Are YOU an Efficient Miner in 7 Days To Die Alpha 20?

Are YOU an Efficient Miner in 7 Days To Die Alpha 20?


2 года назад

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Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 02.03.2022 10:03

Isn’t the maths at the end a little bit wrong? If it’s it’s 60k per 5 mins, that means it’s 60,000 x 12 as 5x12=60 and there’s 60 mins in an hour… so 60k x 12 = 720k not 1.2m?

betipisek - 21.07.2023 19:48

Very usefull video. Thank you. Think it works also in Alpha 21 or?

Swinfough - 11.07.2023 20:31

I recommend making support pillars with shapes like centered pole in the poles section, which will give you more room to see and move around, or even mine behind it if you need to.

IronArkQ - 06.06.2023 19:53

does anyone know if bunker buster mod works only against stone? does it work with coal or nitrate?
And does iron breaker work only against iron? or lead too?

Aedyn Langstaff
Aedyn Langstaff - 14.05.2023 10:27

I just open pit mine

Dem0n - 25.04.2023 06:25

the heat and noise system in this game is so stupid, idiotic and ridiculous that it's a shame to talk. Zombies feel heat through 100 meters of stone and concrete? because I have a base so deep underground and they come to me anyway.

Dem0n - 25.04.2023 06:23

when i mine an iron with auger in a cave then like 10-20 green dudes with screames and horde rush me. in 30 mintues i have like 2 full chests of 6k iron .

Evan Ybarra
Evan Ybarra - 15.04.2023 12:28

Coffee, Blackstrap Coffee, and beer to enhance early game mining. Along with all other tips in this video like da candies!

Nik Cue
Nik Cue - 10.04.2023 13:34

Easy way in 1 second: Switch from "Cheat Off" to "Cheat On"

My_goals_are_beyond_your_understanding - 26.02.2023 10:43

I haven’t even mined once as I’ve pretty much found all the crap I need by exploring

Kradarak - 23.02.2023 11:04

I'm sure people are gonna hate me for this one, but one way to always get what ores you need is to use the trader. Get a quest, mine under a poi and note what you get. Pop the quest and do it again if you want. Note what POI the trader mentioned and how far away it was and you can always mine the ores you want and the trader is going to suggest the same POIs again anyway.

ajallen212 - 20.01.2023 12:55

All cool and stuff, but frankly, with how RNG dependant it is to even get an auger, I still find the pick to be superior, simply because you can actually possess it.

Having the best stats is great and all, but if I don't have the item in the first place it's infinitely worse than the pick. Not to mention also needing the full mag set.

JayLassiter - 18.01.2023 18:59

Wow. I learned alot. Liked and subd. Thanks!

Bizob2010 - 08.01.2023 03:59

Wait, the surface deposits don't indicate where a given ore body is located underground?

D G - 28.12.2022 12:15

How do you have such good FPS!? Can you do a settings video? XD Your game's graphic look like mine, but smoother. But I have an RTX 3080, R9 5900x and 32GB of RAM and my FPS is usually around 50-70. :X Get frame drops a lot too...

AJay22285 - 03.12.2022 20:19

Another tip I find that might be worth mentioning (although takes some resources to set up) is put an SMG turret facing you're hatch/door. That way screamers that will inevitably show up when using the auger will be quickly taken care of allowing you to mine away freely. I've also had wondering hordes come to investigate. So when you hear the turret firing consistently you know you're in for a surprise up top if you go on out.

Shian - 13.11.2022 04:12

After some testing I've found that Coffee actually DOES work with the Auger, the issue is that because the Auger does rapid-fire, low damage, if you don't have a lvl 5+ auger with mods and full 69'er/motherlode, there's a decent chance you're getting <10 ore per hit and the 10% disappears because it's rounded down. The 10% also doesn't seem to apply to the bonus ore you get when destroying the block.

Troy Christiansen
Troy Christiansen - 11.10.2022 20:56

I like mining on this game, but I can only play it on the Xbox

adrew bateman
adrew bateman - 06.10.2022 18:06

Gained a sub! I was looking everywhere for this ! Ty for ur time and effort 🙏🏻🙌🏼

Vince Valentine
Vince Valentine - 25.09.2022 00:28

and with that 1 million iron you are crushed from your own backpack and die. good game.

BuGGyBoBerl - 20.09.2022 18:32

i assume without the full book series 69 is better while with it mother lode would be the first choice???

SuzyQue - 12.09.2022 18:37

Why is 20 stone per 400 health 'massively worse' than 25 stone per 500 health? Isn't that literally the exact same amount of stone per health? 5 Stone per 100 health in both cases.

