Why Some New Champions Failed | League of Legends

Why Some New Champions Failed | League of Legends


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@lennyman5131 - 26.11.2023 09:55

bro why do you keep talking about nilah like shes bad??? make navori she scales insane

@FutayuriShironeko - 26.11.2023 10:41

Nilah, Renata and Rell are low relevance in SoloQ, all these Champs carried immense importance in pro play since all 3 of them are team centric.
And more team centric your skill expressive your champion is the less popular it will be in SoloQ, since best thing you can do for your own climb is to be as self sufficient in game as possible, which goes against these 3 champs in immense way.

@mythmage8231 - 26.11.2023 11:03

There's a much simpler explanation: people are fucking idiots.
To elaborate, think of the most popular characters in games. Doesn't matter what game it is, just things. The ones that immediately come to mind:
Captain Falcon, Genji, Winston, Reinhardt, Mercy, Lux, Yone, Lee Sin, Teemo, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Soldier (TF2), Octane, Wraith (Apex Legends), Wraith (DBD), Wesker (DBD), Hillbilly, W.A.R.T. (rest in peace, VHS).
What do ALL of these characters have in common? That's right: they're simple. Even if they're mechanically difficult, like Genji, Wesker, and Hillbilly, they're simple to understand and/or hop right in and understand where you're messing up.

People don't like complex characters, either fundamentally, like Aphelios, or practically, like Hag in DBD. They just want to jump in, press buttons, and get their wins without having to put in alot of work for a unique experience.

@bobyhappy2992 - 26.11.2023 11:28

An issue with Nilah is all the free stats she gain

how many passives and scaling and bonuses are shoved down her kit ?

I don't need crit scaling, self regen, and all that shit
I wanna play Nilah because she uses a water whip !

but nothing in her kit plays around that (aside from her Q)

All of her Q W and E could have granted different properties to her auto attacks/ attack patterns
...but no
sad :(

@wagaj13790 - 26.11.2023 11:36

I disagree with your statement that Nilah is hit and run. You just have to get an engager and ignore her passive completely. Her W and constant conq stacking with spells favours long term fights.

@lordtartarsauceb8348 - 26.11.2023 11:39

Im getting irritated by overloaded kits.

@sakutaro3musik486 - 26.11.2023 12:00

i8f the champ is meta he will succed it´s simple

@CHNO-kl9bn - 26.11.2023 12:14

Love how rengar and yone are basicaly the same idea of combining a brusier and an assasin ... its just that yone got the good parts of those classes and rengar got the bad ones

@OverlordMango - 26.11.2023 13:40

I think the criteria of champions "succeeding" is rather harsh. Blitzcrank exists. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but the design of Renata, Nilah, and even prechange Rell are fine. There need to exist low pick rate yet high impact clunky champions in the game.

@jedanim9536 - 26.11.2023 14:35

Lol nilah is highly underrated

@tommula19 - 26.11.2023 15:01

Never understood who is the braindead asshole who gave yone his E also just had to give it an execute mechanic, he can chase you, knock you up, ignore bad situations, spam Q and get shields, oh, And also execute you using a dash, thanks riot

@EgyPalack - 26.11.2023 15:10

boobas probably

@hanz9662 - 26.11.2023 16:25

Sad how many obscure champions have amazing visual design

@APimpNamedSlickback09 - 26.11.2023 16:30

who do u guys hate more yone or yasuo?

@ONAROccasionallyNeedsARestart - 26.11.2023 16:39

I think there's also the question of "What fantasy is the champion embodying?"
I can't imagine there's a huge market for "I want to play someone who sits back and plays with chemicals" - and if there is they can play Singed.
And while I absolutely can imagine people going "Yes, I wanna play a character on a horse!" When that champ is slow it's kinda dropping the ball on that fantasy.

I'm not sure how large of a demographic focus on the fantasy play but it's gotta go some way to explaining the popularity of Yone Anime Spirit Samurai.

@UrNilah - 26.11.2023 17:18

Nilah is truly an amazing character with unique 2 dashes that no other champion has in the entire game. Her kit is so well made giving you so many opportunities and choices in every single teamfight. In lane, you always have to make a decision either to go in and use your 2 E stacks for trading or keep them and use your E stacks defensively. Not to mention she's so much fun especially when you land those juicy 5 men ults that you win the entire game off! And she's doing a great job as a Marksman taking objectives really fast due to how well her kit is scaling with Crit chance!

