I Was Wrong About The Epic Games Store

I Was Wrong About The Epic Games Store

Cynical Gamer

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@shadowmil - 07.12.2023 08:31

Anyone coming into the market is going to have tough competition. I was also advocating for EGS when it was released. But after 5 years, EGS storefront has shown little to no progress. Very clear that Epic isn't interested in pushing the platform forward. In the meantime, Valve has put so much into Vulkan, Steam VR, Linux gaming and the steamdeck. In my opinion they are trying their damnst to push PC gaming forward.

@Angel_Invader - 04.12.2023 00:40

The epic games will most likely shut down and go to steam

@mavadelo - 02.12.2023 12:32

I can respect someone that can say "Listen, I was a troll and I was wrong", that takes bigger balls than trolling with a receipt on twitter..
I have nothing against competition for Valve, REAL competition only benefits us gamers. But what Epic is doing is not real competition, it is trying to undercut the competition with an inferior product.
As for "I am getting older so I play less... aww.. you sweet summer child... listen... I have been a gamer since frigging PONG was released in my country. (late 1973) I am 55 myself, my group of gamer friends range from mid 30's up to well in their 70's. The fact I am getting older has never stopped me. Sure I have my times I play less, heck I have times I don't play at all for several weeks but in general?... the older I get, the more I play and the wider the range of games I play.

@gloomyvale3671 - 01.12.2023 02:35

Epic is half owned by Tencent, a Chinese subsidiary, Epic is not dogshite, that’s unfair to dogs, it’s bile and the CEO is creepy.

@AshNonokPlays - 30.11.2023 16:31

Steam may take a 30% cut from game developers, but some of does cut are use the make the steam experience better. And Epic Store is not available on my PC running Linux Mint, but Steam is! They think that Linux user can't pay!

@terriermonisgod - 29.11.2023 18:55

and btw EGS cut is 12%, not 15%. 2% percent is processing fees according to them. their whole stick was that 10% should be enough for a digital storefront. i kinda still believe in their ideologies, and do think they get too much flack. but that doesnt rly matters if they will never be profitable and a lot of people associate them with anti consumer practices (although this could be a vocal minority. i went to 3D uni program and there only the weird basement dweller type characters would say the typical anti EGS rhetoric, while the majority had a neutral or postive view of them)

@terriermonisgod - 29.11.2023 18:39

epic has already achieved some things tho. like with the apple lawsuit, a lot of companies changed their revenue cut model. i think android store was the best for indies, but also steam changed for the largest selling games the cut down to 25 and 20. so its unfair to say the EGS was a total waste. but i wish they could figure out their issues

@frontrider3240 - 28.11.2023 09:00

EGS has to shut down at some point. The market can't stand waste like this for too long.

@jebril - 27.11.2023 22:48

The game you're playing looks so ass lmao

@eduardodiaz9942 - 26.11.2023 15:08

EGS has a couple of years before it becomes too much of a liability. If throwing the ungodly amounts of money Epic has at the problem hasn't solved it, I doubt anything will.

@pukeclaw1147 - 20.11.2023 07:24

epic has crypto and eft games thats a strong indicator that they are on their last legs and will be gone within the next year

@helluponearth4386 - 12.11.2023 03:22

I agree with most points, but why do I have to buy a 2k game, or Rockstar or any of the Warhammer games and then register it TWICE. Once on steam and then on the company's proprietary platform. Steam or Epic games one registration should be enough.

@brendanblair64 - 26.09.2023 21:59

Their strategy confuses me because it's so short sighted. There's no reason to use Epic at all when Steam is an option, and yeah these exclusivity deals are getting some people to actually buy stuff there, but I can't see that being sustainable.

They really need to prioritize making their launcher better than it is. I don't see them fully catching up with Steam ever, especially with how advanced Steam Input or Remote Play is, but even adding smaller things that Steam doesn't have would do something to make people prefer Epic in some aspects. More game organization options is something I really wish Steam had, so that's one small thing Epic could do. I think even making a simpler version of Steam Input that just translates Switch and PS controllers into XInput would go a long way, so you wouldn't have to use third party programs to use non Xbox controllers on Epic anymore. Those are just a couple ideas, I'm sure they could think of way more.

I just don't see their current strategy working, and I don't understand why they think it will. They need to change it, otherwise I don't see The Epic Games Store being around for that much longer.

@godfreydrawsart - 12.09.2023 20:26

Buying stuff to make others mad is such a... sad thing to do.

@taylorsmith9629 - 12.09.2023 20:21

Why is it bad? How is it any different than Walmart, Target, Ralph’s, Aldi, Winco, Safeway-Albertsons and Whole Foods existing for groceries? More competition lowers prices.

@9ALiTY - 09.09.2023 15:06

Don't need another store front thats fs. Glad discord isn't

@Phyrior - 09.09.2023 14:02

My issue with Epic was the fact they axed Fortnite, a game I bought in day one, and turned it into just another pubg but with minor base-building attributes.

I PAID for the story mode. I didn't pay for pub-bloody-g. Never again.

@XartiXV - 09.09.2023 06:04

Your question just translates to "When will Fortnite and that game making engine die?" To me. Because Epic Games is mostly dependent on VBucks and that game engine is a tool.

@An_Attempt - 09.09.2023 02:31

Eh, competition is competition; Epic is the only competition for Steam. Steam knows that people only hold to their platform because of their well-developed ecosystem and rich features. They will need to continue improving their platform to maintain their lead.

@lawsonhill1356 - 09.09.2023 00:04

Only reason why the store still exists is due to the free games offered.

@Ralphunreal - 08.09.2023 23:33

imo gog is the best since you own the games, steam is drm.

@shinkansenhype8694 - 08.09.2023 22:36

I always thought it was garbage.

@77wolfblade - 08.09.2023 20:25

The fact it still doesn't have an offline mode is annoying, And Tim Sweeney isn't exactly playing nice when it comes to Linux and the steam deck. Also, Tim Sweeney sometimes tweets too much for his own good.

@theneighborino1465 - 08.09.2023 14:35

Yeah the Epic Games Store is garbage. I bought one game from it year's ago and instantly regretted my choice.
