Lululemon, Lenox, Cashmere & MORE! Thrift with Me near Boston. Last Haul for a WHILE! Poshmark

Lululemon, Lenox, Cashmere & MORE! Thrift with Me near Boston. Last Haul for a WHILE! Poshmark

Lori Tata

2 года назад

14,316 Просмотров

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@Robert74450 - 28.02.2023 07:08

I want to buy the lul side ruched

@ep.4588 - 21.02.2023 00:37

Its in Boston (*???

@blueberrypoptart6806 - 15.02.2023 23:40

Where do you thrift?

@kahtytemple2570 - 15.02.2023 22:05

I'm not a Lenox fan at all but that tree topper is very nice!

@jamieferrari8192 - 14.02.2023 21:45

I feel like this year everyone is raising their prices, ugh! Our local Goodwills have raised all of their prices, it is insane.

@trishakrenek4171 - 14.02.2023 21:03

I’ve been wanting to try Earth Breeze, thank you Tata for the 40% off! I just placed my order! So excited to try it!! 🎉

@sammorris1741 - 14.02.2023 03:07

I like your top

@jeanniecawley1686 - 13.02.2023 19:56

I’ve been using earth breeze for 2 years

@passportsandpizzapies - 13.02.2023 16:45

Also: If you ever find a Swiftly piece that doesn't have its tearaway tag, they always have the size under the bottom hem on all the pieces from that line of Lululemon.

@ilovehostas3594 - 13.02.2023 02:22

I. Northeast Ohio, my goodwill charges anywhere from $15.00 to $20.00 for more expensive shoes. I will have to drive about 30 miles into another county to buy shoes for $5.00/$6.00 per pair. We used to have a half price color and a $1.00 color every week, no $1.00 items since the pandemic.

@statuscheck5861 - 13.02.2023 00:12

Love the concept of having everything listed and taking time to update oldest listings. I’m a very part part reseller with just under 800 listed. I currently and tend to only have two laundry baskets worth of unlisted clothes and accessories. It’ll be interesting to watch how you manage your February challenge.

@katiegillespie5170 - 13.02.2023 00:11

I bought a new pair of align shorts from lululemon and they had that square tag. I would have thought it was fake if I didn't buy it direct lol.

@shannonmorrison457 - 12.02.2023 21:44

Love, love, love your top in this video. Great finds as always. Joining you on a second year in a row with Thriftless February. My death pile is not tremendous, but I live in a studio apartment, so seems out of hand quick. Making myself list half of the death pile before I can thrift and limiting myself by time and budget in the thrifts:)

@TheThriftyBroad - 12.02.2023 21:11

Hi Lori! Great haul! I love that Lenox find! The thrift stores in my area are insane so I just stick to the bins which is just fine with me I find way better stuff for a fraction of the time it takes to go through the stores here. :)

@laurieowens7187 - 12.02.2023 17:08

Can’t believe Rocco is in college already! My youngest is a freshman too so we’re empty nesters too!!

@joliebri6567 - 12.02.2023 05:30

Good pick up on the Spartina!

@hollyparmenter6925 - 12.02.2023 02:23

Prices are still cheaper at Many Hands Thrift! We miss you and hope to have you back for the bag sale in March I will let you know. Love the Vionics. I don't think I have seen them in the wild yet. I am going to the bins with Nicole from Sterling Findings on the 24th. Maybe I'll see you there if you hit your Feb Goals.
Wow those armpit stains came out!!?? I am definitely gonna try that stuff.

@ralphporter821 - 11.02.2023 22:44

Ralph's wife, Marianne here. Found a Johnny Was kimono and 2 pair of Sven clogs today at a church thrift . Paid 2.64 each!!!

@meridethm6788 - 11.02.2023 21:57

Great Lenox find! I've had good success selling the higher end items year round!

