Why I'll Be Leaving Thailand & Move Back to the West

Why I'll Be Leaving Thailand & Move Back to the West


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@BKKNOW1 - 08.04.2019 20:14

People think Thailand is cheap, yes 25 to 30 years ago it was cheap, I come from the UK and was getting 75 baht to £1 English pound now I am getting 41 baht to £1 English pound, if you have any problems where you need to go to a hospital you will need a mortgage to pay for the bill, in England I get free healthcare, plus if you have a accident with a Thai person you will be the one paying if you were in the right you will still be paying for there bike or car plus if they go to hospital you will pay the bills.
Plus if your thinking of selling your house in the west and buying a place with a Thai girl, go to your doctor and have your head looked at first, when your money runs out or starts to get low, that’s when they will move on to the next man and clean him out, I have seen it so many times, I only go to Thailand for two weeks of the year with my girlfriend no she is not Thai, don’t get me wrong there are some good Thai girls but there are a lot of bad ones waiting for your money, if you do go rent a place, and rent the girls, never stay with them for more than one night, there are plenty of them to have a different one every day, good luck and stay safe.

@FlavaOfDaDay - 09.04.2019 21:05

There ain't a horse that can't be rode, There ain't a cowboy that can't be throwed, There ain't a thing that can't be bought, There ain't a man that can't be caught. I appalled this Tuber for taking his shot at what he visualised as being his destiny. No one can ever take that away from him. And I am sure he is smarter for having taken that leap of faith. I made a similar decision a few years back after having traveled throughout southeast Asia for the better part of 10 years (periodic vacations). Thought I had it all figured out. Thankfully I was able to pull the plug at $30k left in savings. But let me tell you, actually pulling that plug must have been akin to going cold-turkey of crack cocaine or heroin because brothers I was definitely hooked on bouncing around southeast Asia as if I was a blind man looking for a set of new eyes. Too much freedom can be a bad thing if you have never had full ownership of it. But man, the absolute wisdom gained from going through something like that is incredibility powerful once you have recovered financially. Keyframe5, I wish you all the best. Do what you need to do to get right in the pockets again man!!!!

@rockinrollinntrollin616 - 10.04.2019 08:48

So you are Thai ?

@henryeverhart-martinez5879 - 10.04.2019 16:53

Enjoy your perspectives on Thailand. They will be missed. I am in ChiangMai for the 2nd time in less than a year. I’m loosing optimism on retiring here but who knows how things will go for the future. I hope you keep looking forward and do well in your future! 🤔🙌🏼

@diegestive4167 - 10.04.2019 18:36

The reason I’m leaving .... crazy woman

@nicobic - 10.04.2019 19:11

One thing living in China has taught me is being a minimalist. If you have learnt that too - and I know you did with those videos of 120US/m flats for rent- your return to Canada will be a glory. Most Canadians are not used to that. This means you find a 60k+ job and rent a studio, buy a 2nd hand Honda Civic 2008, cook your own food (now that's a learning curve for you ;-)).

You'll come back to Thailand in 2-4 years and can purchase a land & build a hotel ("Thom's Hotel" ?). And I'll be your first guest :-)

All the best and hope you keep this channel alive. You have a unique perspective to offer and thanks for that.

@tonyt3654 - 11.04.2019 04:03

Go to Chatachuk Market. Make a catalogue of all the products online, and I mean all, add your mark up ie 2,3,5 or even 10 times the price. Only buy what you've already sold ie no stock. Original artwork is a good place to start ! Good Luck. If you do move back Canada try starting a street food market Thai style . All the best !

@samwilliams662 - 12.04.2019 13:06

You did it wrong man u rocked up and got yourself a condo n closed yourself in a cell = limited opportunity for “resources” its not thailand you couldve got your hustle on here big time

@cointelproc.o.p.s.gangstal6367 - 17.04.2019 08:37

Too bad you have to pack up and leave. I wonder if, three years ago, you attempted to make $$$ online with affiliate marketing?

