The Shocking Truth About How Cuba Became Insanely Poor

The Shocking Truth About How Cuba Became Insanely Poor

Casual Scholar

1 год назад

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@smokeylake3150 - 27.01.2024 23:52

Democrats took over

@Resurrected-Silverbeard - 26.01.2024 18:29

🇨🇺 Make Cuba Great Again 🇨🇺

@donaldamccarthy9002 - 26.01.2024 17:22

There would be a benefit to Florida school’s Social Studies curriculum to include this information. The population of South Florida include a very large Cuban population and it baffles so many why they’re such a strong Conservative voting base as the Hispanic community does better under the Liberal offerings and programmes. Alas, the reason for Cubans leaving would, indeed, create their biases against “large” government. And that’s important to understand about our neighbors.

@craniummatter - 26.01.2024 01:46

I don't think the importance of the embargo is stressed enough; there were huge forces affecting trade not just for Cuba but for all countries who dared to be socialist. The economy was performing badly for the reasons mentioned but always through the filter of the embargo. It never was a fair game, just because the capitalist world opposed socialism so extremely.

@janaiello722 - 26.01.2024 00:16

That is what happens when communism takes over.

@_yk9ch9hw5q - 24.01.2024 14:03

What has destroyed Cuba is communism. A destructive and wasteful dictatorial regime. The Castro regime is a machine for wasting subsidies. Between 1960 and 1990, it consumed aid from the Soviet Union equivalent to six Marshall Plans and did not improve its growth pattern or take advantage of enormous subsidies to improve productivity. Between 1960 and 1990, Cuba received more than 65 billion dollars from the Soviet Union, not counting what it received from other socialist countries. The Cuban dictatorship has also squandered subsidies and aid from China, Russia and Venezuela. For the Cuban medical program alone, Misión Barrio Adentro, the Havana dictatorship received 120 billion dollars in sixteen years, an official figure revealed by Nicolás Maduro in 2019 and confirmed by Julio García, head of the Cuban missions in Venezuela. Cuba obtained more money from Venezuela for other reasons, other missions, for the sale of power plants, for triangulation in the import of food and even for the sale of millions of light bulbs. In the last eighteen years, China has forgiven almost $5 billion of debt to Cuba, almost half of the total debt it has forgiven its trading partners. Of course, trade with China has decreased due to the constant defaults of the Cuban dictatorial regime. Russia has donated billions of dollars to Cuba, with donations through, for example, the representation of the World Food Program (WFP) and the forgiveness of 90 percent of the debt owed to Russia (2014), some 25.8 billion of dollars. Between 2011 and 2014 alone, Mexico, Japan, China and Russia together exempted the Cuban dictatorship from $40 billion in debt, equivalent to 50 percent of Cuba's current GDP, according to Forbes. Paris Club creditors in 2015 also canceled $8.5 billion of outstanding debt. The Cuban dictatorship always does the same thing: borrow, squander, impoverish the population and fail to fulfill its commitments. And then he complains about a non-existent “blockade”, to victimize himself. If we add donations, debt forgiveness and financial support, Russia, China, Venezuela and Cuba's main commercial partners have provided financial aid and donations to the Cuban dictatorship that exceed 200 billion dollars in the last sixteen years. . Despite all this, and with a monetary policy as destructive as Venezuela's, printing Cuban pesos without value or demand while squandering the reserves it receives, inflation in 2023 will reach 500 percent according to Reuters. What has the Cuban dictatorship done with all that money? Waste it while condemning the Cuban people to misery.

@_yk9ch9hw5q - 24.01.2024 13:42

Have you ever wondered why ordinary Cubans interviewed on the streets of Cuba rarely or never mention the US embargo as the culprit for their situation? It's simple: because they know it's a lie. They know it because they live it, and they know how poorly the country has been administered and the last-minute nonsense that characterized the tyrant Fidel Castro, who invented things at the last minute to create propaganda but that later resulted in failure. Cuba has had resources, but they have been squandered by the tyrant Fidel Castro. The best example is the waste of the multimillion-dollar subsidy from the former USSR, with which any country would have developed but which the tyrant Fidel Castro wasted in his promotion of wars, guerrillas and terrorism in other countries. Or also those millionaire resources that were received by Cuba and that it has not been said how they were used, and that has Cuba sitting on trial in London as a country that pays bad debts, something for which it is known and for which many They demand to pay in cash and do not give you credits.

@_yk9ch9hw5q - 24.01.2024 13:41

Blaming the US embargo (they like to call it a "blockade" to dramatize) is only done by the Castro tyranny and its foreign henchmen; ordinary Cubans rarely do it, because they know that the blame for the misery they suffer is a product of the destruction caused by Castro's tyranny and the lack of freedoms they live in. I wish there was a true blockade against Castro's tyranny, if it does not leave freedoms to Cubans, then it should not have them either.

