The History of Tamriel: Every Decade (Elder Scrolls)

The History of Tamriel: Every Decade (Elder Scrolls)


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LaPoulette - 31.07.2018 18:51

I disagree with you depiction of the Nordic Empire ; firstly, it is stated that the Direnni stopped them at the Bjoulsae river, hence the nords only took control of the western Reach. However it is true that a number of colonies were created, such as Daggerfall, but the nords only had superiority on the coast, the mainland was still under elven control. As to the orcs, it is never stated that they were subdued by the nords during Vrage's conquest. As for Morrowind, it is stated that the nords never landed on Vvardenfell since it was too well defended by the Dwemers. Only Resdayn was conquered, but, and this is just speculation, i don't think that this early, the nords would have been able to conqueer such a large territory. More likely it was just suffering from plundering and was in a state of perpetual chaos, any army of chimer trying to push back the nords being destroyed by the tongues.
Also, there is no evidence as to Hammerfell being under control of the Nordic Empire, AND the Direnni Tower never fell to the Nords !
However, we know that the Nords have greatly helped the Alessian revolt, and by doing so, they were granted control of large portions of the Nibeney valley, wich is not shown on this map.
Also, your depiction of the Fourth Era is not very much detailed... The Stormcrown Interregnum doesn't appear, so it seems as the Oblivion Crisis did not affect Tamriel at all. After Ocato's death, every province became independant, the Elder Council lost all power and Cyrodiil disolved into chaos : Bravil and Leyawiin became independant and declared war to each other, Colovia suffered from the constant fighting of warlords, until Titus Mede I overcome them and became the king of Colovia. In Alinor, the Thalmor took control of the province and did what they do best, killed innocents and assassinated everyone that disagreed with them. In Black Marsh, the An-xileel declared independance and started isolating themselves from the rest of Tamriel. Obviously, Morrowind was utterly destroyed. The other provinces, waiting for a new emperor, basically became independant after several years. Then, in 4E17, Titus Mede I took the Imperial city, before launching campaigns to unite Cyrodiil and then trying to reform the Tamriellic Empire (Skyrim, Hammerfell, Valenwood, High Rock, Morrowind and Alinor, somehow, were brought back under his rule). That is what happened after the Oblivion Crisis, but nothing is shown on your map.
I hope i didn't made any mistake ^^

XJ00MA - 05.04.2023 00:22

Is there any evidence that the Empire controls Morrowind during the events of Skyrim?

VeemoNigel_67 - 13.03.2023 21:46

What’s the song you used called?

Dimitry Grehow
Dimitry Grehow - 11.01.2023 17:32

Хорошо, конечно, сделано, но есть минус
Норды начали заселять скайрим только в первом году первой эры
Скайрим, до нордов, был заселён фалмерами

Infrared - 07.12.2022 04:52

Why was it labeled the Empire of Mer when Tiber Septim was doing his whole conquering thing? Wouldn't it make more sense to say it was the Empire of Man?

TarHeelPro87 - 05.12.2022 17:53

I thought after the Great War with the Thalmor (as of 4E 201), they gave back the territories containing Anvil and Bravil to the Tamriellic Empire. Also I believe the entire western half of Skyrim is under control of the Empire, and some of the area in the southeast corner of Skyrim is under stormcloak control. Not to be a smart ass, but I thought the differences I described were missing here at the end.

HVLLOWS¹⁹⁹⁹ - 18.11.2022 03:07

Video begins
4306 BT (Before Talos, Coronation as Emp)
Video ends
634 AT (After Talos, Coronation as Emp)

Endgamer - 10.11.2022 23:27

What if gnomes tried to conquer Tamriel?

Layne Valentine
Layne Valentine - 15.10.2022 22:55

What is the song name?

Joshua Ingram
Joshua Ingram - 30.09.2022 00:42

Hi there to anyone who is reading this commit I like Elder scroll and I like the Lore, but the only issue with this video is that I need to continuously pause this video to look at the details of the map, what I recommend is for this video to be broken down into an interactive slide show and uploaded online If I could have the permission of the creator of the video I would like to do that. and I could make adjustment to the file for more detail to be added to the map with request.

Steve Rukia
Steve Rukia - 03.07.2022 06:37

@TESmaps what’s the music you used

Psionic Powers13
Psionic Powers13 - 01.07.2022 14:22


monkey - 09.06.2022 23:47

This is good stuff! Baffling that you have less than 100 subscribers

Soep Poes
Soep Poes - 30.04.2022 18:50

I love the video so much, but you completely forgot the 5 year war between Elsweyr and Valenood, that the Khajiit fought and won ... :(

Tersus - 04.01.2022 14:07

High Rock and Hammerfell are just chilling

Satiric man
Satiric man - 12.08.2021 07:35

It's funny, but since the end of the 2nd era, you can find many parallels with the Game of Thrones, before the conquest of Tamriel by Tiber Septim, there were a huge number of fragmented kingdoms constantly at war with each other. Tiber Septim is very similar to Targaryen, he used dragon power (the only difference is that he Tiber possessed their power, and Targaryen used specifically the dragons themselves). But even after the conquest of the continent, there was no unity as such, the Empire was represented by 9 kingdoms, the kings of which are vassals of the Septim emperors, under whose direct rule only the imperial city, does this remind you of anything?

Shimogane - 05.08.2021 15:23

why does anyome mess this with meretic era up lol
its like 2500 b.c in our timeline. the meretic era gets split in early, middle and late era, to show it in these 3 chapters would make it easier, because we dont know the exact dates, only early, middle and late meretic era.

Adam Sonntag
Adam Sonntag - 16.04.2021 05:40

I’ve been waiting for this🙏

McGoldenblade - 04.04.2021 01:08

Didn't Morrowind secede from the Empire after the Red Year? It's been stated many times that Morrowind was independent and had mostly accumulated anti-imperial sentiment across the population by the time of Skyrim.

