Hillary McCaskey

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@Chris-rk3cv - 18.08.2023 14:05

Something I’ve always found funny is how I relate to everything about type 1 so much, and then every time I take the test it’s type 4. Anyone feel the same?

@iromishuka - 25.06.2023 19:22


@jackwareham7075 - 07.06.2023 21:39

I obsessively correct my own spelling in my journal which no human being other than me has ever read

@TheKabujurra - 23.04.2023 14:57

If i mess up my list, will start all over again 😂

@darciek7175 - 15.02.2023 20:33


@billandrhondavanlent5833 - 11.02.2023 05:19

Number 6?! Ugggh yesss

@chelseashaw7748 - 04.02.2023 16:36

I also died laughing at #7. When I write a to do list, I usually redo the list and make it look nicer 🤣 and I ALWAYS add things I've always done. No one ever sees my list so it's 100% for me 🤣

@chelseashaw7748 - 04.02.2023 16:33

I'm just delving into enneagrams and there is no doubt i am a 1w2. I loved hearing the #5 where you explained that if a 1 has the gym on their to do list at 5am, they will do it. Over the course of 9 months I lost 75 lbs (after giving birth to 7 babies in 6 years). After getting to the point of "success" I became completely obsessed with figuring out where to channel all my "goal oriented" behaviors. I didn't know what on earth to do now that I'd lost the weight and gotten in shape. Understanding that I could just "live life normally" was incomprehensible. I actually ended up taking up running (this timing coincided with gyms shutting down during covid) and ended up becoming such a dedicated runner that I was running 8 miles a day, plus lifting weights and ended up with chronic iscemic colitis that forced me to have an ostomy to recover from. I literally almost killed myself running. I was truly filled with so much rage the entire time I did all of thus because the scale never budged despite gaining muscle and losing fat. I began starving and using weight loss drugs and all sorts of crazy things and that's when I got so sick and nearly died. This fits with what others have said about the pbsessive/neurotic tendencies that can suddenly switch from dedication to health and good and become self sabotaging and addictive. Ahhh! This is all so utterly fascinating!

@britneytalbot142 - 28.11.2022 18:47

Oh my god, this describes me perfectly. I’m a traffic rule nazi because I refuse to drive over the speed limit, constantly get angry at other drivers like “they didn’t stop before the line at the stop sign” or “they are going 5 kph over the speed limit.” I am a messy type 1 but I will get angry if say a sweater in one clothing pile is misplaced because I know exactly in which piles everything was. I used to work at Starbucks and I would throw away stuff my coworkers made if it wasn’t up to my standard.

@ElrohirGuitar - 27.10.2022 22:15

Yeah, not a one. I was intrigued by a description of ones being motivated by honor. This is a driving force for me, but is honor, defined personally, not by society. I may have misunderstood the term good as honorable.

@trashpanda5805 - 11.09.2022 15:01

Make a new list, after a mistake

@brittneydavis7030 - 17.06.2022 12:02

Sign number 7 is spot on, I literally did that just yesterday. I call it a "Done List"! I just helps me feel like I've accomplished something for the day. P.S. When I go to misspell something, I just scribble & try to get it right 👍 Love your videos.

@Aham20044 - 09.05.2022 03:36

1w9 here!!!

@aixadeleon1169 - 06.05.2022 23:33

Yes, I’m type one!! Good examples

@caitlyndani3lle - 27.04.2022 00:17

I am a big fan of using white out on my to do lists but even then it bothers me that it wasn’t correct the first time 😂

@steamcode4441 - 12.04.2022 15:01

Definitely type 1

@annabellebadillo1242 - 29.03.2022 20:40

I would never scratch it off and leave it. I take down the list and use it to make sure I don’t miss anything and put up a new correct one. Even when I’ve tried to cut corners and scratch things off I have to eventually come back and do it correctly. I think ones must live by lists. I have a grocery list, calendar, daily lists, a chore list for my husband for the season lol, menus months in advance, inventoried groceries for those menus, and monthly budgets for household expenses. So many more lists lol. My type 8 husband said he felt like we lived in a museum many years ago when we were first married…

@betsysantos9837 - 26.03.2022 23:51


@thissunchild - 25.02.2022 22:15

Without a doubt

@vandersteinmansion - 06.02.2022 22:19


@jessicalockwood7684 - 21.12.2021 04:17

Crumble up the list (and recycle the paper) and re-write the list.