@rodrodriguez1047 - 24.01.2024 01:59

From paradise to poverty thanks to socialism/communism....!

@davidemmyg - 23.01.2024 23:40

People talking about how a seventy year embargo isn't a big deal don't understand that US not only sanctions but forbids every ship that goes to Cuba from entering its waters for six months, it prevents every corporation that even has remote ties to Cuba or deals with it from doing business with the US. It extends that to its allies and the countries under it's power. Smaller countries like India tried to trade with Cuba and got sanctioned for daring to do that. Yes Cuba can trade with other countries but they are limited by above said sanctions, on top of that because of its isolation other countries take advantage that it can't trade freely.

@davidemmyg - 23.01.2024 23:33

American meddling repeatedly to the point of writing their constitution, installing dictators, taking over their agriculture and producing sugar cane for their benefit while neglecting food for the natives. All the economic factors you quoted were only working for the elite, and the wealth mostly flowed towards American land and corporate owners. It has been under sanctions and blockade for almost 70 years now. The amazing part is it still has better healthcare outcomes when it comes to maternal and child healthcare than the US and better life expectancy than the US. With all their problems they still have managed to educate their people, and still holding on. The US embargo should go for countries to flourish.

@michaelwoods4495 - 23.01.2024 00:48

Same as Venezuela, apparently. Before the Great Depression, my grandfather spent some vacations in Cuba. As he told it, he had a KB Lincoln that was shipped there and back for his use. He lost the money in the thirties, though.

@mikehaws3187 - 22.01.2024 06:09

Castro did cuba no favours

@kens805 - 22.01.2024 04:13

Because Fidel Castro became Insanely RICH!!

@rogerphelps9939 - 22.01.2024 00:27

Cuba has far better health care provision than the US.

@OorahN01 - 21.01.2024 21:03

Well, communism.

@KimoKapaku - 21.01.2024 20:19

I really wnjoy your videos. Me gusta tu videos. Donde esta todos gentes? Its like a ghost town!

@DavidSDoubleU - 20.01.2024 13:35

How Cuba became insanely poor: US EMBARGO

@user-py6bo1jz2m - 19.01.2024 11:46

Then communism hit and as usual the economy dives. Karl Marx made a massive miscalculation: human nature.

@terrybake - 17.01.2024 22:44

Capitalist dream? What nonsense. The United States has a long history of misdirecting Cuba's prospects, not the least of which being the economic warfare against Cuba it has implemented since the Cuban Revolution. It's not hard to come by the real history. You won't find that here.

@clydewmorgan - 17.01.2024 18:11

they were starved by America fuck you imperialist bullshit

@tesmith47 - 17.01.2024 09:55

THIS IS BULL CRAP racist ameerica is trying to destroy cuba because this BLACK island is a possible example of successful BLACK REVOLUTION IN THE CARRIBBEAN

@tesmith47 - 17.01.2024 09:53


@russs250 - 16.01.2024 20:03

Liberal democrat socialist policies, just look at the cities where drugs addicts criminals running rampant taxes and expenses are high and look who runs them, we’re tuning into what Cuba is now.

@randomuser2461 - 16.01.2024 03:01

comecon I always wondered if there was something funny behind comic books.

@randomuser2461 - 16.01.2024 02:58

Communism. Absolute monarchy under the name of the people...

@goombah226 - 15.01.2024 17:48

Isn't utopian socialism wonderful? This is the future of the USA under the democratic socialists. Our economy is being dismantled by these radical socialists as we watch this video.

@jzotto7971 - 15.01.2024 02:49

AOC wants us to become Cuba.

