'Mom, I'm sorry, I'm a failure.': Exam pressure destroying young Koreans

'Mom, I'm sorry, I'm a failure.': Exam pressure destroying young Koreans

KST by The Korea Times

2 года назад

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Muniri Fb
Muniri Fb - 28.09.2023 01:07

Susah kalo hidup tidak mempercayai Tuhan.
Maka akan selalu berfikir pendek.
Dan ga pernah bersyukur.
Dan akan selalu berfikir kalau mati itu jalan terbaik.
Kalau percaya tuhan maka liat di Indonesia biar miskin akan selalu tersenyum jujur.

Colin12475 - 27.09.2023 04:36

I'd rather work as a fry cook at McDonalds than work as a doctor, anyhow.

Chairman Xi JinPooh
Chairman Xi JinPooh - 24.08.2023 10:46

In the past 15,000 years during the ice age, we've gone a really long way from worrying about getting eaten by wolves and sabre-tooth cats to worrying about failing college entrance exams...

John Smith
John Smith - 08.08.2023 09:23

South Korea sounds like a parody of a society where people study for years to get a job where they help people study for years to get a job where their job will be to help people study for years to get the same job.

mew X two
mew X two - 10.06.2023 17:45

Mentally weak😅😅
This pressure is nothing big like indian

Nick Bellomo
Nick Bellomo - 09.06.2023 03:09

It's very sad to hear this. As humans we need balance. If you are pushing 10 hours of study a day on a room, it can get very dark really quick with no human action. This just shows the old way of doing things are just outdated and more need to think outside the box the world has created. I feel bad for the mental abuse that they are being put thru to be number one. It's only time before someone cracks. It seems that in a post internet world more and more middle class jobs have disappeared and trades have been declining also with less and less people working in these areas.

Wes Finch
Wes Finch - 04.06.2023 10:57

So I want to ask you pro capitalist, pro freedom, people and I’m not a communist either but how in the fuck is this any better is in a hard labor camp in a communist country it’s exactly the same if you think about it except they get more money that’s it and actually it’s a little bit worse because of the hard labor camp. It’s not your family forcing you to work all day And it’s not your family treating you like shit like it is in this country I feel bad for these kids and looking at the entire picture. North Korea knocking the shit country. Eventually I mean most the kids want to die anyways, it would set them free. It’s not a bad thing there’s probably more freedom in North Korea. Actually, I guarantee there is the kids aren’t under as much pressure and what’s worse if it’s our own parents and family doing it to them in the whole society and culture, so South Korea you fuckers are sick all of you for doing this to your children

EXOTIC WITCH😁 - 26.04.2023 18:23

It's same in every Asian countries

ruizevina - 05.04.2023 08:00

come here in bangladesh and study 18 hours for getting into a normal public university

𝚃𝚆𝙴𝙴𝚃𝚈~ - 27.01.2023 20:04

not only destroying young koreans, exam pressure is destroying young indians as well i can tell as a teen myself .

Zwei Wing
Zwei Wing - 27.12.2022 18:18

I wish that South Korea offer Adult high school to those never able to earn it.

Eli Kulz
Eli Kulz - 23.12.2022 00:12

At least they have organised society that values education. They should go to Africa , see how people live there.

ANDTEAM TAKI BABIES - 27.11.2022 02:56

same I dream to be a teacher ^^ sadly I can't choose the things I want I choose nursing instead because it was demand right now because we need to live and survive

YouKnowLag - 10.11.2022 23:56

What is that amazing piano music at the end?

Anuar Harun
Anuar Harun - 06.11.2022 09:16

they need to change the system...it is broken system at every level

Fredde Larsson
Fredde Larsson - 18.10.2022 22:26

Hope they do something about this, it's not right that an exam should hold so much baring over one's future and opportunities.

Milan Sharma
Milan Sharma - 08.10.2022 13:10

adult hood really tough

- 22.09.2022 10:32


Stacey K.
Stacey K. - 15.08.2022 23:13

Living in a country that is known for being a homogeneous society and having a Very Hign Expectation for all their people can be Extremely Stressful to anyone especially young adults!! Who haven't been given a chance to Branch Out in society and take a basic job to gain some experience while continuing to Study for a more Successful Career!! It's a shame remember these are people who are not asking for a Hand Out but are working hard to make a Better Life for themselves and their families!! I feel they should be given every opportunity to do so!! After all Life Is To Short To Be So Unhappy!! Keep your Chin Up Guys!!🙏🏽❤🙏🏽

DannyIsNow100 - 14.08.2022 12:56

It’s just not a Korea. It’s almost every Asian country

Just Play
Just Play - 23.07.2022 06:10

why we are poor,so sad 😭😭😭

Christine Tan
Christine Tan - 05.01.2022 05:20

👑 👰 🍞 🍷John 6:53-54 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

EmBee - 24.09.2021 23:25

I'm certain these students have people who love them

TheEnsakz - 24.08.2021 07:02

they have to put realistic, modest goals and be happy when achieving them

Adam Borowski
Adam Borowski - 23.08.2021 21:58

''It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.'' Jiddu Krishnamurti ·

정다운 - 23.08.2021 16:13


Alena duplantier
Alena duplantier - 23.08.2021 11:19

So Korea is becoming similar to Japan now when it comes to suicide rates
