Top Hats, Thrones & Turbines - Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert Ep. 17 [Rimworld Naked Brutality]

Top Hats, Thrones & Turbines - Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert Ep. 17 [Rimworld Naked Brutality]

Pete Complete

3 года назад

179,464 Просмотров

In this episode of our Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert run, Steak is ascending the ranks of royalty and starts making demands, while our colony discovers the secrets of electricity. ► Full Playlist:

In this episode of Rimworld Royalty, we continue our Naked Brutality run in the extreme desert. Having ascended to the royal rank of acolyte, Steak now demands a throne room and appropriate noble clothing. For the throne room, we repurpose our common room, install a wooden throne, some flooring and a pair of braziers – and our colony founder is satisfied. To get him properly dressed, colonist Troy needs to do some research first, but after a few days, Edmo has tailored a nice ruffle shirt and a top hat for Steak who now looks absolutely fabulous. Construction around the base also continues, as we extend the southern perimeter to fit two of the recently unlocked wind turbines. Together with a battery, they now supply our colony with a more or less steady supply of power, which is immediately used for an electric crematorium. Our base becomes a little cleaner and our colony continues along the path of civilization – at least for now…

► Full Playlist of this Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert Challenge:

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The Extreme Desert is Rimworld’s hottest biome. Full of sand and dirt, the extreme desert does not offer a lot of room for plants and animals, so food is scarce and whatever is acquired will spoil quickly. The heat also poses a constant threat for colonists, always putting them at risk of suffering a heatstroke. Tribes and more advanced civilizations also tend to stay in the more moderate regions, so finding other settlements to trade with (or to attack) is not so easy.

We are starting with a modified Rimworld Naked Brutality scenario, leaving our starting colonist with no food, items or equipment to start his journey in the extreme desert – not even clothes. We are also making our starting colonist a member of a tribe, reducing the amount of technologies available at the start of the game and severely lowering the speed with which new projects are unlocked.
The goal of this Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert Challenge is to start with absolutely nothing in the extreme desert with a single tribal colonist and survive for as long as possible – ideally until we are able to escape the planet. With the Rimworld Royalty DLC, we also see the introduction of a mighty empire with access to hyper-advanced technology who might occasionally seek us out to aid in certain quests – and who might award us royal titles and exciting psychic powers in exchange.

Rimworld is a Sci-Fi colony builder simulation game focused on managing a small group of survivors with the goal of eventually building a space ship to escape the planet. Rimworld is developed and published by Ludeon Studios. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, the game went through several Alpha and Beta versions before seeing the release of the Rimworld 1.0 version in October 2018. With the Rimworld 1.1 update and the Rimworld Royalty DLC, a lot of new content has been added to the game, including a mighty empire, new weapons and items, a quest system and much more.

All Rimworld Royalty gameplay for this Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert Challenge was recorded on the PC in 1080p Full HD.


#Rimworld_throne_room #Rimworld_throne #Rimworld_noble_apparel #Rimworld_royal_clothing #Rimworld_wind_turbine #Rimworld_top_hat #Rimworld_Extreme_Desert #Rimworld_Naked_Brutality #Rimworld_Extreme_Desert_Naked_Brutality #Rimworld_Royalty #Rimworld_Royalty_Expansion #Rimworld_Royalty_DLC #Rimworld_Extreme_Desert_Challenge #Rimworld_Pete_Complete #Pete_Complete_Rimworld #Rimworld_1.1 #Rimworld_Randy_Random_Merciless #Rimworld_pete_complete #pete_complete_rimworld
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@aztecgoldmontizuma - 13.10.2022 19:33

The sun is hot in Germany? This is news to me

@BetrayingLight - 04.09.2022 23:27

Didn't know you were German. Your English is on point. Just thought you had some kind of accent but what do I know, I'm just a Norwegian :)

@GearShotgun - 26.07.2022 07:35

I like to imagine that Steak gave Redhawk that medicine without even waiting to see if her condition improved or worsened enough to need it. He’s still riding high on his noble status, and felt like the safety of his own wife should take precedent over anyone else

@ramblamb4522 - 08.06.2022 17:24


@bookle5829 - 05.03.2022 03:17

I was rooting on steak. But now he's becoming more selfish... 😔

@DarkRubicant - 13.02.2022 20:07

Why are your videos so good pete, I can't stop watching your rimworld playthrough :D

@gareththorn4356 - 20.12.2021 17:42

yea, chat gave you the idea for burning the bodies in an oven..

