Why Noise Pollution Is More Dangerous Than We Think | The Backstory | The New Yorker

Why Noise Pollution Is More Dangerous Than We Think | The Backstory | The New Yorker

The New Yorker

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Jingruus - 21.04.2023 01:08

Once I told someone to keep the volume down and that I hated loud noises, and the person have the audacity to ask me why and commented that being sensitive to noise is weak. That was when I know that noise pollution have became "Normal" in this society. Lol ;

Odin Borson
Odin Borson - 14.04.2023 11:06

in a way, 9/11 proved to be very helpful for nature and disturbing for disturbing humans.

Kshitij Rajpoot
Kshitij Rajpoot - 02.02.2023 18:10

Let's hope those new Yorkers don't visit Indian cities.

Waylon Legend
Waylon Legend - 20.12.2022 04:47

I blew my ears out shooting 357 mag in an enclosed area. Constant tinnitus

Ney Penido
Ney Penido - 10.12.2022 17:59

Loud and constant noise just drain my energy. My brain gets so tired that I start to get sleepy -tired ,I´d say exhausted is more accurate.

A Anddone
A Anddone - 15.08.2022 05:11

That 9/11 shutdown part I forgot that happened there, but I think it also happened or something almost as quiet during mid 2020 year of the pandemic whenever there was a enforced shutdown/isolation with only limited essential workers to be running/working things outside their house/place.

Jefferson Waters
Jefferson Waters - 17.07.2022 23:03

so what do we do about it?

Praveen Sriram
Praveen Sriram - 22.04.2022 01:32

Noise pollution is completely out of control in this country and in the world 🌎 today that someone needs to hit the reset button and start over because the noises are getting really annoying and out of control

Ada Tsu
Ada Tsu - 04.04.2022 19:11

My neighbor has two two years old around boys. They use hard toys to hit doors, walls, and use turning shovel to hit floor for fun. The mother said nothing about their making loud noice. They also play children's music in high volume. I think I am about to have a mental breakdown when I myself have a lot of pressure on life.

Deian Louis Francis A V N G Mountbatten
Deian Louis Francis A V N G Mountbatten - 21.09.2021 10:53

Priority number one: The eating of meat must be forbidden by law to all of mankind, all slaughterhouses and abattoirs must be shut, dismantled, or turned into vegan food farms, and all warmblooded beings must be given the same right to life as all humans.

Ryann - 05.03.2021 13:32

School bell gives me anxiety

TWEEL weight plate to reduce gym deadlift noise
TWEEL weight plate to reduce gym deadlift noise - 27.02.2021 08:15


Teh G Slide
Teh G Slide - 25.02.2021 03:25

I would rather encourage better sound protection within the houses of those whom are offended. I would say it is their responsibility to provide shelter if you are looking for a sound vortex that keeps you comfortable.

Not police the world into being quiet.
Are you gonna ticket birds for chirping in the morning or cricket in the evening for being “too noisy”?

David Andersen
David Andersen - 15.12.2020 20:32

My loud neighbors drove me here. Sometimes it is like torture. And I can't get my landlord to do anything about it.

Sylvie M.
Sylvie M. - 22.08.2020 22:56

Loud motorcycles should be illegal. They are so painful and stressful for people on the sidewalk whose ears get blasted. If they are waking up people who are surrounded by a building, you know it's damaging the ears of people outside with no ptotection.

CalPal99 - 14.04.2020 08:34

Great info. I live in San Antonio, TX and the "car culture" down here is insane. SO many extremely loud cars and motorcycles everywhere, at all times... day and night. It's unbelievably annoying. Too bad law enforcement won't do anything about it.

Susan Ralph
Susan Ralph - 25.11.2019 04:06

what about our devices that reverberate the BODY???? the Comercials?????

Saif Saqqa
Saif Saqqa - 07.11.2019 16:00


Starry_Night_Sky - 07.11.2019 08:54

That one person that talks too loud and too much. Ahhh!!!!

I want soundproofing. Not holding my breath waiting for any great progress to happen any time soon. But if this guy educated you, try being quieter. Respect.