@AllegoryGar - 26.11.2023 18:20

i know you care about sound design and stuff so please listen to me when i say you need to turn the bass down

@dreambooktcg - 26.11.2023 20:16

Uninstalled League of Legends from my computer after not playing for an entire month. My life is so much better. If i can quit you can too. Hope you guys find it within you to put it down for good

@TheKaratejesus - 27.11.2023 01:36

Hwei video soon? Curious to hear your thoughts! Ive played for 14 years since the end of beta and Hwei is my favorite champ theyve ever made (but im biased because i love mages)

@tristannottrysten - 27.11.2023 04:23

I'd rather play with and against a champ like renata over a nautilus any day. Every champ should have a risk factor. Thats what gives skill to this game. But no instead riot gives us the rock solid spam q to win lane malphite

@chiidybang370 - 27.11.2023 12:51

Can answer the question for nilah. Shes a less badass samira with no resets. So most ppls just play samira.

@thugvida - 27.11.2023 13:31

What happened to the maplestory videos !?

@Cheddarcheesemonkey - 27.11.2023 15:18

The biggest thing is definitely having a kit that's rewarding to play with and makes sense. But I don't think we should discount overall design. For example, Volibear's kit is good. It makes sense and it's fun to play with. But the theming, the lore, his voice lines, how all of those and his kit work together is what makes Volibear fun to play for me.

I might be the only one but I love characters that make you feel the character while you play them

@doubleyousee72 - 27.11.2023 17:46

I miss old rell. She was legitimately my best supp and i loved the fact she even had healing lol

@AdamBokurczyk - 27.11.2023 19:19

when I get assigned bot to play with my friends, I play either Samira or if Samira is banned or picked by enemy, I just go Nilah. Samira is a bit more flashy than Nilah and that does it for me. But ngl, Nilah feels way more stable and consistent. If I was gonna play ranked as autofill adc, I would pick Nilah 99% of the time. Same why I prefer Yasuo over Yone(more flashy). Pyke over Nauti or Leona. Lee Sin over Bel veth. Irelia over Fiora or Riven. If it looks good on my recording, I'm happy with the champ.

@lunari6155 - 27.11.2023 23:58

Sooo everything wrong with yone when ?

@balabababba2887 - 28.11.2023 04:49

I mean there still is skarner, release date 2011, so part of the original rooster. still holds his spot as the least played champion. there always were champs that "failed" by design but still exist. NOTHING NEW!!!

@JumpscareRodent - 28.11.2023 06:48

You explained this so so perfectly

@chuufromloona9769 - 28.11.2023 11:25

nilah is my bae idk about yall

@MastermindRidendo - 28.11.2023 15:17

It could also be satisfication using the champion and their abilities.

I know with all my mains I play some whove been featured in why no one plays or here as a failure. I will admit doing well on them and landing all my shit and saving teammates or shutting down fed enemies feels a lot more fun and gratifying than on others.

When I shut down engages or interrupt bobility like Lee Sin jump because i landed a Janna Nado or Thresh/Blitz Hook feels so good and I can feel that hit, I can feel that "ooh!" But when I do it on Renata who i also love its just "Eh" but i still love Renata but using her entire kit effectively to max potential gives me the same satisfication as just using 1 ability to max potential on others.

Or non support wise, Samira isnt a main of mine but i played her and her abilities give an amazing high when used properly compared to Nilah. I also fucking hate Yone but i picked him up recently for casual fun and landing his combos on someone gave me that same satisfication and high when i manage to land a full combo (including the stun) on Veigar.

I tried picking up Leona and shutting down a player feels so good and fun on her than whatever the hell Rell is.

@sombrego2260 - 28.11.2023 18:32

You can't really say a champion is a failure just because it's not as played as the top picks. There will never be a world where every champ has the exact % pick. There needs to be super niche champions like Renata it's good for the game really.

