Playing Knight VS Salty Streamer SWF - Dead By Daylight

Playing Knight VS Salty Streamer SWF - Dead By Daylight


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Ryuho the Wolf
Ryuho the Wolf - 13.11.2023 12:12

It's still so goofy how this community will rage to no end about tactics that the devs themselves have stated to not be against the rules and are not reportable offenses but will actively defend things like actual cheating through hacks or stream sniping. And this goes on for years and years like this. People made up their own rules and get so upset when they aren't followed that they excuse breaking the actual rules of the game and the platform

Aidan_ish - 12.11.2023 21:10

Can someone tell me why he randomly puts on a voice act? I don’t mean to be disrespectful if it came across that way

Sami W
Sami W - 11.11.2023 18:36

Honestly, as brand new Player, im always kinda reluctant to even queue as killer (and thats the role that made me wanna play the Game)
The whole "etiquete" that Players want you to follow that also is against every instinct in, i think, most of the Players

Sami W
Sami W - 11.11.2023 18:36

Honestly, as brand new Player, im always kinda reluctant to even queue as killer (and thats the role that made me wanna play the Game)
The whole "etiquete" that Players want you to follow that also is against every instinct in, i think, most of the Players

Akuma Tenshi
Akuma Tenshi - 22.10.2023 21:47

Yeah, NOED is such a good perk, you cant tell me its not

tzif - 02.09.2023 11:23

Bro dbd is the only game I have seen that you are called toxic or bad for winning or playing the game the way the enemies don't want you to

DwightYouIgnorantSlut - 14.08.2023 11:37

the amount of people that don’t know how knight works is infuriating lmao the amount of times ive died on hook because they dont know the guard will despawn once they grab me😢

Morgan Jacob
Morgan Jacob - 03.08.2023 16:14

I don't camp, but I will tunnel a player out of the match. If I see one that I have hooked. Idc I will eliminate one if I can.

Steven - 15.07.2023 03:04

I got told to off myself when I played like that lol

Guillermo Oliva III
Guillermo Oliva III - 02.07.2023 19:35

I've been gen rush and yes, it sucks but when you are re-learning a Killer you normally used before it is not easy to pick up again. So, i always tell myself "you are re-learning your Killer and do not be mad if you lose or be trolled because it is bound to happen more often at this point."

bjkgkjgh - 02.07.2023 01:42

Liberal gameplay doing anything to win its a video game have fun ever think of that instead of boring tactics to win i dont even play the game but damn that was boring

merpkiller - 29.06.2023 23:52

Man, still cant get over the fact a logical playstyle is considered bad behaviour in this game.

I dont even play, i just watch for how batshit insane the community is lol, good stuff.

Luke - 26.06.2023 17:05

I think people are forgetting what "genrushing" means. You lost the first chase completely, and the second chase took somewhat long. Back when BNP were VERY strong - and everyone brought one - that was gen rushing. People are just doing gens while you're occupied. How in the hell is everyone in the comments crying about genrushing? Yeah you have to camp and tunnel while you're behind which is boring as hell but it's the right move. Either it's both frustrating and unfair or neither of them are.

Large_Big79 - 26.06.2023 14:31

i gotta start playing like this, i try to play fairly far too much and it can get really frustrating, if they are a sweatin swf that rush gens and loop me for days why should i play fair

OVERDOSE - 13.06.2023 21:28

i had my first kill on 7 hooks and yet i was called a toxic hacking tunneler its pretty hilarious sometimes

Izzie Nyx
Izzie Nyx - 27.05.2023 20:39

Ummm they were literally stream sniping to know your build, if anyone is playing toxic it’s them…

Likely Suspect
Likely Suspect - 18.05.2023 05:16

Blocked & reported for what 💁🏼‍♂️

Brooke Hicks
Brooke Hicks - 17.05.2023 07:17

I'm a survivor main who thinks that if you're losing a game it's totally understandable to tunnel and camp. I do the same sometimes when I play killer. My issue is when killers tunnel me at 5 gens for being a high prestige or for trying to be a good teammate.

ThatRPGuy - 20.04.2023 04:34

Okay but the camping you did wasn't even malicious camping lmao. Like you went and got Nowhere to Hide, saw an aura, realized they were swarming the hook so guarded against the unhook to force the survivors to choose. Great play.

Moss Hive Network
Moss Hive Network - 15.04.2023 11:12

does dbd have a lot of gamer girls.

MamaPaige - 08.04.2023 16:13

I never understand these games when they are SWF and all three are there to save the dude on the hook with flashlights... and they complain about camping.


Trackster - 04.04.2023 10:32

hey Survivors gen rush why cant killers Hook rush xD

j never
j never - 28.03.2023 21:37

one thing i noticed is in this game you were not using the knight very well. there were some nice opportunities to use the guards i think you missed early on. but overall i think the survivors just were too cocky. going for unhooks right in your face and expecting nothing...idiots.

eddies vr channel
eddies vr channel - 27.03.2023 23:54

If someone tunnels its part of the game and if your gen rushing arse gets salty over it just dont play the game

Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon - 27.03.2023 23:32

Not gonna lie winning is winning, sounds like a skill issue, the easiest way to win is by getting better.

EnjoiThis - 25.03.2023 19:41

"yea we got some gens done at the start but you are just trash if you are gonna act like that" referring to the tunneling/camping/zoning.

bro they have multiple toolboxes and their squad pocket Prove thyself's. While in chase they played/attempted zero mindgames or skill plays, they simply held WWWWWWWWWW and pre-dropped pallets. They already dictated that this game is going to be about time management, so camping/tunneling literally becomes the only option.

