Feel so alone    Sad lofi hip hop mix

Feel so alone Sad lofi hip hop mix


4 года назад

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All luvin
All luvin - 19.10.2023 03:26

We’re deep thinkers but potential killers

Azybeki - 13.10.2023 05:18

Shreyash Puri
Shreyash Puri - 10.10.2023 22:46

I am alone in crowd

ooo ooo
ooo ooo - 04.10.2023 22:55

Being alone is the ultimate bliss. :3

سروش جلیل
سروش جلیل - 26.09.2023 18:30


Trapy - 26.09.2023 04:55

Im only 1/4 through, but this is one of the best lofi mixes i have ever heard. It's poignent in its setting and vibe, its flowing like water, while still bringing new stuff, changing it up, being interesting. I want to listen for the next beat, the next variation. This mix is so good

Ai Humans. A1 Music.
Ai Humans. A1 Music. - 12.09.2023 05:00

your music is like painting a picture or telling a story. Though there is no words to read the music speaks louder than words.

Argolail - 31.08.2023 17:33

Не знаю поймёт меня кто-нибудь, но...
Как меня заебало одиночество и в то же время страх впустить кого-то в свою жизнь

Александр Фролов
Александр Фролов - 13.08.2023 15:08

Я просто пуст... Жизнь бьёт весьма больно под дых... Стараюсь держать удар стиснув зубы от боли.. Но чувствую что ещё немного и буду сломлен... Боже, дай сил идти дальше..

Gustavo - 11.08.2023 04:36

I miss my dad

WDS - 10.08.2023 12:48

Whoever reads this, i wish you the best this world can offer, life's tough , relationships are complicated , the struggle is real ! we all go through thick and thin, darkness is a chapter of your life that makes you realize how valuable light is , breathe deep and trust the process , this too shall pass:) i wish you the very best, god bless🙏🌹

Chill Dreaming
Chill Dreaming - 01.08.2023 12:36

For everyone who is going through a hard time in their personal life and also trying to study...I am with you my friend. Hang in there. We'll make it through this 😍

Red Raph
Red Raph - 14.07.2023 21:17


TheLuisa2011 - 10.07.2023 06:31

I understand brothers. I love to be alone. Truly. But with it comes loneliness at times. Even tho I agree, that you can be alone without feeling lonely. But sometimes, Just sometimes. That loneliness creeps up on you and you get to thinking.

Jo M
Jo M - 05.07.2023 01:38

Feeling alone and depressed is the worst feeling on earth. When you have noone on this earth. When this feeling of total loneliness comes to you, Most of the time one is trying to Control this feeling and all the thoughts. For example one trying to suppress all of this. Or one is trying to run away from it. For example do something that distract one. Atleast that was what i did for years. We never stay with what is and watch it. It turns out when you try to controll or suppress, which is thought, the Emotion gets worse and worse. Can one remain with this feeling of total loneliness, and when you observe what is you see, you are not different from that Feeling this feeling is you. What is, is loneliness. So when one remains with what is and observe, which means there is total attention, the loneliness disappears🙏.

In case you read all this i wish you much love in this hard times.❤ Life can be brutal and there is so much sorrow all over the world. There will be better times my friend and i wish that you find happiness in life, because thats what everyone deserves🙏❤️

Rich a
Rich a - 28.06.2023 19:14

love this

yasi - 11.06.2023 23:53

I miss feeling good...

DHS-Clan - 10.06.2023 03:45

The problem is, i never felt anything else my whole life.

Loneliness, anger, sadness even though my family tries its best to help me. Its much easier for me to feel betrayed, hurt ect. than loved and excepted. Everyone around me used me for their owne luck and problems and then they'll be gone the next day.

I'm used to it...

... and that's slowly becoming a big problem.

I'm stuck between my borderline personality disorder, depression and the question why this shit keeps playing on repeat. My life is on repeat but with slightly different people and situations.

Turning 19 soon and got played by every type of girl. I go to the gym for the past 2 years, i trie to work on my mental health, i even accepted the death of my dog 3 weeks ago bcs she is in a better place now.

It feels like nothing really matters and im not scared of death anymore. Maybe I die tomorrow, next week or in 40 years. Idgaf anymore. At least i know that i didnt used someone like everyone did me.

Goodnight comment section

No one will read this so "hey". Just another useless letter written to noone out their and a cry for help that doesn't last long.

I feel you 🫂

samsonchekkk - 05.06.2023 20:49


Supreme_smoker69 - 03.06.2023 05:21

these songs make my heart ache in ways it hasn't in a long time, but why..... is it because my fiancee left me? is it because i'm barley hanging on? then why.....

R3alist Mistak3
R3alist Mistak3 - 02.06.2023 07:45

To Everyone from Everywhere going through Everything.

You are loved Everywhere and Everyone wants to be Everything just like YOU.

Peace love and happiness to ALL

faktdzn - 27.05.2023 20:18

My girlfriend broke with me after 6 years, nice mood...

