What REALLY is Private Equity? What do Private Equity Firms ACTUALLY do?

What REALLY is Private Equity? What do Private Equity Firms ACTUALLY do?

365 Financial Analyst

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vika brasil
vika brasil - 28.09.2023 22:11


95 Brickhaus
95 Brickhaus - 20.09.2023 06:05

Many in this comments either understand or are ignorant of the predatory nature of a PE

San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo - 29.08.2023 21:58

Just saw a post earlier about how Subway was bought off by a private equity firm. Thanks for sharing.

khnm - 02.08.2023 16:22

CON ARTIST dressed as a business man Aka THOMAS BALASHEV from MONTAGUE REAL ESTATE/ PROPERTY/ MONTA CAPITAL/ and many other so called company names. Thomas Balashev has conned me and others of their lifesaving’s, pensions with a bond attached to a so called company named HIGH STREET GROUP AKA GARRY FORREST he promoted a UNregulated investment to me. Thomas marketed highly misleading information stressing non existing security went hand in hand with their scam. This is illegal under the Financial Services and Marketing Act (FSMA). IF you are a prospect, Thomas and his so called professional team will pressurise you and call you on a regular basis to sell you whatever he is selling. Thomas will go on any level to get a good image from Interviews, companies magazines podcasts etc anything to make him Look legit and inject trust in his victims. DO NOT INVEST THEY ARE NOT REGULATED HE WILL do anything to gain your TRUST If you don’t believe me, question him about his HIGH STREET GROUP investors money OR if he is REGULATED by the financial conduct authority (FCA) ASK HIM HOW INVESTORS MONEYS ARE PROTECTED? Thomas And his so called professional team will Tell you they are protected against the asset/project but once he gets your money you have lost all power access to it and it will Take only time to understand that it’s a Ponzi scheme. IT IS NOT REGULATED AND HE DIDNT TELL YOU THIS. Thomas will Tell you excuses, lies and complicated financial jargon to shut you up. He will block and ignore you. Don’t fall for his fake promises of high returns backed up by securities. Thomas has got his wife and friends to write fake reviews to reassure you to trust and invest with him, do not fall for this trap. Thomas is living the high life in Hadley wood with other peoples life savings AVOID HIS SERVICES AT ALL COSTS !!!!!!!!!! MONTAGUE PROPERTY/ REAL ESTATE AKA MONTA CAPITAL !!!

Jimmys Jumbo World
Jimmys Jumbo World - 01.08.2023 08:37

This is why Back Yard Burgers went out of business. It's bad news

Fred Williams
Fred Williams - 06.07.2023 12:10

The greater the passive income you can build, the freer you will become. Taking the first step is the hardest, but 5 houses later living off passive income since July 6, 2016. You’ve got to start taking steps to achieve your goal.

godfrey14! - 01.07.2023 23:27

They are to the economy as a mosquito is to the human body.

Matthew Levinson
Matthew Levinson - 13.06.2023 17:27

TLDR: A fraud. For the technically inclined, rent extraction.

Alex Steven .M
Alex Steven .M - 04.06.2023 03:20

There are lots of mixed opinions about stocks and there projection in the next coming years, I aim for short term solid gains from market correction and I'd definitely jump on the boat if I knew a thing or two about day-trading, but then again what do I really know? I'm just looking for the right moves to grow and hedge my stagnant reserve of $370k from inflation.

Don Eaton
Don Eaton - 25.05.2023 20:03

Not a very detailed explanation in regards to who the investors are or the true damage these groups are doing to the economy. It's just another way to keep moving money to the top with absolutely no conscience of results to humans. Homelessness and all the deprived humans working for unlivable wages is the actual result. No sympathy from me for wealthy non tax paying greedy people.

No Limits
No Limits - 24.05.2023 00:51

They are corporate vultures with a simple name.

Shalet Shaji
Shalet Shaji - 21.05.2023 11:06

What is the product of a private equity firm?

Azadeh Leila
Azadeh Leila - 20.05.2023 14:10

Nobody can become financially successful over night. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals..

The_Expidition - 19.05.2023 03:48

It conducts asset stripping very simple

Matthew York
Matthew York - 15.05.2023 18:11

It's time to call a spade a spade. PE is plundering America. And we've developed euphemism after euphemism to couch what they're doing. Just think: For one single moment do you think experience means nothing in running an oil company, retail chain, health care operation, auto parts distributor? In other words, do you think evaluating a P&L and balance sheet is an adequate surrogate for running a company? PE can't evaluate the business outside the balance sheet because they don't know the business, nor do they have an interest. They follow the same plan: Pile on debt. Pay themselves millions in "management" fees. Pull out the initial investment. Cut costs radically. Buildings fall apart. Customer service plummets. Invade pensions. Health care. Slash head count. Profits soar. Sell real estate. (To other pirates!) Strip them naked. Flip. Rinse and repeat. PE, 5 years out (2.5 years after they've sold) bankrupts at 10X the average. PE is BAD for America. Warren Buffet, the most successful investor of our time, calls them dishonest frauds. Just getting out of college? You'll make a fortune. Just check your integrity at the door.

Bill Martins
Bill Martins - 23.04.2023 16:19

Private equity destroyed many establishes British high street shops. It seems a parasitic way of doing business. Staff end up getting sacked which tax payers need to pay benefits to. The business might be left with unpaid debt that others then have to deal with when the private equity vultures have left. The business is then left bankrupt.

Entrepreneur Chronicles
Entrepreneur Chronicles - 19.03.2023 05:45

super helpful!

