I read Harry Potter for the first time.. 🪄⎮ part 1

I read Harry Potter for the first time.. 🪄⎮ part 1

Destiny Sidwell

2 месяца назад

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@llw04939 - 22.12.2024 10:14

Book 4 was a drag for me to get into as well, it's not just you. I think it starts out WAY too slow

@anjakascak - 22.12.2024 10:47

never been so scared to watch a des video, like what if she doesn’t love it??!!

@MirandaVReads - 22.12.2024 16:47

OMG I remember being in 4th grade and calling my mom on our landline and begging her to pick up the newest book (which was order at the time). Enjoy being introduced to this magical world!

@MirandaVReads - 22.12.2024 16:48

And I’m just realizing that when Order of the Phoenix came out you were like 2 months old. OMFG.

@KimmaHnP - 22.12.2024 17:33

Please do try to also listen to the series on audio. The books are wonderful. But the audio is the perfect accompaniment and I am willing to bet that you will love it more.

@jamiereadsitall - 22.12.2024 20:57

i absolutely love that you’re enjoying them!!! the jump from “cozy and cute” to literally just trying to stay alive in book 4 is so real lmao

@1uvsea - 23.12.2024 01:18

I've been looking for these editions everywhere! Where did you get them from?

@madsbaileigh - 23.12.2024 04:33

the steve harrington shirt ❤

@heyitsmakayla111 - 23.12.2024 04:43

As soon as destiny announced she was going to read harry potter last year i was so hyped because i LOVE harry potter and my reading journey started with the first harry potter book (im still in the middle of the series i just couldn't get through the 4th book and hopefully ill pick it up again because i want to finish the books but i truly fear her writing might not be my cup of if tea anymore) ANYWAYS back on track. Fast forward to when i see destiny is finally reading them on goodreads, hyped through the roof. But nothing will compare to waiting a full year to see the video notification pop up and then it does and im so excited that i accidentally put off watching it because i was so excited😂. As a persistent watcher it felt very worth waiting for and was rewarding to get to watch destiny start her harry potter journey (not to be dramatic) 😂😂 this has sparked my interest to pick the series back up as well🫶🏻

@Julie_ao - 23.12.2024 17:38


@christinefletcher6260 - 23.12.2024 18:58

the fourth book is always the slowest, but don't worry the next books will be more faster

@jessie.jordan - 23.12.2024 19:25

I loved watching every bit of your HP reading vlogs part 1 and 2! I read the Harry Potter series around the same age you are now (about 13 years ago already 🥲) and it was so good.

@sabinapaneva3101 - 24.12.2024 06:14


@JesseJess22 - 24.12.2024 16:19

I feel so old. I still have my 2 sets of first addition hardback copies of the Harry Potter series with the original cover art.

@The_half_blood_princess - 25.12.2024 06:06

Poa is my favorite

@hermionelunaginny - 25.12.2024 12:54

I don't know if anyone would read this but these books and changed me , shaped me and heals me continuously.... The characters , the setting ... Everything oddly feels like home ❤

@breannatorrez5507 - 26.12.2024 09:36

Re reading Harry Potter so I love that you read it this month also! I got to the half blood prince a few years ago and just stopped so now I’m reading fully through and have been loving them again! ❤️

@dkassandra - 26.12.2024 13:05

Watching a big booktuber who happens to be my 1 of my fave read the series that got me into reading while sipping my peppermint tea in a harry potter mug

@beccasaurus69 - 26.12.2024 17:51

I just read them and watched them for the first time this year too! I was 26 😅 I've had my birthday since then but Im now a huge fan ❤

@vidarlileng9558 - 26.12.2024 18:41

I actually got bored when I came to the fifth book, maybe this will convince me to continue the series, cuz its actually a great series.

@mirimb15 - 27.12.2024 17:45

i’m so happy for you finally reading this books 🥹❤️‍🩹 they’re my fav ones!

@addisynadkins9265 - 28.12.2024 03:04


@abbyspirit - 28.12.2024 17:12

this right after your disney vlog is so fun now you have to go to universal

@Kassia_97 - 30.12.2024 18:34

There are 8 movies! The 7th one is split up into 2 parts!

