Muslim historian: why Keir Starmer should NOT outlaw 'Islamophobia' | SpectatorTV

Muslim historian: why Keir Starmer should NOT outlaw 'Islamophobia' | SpectatorTV

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@SpectatorTV - 24.06.2024 14:15

Would a law banning 'Islamophobia' be counterproductive Muslim integration?

@walterking5453 - 29.06.2024 08:04

When the labour leader sits down with that little tramp in London that tell George you need to know and then imagine people vote for labour

@walterking5453 - 29.06.2024 08:01

Yes, yes, yes, we know the wonderful people like the gangs that we’re going around right and little white car only all Muslims I rest my case

@sugatabose3691 - 29.06.2024 05:44

History should be stated without cherrypicking isolated events to bolster your case. Else it reduces to hypocrisy. To try to fool the audience by clever narration of events may suit taqiyya but not truth.

@fred98321 - 29.06.2024 03:28

The fact that this type of discussion is never held regarding ANY OTHER RELIGION in Western countries should inform even the most clueless person that Islam is different than every other religion, and they should start asking why that is.

@adriancook9742 - 28.06.2024 21:30

A phobia is a fear as I understand it. So how can a fear be made illegal???????????

@BenDover-e4v - 28.06.2024 20:03

You've incorporated the flag of the Bankrupt Islamist Republic of Pakistan, a globally recognised terrorist sponsoring state, into your thumbnail. Hmmm 🤔

@newt4050 - 28.06.2024 11:34

There's no such thing as Islamophobia, just a weaponized word to silence the people who questions or criticize Islam

@silvielovastikova-luck6065 - 28.06.2024 09:06

This man has an excellent stand.
I am a British Christian, originating in Czech Republic. In my opinion Keir Starmer's suggestion is a form of nanny state, which only weighs the government down, almost a populist decision.
What we must concentrate on in our free democratic world is the retaining of our freedom of opinion and choice of religion - supported by education!!!
Our children need to be educated at schools deeper on the 3 abrahamic religions, not just the differences between them and not so much from the faith/ believe point of view, but from the pragmatic critical point! They need to learn what a believe can be used for and the impact of it on our lives, but primarily the history between the religions and how they span from liberal to the radical extremes. The Crusaders were viewed by Muslims at the time as radicals and we should not assign that to history as many of them have not! And where would our NHS be without the Muslim doctors and their servitude and steadfastness to God and purpose? The British "non believer yet christian yet atheists", as many are, need to learn what does 'serving the community' mean (primarily not only as a punishment) and what does 'love your God and love thy NEIGHBOUR' really means.
We need a deeper connection between our synagogues/churches/mosques (written purely in historical time order), and together with our schools.

@user-kw2yo6wi3v - 28.06.2024 02:08

I believe it wrong to ask a six year old child to marry you, and I believe it's wrong to consummate that RAPE when that child is mine years old.mohamah at the age of fifty one years old, asked Aisha to marry him when she was only a six year old child and Mohammad consummated the "marriage" RAPE, when Mohammad was fifty four years old and Aisha was only a nine year old child, what does The spectator believe about child marriage? and if the spectator believes it was wrong for Mohammad to have sex with the nine year old Aisha, should the spectator be called islamaphobic racist?.I watched the Al-Jazeera video from 2009 on the 450 child marriages in one day in Gaza, the girls were 10 years old and the men were 30-40 years old, Even more disturbing was a video from Somali Christian TV, Muslim man pulls out gun on child bride, shocking video.when you hear the girl crying in the bedroom in Pakistan,it is very difficult to listen to.islamaphoba is a gaging order to silance any one who believes Mohammad was wrong to have sex with Aisha when she was a nine year old child.

@ataiber1 - 28.06.2024 01:26

There is not such thing as Islamophobia!!! The fear from the cruel backward Islam is not a phobia!!!Any one who is not afraid is either stupid either ignorant or a brainwashed Muslim….

@A.D.540 - 28.06.2024 00:40

If islamic-phobia doesn't excist anymore sense christianity law is removed then. Anti-semetic is also fake from that perspective.

The reality is those things excist just like Christianity-phobia.

The problem is it's been misused by individuals for their own aganda mostly political.

@lamegalectora - 27.06.2024 23:16

I fear the fanaticism and idiocy of the islamic religion because I see their products wherever I look. What I do not see nor hear is ‘enlightened’ or ‘moderate’ muslims publicly and resoundingly distancing themselves from them. Even this professor, supposedly open minded, has his daughters wearing a hijab, a little jail on the go.

@mariussielcken - 27.06.2024 22:10

No muslim countries are signatories to the Declaration of Universal Human Rights, because freedom of speech covers offense against islam.

@tonybradley427 - 27.06.2024 21:14

Love this guys views, one law for all and we respect each others religions. Free speech and debate are civilised and allow you to rationalise and agree to disagree. But we should never rely on violence and make laws that fragment our nation.

@ajmersingh3043 - 27.06.2024 20:09

The word Islamophobia was coined by Muslims to play the victim card and blame everyone else except themselves for the failures of Islam in democratic countries.

@daviddelfini1478 - 27.06.2024 20:02

Religions are all man-made.
There are 4000+ religions on this planet and only one truth. So by mathematical definition, all but one are man-made. And a little bit of thinking and analysis will quickly conclude that that one religion is also man-made.
So are we promoting a mass culture of mass stupidity that we do not openly accept that religions are man-made?
If a god or gods exist or existed, it is certain that they have nothing to do with religion. God or gods are not disproved. All religions are disproved by facts. So believing in a god or gods may be a question of "faith". To believe in religion is simply stupid. It is not faith. It is brainwash and stupidity.
Why are we still having these immature conversations in the 21st century?