Ultimate Corgi
Ultimate Corgi - 21.03.2021 06:16

This must have taken a lot of work, and it's fascinating! I love it.

Chase - 15.03.2021 21:42

God, I think I might just go back to play morrowind....then oblivion.....maybe go back and play daggerfall...oooo then play skyrim

Fernando Gómez
Fernando Gómez - 14.01.2021 20:56

This is awesome!!! Though I have a few pointers/questions/doubts... the Nedes are missing, and they are they basis of Colovian, Nibenese and Breton people, and they lived on northern Hammerfell along the Iron Mountains, and stretched as far as Resdayn, where they were stopped by the Chimer near Old Ebonheart (by using a rather nasty daedric ritual). Also, around 700 1E, didn't the dwemer controlled norther Skyrim and northern Morrowind, including the Red Mountain? Also the Ayleid kingdom stretched as far as High Rock (e.g. Moriseli in Betony, Silumm just north of Daggerfall and of course the cursed Erokii north of Stormhelm) and Black Marsh (e.g. Stormholm and Loriasel), and even Valenwood (the Elden Root graht tree grew atop an Ayleid ruin). And this is probably nitpicking (lol) but weren't 16 kingdoms in Elsweyr at some point, then united into Anequina and Pellitine? And after the Akaviri potentate, the Reachmen conquered Cyrodiil and established the Longhouse Emperors (between c. 6th century 2E - 573 2E).

Omenvreer - 08.01.2021 03:38

looks like a miniwargaming battle report with normal starting rules. Enemy at bottom, friendly at top.

Francisco selau
Francisco selau - 19.11.2020 14:38

I never thought that ayled empire was so big in meretich era 😯 but in that age you forgot mention the snow elfs on skyrim

Der Falke91
Der Falke91 - 15.11.2020 00:27

what is that small island west of thras?

PicaSwag19 - 02.09.2020 02:22

The chimer joined the match and lagged out to another game

Marielena Potts
Marielena Potts - 02.09.2020 01:38

I don’t think that the Argonians took THAT large of a part of southern Morrowind

Fernando Sánchez
Fernando Sánchez - 07.08.2020 05:51

so accorated, nice map man

Matěj vripuje
Matěj vripuje - 27.07.2020 23:48

Great. But I don't think that AD annexed Anvil and there are no records that Argonia expanded further into Morrowind after the Accession War. But thank you for your map. It's much better than Volgoda's version.

What if
What if - 07.04.2020 21:59

Seeing this helped me put some things into context with my Skyrim play throughs. Must have took alot of work to do this, thank you!
Also if your reading this, as someone who analyzed tamriels history whats your take on the potential state of the empire after the elder scrolls Skyrim?

Aldyn - 27.03.2020 14:59

It seems like there was a lot of infighting during the days of the Septim Empire. Entire provinces just decided to go to war with each other.

Император Арсений
Император Арсений - 17.03.2020 21:37

Is it… the Altmer really did conquer south and east of Cyrodiil during the Great War? I don’t remember it was stated that they actually kept it under the terms of the White-Gold Concordate. I’d double -check it

EyeoftheU - 19.02.2020 08:40

Rimmen has by appearances been an independent state since the early 4th Era.

Pat Morley
Pat Morley - 20.01.2020 17:26

So in the Oblivion quest 'An Unexpected Voyage', does the HoK/CoC/modern-day-Sheogorath (AKA the player character) actually come very close to being in sight of Aldmeris? Since the Blackwater Brigands or whatever only take the ship out of dock so they can rob it, they probably don't want to bother taking it too far, since they want to go back to Bravil 3 days later, but they take it far enough that you can't see any land.

It seems like it must be further out than the area of sea between Elsweyr and Argonia because land would still be in sight from anywhere in that area, so I'd guess it would be just a bit further south, quite near Aldmeris, or maybe south of Valenwood.

Baron of Bahlingen
Baron of Bahlingen - 02.07.2019 07:51

I love this video, and I come for references occasionally cor my own things, but I have some issues I haven’t seen addressed. Indoril is somewhat swapped with Dres, the Tear Peninsula next to black marsh should be Dres territory. Also Hlaalu had its status revoked around 4e 7

Rumit Maryasov
Rumit Maryasov - 23.05.2019 10:47

Empire will reborn!!!

Pice Of Knowledge
Pice Of Knowledge - 17.03.2019 04:56

Black Marsh seceded before the great war not after

Nathan - 05.03.2019 08:16

Why is Tiber Septims early Empire called the Empire of Mer?

Not Razor
Not Razor - 17.01.2019 11:30

Daggerfall, Oblivion,and Skyrim Elder scrolls V are my faves

CruzziGil - 02.01.2019 08:06

Didn’t you say that you were working on a new and improved version?

Port - 17.12.2018 21:40

Shouldn't the Meretic Era count from 2500 to 0?

MeWatchVideos - 28.09.2018 06:08

I feel like a lot of this is wrong I just feel it

Rami O Bomb
Rami O Bomb - 19.09.2018 04:47

Why the Empire of Tamriel changes to Ocato Chancellate to Tamriellic Empire?

Evžen Varga
Evžen Varga - 23.08.2018 17:35

I am kinda sorry for you it must have taken ages to complete yet i have so small amount of views .. great video! Like & sub.

Pluto - 12.07.2018 06:56

What kind of software did u use for this because I love it and I love making maps but I can never figure out how to do it

Oliver Cromwell Did Nothing Wrong
Oliver Cromwell Did Nothing Wrong - 05.07.2018 19:06

Wait the Aldmeri Dominion actually annexed parts of Cyrodil after the Great War?