@tonywolf5127 - 24.06.2021 16:58

You just have wedding so go exhume those grave

@mekkiepoo - 17.06.2021 02:56

I like to put shield belts on my non combatants, so they act as combat medics :D

@SapioiT - 13.06.2021 23:04

I feel the scaria disease is significantly unbalanced, in this game.

@ngroenke - 06.06.2021 03:24

Thanks for the video.

@ryanoberlin7935 - 25.04.2021 16:20

I’ve been trying to place your accent for months, but Germany! I wouldn’t have expected that, very cool!

@TheCoolLobster - 11.03.2021 11:03

Trying to be more civilized? You tried to remove both your prisoners legs so she couldn’t run away! 😆
Not gonna lie though, it inspired me to do even more war crimes in my cannibal colony :p

@JennyfaninSweden - 24.01.2021 19:48

Steak The Un-Undertaker

@Luperoi - 19.01.2021 04:41

why is the battery 50% efficient?

@Zamolxes77 - 15.12.2020 22:27

It would be amazing if you can render the animal carcases into fertilizer using the crematorium, to improve soil quality on your farm, or allow you to create highly fertile plots on rock.

@mrg5362 - 23.11.2020 20:21

Hab ich das richtig verstanden das du deutscher bist? WTF ist dein Englisch krass... dachte zu 100% zu bist Ami

@kallekulmala1876 - 15.11.2020 23:48

Steak do be looking fresh tho

@Altair565 - 21.10.2020 18:33

His highness first of his name, Steak the King of Kibble

@lectorserelith - 19.09.2020 21:05

What's up with this checkmark on the lower right corner that I can't get rid of? It's blocking the text...

@bunkerhousing - 29.08.2020 22:05

Was it not redhawk that carried the plagued duck?

@stevenldoe7838 - 26.08.2020 15:44

You don't have a melee pawn. Shield belt won't work right

@alawyvideo - 22.08.2020 20:15

More rimwold please

@Jdkieddj - 22.08.2020 09:24

Your commentary makes this exceptional. I can't wait for more from this playthrough. The Ice Sheet was incredible.

@veddy999 - 21.08.2020 12:21

Disappointed these videos are so infrequent. Would love to see a daily upload schedule.

@temetvince - 20.08.2020 09:36

Wow, love your videos. I'm finally caught up due to binge watchingl The way you logically break down your decision making is insanely helpful. Also, I appreciate that I can listen to your videos almost like an audiobook and still know what's going on due to your excellent narration. As for the current research situation, I believe A/C would be nice, but it's not a must have. Food is a must have. Plus, the colonists have been having experiencing fewer mental breaks lately as the colony is progressing. They can take the mood penalty for reverting to kibble if need be, right? That makes me feel hydroponics is the safest bet.

@Paul-oi2wz - 18.08.2020 21:53

Episodes coming out so slow that I lost all interest in the series.
Thank you for what it is.

@Smo1k - 18.08.2020 20:36

I was on team hyperweave (yes, I DO admit), but shield belt is the better option. For one simple reason: I thought hyperweave had the best social multiplier, but it turns out to be thrumbo (I thought thrumbo was x3 where hyper is x5.5... Thrumbo is x8,l Guess I need new glasses). Am wondering, though: If you have a sniper rifle and a good shot, wouldn't it be better to make somebody else the melee guy and put the belt there?

@OtterSpace975 - 16.08.2020 09:51

I would say Hydroponics and AC, so that you can keep more food, maybe even making better food to increase the mood. That's normally my first priority after getting electricity, and I'd be interested to see how a extreme desert freezer would go.

Of course, that does run the risk of spoiling everything stored there if a solar flare happens, so I'd still prepare some backup Pemmican.

