#3 Tab Navigator Common Use Cases | React Navigation 5

#3 Tab Navigator Common Use Cases | React Navigation 5

Unsure Programmer

4 года назад

19,202 Просмотров

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ShivG - 17.08.2020 05:15

can you make a video on deep linking?

Siddhartha Sarkar
Siddhartha Sarkar - 30.07.2020 08:23

While hiding the tab bar it works but it gives warning "Warning: Cannot update a component from inside the function body of a different component." How to fix this?

Swarnab Majumder
Swarnab Majumder - 20.07.2020 22:50

Thanks a lot. This video is very useful and also informative.

Ayesha Iftikhar
Ayesha Iftikhar - 26.06.2020 11:33

Is there a way we can disable the animation of tab screens incase of topTabNavigator?

Jaseem Ali
Jaseem Ali - 22.06.2020 14:05

How to use react stack navigation and drawer in a single page

Nareun's workroom
Nareun's workroom - 13.06.2020 20:50

Awesome explanation. Thank you so much! :)

Joseph Ludwig
Joseph Ludwig - 06.06.2020 03:37

Perfect! everything is going very well but I would be very happy if you could finish the react navigation 5 explanation, especially the authentication in conjunction with the change of stacks

Luiz Gustavo
Luiz Gustavo - 28.05.2020 13:27

Me ajudou muito obrigado ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Ryan Raymundo
Ryan Raymundo - 14.05.2020 23:34

Any updates on the drawer navigator? Can you also add a login screen as well? Many thanks!

E - 13.05.2020 21:09

Hi, do you know why I get undefined when I do console.log(route.state) to see why it doesn't works?. It's as if the state was not a property of the route or maybe I'm doing something wrong. Thanks!

Stefano Cerri
Stefano Cerri - 11.04.2020 13:39

Great Tutorial! Thank you! ... I have a question... How could I reset the home screen, if i'm in this situation:
- First: click on tab home
- Second: click on details and remain on it
- Third: click on Feed tab
- Fourth: click on home tab

In this particular case I see again details screen snd not home screen as I would aspect.

What could I do to reset and see the home screen? ...Thank you very much for your time!

arrow function
arrow function - 06.04.2020 16:50

thanksssss man keep it up love your videos

code friendly
code friendly - 03.04.2020 19:38

Hello i follow your all Toturials and your are awesome. Can you please help me on a issu i will attach a kind of prototype in which i face problem kindly help me i found every ware but unable to find solution.I have tabs screen and if one screen adds post then how can i update other tab screen which shows all posts.Please Help me on this issu.

export default class App extends Component{

state = {
posts: []

render() {

return (

// Here i want to pass Updated state each time when ever tab2 add new post but
// this tab no rerender or update params when setState is called.
initialParams = {{posts:this.state.posts}}

initialParams = {{onDataUpdate:(post)=>{
this.setState({ posts: [...posts,post] })
//here I can successfully updateMystate



Daniel Alvarez
Daniel Alvarez - 26.03.2020 19:28

What emulator do you use?

Kester Belgrove
Kester Belgrove - 19.03.2020 11:16

Are you ok? Haven't seen a video in a while. Just checking in in light of the current situation.

aeroplaniko - 17.03.2020 15:10

this is gold! Thanks for the explanation!

Ketan Iralepatil
Ketan Iralepatil - 17.03.2020 07:13

How to add firebase analytics to react native app ?

Cristian Romero
Cristian Romero - 13.03.2020 08:15

You are awesome!!! React Navigation Docs should remove their example and set your example...

Ikram Hasib
Ikram Hasib - 09.03.2020 14:46

Awesome video dude. waiting for the next one. it's deeper.

David Asiamah
David Asiamah - 24.02.2020 01:11

Hi Varun, I really liked your video on React Navigation v5, U are one of the first to explain it in a video. Thank U so much. When can we expect to see the #4 Adding a Drawer Navigation to the our existing navigators?

Iam Developer
Iam Developer - 21.02.2020 10:23

Nice video, Please make one for switch navigator

Neeraj Kumar
Neeraj Kumar - 15.02.2020 23:32

Great video, thanks..

Mohd Sajid Ali
Mohd Sajid Ali - 13.02.2020 11:08

Which theme and font you use in vs code it looks nice.
Please share details i also want to use this

Sabuj Islam
Sabuj Islam - 13.02.2020 09:20

Thank You Very Much, Can you make a video on Structuring App with React Native Navigation 5?

Inside The Mind
Inside The Mind - 12.02.2020 14:13

Can you please record a video ( or share a link) and explain how did you install 'Ionicons' step by step? when i went step by step based on your tutorial video it shows up question mark instead icons

Sathish Saminathan
Sathish Saminathan - 31.01.2020 08:20

Bro can u make an video on... How to integrate the React native apps with codepush and how to give the updates

Gibran Rizvi
Gibran Rizvi - 21.01.2020 02:47

Hello, can you explain why the tab navigator is nested inside a stack navigator? It was the same in previous versions of react navigation. In my projects, it is usually AppContainer > Stack > Tab navigator containing Stack navigators. Does the initial Stack navigator provide something?

Manny Martinez
Manny Martinez - 18.01.2020 13:09

When will you release the next video?

Nima Bahari
Nima Bahari - 22.12.2019 23:16

Thanks, dear for your explanation.

but how can work with states ?
when i work with setState ; Navigator run rollBack !!
i have problem please Help me .

Aakash Bista
Aakash Bista - 19.12.2019 07:44

When will be next video with drawer navigation

S - 19.12.2019 04:23

You are the man!!

Alfonso Lasa
Alfonso Lasa - 16.12.2019 23:25

Awesome explanation! Thanks!!!

Akmal Maula Rasyid
Akmal Maula Rasyid - 12.12.2019 09:54

Its look like i can easily understand the structure of v5.

By the way, thank you for your videos. Its really help me a lot! Great job!

Ajie Hatajie
Ajie Hatajie - 11.12.2019 17:00

can you sample tabs and drawers ?

Радмир Акжигитов
Радмир Акжигитов - 08.12.2019 18:15

Is there a way to pass params between screens in the bottom tab navigator? Set and getParams seems to be working only in the Stack navigator.

Aseem Regmi
Aseem Regmi - 08.12.2019 11:52

Is there a way to animate bottom tab bar on showing/hiding it ?

Creative Commons Videos
Creative Commons Videos - 08.12.2019 11:17

when it is supposed to release for production ?

xdrap1 - 08.12.2019 11:01

What do you think is better now in terms of performance, RN v5 or RNN by Wix? How about iOS style, for instance, has RN v5 a translucent tab bar option?

Mir Fahad Talpur
Mir Fahad Talpur - 08.12.2019 10:27

Thanks, dear for your explanation.
