The Awful Aftermath of Dream's Face Reveal

The Awful Aftermath of Dream's Face Reveal

gabi belle

2 года назад

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@joelworsham134 - 18.10.2024 22:54

omg, you do look like the moon emoji. just, outstanding

@ShelbyLikesStuff - 22.08.2024 02:50

According to me and my friends his only crime is the amount of auto tune he uses, that’s it, and I don’t care I’m fine with bonding with a friend about being held in a chokehold by a hyperfixation that we both have had for multiple years. It’s shitty, how people reacted is shitty, what sprouted from it is shitty and hindsight says people took it too far and people just wanna hate and shit and so they took advantage of people that don’t like bad people. Dream’s doing fine from what I’ve heard.

(But seriously that auto tune is very intense)

@TeamCryptidRobotics - 16.08.2024 20:39

I honestly just thought it was anticlimactic.

@ResidentialYenta - 05.08.2024 06:36

"War cries are across every sexual orientation..." bro, wtf that mean?? Like, "SLAYYYYYYY" * charging into battle * 😂😂😂

@Xkhaosxzeus - 17.07.2024 20:13

Honestly he's kinda cute

@Eepy.creature - 12.07.2024 00:53

Onetime I was making fun of dreams face reveal and one of my friends told the teacher on us

@Harperanimations-uk3tu - 22.06.2024 02:40

“You look like matpat with allergies” 💀💀💀💀

@hi_karina_l - 18.06.2024 05:26

I really didn’t understand why people were bullying him so much. He’s looks average normal guy.

@JacobWrldIce - 16.06.2024 05:07

If dream is ugly then WTF is this girl compared to other girls? 😂

@JacobWrldIce - 16.06.2024 05:06

Dream isn’t even normal looking he is better looking than most people. Most gamers that play as much as him are overweight with bad skin and loads of spots

@theoneandonlyever - 10.06.2024 09:12

i don't know anything about dream other than the fact that his fanbase is terrifying. and i feel bad for him. i can't imagine having your appearance torn apart by that many people, especially by people who claim to be supporters. just awful.

@revelare_xvii6269 - 08.06.2024 23:11

None of this would’ve happened if he just faced the camera instead of turning his head to the side.

@lokmister - 17.05.2024 10:55

I feel like it’s just because his head at that stupid angle that made him look like Minecraft steve, like just look at the camera like a normal person…

@TzaddikMedia - 16.05.2024 05:29

The same “tolerant” and “accepting” people are always the same ones doing the hardest judging. That’s why I can’t respect the virtue-signalers.

@Mullet_daddy123 - 15.05.2024 06:58

This aged well..

@EndTwo-d7s - 13.05.2024 01:14

"he's ugly" yeah, he plays Minecraft for a living what did you expect

@softierei - 10.05.2024 03:51

i always thought dream looked like corey cunningham from halloween ends. corey from the movie isnt ugly though he just looks normal

@silly-goofy-little-goose - 07.05.2024 22:40

ive never been a big minecraft person, especially not mcyt, but its a gabi bele video, what can i say? I see a gabi bell video, i click, i enjoy

@harrynevarez5361 - 07.05.2024 04:03

Oh my God, we get to see what an average face looks like!

@jenniferb.awesome - 05.05.2024 21:08

I think it's the haircut he has that is making some people think he's not good looking. His face is cute, it's just the haircut making him look weird.

@1989-Elis-Version - 05.05.2024 14:02

He honestly looks like a normal guy you would see at the mall

@WelpIruinedthat - 05.05.2024 11:53

His kinda yummy ngl 😂

@SB-os8xk - 05.05.2024 07:27

GABI. i've been binging all your videos cause I love all your takes... and.. WE SHARE ALMOST THE SAME BIRTHDAY. just one day off- mines on the 13 and yours is on the 14!! :D

@foxtrot889 - 03.05.2024 17:27

I know this is old news now, but this is exactly why Corpse husband kinda just vanished. Someone so ordinary looking catching so much flack, of course he would vanish with his self-harm level of social anxiety.