@laurisareader - 31.12.2024 12:19

You NEED to read All The Young Dudes. It is about the marauders like James and Lily Potter and Sirius and Remus and Peter when they first meet up until October 31, 1981

@karolineeggenskovli4712 - 31.12.2024 13:26

the reason the author recaped what had previously happened in each book was because the books came out with like 1-2 years in between, and a lot of people were reading the books directly after they came out so when the next book came out, they needed a refresh!

@claudipereira6729 - 31.12.2024 16:17

After reading this series, you must get into the fanfiction Harry Potter word! Dramione fiction - Manacled, Secrets and Masks, The Auction!!

@camfan54lisa - 31.12.2024 19:43

The book was better has never been so true than for this series!!! ❤❤❤❤

@MonicaMayle - 01.01.2025 04:06

But girl, where did you get that red Christmas crewneck?!? It's adorable

@eleonoragiannetti3603 - 01.01.2025 17:51

just turned 36 and never read HP. I read half of the first one when it came out (I believe I was in middle school) and I wasn't impressed.
I wanted to try again during the holidays but life got in the way, so I believe they will be my first priority of 2025. Not sure if I'll be reading them back to back or not tho

@ashanique04 - 04.01.2025 19:23

I have been watching the movies since I was a kid. Never read the books before. Now, this video convinced me to read the books. Thank you des <3

@kirrilyjackson7111 - 06.01.2025 08:48


@JesusLightsYourPath - 06.01.2025 19:09

I've been thinking about reading it but I still haven't reached a level in reading where I want to read an entire series. I usually just like a quick read. I still haven't watched all of the Harry Potter movies yet either so I plan on watching it someday if I ever get to reading the books.

@baby_were_the_new_romantics - 10.01.2025 07:35

the summary at the start of each book is more because the books were released a year or so apart it was to refresh your memory of the previous book x

@skippygaming9695 - 10.01.2025 08:29

I think i heard that jk Rowling fought hard for them to be put in middle school as the original publisher was gonna make it a young adult

@MiltonPower-h9y - 14.01.2025 09:17

I have the same physical copy set with those covers that you do. So cool! Glad you’re enjoying the books! 😀

@MiltonPower-h9y - 15.01.2025 00:48

Love the fake British accent lol. The Harry Potter books are so good! 😀❤

@TyrekeCorrea - 24.01.2025 23:38

I get the sense that you don't have a lot of stamina for reading.

What was your elementary school experience like?

@TyrekeCorrea - 24.01.2025 23:41

Have you read Matilda?

@abigailweh2241 - 26.01.2025 02:16

I read the HP series for the first time as an adult as well, and I also struggled with getting into Goblet of Fire. But the next book was my absolute favorite and the last three are generally all so much better than the first four!

@l0velym00n - 26.01.2025 23:12

Wait till she learns of atyd

@bethanydaniels9455 - 29.01.2025 04:57

the audiobook really helps me when the story feels like it's dragging 😇 it just brings back the cozy nostalgic energy

@weirderthanyou1 - 02.02.2025 07:47

They really screwed Ron over in the movies. Everything that made Ron great in the books, they gave to Hermione in the movies

@dsp8363 - 02.02.2025 14:02

How does this person almost have 300k subs lol

@trinc9015 - 06.02.2025 03:31

I remember having to be on a long waitlist at the library to read the next book as it came out. And then finishing them in a day , the pain of waiting for the next one.

@elisepahl8880 - 24.02.2025 23:10

i just read the books and watched the movies for the first time. it was such a fun experience! i’m so curious about your feelings on certain things that happened… i’ve never wished for spoilers! half blood prince was my favorite

@stephaniecason - 26.02.2025 16:06

I once heard someone say "I like Harry Potter Christmas better than Earth Christmas" 😆

@SaraGustafsson-xg2ge - 06.03.2025 19:44

Harry Potter!! NOT Hairy Podder 🤨