Also going down 'to bedrock' seems like a bit too much work. Going down 50 should be more than enough to avoid dirt and should give you a much better chance of actually finding a node. I have seen no evidence of nodes always going down to bedrock so you might be tunneling under a rich field but not notice any ore for all you know if you try and mine from down to up.

Erik Larson
Erik Larson - 09.09.2022 15:40

Can you do a video on harvesting plant fibers next?

Rembrandt Shadows
Rembrandt Shadows - 06.09.2022 08:35

Laney x an unknown number = pi(e). Glad I found your channel. Thank you for the videos.

Kees_Maarschalkerweerd - 28.08.2022 13:21

This gane is actually pretty brilliant

mybigjimmy - 28.08.2022 05:17


Christopher - 25.08.2022 19:25


Neomauve - 20.08.2022 08:10

THANK YOU SO MUCH- in my 4 years of playing 7 days NEVER and I mean NEVER knew I could do HALF of that- THANK YOU!!

kinglarry4444 - 13.08.2022 20:28

how can i see the heat info, and the coloured blocks stuff?

a human
a human - 12.08.2022 03:17


Mother Reaper
Mother Reaper - 09.08.2022 17:02

Thank you so much!
I am a miner and builder, currently stuck with the pick due to not being an explorer (friends do that bit), so I'll ask them to look out for this, it's really handy to know!

Phinehas9 - 08.08.2022 17:32

Great video, but what I really wanna know is how you get 200+ fps in this game. Do you have a video on that? :D

Марк Дудник
Марк Дудник - 07.08.2022 10:15


Double094 - 06.08.2022 03:16

I prefer picks

taiming71 - 01.08.2022 11:46

The augur looks like a ice augur used for making holes in lake ice to fish in the winter time.

Red - 22.07.2022 03:00

Has vertical support always been infinite? I swear in earlier versions I used to tower up with frame blocks and they'd eventually give out. Also how do you see the heatmap and structural integrity? Is there a command for that? ALSO ALSO I can confirm mining iron generates way WAY more heat than other nodes. I got 0 screamer spawns when mining nitrate for 10 minutes but got well over 15 while I was mining iron for the same amount of it, it was really annoying actually.

Frightning - 16.07.2022 08:10

Pretty sure the Bunker Buster mod also increases damage to Coal and Nitrate blocks, but I may be wrong about that.

Donovan Ulrich
Donovan Ulrich - 13.07.2022 05:17

Sneak when mining
The zombies wont see it comming? 😂🤷‍♂️

Michael Ingram
Michael Ingram - 18.06.2022 15:22

Excellent information! Thanks for sharing!

RandomGrin - 08.06.2022 07:54

So I have a L3 Iron pickaxe and just got L1 of 69er. Kinda thought I wouldn't really need more than that.....So this game is bigger than I thought....

Andrew Campbell
Andrew Campbell - 06.06.2022 14:59

I'm level 100 and still haven't found an auger xDD but great video nonetheless

Captain Jonna
Captain Jonna - 03.06.2022 13:17

I just got a copy of 7 days to die and I'm rather plesently suprised how good this game is.....I mean if you know the game space engineers, when i fired up 7DTD and opened the shape menu, I yell out "SPACE ENGINEERS EAT YOUR HEART OUT" holy crap building in this game looks good and with the structural system, having to actually brace up a mine with support beams so fcking cool, I always wanted a game that had in depth mining such as mine collapses.

Jim's Ravioli
Jim's Ravioli - 28.05.2022 04:28

with an o

Salboi - 26.05.2022 11:38

This game still in alpha ☠

ritual64 - 25.05.2022 04:51

Don't just dig straight down from a node (iron, nitrate, coal, etc.), they're there to show you where to dig. There's usually a good seam of material around the area. where ever there is a sand/gravel mix under the dirt or in the rock is the sign that you are in a seam and mine the area. Much more efficient than dig down, tunnel and hope that you eventually hit a resource.

footthumb - 10.05.2022 14:14

I was super excited when I finally crafted my LVL 5 Auger. So excited I just kept going straight down. The second I stopped to figure out how to get back up I heard a zombie sniffing around. Apparently it was a screamer (the 1st I ever dealt with), whose scream attracted a few zombies and… another screamer. About 8 zombies later I finally ran out of stamina and they had their dinner. My Auger has sat in a box ever since.

I know it’s far more efficient so I’ll eventually try it again, but all my initial holes will be done via pickaxe. Once the mineshaft is closed off, then I’ll use the Auger to immediately make enough room to fight.