@dawnduskwinter - 27.06.2024 19:44

Vote Reform

@dawnduskwinter - 27.06.2024 19:32


@dawnduskwinter - 27.06.2024 19:28

Vote Reform

@dawnduskwinter - 27.06.2024 19:27

Islamophobia made up by the Muslims ....

@rw3452 - 27.06.2024 15:23

The ideology itself needs to be looked at, it does not agree with western values. There is no problem with people as we are all humans but values are not the same.

@inkipinki8468 - 27.06.2024 15:11

Now k know why he is on the show. He is white on the inside!

@victoriacritchlow9069 - 27.06.2024 14:45


@apemoon1731 - 27.06.2024 14:36

No group is more 'phobic' than Islamists.

It amusing that the first guy compares others to 'Nazis' .......self-awareness really isnt his thing. 🤦🏻‍♂️😅🤡

I can't commit 'blasphemy' towards a religion i don't subscribe to.

@kevinlarke4837 - 27.06.2024 13:04

It's not far right , they are neither right as in correct or right wing .

@peterstephenson9538 - 27.06.2024 09:28

This move by Labour has its obvious source in electoral maths and the wish to buy the votes of Muslims themselves. The silence of Muslims speaks volumes. Our millennium long cultural coherence is about to be undone. By idiots and their ruthless leaders.

@73elephants - 27.06.2024 07:46

There is no such thing as "islamophobia". A phobia is an irrational fear, and, bearing in mind the methods by which Islam has spread over the centuries (and is still doing in other parts of the world), it is insane for non-Muslims not to be wary of Islam.

@thebritishbookworm2649 - 27.06.2024 07:38

What a joke. So we drop barbaric laws and then they come here and want to over throw our sovereignty with their sickness yet a Christian / Atheist is considered filthy so cannot even walk in Mecca!!!!!!

@simolatham03 - 27.06.2024 04:55

Britain hasn't been free since the late 80's/90's

@nickelroof6727 - 27.06.2024 03:23

A Labour government scares the shite out of me!!

@user-uz2vc1gc6v - 27.06.2024 03:14

Tommy Robinson is not far right.

@SopwithTheCamel - 27.06.2024 02:56

How do you ban fear of Islam?

@davidlamb7524 - 27.06.2024 02:07

'Islamophobia' is a totally fake term. It is fundamentally dishonest . It's meant to silence any criticism of Islam or Muslims.
A phobia is an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational in fearing Islam ! It has destroyed enough cultures and disrupted others. It's never peaceful for long.
Not only that but the way 'Islamophobia' is used goes far beyond any fear. it incorporates dislike, unease etc and totally opposes any open discussion. A complaint becomes out of the question ! It is anti-free speech and so is extremely dangerous.
I thought for a moment that Starmer wanted to ban the term ! That would have been progress !

@davidlamb7524 - 27.06.2024 01:54

I don't think free debate is the reason .Muslims are in UK !

@george6977 - 27.06.2024 00:58

We are not far right. We don’t want Islamists who hate us and will eventually have a civil war against us, as they did in Lebanon.

@teachedteach - 26.06.2024 18:22

Islamophobia=Fear of Islam.
What is that?
It is again one of these post modern nonsensical creations by language relativists that believe that words should merely mean what they want them to mean.

@susanwinchcombe8812 - 26.06.2024 18:04

Was with this chap all the way, untill he mentioned his fondness for Tony Blier!

@bath_neon_classical - 26.06.2024 17:43

the term "Islamophobia" is a modern manifestation of the same prejudices and power dynamics that Orientalism perpetuated.

@deniseneal9216 - 26.06.2024 16:16

It was very refreshing to hear this men speak. If only muslims were more like this man.
Very good, level headed conversation!

@gilberthill9816 - 26.06.2024 16:00

What nonsense, you obviously ignore the recent Polls ?????

@tkling5909 - 26.06.2024 15:36

They are now inhibiting free speech and creating an untouchable class by the name of "phobia", from homophobia to Islamaphobia. Where is room for legitimate criticism when they've set up all these new crimes?

@radumeirosu6251 - 26.06.2024 15:31

But whitefobia is ok no?

@R2D6_10 - 26.06.2024 15:23

We need Christian blasphemy laws back.

@susanwinchcombe8812 - 26.06.2024 15:03

As far as I'm concerned Islamophobia doesn't exist, a pbobia means one is scared, I'm not scared of Islam, I think its a cult not a religion, I just despise it!

@hamishfraser2369 - 26.06.2024 14:19

The left are embracing Islamic Fundamentalism because they are sympathetic to its anti- west ideology.

This has been tried before in Iran and the Islamists turned on the leftists and destroyed them.

Appeasing Fundamentalism never ends well.

@Eris123451 - 26.06.2024 13:50

Starmer is and always has been a Nazi by instinct and temperament.

In the end though he'll do whatever his masters, (who aren't the people who will vote for him nor the people who are so sickened and disgusted by UK politics and by the current state of the Labour party that we won't vote at all,) tell him to.

Who are his masters ?

"More than half of the cabinet are listed as supporters or officers of Labour Friends of Israel (LFI)."

"According to Declassified UK, the donations were provided by LFI and Sir Trevor Chinn, a “philanthropist” active in numerous pro-Israel organizations such as the Joint Israel Appeal."

"Sir Trevor donated £50,000 to Sir Keir’s 2020 leadership bid, and a total of £200,000 to the shadow cabinet."


@Tigger-roo1234 - 26.06.2024 13:44

Tommy is not anti muslim, he is anti islamist..a huge difference

@adoreslaurel - 26.06.2024 13:24

Salman Rushdie is the perfect example of why Islam is the most frightening religion in this world.