"oh trash players do that" nooo, only dummies that don't understand how the game works think that. Blame the devs, but if you hold WWWW and predrop pallets, you made the "chase" a set timer. There is no "skill" check to avoid it, only the hopes that RNG with pallets gets you caught out. While slamming gens in comms with toolboxes and prove thyself...

What kills me with these types of players... Do you really enjoy going into games and holding left click for 5 minutes then leaving? braindead I swear.

Kantiel - 18.03.2023 09:33

tbf you are adapting your playstyle due to the progress , that is called putting pressure on them to make sure one is out of the picture ! some just need to get that into thier mind , if they played killer they would make sure to , put pressure on the surviors if they are pushing gens super fast ,

Sk0rsh - 14.03.2023 20:03

Shame on you for trying to dare you sir?!

Kameron Boyette
Kameron Boyette - 26.02.2023 18:28

I’m a survivor main and yes camping and tunneling sucks but I also understand there’s not much you can do if there are few gene left but it really sucks when killers do it at the start of a match for no reason

Darth Revan
Darth Revan - 26.02.2023 17:42

If you're gonna camp and tunnel that's fine, I don't care either way. But then don't complain when you get salt for doing it. That's my hot take anyway.

Evillord - 21.02.2023 08:48

I love people that try to use “I won’t watch your content” as a threat. It’s like okay sure close the door on the way out.

Evillord - 21.02.2023 08:38

Camping and tunneling can be annoying, but if there’s only a couple gens left it’s like fair enough it’s not like I wouldn’t do the same

KthulhuuWurkz - 17.02.2023 02:26

I love how they always jump to bitching about NOED when it's not active yet and youre getting no benefit from it.

Red Hood
Red Hood - 15.02.2023 03:22

If you have to camp and tunnel with all the good perks on the game thats because you are not that good and of course to blame the survivors for doing the gens fast as fuck well thats sucks too i guess

Rat - 04.02.2023 08:45

Why are they surprised you played that way, they knew who you were. 😂

Evan Harden
Evan Harden - 26.01.2023 01:42

As a killer main I do what ever is necessary to win or make the game as enjoyable for everyone as possible

Su93rN0va - 25.01.2023 16:30

Just the way they speak pisses me off, can't stand survivors like this. Everything you do that they don't like is bitch behavior bc shit doesn't go the way they want it to. Like y'all got 3 gens before he even got a single hook, genrushing is bitch behavior if anything smh

TheNightmareF⬡x - 19.01.2023 05:19

Her voice sound annoying as hell honestly. She sound like a snotty teenager.

TrihnityX - 17.01.2023 06:28

I dont understand why people get so angry when they find out its you. Your whole brand is play how you have to play. And yet theyre still shocked.

ThatOmegaLul - 10.01.2023 21:59

Reported for tunneling and camping?????
If survivors report killers for that then killers should report survivors for doing to many gens xD

Faolin Aingeal
Faolin Aingeal - 10.01.2023 08:20

"Like, we all have no hooks."
Exactly. Thus, tunnel strat

Daniel Jones
Daniel Jones - 06.01.2023 00:25

I've recently started playing again mainly for the fact they were giving out ridiculous amounts of bloodpoints for Christmas new year etc. I've mainly been just focusing on the dailies or some of the rift challenges like breaking doors or hitting people X amount of times with X or have X perk and do X thing. As their a bit easier to do alongside the daily's and I get a lot of BP to upgrade all my killers to P1.
And I had a game the other night where I wasn't going for hooks I just wanted them to drop pallets and so I could break them. This team decided it would be a great idea against Michael to try and bully. Even though I was literally just breaking chase to break pallets.

I wasn't even using gen regression perks, or any actual perks that would help me.
Franklin's, lightborn, the one that lets you see where all the pallets are, and mad grit because I just didn't like the look of 3 perks - looked weird and kept putting me off so I put a perk I had no intention of using on.

However I had EW boost perks because I had a daily that required me to level up my EW X amount of times. So I got it really fast.
Did you know that when a survivor tries to unhook another it'll make their aura white again and you can get EW off them again even if they were previously completely done?
Neither did I. Neither did they.
We both learnt that when I had had enough and decided to just hook someone. Got every last one of them.
For some reason they were extremely upset about it. 🤷

L3 The Eagle
L3 The Eagle - 04.01.2023 09:58

Camping and tunneling isn’t against the rules and sometimes it can’t be helped. You can’t win all the time if you don’t lose then you can’t win at all. If you win too much you get upset when you lose because you are too use to winning. I really don’t understand why people get this way in video games it’s frustrating I get it but it’s not a big deal.

juni cortez Gaming
juni cortez Gaming - 31.12.2022 17:34

Let's keep it going also play how you feel comfortable with if they don't like it play other game

Sammy♡ x
Sammy♡ x - 28.12.2022 13:03

If you gen rush at the start you have to expect a change in the killers game play.

zerodawn09 - 27.12.2022 01:01

i see a common mistake that any level of players makes here. they get 3 gens with no one down then they ALL stop working on gens to save 1 person. you are a team have one person working on gens while the rest tie up the killer. they lost cause they were up 3 gens and thought "this is to easy" and stop being smart. that is also why they complain. they make a mistake but you can be mad at yourself so its someone else fault.

Vyrizu - 26.12.2022 05:33

i stooped so low i guess, i downed and i was near basement, i was trapper and i got a 4k cause they all hit traps lol, got called many names that day lmao

Vyrizu - 26.12.2022 05:21

just got to say, i love the hair lmao

Karegador - 24.12.2022 03:13

You know what, survivors have no right to accuse anyone of tunneling when they are the same character with the exact same cosmetics.

-AJMS- - 22.12.2022 20:49

"I'm not bothered by lameness"..... "blocked and reported". Ahhhhhhhhh The logic of an entitled survivor main.