Dawn Emile
Dawn Emile - 07.10.2019 04:25

We live in a democracy but people who selfishly make loud noises rip away the rights of the majority to enjoy life. I've noted a trend in the small city that I live in by certain idiot people to modify their mufflers on cars and bikes with the adverse effect on thousands of people at once that you noted in your video. Unless law enforcement takes this problem seriously in the city of Abbotsford, B.C. Canada where I live I will have to move. In addition, this weekend there were 7 helicopters circling overhead for hours each day. Probably accumulating hours for trainee pilots. Then there is the lawnmowing for hours every Friday morning. All of these people feel that they have the right to make the noise that they do. It should be legislated against just like smoking. Making excessive noise is just another manifestation of the growing aggression and mental health problems in today's world. I would like to become an activist in putting an end to this problem. Anyone want to sign up?

navin fulzele
navin fulzele - 02.10.2019 22:40

Great video.

Donna Schnare
Donna Schnare - 09.09.2019 21:25

As a hearing aid wearer who still suffers I plead with society to get real with this. Restaurants are awful, people should understand that you should look at the person you are speaking to and speak clearly. Believe me those of us with hearing loss do not like this either and appreciate your understanding and patience. I can no longer appreciate music - it all sounds like noise and this is terribly depressing. We are much better at reporting the horrible noise pollution but we are way behind on doing anything about it. I use SoundPrint and report to restaurants when I am there. I get it that they think the noise will encourage people to not stay so long and they will make a profit on the damage this noise is doing. I am so thankful for my hearing aids that are blue toothed through my phone so that I can get my phone calls and listen to the TV - otherwise I cannot interpret what words are coming out of the speaker. Thank you for this but let’s see some action.

Kyle Gray Young
Kyle Gray Young - 09.09.2019 19:47

As a hyperacusis sufferer, I feel the need to say that we can definitely do without the sound effects. Especially in an important video like this about the dangers of noise. The part with the gunshot and tinnitus effects around :30-:35 are absolutely uncalled for. You can do better than this, New Yorker!

Nicolas - 06.08.2019 15:50

well, when we were young and dumb and apes, and lived in a nice quiet evnoronment(filled with sabertooth tigers :D), we lived till 30!

Joe Swanson
Joe Swanson - 15.06.2019 06:52

It's even worse if you're a HSP.

1netouch - 14.06.2019 05:43

Do you guys hear something?

Levin Zechner
Levin Zechner - 10.06.2019 12:39

Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution.

love evynn
love evynn - 04.06.2019 08:47

Noise cancelling earphones 💛

catalinacurio - 01.06.2019 18:56

Neighbour has a very loud yapping dog driving me nuts, been going on for two years now, I love dogs but sometimes I wants to slap the owner hard, especially at 2am.

delivrex - 26.05.2019 07:20

we are nature

JR 2020
JR 2020 - 23.05.2019 19:09

Isn't it funny that as NYC is going though gentrification now all of a sudden were supposed to give a dam about noise levels 🤔

War Rocket Ajax
War Rocket Ajax - 21.05.2019 17:41

I find the noise someone makes on a motorcycle going through the city therapeutic. The gentle gargle sounds and muffled cries for help they make as the people they've just woken up hack them to death with machete's is quite soothing . . . I'd imagine.

David Cat
David Cat - 21.05.2019 09:31

Noisy area = poorer area. It's nothing to do with sound and everything to do with socioeconomic factors.

Y van Gogh
Y van Gogh - 14.05.2019 22:38

Air pollution and global warming are not real. You expect me to believe Noise pollution is real?

MAGA KAG - 14.05.2019 04:42

The more I know The less my debate ability became because you do not be sure about things enough!

MAGA KAG - 14.05.2019 04:41

So What Is the Cure ?

novadirector - 12.05.2019 16:14

Love my noise cancelling headphones

Tarun - 10.05.2019 12:24

Come to Delhi roads to know what exactly is "noise pollution" !!

djayjp - 10.05.2019 07:30

Correlation =/= Causation. Really dumb video not to account for such or analyze it for each given scenario.