@LikaV1996 - 16.08.2020 02:27

For hydroponics you gotta have a pretty stable "power grid"

@charliedobbie8916 - 16.08.2020 00:35

Speaking as someone whose first colonist death was from heatstroke and who is still traumatised by it, I vote for increasing your temperature regulation abilities!

@KaizokuSencho - 15.08.2020 19:52

Pete: Stone tiles in throne room - too expensive!
Also Pete: Covers entire storage room in stone tiles!

@blackandwhitefeather - 15.08.2020 16:11

It seems that you can delete the meditation spot outdoors.. perhaps the throne makes it more efficient?

@KougaJ7 - 15.08.2020 14:04

Hydroponics and freezer seem like the essential options to me.

@jonopants5118 - 15.08.2020 13:59

didnt know different cows can shoot

@christophergoan9888 - 15.08.2020 13:16

I'd go a freezer first then look into hydroponics
what software do you use to make your videos?

@CymbalXL - 15.08.2020 10:00

Hydroponics seems like a good idea. The basins can be kept outside, so you don't need a sun lamp which really cuts down the power consumption.

@ZamionRainBane - 15.08.2020 06:40

You'll need a fridge food will last longer.

@marrs3312 - 15.08.2020 03:30

Love both Rimworld series, so got some merch - got my quality t-shirt! Thanks!!!!

@sorrynothing5602 - 14.08.2020 08:39

I'm in the "kitchen" camp, but stemming from that I also recommend planting some psychoid plants and making psychite tea, since mental breaks tend to pop up a little too often.

@TheExperimentalFreak - 14.08.2020 04:06

Honestly, I think the hydroponics and freezer idea is the route to go down. Temperature seems to be fine, fingers crossed, and the freezer would be a small step in that direction anyway so it seems like a natural transition

@somedogo185 - 14.08.2020 01:12

Next resarch: smithing

@demoulius1529 - 13.08.2020 17:20

Pete: 'meagre rewards'
Powerclaw: Am I a joke to you?

@p4n4143 - 13.08.2020 16:36

I think that a freezer would be very much appreciated by the Steakhouseians

@MisterCOM - 13.08.2020 14:12

it averaged 33.1 degrees here in the lowlands i feel you

@spaaggetii - 13.08.2020 11:56

I'd say AirConditioning, so the food can stay safe for longer. Hydroponics next. :)

@InterestEPC - 13.08.2020 07:49

First of all... On research projects, I'd go for research in the following order: Hydroponics, Air Conditioning, then Microelectronics. The first two researches will allow the colony to flourish and the latter research will enable more trading and eventually Transport Pods, which will be a huge boon if only because it makes it easier to ally with other factions. Situations may arise where other research may be required, but in general this should work out well imo. By the way, no Sun Lamps would be needed for the Hydroponics, so that makes the research extra good in this biome.

I guess that's one way to address the throne room "issue." Didn't think it was all that necessary tbh and constantly upkeeping the braziers is going to suck because of how scarce wood is. The throne can be used as a dining table chair, by the way.

I don't agree with the Shield Belt choice because wearing it is basically a debuff until you get a melee god pawn. If that's what the people want though...

I'm glad you acknowledged how silly Scaria is in its current state though. The operation is too costly, has too high of a Medical skill requirement, and offers much too little in return for the resources used. Why curing Scaria is more demanding than normal surgery in general is frankly mind-boggling.

Blood Rot is actually quite manageable even without medicine. With a good enough treatment quality, progression should slow or even regress to the point the prisoner will survive. In the worst case scenario, you trade in some food for some Medical experience.

I was worried that this might happen. You may want to make a secondary stable to put the Hay so you don't get afflicted by mood debuffs from trying to feed your pets. Also, consider unroofing the human corpse storage room since you might want those corpses to degrade.

Glad to see you acknowledging the value of Hydroponics. It seems like it's basically mandatory in this biome.

While expanding the base for electricity is a good call, I disagree with building a Crematorium. It's a sizeable resource sink, burns a fair amount of power, and frankly it's better to just toss the corpses in an unroofed area somewhere and let them decay on their own. Frankly, the structure is a newb trap.
