Robert Mueller asked if Trump was totally exonerated

Robert Mueller asked if Trump was totally exonerated


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@eddiethegray1884 - 16.05.2023 04:19

3 years later and Robert Mueller has been shown to be a hoax. So sad to see someone who had a great reputation to turn out to be a fraud. He had to know that the “Stelle Dossier” was a hoax.

@jrm8899 - 19.03.2023 22:31

Trump must've been ecstatic when he saw how clueless Mueller was answering questions

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 20.11.2022 16:46

Putins arranged disfigurement as agreed to by even Obama: another matter

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 20.11.2022 16:44

See physics: is atom and Maxwell field the same term

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 20.11.2022 16:41


@thereal257 - 12.09.2022 04:10

Trump has already done the damages to our government and the American people .
Lock him up Trump has too many deaths in his hands no excuses.
This time make sure the National Guard is ready
No one is above the Law Accountability Accountability..
What do we have the National Guard .
No more deaths more
deaths. It's time to move on from Psycho Trump..
🔐lock him up Accountability..Trump has already done the damages to our government and the American people .
Lock him up Trump has too many deaths in his hands no excuses.
This time make sure the National Guard is ready
No one is above the Law Accountability Accountability..
What do we have the National Guard .
No more deaths more
deaths. It's time to move on from Psycho Trump..

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 13.08.2022 13:42

Mueller allows Trump to sell nuclear capabilities to other dictators: 2022

@theeagle7054 - 02.08.2022 12:30

Is he Senile?? He can't form a single sentence

@kalijasin - 24.07.2022 09:06

"the president committed the crime of obstruction you could not publicly state that in your report or here today?" Mueller started stammering when asked that. Stammering is an unconscious physical reaction to the truth, even as they are feeding you a lie.

@kalijasin - 24.07.2022 09:06

"are collusion and conspiracy synonymous terms" Mueller very clearly said "No" when asked that. His report states they are though. So Mueller committed a crime. Whether it's before congress or in a court of law, lying under oath is a crime.

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 17:21

Donald Trumps portrait young when he was in his prime and the next realm where he and General Robert E. Lee continued to evolve
Save all statues
Make unlikely arty pairs or temporally desecrate them but save all statues!
Robert Mueller is Moai

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 17:19

Donald Trump: You help ruin the man who once offered me a job, the rare one who did but I was tied to Eureka at the time. The man who greatly discounted his hotel rate in Washington as if his penis was still feeling the afterglow of that BJ I allmost Gave Henry Kissinger

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 17:16

Contributing to both the January 6th insurrection, Trump exonerated Daily Daily. And the spread of the pandemic you knew the growingly feeble President could not handle

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 17:14

And the DOJ inquiry manifests as tyranny masquerading as an 'investigation

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 16:57

The Great Wallenda!

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 16:56

More time to lie in a report

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 16:56

I never could stomach listening to these before

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 16:55

Emails consisting of 'what'

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 16:54

Obstructing 'what'

@perriannesimkhovitch1127 - 07.07.2022 16:51

Your voice doesn't connect with your aperance. UGGGH? What happened to the original medical rape? Were there other victims

@joeyyc8515 - 21.06.2022 21:24

After so many attacks on Trump, it scares how far they will go to take him down.

@LxneWxlf702 - 13.06.2022 20:08


@rogerbing5314 - 23.05.2022 23:23

Muller should be embarrassed. He owes the American tax payer lots of money .

@jillthinksimabreakfasttaco4904 - 22.05.2022 17:31

Mueller needs to be brought back in for additional questioning in light of new evidence that the Trump-Russia collusion story was fabricated by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

@therienacevedo841 - 01.05.2022 15:17

Mira con q clase de porqueria me lambi en 11

@therienacevedo841 - 01.05.2022 15:16

Llego russo

@seandenzelrhymer760 - 22.03.2022 03:17

Well daddies do care and no hes not exonerated

@pierrojules - 06.02.2022 03:08

It is not in the constitution that a sitting president cannot be indicted. It's simply a DOJ policy that should be squashed.

@pierrojules - 06.02.2022 03:04

I'm wondering whether the current AG, Merrick Garland, has ever watched this testimony.

@ammarbouzouar5497 - 21.01.2022 21:23

Just check out how Mueller's voice starts shaking and he stutters as soon as he has to say Trump's name!
Mueller is a real wimp, and Trump has proven it!

@trevorgariba2634 - 19.12.2021 05:34


@trevorgariba2634 - 19.12.2021 05:33

This report was a made up ,president trump was all eating by the fake and losing dogs

@digital827111 - 07.12.2021 13:16

What a bunch of Deep State scum.

@matts463 - 24.11.2021 08:28

Him and Biden are doing remarkably well at raising attention for the mentally disabled community. See you don’t even have to be able to wipe yourself to be able to run the country!!

