau is an extreme security risk because of his willingness to become a double agent to obtain the praise and flattery he emotional craves and needs.

@carmenlajoie2719 - 05.05.2022 18:21

This happened with Polio in the 50's, ask your elders, 4 yrs of strange times. Canada did not have Universal Healthcare then, we got it in73? Tommy Douglas and the Socialist party fought for it.

@karmadog4565 - 05.05.2022 15:45

You’re not agreeing to go along with this wrong doing because it’s for the good of your neighbor, you’re doing it because it’s easier on YOU! We cloak being “nice” as doing good for someone else and that is not true…’s for yourself. Once that is realized and your say NO, I WILL NOT DO THAT…..nothing changes. And you won’t say no because there are consequences that you do not want to suffer…..and so the tyranny marches on unchallenged.

@bruceshearer1719 - 05.05.2022 13:45

Oooh my God.....the very first MP that has correctly described what really happened.

How come this beautiful woman can clearly see this....and yet the country has lost its way?
Do I dare have hope for our grandchildren?

@dillpickle4239 - 05.05.2022 12:56

Question is why are we still violating citizens charter rights to freedom of movement?

@cinder8290 - 05.05.2022 02:04

I am a little surprised at how naive Michelle was concerning Trudeau. Many who have never been to parliament hill knew he was not going to lift the emergencies act. He is an abuse leader.

@Gordywilson68 - 05.05.2022 01:40

You think the truck convoy was historical just wait until we the people really have had enough and we really rise up, these politicians will be on the run cause they know they have broken laws and abused their power and gotten rich from doing so

@caroldanson5476 - 04.05.2022 20:59

It was handled very poorly by Trudeau who belittled the Truckers calling them a fringe minority and the hurled hateful derogatory speech accusing of racism( Trudeau's favourite expression when he can answer a question) anti everything he could think of. Trudeau did not do the job for which he is paid and as a result it went on too long. Trudeau was too lazy to do his job and enacted the Emergency Act instead of address the Truckers. He is too elitist to stoop to talking with educated, gentle like the Truckers.
Trudeau needs to be given a huge fine if several million dollars. Trudeau removed the Emergency Act because the Canadian Constitutional Foundation emitted papers to the court. Trudeau cancelled the Act because he hoped the law suit would go away but it did not.
Trudeau had a Temper tantrum because the Truckers, dared to disagreed, question and disobey his mandate and Trudeau gets revenge therefore the Emergency Act. His liberal people were scared to vote against the act because they would pay later.

@jimmyolsen5897 - 04.05.2022 09:27

Vote castros son out or lose your country

@jimcricket5412 - 04.05.2022 07:35

Nothing is more useless than a Con sitting in parliament gathering riches for themselves and their rich friends. Thumb twiddlers.

@colinbateman8233 - 04.05.2022 05:20

Canadians are great at respecting one another how ever our tolerance has grown thin as the tyranny of the liberal government place is more and more mandates against the Canadian people and continues to expound only on their vision Justin Trudeau is in the WEF pocket they have quit serving the Canadian people and still the liberals continue with the support the NDP party the federal government has lost touch

@justtryingtobelogical4497 - 03.05.2022 16:39

News reports showed that the truckers were harassing pedestrians for wearing a mask…

@justtryingtobelogical4497 - 03.05.2022 16:38

Maybe the point of the trucker convoy was their acting on the mis/dis-information campaign that is ongoing in this country too. Loss of freedom..look at the States trying to ban abortion…THAT is a real loss of freedom folks. Get a grip…

@jarredsegal6842 - 03.05.2022 13:58

Oh they are most definitely the same person only naw he’s showing how he truly feels because he knows his job is cooked

@cestmoi7368 - 03.05.2022 06:22

Turdo is a monster who belongs in jail.

@mandolorion8456 - 03.05.2022 01:09

When the NDP went liberal here in Sask Meilie dissapeared from local news ndp is totally dead in sask yay!

@garyangelstad5212 - 03.05.2022 00:46

Oh its the same person alright. He has always lied his way out of a jam. Look at any of his scandals. He does the same thing he has ever done lie, lie, lie. He lied when he assaulted that reporter. Said she must have misunderstood. So its her fault. Lie#1 that we know about. The snc lavalin scadal he said snc wiuld move iut of Canada if the didn't get a deferred prosecution agreement which was later refuted by the higher ups at snc, lie # 2. In the we scandal, trudeau claimed he was sorry and that he should have recused himself. He kept saying "open and honest". He said "we" was the only ones that could handle such a project. The canadian govt have been running this program since it's inception. Lie#3. ( there are more but this is what sticks out)
Anyone who thinks that trudeau has changed or that he's not the same asshole he always was is sadly mistaken. Just ask the people he left in his wake.

@danmcritchie1755 - 02.05.2022 22:49

It sounds like your part of the problem. All that had to happen is the Tyrant to bend down and to speak to the people he is suppose to be serving and it would have ended. It only got "stale" because of the arrogance of the government. ALL OF YOU!

@raymond4u100 - 02.05.2022 20:42

Thank you for this

@carewser - 02.05.2022 19:04

I've never voted for Prime Minister Zoolander and anyone that has should be ashamed of themselves, he's despicable

@mikemontgomery2654 - 02.05.2022 18:45

“They’re not the same person”
Yes he was! The turd took advantage of the ginned up hysteria against the conservatives to snatch up power and destroy Canada. That was the plan all along. Jagmeet helped cement that power after Turd Ferguson couldn’t do it himself.

@brentwilliams7294 - 02.05.2022 18:17

Trudeau's a fascist, what else would you expect

@elvim.158 - 02.05.2022 18:13

Awesome interview. Thank you for this!

@charlieadams1313 - 02.05.2022 17:05

‘He’s not who you think he is’. A very true statement and I’m thrilled your colleagues know this!

@charlieadams1313 - 02.05.2022 17:02

I know at least 20 families who wanted to support the truckers but couldn’t get there. Imagine how many other individuals know many many people in the same boat. There’s a large percentage of people want to get rid of these draconian communist governments and their mandates

@clyde2027i - 02.05.2022 12:13

The real problem is we need to get rid of Prime Minister Trudeau He doesn't respect Canadians Even said it himself If a citizen doesn't agree what he says he doesn't respect them And we should never have someone in politics that their father or family members have been in politics before that becomes a conflict of interest He abuses money is money in Canada And this whole liberal government is very sick in the head In the past we never had liberal government as Abusive And in the past we never had abusive government like

@sandrabrearton5781 - 02.05.2022 08:48

Once again and all together. F. J. T.

@youtrickube1475 - 02.05.2022 02:37

The protests should have started the instant that healthy people had mandatory restrictions placed on them for a relatively mild illness regardless of it's origins. Critical thinkers the world over knew by May of 2020 that this was no where near the Black Death or Spanish Flu and that the imposed restrictions and mandates would result in orders of magnitude more death and misery than the virus ever could. Dishonest politicians, corporate media and medical officials aren't entertaining this reality as even a possibility and, as if in argument against the reality, have doubled down on these catastrophic abuses of power thus causing more havoc and convincing the hapless among us (i.e. the majority) that they are still dodging an imaginary existential bullet. Jesus wept...