@restylesecrets8251 - 11.02.2023 20:37

Fun haul but I’m a bit bereft at the no hauls this month. Hey! Could you haul your virtual death pile instead? Let’s decide if it’s still worth listing 🤣🤣😘❤️❤️❤️

@LindaKayHolevas - 11.02.2023 20:32

I sent you an email this last week to your business account (sorry, but I couldn’t find another email for you!) You have been on my mind a lot because I know how difficult losing a family member (dog) is. I had a special experience while sending love to Lulu & I wanted to share it with you ❤

@tynawalenski673 - 11.02.2023 16:34

I found a pair of Tieks there last week. I was so excited because they're in perfect condition. I didn't notice until I went to list them that one is navy blue and one is black. The lighting in there is very poor and I find way more flaws when I get home than from any other store.
I messaged them about the shoes and no response 😥

@tynawalenski673 - 11.02.2023 16:24

$10 for boots and $8 for sweaters.

@tynawalenski673 - 11.02.2023 16:23

No shoes are now $8

@tynawalenski673 - 11.02.2023 16:22

I didn't know the prices increased until I checked out also 😥

@spreading_cheer_1078 - 11.02.2023 16:07

Prices crazy here too. Sticking to bins for 75% of my inventory. That laundry detergent is interesting. I always feel bad about all the plastic wasted. Our son drizzled blue detergent over his load at college and ruined a whole load of whites. Great video and looking forward to your new format going forward. 😀

@paulakeenan9377 - 11.02.2023 12:27

I love the cashmere sweaters.

@sueneubecker4357 - 11.02.2023 08:26

Lori you look so good in this printed shirt! Love it

@angelasearles5506 - 11.02.2023 08:16

What do you use to sweater shave?

@sues6763 - 11.02.2023 07:29

😢I missed getting the Vionic ballet shoes😢

@bellesbottoms - 11.02.2023 06:17

one of my thrifts has jumped up a lot too. i used to pick up a lot of shoes there for $6 each, now they are $8. now all nwt stuff and any and all things they think are good are in a new section and way uppriced. so sad.

@joannaafter40 - 11.02.2023 06:14

Another fun video! 🎉

@theteenreseller - 11.02.2023 05:35

Great video! The prices have gone up here too! I have been forced to be selective but it may be a good thing in a way! $10 for jeans is too much! Ours just went up to $8.99 and they used to be $5 a year ago 😢.

@MollysFavorites20 - 11.02.2023 05:20

I just sold that exact FP top for $35. Good find!

@mariedonigan5647 - 11.02.2023 05:14

Love that lulu top. Great score for 6$ I did check your posh store -could get in big trouble… but I sent and offer for the top.

@daisy97229 - 11.02.2023 04:37

Lori, What size are those Vionic ballet flats? Please say 9!!!

@katbyrd9299 - 11.02.2023 04:35

I am a BIG fan of Spartina for my personal use. They wear like iron and the patterns are delightful. Much more elevated than Vera for every day and I always get compliments. I found my first Spartina on sale at a high end nursery/landscape store of all places.
I fell in love and haven’t looked back - great pick ups …. 💖💚

@jeanpayne1460 - 11.02.2023 04:34

Love Earth Breeze. I have been using them for over a year. Great product

@Meekavintage - 11.02.2023 04:08

i would love a resource video

@Meekavintage - 11.02.2023 04:03

🤑🤑talking PRICE INCREASES !!! YA ALL SALVATION ARMY has LOST THEIR MINDS !used body central mini tank dresses $99.99 !!! kids used summer family dollar & walmart dresses$10 ! shoes or jackets $25 & $30 not even decent name brands ! this store 100% goodwill bins type items they put out dirty stuff / people that work there take anything good .but i do vintage so that old stuff is what i actually like so this really sucks..75$ for absolute cheapest replica of a pitcher & wash bowl thing < garbage..i could go on and on

@skygods89ify - 11.02.2023 03:54

Lolololol I was just thinking, if look at the pits lol. I just ordered that detergent. I'm very excited to get it!!!

@susanmorris-smith5509 - 11.02.2023 03:48

Lori do you ship to Canada?

@amyk3020 - 11.02.2023 03:29

Lori love that blouse, Lucky Brand? Thanks for the haul....always a good watch

@devonneshort4749 - 11.02.2023 03:23

Love watching your live thrift! Prices are crazy!!!! I am picky on my purchases too🥰

@neoanderson726 - 11.02.2023 03:15

I did I saw the armpit stains

@justpeachy1o129 - 11.02.2023 02:31

How are you doing Lori? ❤

@lsgrosieh - 11.02.2023 02:27

In california everything is 3 times yourprices