@dustinbarlow1623 - 16.11.2021 17:20

The fact Mueller decided to not put Fusion GPS in his report is damning in of itself. According to Congressman Chabots questioning, Glenn Simpson was giving Natalia Vesselnitskya talking points that she was to use at Trump Tower, including his tax information, to make it look as if Trump had a vendetta against Hillary's op ed team.

@jerrydeanriceii - 13.11.2021 03:54

Robert muehler can you explain all questions associated with 657XQAKN, 110239, & 111542 & state to this committee do I have any criminal actions as jerry dean rice ii 8302 oklahoma based on undercover work or oath of affirmations to this country.

@pepz-xs5me - 13.09.2021 21:30

Vote Larry elder and stop the satanic Democrats

@bobdecarlo7778 - 19.05.2021 03:12

Yo! Time to bring this political hack out of retirement to investigate Jo Jo Biden! Cozzying up to the Ruskies! Must be collusion! How about a multi million dollar, dozens of lawyers investigation; looking for alot of nothing like those hacks did to Trump?? Yeah. Great idea!

@OVOChatgpt - 18.02.2021 07:18

Mueller you are such a coward... did literally nothing to stop this monster when you had so much fucking dirt on him even us in the public eye could see it all

@skoaile - 30.11.2020 05:21

he is saying what they are telling him in his ear!

@FunTrollin - 13.11.2020 12:27

I wrote an opinion paper on Mr. Muller before all this Trump fiasco. It is a 15 page paper, some things, well, fell on my lap on the condition of anonymity. This was just a college paper to collaborate on my minor. I still have it. However, a news outlet saw it and read it. This was after college, they offered me if I would like to "donate it, for it is a fine piece of literature" so that is the only hint I will give. No. It was not CNN or Fox News. Although, CNN did take an interest. I worked hard, and did extensive research on it. You are out of your fucking mind of you think you are going to get it for free. HAHA. Cheapskates. I believe Mr. Muller was threatened or coerced during the investigation of corruption of voter fraud. This is a well educated man, who also served as a captain in the Marines during Vietnam. Basically, a fucking badass. He is sharp as he is ruthless. i have huge respect for this gentleman. However, during this presentation, body language alone, he looked nervous and uncomfortable. Mr. Muller is the guy who asks YOU the fucking questions. I think he was one of the best directors the FBI has ever had. To say more would be a waste of time. For me, there is a silver lining. Most of my investments made money, most of them are tied in America. So, who am I to complain. I don't particularly like Trump, but I would mow my neighbors lawn for free, wearing a dress before voting for Clinkton. Jesus...can't really say much. The media loves the left. So i'll just leave my 2 cents, and continue with my daily routine. Have a wonderful day people, God bless.

@cpalmer0703 - 13.11.2020 08:34

Trump is going to jail😂 Lock him up Lock him up🔒🔒🔒🧱🧱🧱

@arnj5765 - 06.11.2020 00:02

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣let's see now

@rogerlonghorn2425 - 10.10.2020 12:51

Trump keeps talking about the origins of the Russia investigation and is willing to unredact that report but won't but unredact the Mueller report and that's because the Mueller report found actual crimes

@DavidRStone1946 - 22.09.2020 13:54

🆘 Now incompetent Robert Mueller And His Team Look Worse By The Day says, “The Daily Caller”.
The full story of Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation of the Russian collusion myth has yet to be told, but important pieces of the tale are emerging. It is increasingly clear that Mueller exerted little to no control over what was going on. The narrative-driven image of Mueller as the steely-eyed force of justice who would take Trump down collapsed when the investigation found no Trump ties to Russia, and Mueller emerged publicly as a low energy, sometimes confused shadow of his former self. Instead, Mueller’s underlings ran the show, dragging out the pointless investigation even when they knew it was a dry hole, illicitly hobbling the Trump presidency while making sure they covered their tracks.
What a wast of taxpayers money and pack of democrat lies.

@erfroot3829 - 20.09.2020 13:40

Robert is afraid, surely they have him, it's up to your next Generation to save your day but I doubt it would ever happen.

@pssix03 - 07.09.2020 11:51

For a war veteran, Bob Mueller is incredibly spineless. He wasted millions of taxpayer dollars for what? He could have just said “Donald Trump broke the law”. I appreciate his service to our country, but he should be ashamed of himself for what he did NOT say. His testimony to Congress was pathetic.

@juliahartshorn2473 - 15.07.2020 19:24

This questioner, Collins, starts by saying he's going to take his questioning of Mueller slowly . . . if what he went on to do is slow, god help the people he is faster with!

@catmom1322 - 14.07.2020 02:48

I remember that Collins guy from the impeachment hearings. He was a jerk then & he's a jerk now. Too confrontational.