@funtari7 - 04.05.2019 05:37

It's very easy. If you don't have the right amount of money then just stay were you are.

@boudicca7070 - 13.05.2019 05:33

Foreigners cannot own a property in Thailand....too much rambling. Financial is the main reason.

@stevendevlindevlin4867 - 15.05.2019 18:10

It's always good to change it up every now and then

@nlorand9033 - 01.06.2019 10:58

Money no issue. But women are !
Been in Thailand for 10 years.
Had two thai wives.
First I was with over two years. She was not a bar girl. Worked in a hotel.
Turns out she had a thai husband.
2nd wife had another boyfriend whilst I worked away.
Found out by her texting the wrong person.
Almost 3 years with her.
She was not a bar girl. She designed clothes for a fashion designer . She married an Australian man. 1 year later she wants to come back to me.
Should have bought a condo.
I lost two houses.
Being now single I have met many ladies but they are jealous, selfish and unfortunately do not have the same understanding.
I actually find professional ladies have the same hang ups as the bar girl.
As many professional women are not paid that highly I have met many who work night shift as it were.
A lady who works the street can earn at least 60000 baht a month. A nurse will not make 20000 baht.
I know many ladies who have a thai husband or boyfriend who also have a farang taking care of her.
Thailand is good but forget the thai wife. Rent only and enjoy eating and travelling.

@harryviking6347 - 02.06.2019 14:02

I have one more trip to thailand to rid my stuff there before start looking at the canary islands or portugal. I might even look at vietnam, but I think am tired of asians as a whole.

@danieltoo2008 - 11.06.2019 19:10

It Jun, couple months since the posting of this video. Are you still in Thailand or Canada, bro? i am actually planing to visit Thai in next couple months and apply for Retirement Visa. too bad if you're already back to Canada. i was thinking about meeting up and check places with you. thanks all the same and have good journey back...

@holyfuddleduddle4231 - 12.06.2019 18:04

Thailand isn't for everyone and health care is not free in Canada, it is a communist country so its free for all the people that dont work. People who work pay for health care and all others live off those working. Dont spread false information online saying health care is free. Nothing is free  in the world.

@irish6779 - 17.06.2019 17:03

Don't come back.

@naren2k6 - 18.06.2019 22:04

Would another reason be, Poor planning or no planning?

@Mickman007 - 20.06.2019 00:31

What a boring load of dribble.

@davidwalden2887 - 24.06.2019 08:35


This reminds me of an issue I was involved in at a school in Australia. I was a school photographer and one day when taking photos at a Primary School while my wife who assisted me was distracted two 12 year old boys stole some money from my wife's purse. One of them stole $20 the other boy stole $10. The boys were found out and the Principle together with the boy's parents was trying to decide on a punishment.
The Principle decided that the two boys would not be allowed to go on a week long school camp to a country location which was greatly looked forward to by all the year 7 students. The mother of the $10 thief insisted that as her son only stole half as much money as the other boy he should be given lesser punishment and allowed to go on the camp he only stole half. She really had no concept that her son was being punished for being a thief. He just did not get away with it.

I received this Email today from Thai Visa, Yes for Bt14,000 you can get a Thai Retirement Visa the genuine way (it seems) in Thailand

Re: 1 Year Retirement Visa for Australia Passport (฿14,000)




Sun, Jun 23, 5:46 PM (14 hours ago)

to me

Hey David,

This is Grace from Thai Visa Centre again.

I am happy to let you know that our price for 1 Year Retirement Visa's is now only ฿14,000 (50% discount)!

We help sponsor your financial requirements, and only require passport, and two photos.

If you have any visa needs please contact us ASAP.

Have a wonderful day.



LINE @thaivisacentre

WEBSITE Thai Visa Centre

@keiscott2953 - 18.07.2019 08:36

I greatly appreciate the math approach and how it actually points out the true greed in Thai gov.. While I can understand the need for med care, insurance , as you point out - they have abundant funding - more smokescreen ...
I just got denied for coverage - pre=exist " . So thailand won't be my dream retirement... Besides many people assume farang is rich - you buy dinner... very tiring , and too many tourists !