Mud_Dog01 - 25.05.2023 08:34

I don’t tell people how I feel because I don’t want them to worry

Robert J
Robert J - 19.05.2023 06:00

Even tho it's technically not alone, there's only one person I want to be alone with...but I fear it's too late..
Lovely mix though

Juanito - 07.05.2023 07:03

I love you imaginary friends and homies. No one to hug no girl no money it's all for you. I swear I'll find you. No girl just me. I know life's great and theirs more to it. Fam cause you ain't brought to this world alone. IM not going to give in to it. I'ma find you girl of my dream Ill scheme I'ma search for you. Lonely can't last, forever. Theirs no one to sit with just me and music. Love your always on my mind.

LonelyLofi - 24.04.2023 16:12

I feel lonely many times...but this music helps me not to think too much

William Gregory
William Gregory - 14.04.2023 04:26

What’s the point of language if you can’t say what you feel

Lazzy - 12.04.2023 21:08

A tecnologia de fato distinguiu as Revoluções industriais. A Primeira Revolução Industrial ocorreu no século XVIII e nesta as pessoas trabalhavam com máquinas simples, em sua maioria manuais.

Na Segunda Revolução Industrial o maquinário industrial foi melhorado com o uso da eletricidade e do vapor.

A Terceira Revolução Industrial ocorreu no século XX e esta continua até hoje, avançando as tecnologias de produção, transporte e comunicação.

Qual a importância da tecnologia para o mundo?
A tecnologia auxilia no melhor desenvolvimento de diversas áreas, sendo essa imprescindível, inclusive para contar a história da humanidade.

Who ́s Back
Who ́s Back - 07.04.2023 23:38

as someone who, like most people, has also seen the dark side of life, i can say that i learned one thing from it: when the clouds go, the sun comes out again. sometimes you have to do something for it, sometimes it comes by itself.

Petey - 06.04.2023 23:24

“Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.”

Petey - 06.04.2023 23:24

“One day you're gonna look around and you're going to realize that everybody loves you. But nobody likes you. And that's the loneliest feeling in the world.”

SoothingSound - 03.04.2023 06:04

Every time I sit down and listen to this mix I just shed tears it's like I had amnesia and now I remember everything that is happening in my life.
Most of the time recently I started to think "this is my limits, I just cant go any further, I am the one who is faulty I am the one to blame"
I had a dream, my dream was to live a normal life, to just blind in the society, but I guess I gave up on that dream.

Tomeviz - 31.03.2023 00:47

If others feel lonely, then I feel in company... Take care of yourselves... ✨

EpicSelenium34 - 30.03.2023 09:55

Silence—this only and evermore.

gab kow
gab kow - 22.03.2023 15:46

giving your heart to somebody is painful, I can't imagine something more suffering when you see somebody stomp on it and tear it apart infront of your eyes. There is a reason why I stopped looking for the perfect girl because I realised that there isn't anybody for me out there. 7 billion people, and non of them fits.

Tyler Zimmerman
Tyler Zimmerman - 20.03.2023 04:29

All the people who understand me have never met me. All the people who have met me never actually understand me.

It's just a loser
It's just a loser - 17.03.2023 14:08

I've always wanted to be left alone until i met her, now that she's gone i don't want to be alone anymore but we're so far apart that im just left behind in the memories

Flecha Carmesì
Flecha Carmesì - 21.02.2023 11:07

Well here I go commenting my life in a comment section, honestly my ife has been sad and awful lately, some things were frente but I have had passed really bad times on my own, living alone is not easy, being on a house just not being with my parents or family, not having enough money to sustain myself, having to search for a job and having to study, I have seen how people treat poor people on the streets they treat them like garbage, now that I have been in their place for some time, I realize that anyone can end in those poor conditions, that if they see you on the streets fallen, they won't care, and see you as another dirty, disgusting dude. But who am I to judge I have made the same thing, ignoring them, sometimes I didnt have money for myself so I couldn't give them any, you could end up like them, so study, get a nice job that you love, don't get away from the people that love you the most, take baths, and have balanced meals, hope your worst nightmares vanish

H3R3TIC - 20.02.2023 05:37

Do you ever become so lonely, so isolated, that you want nothing more than you and your thoughts

Muso TV
Muso TV - 06.02.2023 07:28

Only you
You only

Thokozani Gabela
Thokozani Gabela - 29.01.2023 20:39

I need to be stoned for this...

Ansh - 29.01.2023 17:48


Michael Ditch
Michael Ditch - 29.01.2023 00:22

TRIGGER WARNING Anyone ever get so tired of living without that one person even though that person isn't the same anymore and has killed your memory in their own mind. That you go to put the knife to your throat or gun to your head. But when you close your eyes you can't see past the darkness. Then the terrible re-realization that u want to live starts the so far fruitless attempt to get over that person who changed without you. no matter who you sleep with or date it simply doesn't fill the void..., Does anyone else get that?

2ch - 27.01.2023 06:13

lofi is 4ss
