MineOS (Minecraft) Plugin for FreeNAS

MineOS (Minecraft) Plugin for FreeNAS


9 лет назад

42,855 Просмотров

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@Train-cp5bp - 17.04.2022 08:22

how do i portfoward my jail

@kevinneumann2303 - 25.05.2021 16:22

thanks becours i cant join the interface from mineos

@abrajamavila3326 - 14.03.2021 04:53

i cant modify the eula .txt! :(

@LerrySanders - 13.08.2017 02:14

Im running FreeNAS-9.10.2-U4 and after I install the plugin and click the open MineOS link it just opens up a "Site can not be reached" error. Any tips?

@joshuajohnson6649 - 28.04.2017 08:07

I have a strange problem. when I turn off the mineos service to reboot my nas and switch it back on, my created server does not show. As if it disappeared? so I simply delete the plugin and try to start all over again. What I'm I doing wrong? this stuff does get saved on my nas right? I'm not sure if I should create a jail storage or not. I am using freenas 9.10

@ethan040500 - 09.04.2017 00:59

Josh does this work with FreeNAS corral?

@farbener5359 - 01.03.2017 00:42

My browser says: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED nearly every time I have made a try to set up MineOS. It shows up the login screen of MineOS. After i tried to login with the default username and password, it says the error written above. Every time i reboot my hole server, i need to reasign the plugin. It will show as running.

@user-xs9gf3er4n - 11.11.2016 15:54

Отличное видео. Вот только одно мне непонятно, куда надо добавить "mount -t linprocfs linprocfs /mnt/tank/jails/mineos_1/usr/compat/linux/proc". Мой плагин MineOS не запускается автоматически при перезагрузке....

@levsaunders8658 - 27.10.2016 03:57

I've been having with port forwarding, on my server. Im running mineos on freenas and I added an exception in the software for my apple time machine but its not working. Im using the ip address of the jail and the default minecraft port. Is this right?

@wouterpelser8033 - 06.07.2016 06:58

Running MineOS in Freenas.Need some more help. The answer to my question is probably very obvious ... If I set up a second server instance in mineos, how do I set it up in Minecraft. The broadcast feature seems broke because the jail doesn't allow broadcasting UDP. I enter the jail ip for the first server ... All good. How do I differentiate the second server... Port Numbers ?

@wouterpelser8033 - 02.07.2016 01:08

I'm running FreeNAS 9.3 Stable, I install the MineOS plugin 9.3.5
I turn the plugin on.
In jails ... mineos_1 ... I drop to shell and perform the update.
When I launch to the web interface, I try the default username and password: mcserver mcserver
I can't get past this.
What am I missing ?
I've also tried creating a user in freenas called mcserver belonging to group mcserver or wheel with full permissions and setting the jail created to this user.
Still no change.
Is there a video that would walk me past the user / group creation to get into the web interface ?

@AnthonyJohnJones - 27.06.2016 21:02

When I create a server it sends me back to the dashboard without creating it. Then when I reload the page MineOS doesn't work until I restart the Jail.

@andi - 12.06.2016 21:07

Hey Josh, thank you for this video! I was wondering how I can edit the default password because I will be making a port forward to play together with my friends. I tried to follow the steps on the documentation but don't seem to understand how to do it in FreeNas as I am quite new to FreeNas :/

I hope you can help me and thanks!! :)

@frankytap - 21.05.2016 17:28

Im trying out Freenas on a virtualbox. But after installing the MineOs plugin, I can´t reach the webgui for it. The webpage is not reachable. What am I doing wrong?

@PrestonMainard - 20.05.2016 01:11

What keyboard are you using? I like the sound haha

@eeveea_146 - 17.03.2016 14:19

I know the video is rather old, but in theory this supports modded server files too, right?

@TheDallinatorX - 19.01.2016 17:13

How can I put a copy of the world on my computer

@MikeBrodericklondon - 01.12.2015 16:09

@joshruehlig Please would you mind showing in a video EXACLTY how I change the webui password. I cannot get my head around this..... Sorry if I am being stupid

@excessnet - 25.08.2015 16:47

Is there a downside (performance??) from FreeNAS MineOS vs Pure MineOS ?

@kaedrider9402 - 27.06.2015 23:48

How do I make a bukkit server if I can't use bukkit and I tried Spigot? Please help

@TheTrueType - 31.03.2015 21:28

@joshruehlig I have done exactly as you did when installing (I am using 9.3) but when I log in using mcserver/mcserver and goto Manage Profiles I see "Members of this group may update and remove profiles: wheel" and you have Mcserver?? And when I try to update a stockprofile i get "User 'mcserver' does not have permissions on /minecraftserver/profiles/profile.config" what is wrong?? Please help!

@skartt78 - 05.03.2015 08:32

How awesome is that? So going to test this out later.

@jimjamproductions6210 - 26.02.2015 04:42

do you have a clearer picture on the vid coz i can't see whats been shown coz i get it to work 

@88lochi - 02.02.2015 18:09

this looks really nice! Can you do modded servers with this as well?

@danielroecker9060 - 06.01.2015 20:41

thankyou thankyou thankyou you rule :) i am so happy

@hedidwhat - 25.12.2014 18:16

Any tips on how to set up port forwarding on Mineos using Freenas? 

@joshruehlig - 12.12.2014 06:57

@DJ Swirk
did you accept the EULA, then stop and start the minecraft server? It's pretty finicky until you can get past that step.

@DJSwirk - 12.12.2014 06:42

I keep getting error connection refused on the new freenas

@TrevorLaneRay - 18.10.2014 08:56

Well done, good sir.
Someone give this man a diamond.

@BattlefieldSverige - 13.10.2014 23:23

Great video! What desktop environment/window manager are you using?

@brianbailey7128 - 08.10.2014 03:27

Thanks!  Another good video.  Will set this up this weekend.