@gilnahnu - 28.11.2021 08:09

in my notes app i have about 30 to do lists that i havent completed yet and i just made a new one yesterday xD its a addiction!
i relate to all as a 1w2 but nowadays i just dont care, like if i make a mistake or if i have to do something urgent i just dont give a doggy bone about it, this happened ever since quarantine! i need to get back on my grind.

@evaperez7162 - 20.11.2021 09:56

I throw out the list and start a new one

@tomtripp4836 - 19.11.2021 00:40

You nailed us.

@daybydaystonebystone - 18.10.2021 03:29

I will cross it off and it will bug me SO much but I’d be more concerned with wasting paper so I settle…but I’m not content lol🤦🏻‍♀️

@ellea2541 - 29.09.2021 11:28

Rewriting To-Do lists when you make a mistake and adding things you already did so you can cross it off... 👀 😅... Stop spying on me! 🤣

@bujoplannerkim2391 - 26.09.2021 10:57

Just found this video, and had to share. I'm a type one, and I write my lists in pencil! Ta da! I can erase my mistakes, and keep my lists looking neat. When I am writing something in pen, I will just cross it out and keep going, but I won't feel good about it. But as a one, it's important to make peace with that feeling.

@jmsl910 - 13.09.2021 22:59

100% scratch it off BECAUSE, wasting paper is worse!

@arizonamonarch - 09.09.2021 23:08

I'm very curious if one Type is more self-abusive than others, or are they all pretty equal just in different ways maybe?

@arizonamonarch - 09.09.2021 23:03

If it's an important paper, then definitely throw it out and start over! If it's a to-do list, QUIT WASTING PAPER and just scratch it off and re-write it!! :)

@asenazov4814 - 28.08.2021 05:18

In my previous unhealthy state I became less concerned with how good I was but I made sure my actions left no mess for others to clean up.

@asenazov4814 - 28.08.2021 05:16

I would conceal the written mistake with a whiteout so that it’s less distracting.

@asenazov4814 - 28.08.2021 05:13

Type 1 here. I can’t have super long discussion about a problem when I have the perfect solution that works well for everyone because I’ve thought about it from different angles.

@jow411 - 21.08.2021 05:32

I have erasable pens so I don’t have to crumple the paper. I struggle scratching things out!!

@mikemccookie480 - 20.08.2021 15:26

I'm a 1 & your video is spot on! I rewrite the ENTIRE list 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@moulee7448 - 15.08.2021 13:17

You described me to a tee..It is hard being a type 1..ughhhhhh!!!! Obsessed over doing everything right
Why is my brain so hard on me🤯😭

@jazmin4950 - 30.07.2021 00:45

I can tell most of the people in the chat are 1w9 more than a 1w2. I guess a 1w2 is more rare? because there kinda opposites if you think about it...

@tlkey5173 - 21.07.2021 22:42

1w9, my wedding the table cloths weren't ironed (folding creases) and the name tags were messed up. Friends had to help me to not have a panic attack and to enjoy my day. I think my eye started twitching and I was apologizing to guests. I'm disciplined unless I have a fear of failure, fear of not being perfect- I will freeze. Writer's block.... ugh. Learning how to ski, I always felt sorry for my instructors...

@margaritac5283 - 19.07.2021 10:57

Hi!! Just wondering, are Type 1’s supposedly decisive? I think I’m a type 1 but I take a long time to make decisions because I don’t want to make the wrong choice (something I would regret later)! But I’ve also seen somewhere that Type 1’s are decisive, but maybe it’s relating to other decisions (like black or white).