Vic Ahmed
Vic Ahmed - 08.03.2023 18:18

No doubts , A good way of growing and saving your money is through investing . You don't need to have much before you can invest. "That little money you have now can make you millions if you invest it wisely". I wasnt financial free until my 40’s and I’m still in my 40’s, bought my second house already, earn on a monthly through passive income and got 4 out of 5 goals, just hope it encourages someone that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any of them right now, you can start TODAY regardless your age INVEST and change your future! Investing is a grand choice I made

The Ultimate Reductionist
The Ultimate Reductionist - 25.11.2022 05:41

How about the private equity firm employees or wtf they are called do the actual work, labor, jobs of the companies that they acquire >50% ownership in, support unions of those workers, etc and then - only after all that - at the end - if they make a profit - exit.

K_Escobar - 25.11.2022 03:33

I’m here cause of Succession 💰👨🏽‍💼

Walker Dillingham
Walker Dillingham - 19.11.2022 17:33

What happened to toys r us wasn’t growth…it died because it was forced to pay billions of dollars in debt.

Carbot16 - 05.11.2022 15:47

Now I understand where my new company is headed after this video

srijita sinha
srijita sinha - 14.10.2022 20:01

Nicely presented.. Good to understand for those who are new to the finance industry. Thank you

selflove - 25.09.2022 04:11

Very helpful 👍 👌 😀

J Ray
J Ray - 01.09.2022 16:17

I'd like to work with or for a PE firm, if anyone is hiring. I'm currently a series 7/66 holder and have over 10 yrs experience in sales, business development, leadership/team management, and training. I love to learn, I'm interested in business and I am no stranger to hard work or long hours. Driven by purpose and a passion to serve others, but candidly...I also want to make a lot of money LOL

Rinebo0011 - 01.09.2022 03:36


Brandon Rapitta
Brandon Rapitta - 24.08.2022 20:42

What my partners and I do, is we own assets in a holding company which is the parent company to all of our ventures. Big rule of thumb in this business is GET PEOPLE WITH MONEY WHO YOU CAN TRUST. Then you work together on purchasing business', obtaining assets such as real estate, and/or help start business' through venture capital investments.

John Rodriguez
John Rodriguez - 11.08.2022 05:34

Great video. I'm a self-made High networth 34 years in NYC/NNJ currently working on my first fund. Can anyone help me on eliminating the risk from a debt fund, and its raised capital through proper instruments?

Gilda Martinez
Gilda Martinez - 02.08.2022 07:50

Need to dumb it down more lol

Bryan Hassler
Bryan Hassler - 23.07.2022 02:16

Nope…. It didn’t teach me anything except stay off this channel lol

Abdul Shaikh
Abdul Shaikh - 14.05.2022 08:53

Perfectly explained

rashmir rajali
rashmir rajali - 06.05.2022 19:15

About to start working for one, this does give a clearer understanding on how a PE fund operate. Thanks!

GTM - 30.04.2022 14:33

After the startups become succesful can they stop giving shares to private equity?

Andeje Maurine
Andeje Maurine - 12.04.2022 21:26


Bill Nolan
Bill Nolan - 03.03.2022 00:43

Not all income investments are created
equally. I've allocated my capital in a safe and sustainable way but still leave room for excitement for individual stocks, cryptos and new exciting opportunities!

your heart
your heart - 21.02.2022 01:05

❤ exceptionally good explanation 👏

Orchids In ur garden
Orchids In ur garden - 12.02.2022 14:58

Thank you..!!

Parasharam Shejal
Parasharam Shejal - 25.01.2022 21:38

Great knowledge 👍 nice pe

Anoop Khandekar
Anoop Khandekar - 23.12.2021 15:37


Athena - 10.12.2021 09:37

Great explanation! Ty

Rickey Smith
Rickey Smith - 15.11.2021 16:25

Hello interested in using your content I sent you an Email!!

Yusuf Nairoukh
Yusuf Nairoukh - 09.11.2021 12:44

thanks a lot

savadam sindhura
savadam sindhura - 13.09.2021 13:21

this is amazing! explanation is crisp yet complete

Leonardo Nolasco
Leonardo Nolasco - 09.09.2021 15:41

Very clear. Thanks for the video.

David Hudson
David Hudson - 06.09.2021 23:34

Why are capital investment made into companies not publicly traded?

Acc.x.cc.x - 27.08.2021 11:13

So it takes 7 and a half minutes to say they're stockbrokers?

Pepdog - 21.07.2021 00:07

You should really use basic simple everyday words because someone new will watch the video and learn nothing and not come back . And maybe use an example even if its not a real example . For instance you could explain it like —- this rich person decided to become a private Investor and he put money into struggling store called starbucks stocks then the stock went up and he sold it for higher price. It then got re named and became this new store called_______. And then he invested that money into this bank called ect….. give a basic story line of stuff and companies we know . The average dude don’t know words like hedge fun, equity , firm , and all that stuff . Bruh i have no idea what you said zero . These words are used to keep the majority of people clueless about rich folks getting away with everything , not paying taxes no jail time , hiding behind names like private equity firm investor , and these unknown entities that own biggest stocks in all major companies . Google it now . Who owns the top 5 stocks in ________, Put any company you want . The top 3 stock holders will always pop up any every company , apple amazon walmart coke disney the whole fucking world . Who are these ppl entities , the 3 are Vanguard, BlackRock and forgot the 3rd one . who are they? Any company do it now . Type who owns the top 5 stocks in Amazon. Or any company

Emmanuel Ufot
Emmanuel Ufot - 26.05.2021 13:21

Great explanation. Thank you.
I would like to know what skills are needed to own a private equity firm.