@Vizible21 - 29.11.2023 05:11

Simple. They designed them to have dark skin. Even though sone champs will be useless in game (e.g. Seraphine) they'd still be a success because of their playerbase.

@user-zw1oy5pm3s - 29.11.2023 18:05

Yes, the heroes (models) themselves are not interesting at all. Basically, they are all monotonously pretentious or creepy. Either the universe does not allow you to come up with interesting heroes or the developers have no balls.

@okidoxb4846 - 29.11.2023 21:55

Rell fell off bc riot actually gave her trade-offs a rarity in current LoL

Zeri is going to get nerfed into obscurity, and it was an inevitable disaster; 2 much built freedom, 2 many item/AA/Ability interactions allowed, 2 many strengths
where are the trade offs? where are the disadvantages?

@Lunar_Queen.Miya. - 30.11.2023 05:24

Dying game.‼️
Be it LOL, DotA2 or trashy Smite. They are all trash dead games and soon be dominated by Mobile Legends Bang Bang the true king of all mobas

@PAGGER_ - 30.11.2023 16:24

I miss old Rell so much. She lost her unique identity. She was't very hard mechanicly but now she has braindead boring ms buff on E I no longer can peel my ADC they way I liked to. And I can't stand using this short range Q stun "no commit" engage, it feels terrible to use.The worst thing is that I feel like Riot betrayed me. They told the players they would nerf jg Rell if she out performs support Rell and she is clearly more suited to play jg.
Like what's the point of picking Rell now. They took away some of her ability to find 5 man (shorter W range). They took away her whole vanguard identy by removing heal on Q and tether and bonus resists for allies on E. She is not the champ I fall in love in when I saw her abilities. I hate stun on Q, I hate her shorter W and I hate this braindead boring MS buff on E. Now you just run at enemies with 700 ms. I can't be as creative as I could with old skill set.

@pesmerga4862 - 01.12.2023 15:21

all this video has taught me is yasuo needs a slight rework. not a “buff” to make the bad players find more success but a rework

@Portos_O_1os - 01.12.2023 15:31

"most Nilah's I run into my games are either one tricks or duo with their support"
That described me perfectly.

@felipebisi4145 - 03.12.2023 17:17

Except you couldnt use almost hal😮f of your skills alone with rell and her cds are massive

Leona can just try again 3 seconds later Rell if you miss or is alone you are pucked

Yet again you needed a second character her ultimate can be easily escaped with a dash the same way with Ornn

She is simply terribly designed

Renata on the other hand has that not bad but also not good Q and the horrible E

But her ultimate is really powerful

@adolfhitler4251 - 06.12.2023 21:39

I miss old rell (800k main) now she sucka again after midscope, but even more, just the viability got buffed bt atm nauto or mumu are the better choices.

@genjam1993 - 08.12.2023 21:15

ahhhh the maplestory voice

@allizay007 - 16.12.2023 17:28

I balance yone by being trash on him lol

@nateperkins9860 - 02.01.2024 06:08

As a silver/gold player who loved Rell on release I was super disappointed on how few people were playing her.

@juanfrainsane - 14.01.2024 02:53

Came back to league after 2 years a week ago and i've played a ton of games. Barely seen any milio naafiri nilah k'sante, maybe 1 or 2 times each. I did see 3 or 4 belveth, and A LOT of Briar and Hwei. Already hate Briar like i hate Yone 😂

@neeltullu1290 - 31.01.2024 13:03

Idk why but I like playing champs which many might consider weak or less dynamic. I have played Rell & Renata Glasc and enjoyed both champs. Even previous champs like Ivern who isn't that great at damage output is a fun one

@KuyruksuzSatyr - 21.02.2024 01:35

Thumbnail mentioning Yone as successful got me triggered.

@noahzhellos8344 - 09.04.2024 10:59

Coming back to this video all these months later, I can't help but giggle about how a full quarter of this video is dedicated to talking about Yone.

@vannoah - 17.04.2024 12:36

I think nilah has a pretty clear purpose and it’s to absolutely dunk on crit marksmen. U best they in short trades because of q and u beat them in all ins with w and ult exists to help with ganks and a way to use your lead to win games in team fights

@gabrijel2004 - 26.05.2024 21:35

What about Bel'Veth?
