Build React Website For Beginners - Tailwind, Smooth Scroll and styled-components

Build React Website For Beginners - Tailwind, Smooth Scroll and styled-components


2 года назад

20,963 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@user-qh6rb6ne7h - 31.07.2023 17:19

What vscode theme do you use?

@kumoxworld - 22.09.2022 14:38

If you're not able to see the changes when you use bg-green-500, go to your tailwind.config.js file and make sure the line with "content" is as follows:

content: ["./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}", "./index.html"],

@kumoxworld - 22.09.2022 14:03

For those who are getting errors on dependencies at the VERY start of the tutorial:
- you need to change your version of react to 17. There are issues with version 18.
- npm uninstall
- npm install [email protected]
- in the craco.config.js:
- replace postcss with postcssOptions

This should resolve your issues at the start.

@LeoTracks1 - 08.09.2022 13:44

Anyone else got stuck setting up the whole dependencies? I encountered like 10 million errors and I have to keep googling to get the same things as this guy

@CTFlink - 10.05.2022 08:37

Interesting using tailwind and styled components together. Would you recommend learning tailwind from scratch to take that approach?

@yukebrillianth - 20.02.2022 07:08

next.js + GraphQl blog please....

@JeremiahFulbright - 08.02.2022 04:05

Really enjoyed this.. Would've definitely loved to have seen the trial and error aspect of getting the sizing right, etc, instead of just having numbers already figured out separately that you could paste in, but I realize that would've added a significant amount of time to the video...

@firmansyahken1494 - 18.01.2022 02:08

Nice tutorial🔥

@eelguneezmemmedov1671 - 03.01.2022 18:31

Thank u for everything u have done i aprriciate.
I think it will be more helpful if you could have your VSCode and browser side by side, so one can see exactly what's going with your code Really the way u r doing is so annoying we dont know actually what u r talking about and how code will effect

@alquinex - 27.12.2021 00:40

Thanks so much for your time and effort, and thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. This tutorial has been really helpful. Really appreciated!
Just an observation, I think it will be more helpful if you could have your VSCode and browser side by side, so one can see exactly what's going with your code. Other than writing a bunch of code first before testing it.

Also, could you please help with the configuration for Tailwind with Components in Next js? Babel is no longer supported on the latest fast Next js pages

@hardwired89 - 05.11.2021 06:59

love it

@bita_taserrrrr - 03.11.2021 09:59

Indonesia is good , now i'm in Indonesia

@OneBrighDay - 19.10.2021 23:46

Very nice tutorial thank you. I have a question i am getting Cannot find module '../../images/whateverImage.jpg' or its corresponding type declarations. For all the images any suggestions?

@fasttocode - 18.10.2021 18:47

Thank you.

@madam6259 - 18.10.2021 17:45

could you please make a Complete website with react and GraphQL and typescript. Because you are one from many who using typescript mostly not!! thanks waiting for reply

@137dylan - 18.10.2021 08:36

I'm glad you did this in TS as there's a dearth of quality React TS project tutorials on YT (beyond the basic counter type apps).

@rajkr9 - 18.10.2021 05:21

Very niceeee🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵🥵

@taranewstime6909 - 18.10.2021 05:01

Nice 👍