@pascalgotlib1781 - 15.01.2024 02:34

Toujours de la propagande américaine contre cuba

@_yk9ch9hw5q - 14.01.2024 19:47

What has destroyed Cuba is communism. A destructive and wasteful dictatorial regime. The Castro regime is a machine for wasting subsidies. Between 1960 and 1990, it consumed aid from the Soviet Union equivalent to six Marshall Plans and did not improve its growth pattern or take advantage of enormous subsidies to improve productivity. Between 1960 and 1990, Cuba received more than 65 billion dollars from the Soviet Union, not counting what it received from other socialist countries. The Cuban dictatorship has also squandered subsidies and aid from China, Russia and Venezuela. For the Cuban medical program alone, Misión Barrio Adentro, the Havana dictatorship received 120 billion dollars in sixteen years, an official figure revealed by Nicolás Maduro in 2019 and confirmed by Julio García, head of the Cuban missions in Venezuela. Cuba obtained more money from Venezuela for other reasons, other missions, for the sale of power plants, for triangulation in the import of food and even for the sale of millions of light bulbs. In the last eighteen years, China has forgiven almost $5 billion of debt to Cuba, almost half of the total debt it has forgiven its trading partners. Of course, trade with China has decreased due to the constant defaults of the Cuban dictatorial regime. Russia has donated billions of dollars to Cuba, with donations through, for example, the representation of the World Food Program (WFP) and the forgiveness of 90 percent of the debt owed to Russia (2014), some 25.8 billion of dollars. Between 2011 and 2014 alone, Mexico, Japan, China and Russia together exempted the Cuban dictatorship from $40 billion in debt, equivalent to 50 percent of Cuba's current GDP, according to Forbes. Paris Club creditors in 2015 also canceled $8.5 billion of outstanding debt. The Cuban dictatorship always does the same thing: borrow, squander, impoverish the population and fail to fulfill its commitments. And then he complains about a non-existent “blockade”, to victimize himself. If we add donations, debt forgiveness and financial support, Russia, China, Venezuela and Cuba's main commercial partners have provided financial aid and donations to the Cuban dictatorship that exceed 200 billion dollars in the last sixteen years. . Despite all this, and with a monetary policy as destructive as Venezuela's, printing Cuban pesos with no value or demand while squandering the reserves it receives, inflation in 2023 will reach 500 percent according to Reuters. What has the Cuban dictatorship done with all that money? Waste it while condemning the Cuban people to misery.

@_yk9ch9hw5q - 14.01.2024 19:46

The purpose of a "president" (head of state) and a ruler is to bring development to the nation but above all, to UNITE the people as much as possible and establish and respect the FREEDOMS of the people, something that the Castro tyranny did. On the contrary, it pulverized the Cuban nation and divided Cubans like never before. Never before 1959 were so many Cubans looking for a way to leave Cuba. The tyrant Fidel Castro enthroned HATE among Cubans, even within families. That is why the Castro tyranny is condemned to disappear, despite the hope that it initially brought to the people but that the tyrant Castro betrayed by lying to the people.

@Strange_Brew - 14.01.2024 18:44

If Cuba was making billions of dollars in the 1920’s, they would be making more than all the business on the planet combined. I think you meant “millions”

@alexlifeson8946 - 14.01.2024 18:30

No one cares. That's what hubris earns you.

@gregspohn1236 - 14.01.2024 00:59

One word. Communism. You can twist it anyway you want. Communism killed Cuba.

@elchulooo - 13.01.2024 23:41

En primer lugar la invasión de los Estados Unidos imponiendo ellos un gobierno favorable a sus intereses habían convertido la isla en una casa de prostitución y de juego,

Al verse frustrados sus intereses con la llegada al poder castro quiso tener relaciones comerciales y diplomáticas con los EEUU pero fue desatendido castro al ver esa actitud optó por hacer alianza con la unión soviética
Cosa que los EEUU no pudo soportar y hasta el día de hoy le han hecho la vida imposible a la isla con sanciones y bloqueo comercial.

@hstrinzel - 13.01.2024 15:47

Interesting that NOBODY mentions Socialism in the comments.

@giankperez6377 - 13.01.2024 06:58

Blame it on the US embargo.

@l3x1010 - 12.01.2024 08:54

You skipped something important in the history and that’s that in 1953 there was a state break and an dictatorship initiated. Therefore many of the riches of the country was held by Batista’s regime, and life quality and expectancy decay pretty much. That’s why Castro’s alternative seemed been the only one to the state of desperation that cubans where living at the time.

@NattyNarwhaal - 11.01.2024 05:02

All those riches belonged to American corporations, American wealthy people and a very small group of whit Cubans

@kurtgandenberger6139 - 11.01.2024 04:45

cuba went from one of the wealthiest nations in the new world to one of the poorest due to 60 years of socialism. the same thing happened to north korea and east germany. how many more examples do you need before you give up your slavish dedication to a ridiculous system of economics developed in germany in the 1880's?

@stephenmarcus9601 - 11.01.2024 03:09

This vid glosses over the extreme disparities between rich and poor in Batista's Cuba. Cubans choosing communism wasn't a reaction to wealth and prosperity.

@salvadorsaucedolopez2644 - 11.01.2024 02:37

The poorest, thanks to los gringos.

@palmetto. - 11.01.2024 02:16

I'll save everyone the time it takes to watch this video and give you the answer to the title -- Communism. Enjoy the rest of your day.

@ABZOIN - 10.01.2024 22:46

What the hell is “Social Democratic?”

@davidlundquist - 10.01.2024 18:31

Sounds like Canada under Trudeau

@justanotherwhitegirla7093 - 10.01.2024 13:37

The Blowback Podcast has a really good series about Cuba.

@dtt3426 - 10.01.2024 07:50

as a cdn i'm surprised they haven't exploited in a good way the cdn, british retirement community. i could be an expat in cuba as a retiree. it has warm weather, nice beaches, nice people, doctors, rum close to home if i have to return for visits. i could care less about the politics. if they want $ cdn retirees have it.

@Draintheswamp888 - 10.01.2024 00:35

It’s just a dumb culture