@GhostlyShroom - 03.05.2024 10:20

wait we have the same birthday!

@John.brown.the.baptist - 01.05.2024 05:17

NGL tho, Gordon Ramsays butt was my fave part of any of his "travel" shows lol

@socramzetroc1535 - 29.04.2024 02:03

His only crime was living in the most narcissistic country in the world

@plannein - 29.04.2024 01:24

He has an unfortunate jaw but not like... super ugly. But this video and all the comments here defending him are wild. He's a cornball

@btarczy5067 - 24.04.2024 15:29

Oh shit I love the moon emoji so much, I want to look like it 🌝

@brannonkirkhuang - 21.04.2024 13:28

Bro thinks vive la resistance is offensive to French people???? (Maybe to rich French people, but plz be fr right now)

@foxesofautumn - 08.04.2024 07:18

He’s a nice looking guy. What the hell is wrong with people.

@M0lDy_L3TTUV3 - 05.04.2024 03:52

Aged well

@JuKii7 - 02.04.2024 16:12

the initial leak reminds me of how there was a leak of cr1tikal's face on tumblr right before he did the official one himself. Someone went out of their way to contact his ex to confirm that what he got was actually Charlie... the post got deleted. Soon after that, Charlie shared his snapchat publicly and completely stole the spotilght from the leaker. What a power move.

@Akkbar21 - 28.03.2024 23:47

Dudes face is pretty symmetrical. These tween girls and dvmb people are just crazy. That said, I don’t feel bad for this dude. Play with fire, get burnt.

@Akkbar21 - 28.03.2024 23:42

Zoomers need to grow up. Who cares? Worse than classic celebrity worship.

@OsanaNajimi_YanSim - 27.03.2024 14:12

Hes not ugly ppl are just horrible

@thetiniestpirate - 21.03.2024 06:21

I don't think anything you write in the description counts as clickbait. I already clicked the video to read it.

@bribri7212 - 20.03.2024 19:04

Watching this in 2024 is funny 🥲

@TanakaMatsumoto - 20.03.2024 05:09

I don't like him, mainly because he tried to cheat a WR, while trying to defend and skirt the issue and he's still super huge and that bothers me... He's not exactly one of the best if he had to cheat but still people consider him one of the best, it's fake. With that being said I don't care what he looks like, I don't watch him because of who he is not what he looks like.

@ghostlyjudge - 07.03.2024 06:28

Let's face he let the hype build up way too high he could never live up to what his fans thought

@FleurGala - 04.03.2024 18:11

All the 13 year old girls were just expecting him to be the classic eboy with lots of cool tattoos and cool gray hair and lots of random piercings, and when they didn’t receive that they freaked out 💀 everyone on twitter is weird and that’s why I refuse to use it

@maayanpraiss1541 - 03.03.2024 08:31

Gabi absolutely u ARE the moon emoji ❤

@klobrctrap - 02.03.2024 23:46

why did he looked at us by that angle like wtf

@user-xl5lc3qw5z - 25.02.2024 14:21

he's just a mediocre white boy

@kaemorgan9578 - 25.02.2024 02:17

i don't like dream but looking back at this is crazy. if I showed my face to the Internet and she's ugly started trending I would kill myself

@JamiePackmule1 - 23.02.2024 03:02

I think the major sad part of all of it was that picture of dream that went around when he had more weight on and was younger.
He denied it was him for so long and I know he was afraid people would judge him.
I really think the face reveal showed how insecure and afraid he was of judgement; hence the angle and awkwardness.
I often think he probably spent so much time getting himself ready to look his best for that video.. and then everyone just called him ugly anyway.
He definitely hit the gym, ate better, styled his hair in a way he thought would look nice.. man idk I just can’t help but feel bad as a former bullied little kid. It’s just awful how pack mentality on the internet works.

@amayao601 - 21.02.2024 04:43

I mean the dude is not ugly, he's just pretty average
