"Shadowbringers" with Official Lyrics | Final Fantasy XIV

"Shadowbringers" with Official Lyrics | Final Fantasy XIV


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Joseph Cassidy
Joseph Cassidy - 17.09.2023 17:51

This expansion is top tier Final Fantasy, best antagonist in the series.

The Dark Soul of Man
The Dark Soul of Man - 25.08.2023 11:20

Love the part where they show Minifilia when the lyrics are "you are the light".

TheNorthHawk - 12.08.2023 10:06

The trailer really upped the ante compared to previous expansions, and it's only gotten better with Endwalker. As for Dawntrail... after all the high stakes moments in the previous expansions it feels like a breath of fresh air.

Ricardo Santos
Ricardo Santos - 04.08.2023 04:40

HW and ShB are my two favorite expansions. Mostly because their stories made sense and, at the same time, were not predictable.

inuart30 - 02.08.2023 09:58

Yesterday i began with shadowbringers...and i am taking my sweet time to enjoy the new world

Titanulas - 31.07.2023 05:58

I got several cuts just watching this weeb wet dream

Zimtfuchs - 25.07.2023 11:29

this song hits so different after Endwalker...the lyrics were never about the warrior of darkness and the warrior of light. it was about zodiark and hydaelyn and the fall of the ancients. what a masterpiece

Toejib - 15.07.2023 23:29

Holy shit

Francois Turgeon
Francois Turgeon - 06.07.2023 02:07

i played ffxiv back in the day for the first when heavensward was THE EXPANSION . PLayed it and then raided for alexander in a guild . And then i didnt play it anymore i just quit it .. not because ffxiv is not good . was just tired of mmos . And about 3 or 4 years ago or i dont remember when everyone was coming back to ffxiv like big streamers and all . I installed it with a new fresh account did the story from the beginning to shadowbringers . Watched everything didnt skip anything . I was always playing alone and man i was having fun . I was learning my ninja rotation and then i leveled a bit of my paladin and redmage and also white mage and THEN i reached the final boss fightat the end of shadowbringers and when i was waiting at the portal to fight emet ... i was feeling sad but happy at the same time and then i fought emet and the cinematic ... holy fucking shit i cried . My top 4 games ( most hours played in my life ) are Wow , counterstrike , starcraft and FFXIV . And i must say that even if WoW pvp is the best .. ffxiv soundtracks and dungeons and overall game ... is so fucking good . Don't get me wrong .. I still love WoW but FFxiv is something else ... a fucking master piece . Even if doing the quest for the story with no combat just talk to npc and this and that is a bit ... well mid .. I enjoyed myself going through all of that story questline :) ffxiv will always be in my best game ive played.

jimbuu3 - 04.07.2023 20:59

Same singer as rules of nature from metal gear rising. Kino

Kentanimation - 04.07.2023 12:20

I still love how married the drums are to eternal wind in this song

Severa Voidstails
Severa Voidstails - 20.06.2023 22:00

i wish I could bring back the shadow as the newest expension I think shadowbringer is 14 best expension by a huge margin

Mays Brownies
Mays Brownies - 03.06.2023 08:29

pedang yg besar hitam shadow saat di bulan sprti kecil light putih

TOKYO SLIME - 17.05.2023 10:36

“It ends this day. One way or another, it ends.”

Jake Kneega
Jake Kneega - 16.05.2023 20:17

As someone who just made it to Shadowbringers the other day, this has me so unbelievably hyped

YungFalcon - 02.05.2023 08:03

Just finished 5.3 for the first time. Truly the best gaming experience I've ever had this song is just peak hype! Love ffxiv

Taverna do DevilHunter
Taverna do DevilHunter - 30.04.2023 15:36

This words is not yours to take

Kayley W
Kayley W - 11.04.2023 05:05

really good song! love it so much!

Primeval Demon
Primeval Demon - 06.04.2023 20:33

6.4 k likes 212 comments 656,648 views 23.3m subscribers as of 1:32 pm Thursday April 6th 2023
( 64 lucky number)

Ze Great Pumpkinani
Ze Great Pumpkinani - 17.03.2023 21:37

Can I just say how glad I am I went into this expansion blind? This trailer spoils half the big reveals lol.

Going in I figured "Shadowbringers" so we're gonna finally beat down the Ascians cool.

Then I get transported to ONE OF THE ****ING REFLECTIONS, ARDBERT'S PROBABLY, and it's permanent day, wtf this is awesome.

I head to Alisae and find her fighting zombie angels, find Alphinaud in crazy town, and DID SOMEONE SAY MINFILLIA?!?!