@keiscott2953 - 18.07.2019 08:42

Their Visa process is a royal rip off, where else can you get 3 differing answers ? Always changing, a giant pain in the ass. I nearly submitted to 500,000 b Elite Visa - insane !
With the strong baht, they are near pricing themselves into ' Vacancy ' similar to the continuous condo building.... price must drop ... and it will !

@deregerm - 31.07.2019 14:03

God all mighty. Who cares. Perhaps do your thinking in your head instead of rambling on here.
Embarrassed Canadian here.

@pvasir - 10.08.2019 00:07

Good luck.

@thailandsexpatse-beggarssc6265 - 27.08.2019 22:45

So in other words you're LAZY. Typical delusional millineal.

@TheSansonite - 26.10.2019 10:18

Very useful you are very wise

@blackmenwilltravel8725 - 01.11.2019 18:07

Sounds like King Epic

@arentol99 - 07.11.2019 11:25

This video is a long and winding road that doesn't really have any destination in mind...

@fridge6534 - 07.11.2019 11:35

Money talks. Go to work and do something clever.

@williamstout7198 - 11.11.2019 09:38

Thailand is a place that expats are treated like second class citizens....been staying there on and off for years, no more.....

@alvinleong173 - 28.11.2019 22:44

There's no paradise in our world :)

@brucebaker3523 - 10.12.2019 17:47

Thailand has gotten tough for a lot of Expats, laws seem to change every 90 days.

@paulinthailand - 12.12.2019 21:59

we are leaving

@brianstevens7241 - 13.12.2019 03:01

i think you are a loser and should get a job and be productive.

@wayneballintine9532 - 18.12.2019 22:44

Its all about money with out money you cant do nothing

@george10445 - 21.12.2019 10:44

Whats with a condo ??? You get rippoff every year with so fake "bills" for repairs !!! And is it shure,you get every time visas to thailand ??? What happens if you are "blacklistet" by a fake ??? You go to the supreme court in thailand ?? Be not be stupid, buy only in a country where the law is in function, and a democracie----also for foreigners !!!

@mykalsarakula3652 - 28.03.2020 06:28

work for me..if u have a work permit..we have resources to tap..la firma..globallegalsevicesfrree..ciao

@mykalsarakula3652 - 28.03.2020 06:29

ski ya later..whistler res..

@Hello-ev1xl - 12.06.2020 14:26

I took all my money with me when I left.

@bigchill4571 - 17.10.2020 13:07

come back now or you’ll get demoted

@xshanghu - 26.01.2021 12:48

Freedom is just another way of saying nothing. More to lose.

@michaelvenizelos1353 - 08.02.2021 03:49

U R stupid !! that is why you are getting out of MY PARADISE.
GOOD -BYE ... you will not be missed.

@sophin7777 - 13.02.2021 12:01

How did you get the thai Citizenship?

@op5705 - 27.02.2021 11:54

yes ka go back ka I also want to leave Thailand ka wait when im old enough and im gone from Thailand ka

@spellerlittlewing - 19.03.2021 06:26

Great video

@tteo8457 - 22.03.2021 14:03

After convi19 outbreak most expat's lost their job and started to leave. If you want to make more money working in Thailand then you can forget about it. Cost of living is not expensive living in provinces and Thai foods is really cheap. Unless you stay in Bangkok then cost of living can be high. i returned to Singapore this year 2021 after 7 years in Samui and Chiangrai.

@waynelesperance5604 - 18.04.2021 05:18

I am Canadian also, I work aboard in Middle East , my Thai wife lives we with me. Eventually closer to retirement, I will go back to Canada with my wife. We have plan to live in both places half the year in each. Wish you nothing but the best. If you’re looking for higher salary, look at Middle East, with Canadian education salary are higher, plus only 6 hour flight back to Thailand.