@benjaminfast5496 - 08.07.2021 21:55

I get confused at times if I'm a 1w9 or a 9w1. I hate and avoid conflict, but I can also be expectantly blunt when someone does something that bothers me, such as cooking food wrong, not following road rules, putting something in a place that doesn't make sense, grammatical errors, etc. I often suppress my anger in the moment, though, or will try to find a tactful way to say something. I will also try to cover up my criticizing with humour to make it seem lighter. I have always been a perfectionist when it comes to writing on paper as well. I was the student that would always use white out. If I made a mistake early on I would always start over on a new sheet of paper. If I scratch something out, I can't move past it. I literally cannot fathom when someone doesn't care enough to write neatly. I was always unsure if that was a 1 thing, or an OCD thing. If I ever dabble in art of any sort, I am extremely critical of all if the imperfections. Others will say they love it and I will assume they are just being nice, because, how on Earth could they not see the mistakes I made on it? I'm also quite critical of others, although I keep those thoughts internal. I am usually judging other work, appearance, fashion choices, bad habits, etc. I always recognize how critical I am and criticize myself being so critical. It's a viscous cycle.
The things that contradict my being a 1 is that I could honestly care less about the state of my home (while it is just me there.) If someone is coming over, however, I freak out and worry that they will judge me for it. That is how my mom was. Her cleaning habits didn't pass down to me, but the fear of being judged for it definitely did. I am extremely laid back for the most part. I always play first and work later, and chores seem more like a waste of my personal time. I never make a to do list. I am also a perceiving type on the MBTI, so that contradicts a lot with the 1. I like to have things planned to a degree so I have stuff to look forward too, but I can also be extremely adaptable if plans change. I also hate being overlook and feeling like I don't belong, or that my opinion is not be asked of, heard, or of validity. I also don't want to push them in fear of creating tension, so I will usually just go along with others. I also don't get too passionate about injustices, because if I get to involved, it could either disrupt my internal peace or the peace of my environment. I often choose to remain ignorant to maintain bliss. Then I criticize myself for not caring more than I should.
I have also always stuck to the religious beliefs and moral standards I was raised on; However, I sometimes wonder if that is because I took them on as my own identity as a 9 and didn't want to go against my parents, or if I truly believed if I went against them I would be perceived as evil, wrong, immoral, etc. Both of those thoughts terrify me, so I just seem to go along with it despite not fully knowing how I feel about them.
I didn't expect to write this much. I often never do, though. :)

@lucy_5613 - 08.07.2021 17:10

i have equal qualities for a 1 and 8!

@Mina-mk4fs - 03.07.2021 23:27

I’m pretty sure I’m a type 1, but sometimes it’s hard to know since I’m neurodivergent😅 For example the third sign: to have a ton of self-discipline - on one hand, I am very aware of what, how and when I need to do something, but sometimes my adhd comes in and makes me unable to do what I am supposed to do

@brhunt8589 - 29.06.2021 19:22

As I'm growing and approaching myself with more grace, I'm more willing to just scratch out the error and re-write it on the same line or on the next line down lol

It helps remind myself that mistakes are inevitable and I can work through them, and not put so much pressure on myself 🙂💛

@jenniferchristopherson - 13.06.2021 16:22

Oh damn, that paper is going in the garbage!

@joharanabee - 11.06.2021 00:42

I do not throw out the paper, because wasting paper would not be doing the right thing!

@nicoledixon1039 - 10.06.2021 07:14

For all you 1's out there that may not like being called a "perfectionist", I recently heard someone else call 1's "the Improvers." I think 1's make the world better! 9w8 here.

@eebhansen - 07.06.2021 03:08

Spot on! I SO resonate with that #6. I have 4yo and 6yo boys, and no matter how much my husband attempts to straighten up before I get home, I instantly spot everything out of place on walking in. Usually takes 20 minutes to "reset" the house before I can relax. I don't redo To Do lists, because they are on neat sticky notes on my computer desktop that I can digitally update multiple times a day. #9 -- interestingly, I struggle in the current political/social climate because I feel like I'm the only one who DOESN'T see things black and white and land in a particular "camp". I think I instinctively feel I can't make a call on what is right and wrong until I lean into that 9 wing and try to see from all the different perspectives of the different people involved. At that point I do tend to parse out the "right" and "wrong" in each individual perspective.

@thesquinch3773 - 04.06.2021 03:35

I am DYING - when you asked what we do when we mess up an item on a list... I had NO idea I even did this but 1000000% that list is getting rewritten. Scribbling or crossing something out makes it look way too busy, and I don’t want to look at it anymore! Gotta have that clean to-do list. Thank you for the laugh 🤣

@nenotchkaebcas4215 - 02.06.2021 17:04

Ah this hits to the core, I literally just wrote a to-do list right now with a misplaced gap, and I re-did the whole thing again. I also added something I decided to remove from my plan just to cross it out. HAHA. And yes, all the minutes of my day this week is planned. I used to be very spontaneous and I think I am still spontaneous with my friends and when I have to be, but mostly I am uptight. I used to get angry at people who keep me waiting and eat up my time! Now, I try to understand others but it's still hard. I'm very disciplined and want to be "good". I get angry at people who are in the "wrong". And yeah, people go to me for advice a lot. I try to be wise and discerning. Yes, I have super unattainable standards that I put to myself and others.