Minfillia isn't really Minfillia but her and Thancreds daughter DAAAAAW THE FEELS

Then I'm caught up with everyone who watched the trailer! Ready to experience the rest of this masterpiece.

klausiboy kristensen
klausiboy kristensen - 14.03.2023 02:05

This cinematic never fails to get me hyped.
And I haven't even reached this expansion yet

Weverton Teixeira
Weverton Teixeira - 09.03.2023 22:59

So... I finished Shadowbringers MSQ yesterday... i'm crying while I write this (obviously) and I am unable to conceive the idea that Endwalker can be better than this masterpiece.

I'll edit this once i finish Endwalker. :)

Master Leon
Master Leon - 08.03.2023 05:52

Recently beat Shadowbringers. Was phenomenal from beginning to end, I loved it. This ending and track especially. It perfectly serves to connect all the events of the expansion together, while the leitmotif is so beautiful it brought me to tears.

Remember us. Remember we once lived.

Myra Amherst
Myra Amherst - 06.03.2023 23:23

knowing everything with endwalker makes this even more powerful

Merable Dawnspark
Merable Dawnspark - 04.03.2023 08:05

After getting to know what the Dark Knight really is and going through the quests, my regret is NOT getting that class while doing the MSQ XD I felt nervous about a class like that, but after going through the quests and their philosophy, becoming darkness never felt so good XD

SilverJakler - 27.02.2023 23:25

I love that for Endwalker they gave us DRKs the ability to use the same move that Meteor uses to kill the sine eater at the end. And of course you know they had to call it "Shadowbringer".

Shiny - 16.02.2023 08:46

The way this tells the story of the expansion is great
What an awesome element

Jesse Brophy
Jesse Brophy - 13.02.2023 15:32

Oh ardburt... Even now, at journeys end, can I feel your axe at my side.

Adriele Evangelista
Adriele Evangelista - 31.01.2023 06:05

why does the violins part of this keeps making me tear up even after all this time?

The Surrealist
The Surrealist - 31.01.2023 02:07

Y’all wanna know how I got here? I decided to listen to the Industrial rock band Godhead since I hadn’t in a while. While I was listening to them I looked up the vocalist to see what he was up to. Jason C. Miller. He has since being making his own solo music as a Country/Southern Rock artist.

I looked on his Wikipedia page to see what else he’s been up to more recently and I found that he did the vocals for this song.

So, if you haven’t go check out The Reckoning By Godhead to hear what this guy used to make.

JosefStryker - 26.01.2023 04:16

"If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it? Could you save our worlds?"

Apex Gale
Apex Gale - 25.01.2023 17:20

Dark Knight is so fitting because the job is fueled by powerful emotion. The WoL being able to kill the Sin Eater in 3 hits and split the sky is, I feel, a manifestation of what they have been through since ARR.

OniGundamSeed - 24.01.2023 10:24

Slay the Day

ThickManatee - 19.01.2023 09:24

I’m writing this about a week after 6.3 came out. Endwalker has been out for a little more than a year now and the patches have been great imo, but my time with the game has definitely slowed down. However, I randomly decided to listen to this on my phone when my internet just went out, and it’s still getting me to almost tear up and get so hyped. I’m not in as big of a XIV mood as I was around Endwalker’s launch, but this song can get me right back to that high with a single listen. This song is a masterpiece and I look forward to listening to it and utterly loving it for the rest of my life. Bravo 🙌

Darius the Snowtrooper
Darius the Snowtrooper - 17.01.2023 20:35

If my ff14 jams ain't posted by hungrychad I don't want it

MightTheSprite - 17.01.2023 04:28


Phoniexwolf209 - 27.12.2022 03:28

One brings shadow one brings the light, two tone echos tumbling through time... This line gives me chills every time. It brings back memories of when you first meet up with the shadow bearer in the game, and the fight you have to have with him and his company. You knew shit was about to get real...

David Davidson
David Davidson - 21.12.2022 09:55

need I even say anything to anyone who ends up here, to confirm that we all know why we are here? and to know that the experiences we made and shared along our journey connect us emotionally or at least mentally? Tonight I finished my ShB ng+ run since its been a while I played the expansion and I tend to forget things, there had been scenes and moments which engaged me emotionally to a point I rarely get at all in real life, which is partially due to mandatory medication. I really took my time to appreciate the quality of, and the love for, the whole project by its creators and the whole team involved. The success and popularity which the game has gained in recent years is absolutly earned and deserved, many fond and shared memories which put a smile on my face and if you have read this far I salute you

May you find home, wherever you roam, cheers friends

RedheadButNotReally - 07.12.2022 09:41

Broke: This song is about the parallels between Ardbert and the WoL of the Source, both fighting to save the First.
Woke: This song is about the struggles of the Ascians as they fervently work to save their world before it's torn apart.

Nanako N.
Nanako N. - 03.11.2022 22:23

For me ot It was like 4/10 for ARR, 8/10 - Heavensward, 7/10 - SB and 1000000/10 - ShB.

B R - 29.10.2022 04:38

"Become what you must...
Become the Warrior of Darkness."

To vanquish an eternal light, we must BRING the darkest SHADOW!
