The ONLY Eternal Return Guide you NEED | Eternal Return Beginner Guide

The ONLY Eternal Return Guide you NEED | Eternal Return Beginner Guide


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@StunEdgeD - 24.07.2023 00:31

Another thing is that "Try out Character" is like a training mode so I use it to learn my route!

@astraea926 - 20.11.2023 20:28

I’m not sure if you made a mistake or if it’s just for trio squad queue only, but in normal games when I die before day 3, I was not able to respawn. I think if all of your teammates die as well, that completely ends the game regardless.

@navorius8193 - 11.11.2023 01:12

What players?!
You mean Bots?? DID YOU MEAN BOTS?!

@FruitJesus - 10.11.2023 10:30

Souichi is cool

@semafreak - 08.11.2023 04:03

Ty!Was looking for a guide like this.

@bossmeep6467 - 01.11.2023 18:32

why is the other builds you can use. uses korean name? like why is that?

@Plord1984 - 27.10.2023 12:43

Is there a certain controller template for the steam deck

@Iamverystrong8 - 20.10.2023 16:09

How do you guys attack especially with melee? I press A but kinda sucks

@krsnadasafernandez7105 - 27.09.2023 17:19

Do a camera video pls >:c I'm new tho, just started playing yesterday but I can get lots of information and I like it.

@burpbot7555 - 15.09.2023 13:42

"The game does a horrible job at explaining it" Yeah, this is just the game in a nutshell.

@Fr4nn3 - 29.08.2023 02:17

thanks so much for the help! im glad players like you are around, and at least so far ive only had positive experiences with the eternal return community, so im def looking to stick around!

@loki32gaming - 26.08.2023 21:04

im so new to this type of game how do you know what to upgrade when it come to your Q,W,E,R?

@eyeslikeoceans - 25.08.2023 00:53

Which character is the mos like Rumble from league of legends?

@Sunpiggg - 02.08.2023 21:29

I'm new to ER and this game is unlike any other, which is amazing and also hard to learn at the same time, since there are so many unique things. I struggle which items can be found where (from which object, especially struggling with where meteorite and tree of life is besides the kiosk). This was really helpful!

@burritomafia352 - 31.07.2023 17:38

Is this game just League but a br? If in that case oh my dont give Rito ideas

@horuslol3099 - 30.07.2023 06:16

gigachad bro

@lightknightgames - 29.07.2023 07:18

Telling people to not think isn't okay.

@PulseTriangle - 29.07.2023 03:57

you are clearly a very dedicated player and positive force for the community. If only league had more ppl with your attitude!

@absoult5847 - 28.07.2023 02:34

I've met you ingame for the very first time and sent you a friend request. If you decline, no hard feelings. This is just my mere attempt to say thank you so much! You're the reason why I have a new obsession! Im playin Nicky all day <3

@gamingvermin7014 - 28.07.2023 00:48

was super excited for the full release of eternal return but finding out it still doesnt have a playable server for OCE so the minimum is 200 ping, really sad. Wish I could play.

@EzurhaLittner - 27.07.2023 14:29

thx man some of my friends are trying the game they gonna eat ur video, good work bro

@ryu53TV - 26.07.2023 20:42

I cant even get into the game crashes at 75 percent

@Borderlines - 26.07.2023 09:07

Chiara guide pls

@CaptainSnuggleTeff11 - 25.07.2023 23:34

That inventory keybind trick for slots 6-10 is actually really helpful. Thanks SmugDragon! I’m actually really thankful for finding you through twitch and this guide. This game is too fun

@mathmatics8034 - 24.07.2023 21:32

Need help on how 2 kill chickens . . . . . . 🤔 damn things r fast ......... bok bok 🐔

@Rethyphon - 24.07.2023 09:20

i just wish the game was more forgiving to new players been playing all day and i just feel like im not learning anything. i follow my path, build by the end of night one and from there i just get rekt

@car90x - 24.07.2023 06:32

Do you reply to every comment?!

@13Sunkenrock - 23.07.2023 19:51

thanks for your guide

@AngryPickles - 23.07.2023 14:47

Potatoes fish and pizza made me fat. Grrrrr video grrrrrrrrr.

@ertips - 23.07.2023 11:30

New players need this video right now! 🙀

@slothriots - 23.07.2023 08:08

Great video! I just found the game today (had never heard of it before) but was already addicted. And I do NOT like MOBAs. This was suuuuper helpful for me as its a bit overwhelming for me. I think I’ve only been playing bots so far but hopefully I can apply this so it is second nature once I play against people! I will be joining the discord too. Thank you!!! ^_^

@nyarukoo - 23.07.2023 03:52

Can we talk about how clutch that final zone at the end of the video was tho

@xZeryu - 23.07.2023 02:02

Great guide Smug! Just leaving a comment to hopefully get this information out there <3 - RadicalM1nd

@hOFalt - 23.07.2023 00:00

Very good and informative. With how steep the learning curve is with ERBS, I'm sure this'll help a lot of new players. Keep up the great work

@NotDifdaf - 22.07.2023 23:24

very informative, now I will become a pro

@untitledmisou - 22.07.2023 22:41

I think ER is a great game but like most MOBAs (league for example) getting into it is so hard due to learn curve. I wish the devs would hire content creators to create an official "how to play" guid efor beginners.

Another major criticism I have for ER is I think early game should have more skirmish gameplay. The rush build thing kinda makes early game unexciting, and for newer players who just get ran down by experienced players who full build by day 1, likely will scare them off or make them frustrated (this will happen either way if they're new, but still annoying). They could achieve this by managing what tier items/loot you can get early so people can fight before they're essentially maxxed on gear, that makes the player have to think more about how they play early VS just loot simulator. Love the game either way though.

@khasethor - 22.07.2023 22:08

nice video! great effort to help the community!

@matthew8789 - 22.07.2023 20:29

Good Guide 👁

@Mazery - 22.07.2023 19:05

Ay this will help me get back in the game, thanks Smug!

@anzhel3268 - 22.07.2023 18:32

you should have elaborated on traps as they are easier to craft and more viable
it would be very cool to see a new player put a gilloutine and wait in a bush to combo oneshot me with no transitions

@DefinitlyNotRyan - 22.07.2023 16:17

I was here

@christophobia6415 - 22.07.2023 15:49

you cant stop me Smug, I already have theorycrafted and routed my 8 zone Crit Elena build and I will run it in Ranked

@attackspeedgeb9286 - 22.07.2023 15:42

omg now i can finally win a norms game!

@justhreli1538 - 22.07.2023 15:41

This is very entertaining vid for newbies like me!

@difdaf5208 - 22.07.2023 15:39

Yo great video❤
