Flutter Form Tutorial with validation and Submission

Flutter Form Tutorial with validation and Submission

Mahmud Ahsan

4 года назад

15,058 Просмотров

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@raysilitonga8548 - 29.05.2022 09:42

great tutorial with detail explanations. Unfortunately with Flutter 3.0.0 null saftey, I am not able to run the project. Would appreciate for any help.

@kk7420 - 01.10.2021 00:15

I downloaded the folder from your github and ran it. It says "build errors exist in your project".

@bharatsinhparmar3666 - 14.08.2021 13:47

Nice job bro

@santangelx1573 - 19.02.2021 16:45

Very nice explanation! Thank you

@nateg617 - 21.01.2021 10:31

This is a great video ! Thank you so much.

@durvalhenke - 26.11.2020 18:47

What amazing lesson, this is my first contact with flutter, I came from PHP world that I have been working since early 90 Th's and I'm Glad to start from scratch again..

@rezapishkar3181 - 28.09.2020 14:19

Very useful

@fmpwizard - 29.05.2020 07:13

I just started learning flutter and your video was super easy to follow, thanks!

@fifamobile5683 - 20.05.2020 09:46

Hey Mahmud!!
I used your code and I tried to add some more text fields and I'd changed the variables according to it. The form comes out to be completely perfect. But I'm not able to process the data. When I hit sign up, it shows me an error :
A non-null String must be provided to a Text widget.
Failed assertion: line 298 pos 10: 'data != null'
I think this happened because of the changes in the text fields. How can I fix this in order to display the data?

@artadianwicaksana - 30.04.2020 12:07

does this still require TextController for each form to be processed to sqflite?

@ABOSLIM1 - 07.04.2020 21:38

thank you so much very helpful video

@nelsonawajimimin6474 - 09.03.2020 21:47

Hello Ahsan, how do you save the details into a database...maybe Realtime or Firestore database?

@mytech3187 - 05.03.2020 20:50

Hello Mohamed,
I am 3 months flutter developer and I am completely new to this field.

Brother You made me somehow relieved while I was looking for how to fetch data from input field and displayed it on somewhere like other screen, but I have an error which is I am using modal bottom sheet instead of a normal screen so when I press Save button I won't see any changes to the page I want to display the data. would you help me out bro.

@sigmacoolbeatz7237 - 26.09.2019 01:57

Very helpful video! I really appreciate the way you're explaining, thank so much
