Full Guide to Jetpack Compose Effect Handlers

Full Guide to Jetpack Compose Effect Handlers

Philipp Lackner

2 года назад

87,545 Просмотров

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Alexandr - 17.10.2023 14:22

nice rewriting google guides

Pavlo Pavlov
Pavlo Pavlov - 11.10.2023 23:36

Very cool lessons, please add Ukrainian subtitles.

MicahSpecial - 02.10.2023 15:08

Im stuck with EffectHandlersTheme not detect

codingPotato21 - 26.08.2023 23:12

Thank you for the explanation. I do understand the topic and I can see how useful and important it can be. However, I have no idea how I would be able to use it efficiently myself in my apps. Practice makes perfect by gods will.

kepper104 - 14.08.2023 21:23

THANK YOU SO MUCH, just this afternoon i was duct taping together my own event system from snippets of code i found online, but the one you show in LaunchedEffect part is so much better and cleaner! Thanks! The rest of the video is also great as well!

David - 30.07.2023 11:45

I find scopes a really hard concept to get.

Mert Ozan Kahraman
Mert Ozan Kahraman - 18.07.2023 18:20

Adam geldi ADAM

tetsuoshiva - 28.06.2023 23:28

Wait, you never explained what EffectHandlersTheme is.

bitmap - 28.06.2023 04:17

Я видел рекомендации писать LaunchedEffect(Unit) (не true).

brigadir - 27.06.2023 05:08

Привет из России. Спасибо за понятные и хорошие уроки это лучшие курсы для начинающих💗💗💗

Duc Nguyen
Duc Nguyen - 31.05.2023 16:14

is it acceptable to have the key be modified within the LaunchedEffect block?

Társila Costalonga
Társila Costalonga - 30.05.2023 22:02

Hi, Philipp, great video!
What is yout Android Studio theme?
Thanks =)

Marvel Rivera
Marvel Rivera - 28.03.2023 21:53


Andrey Lindo
Andrey Lindo - 14.03.2023 04:02

The only 2 I found useful were LaunchedEffect and DisposableEffect. The rest of them were created to make the interviews harder.

Lingviston - 12.03.2023 16:05

Sadly, all `SideEffect` examples strive to be so oversimplified, that neither of them actually demonstrates the real use case of it. Like: what would happen if you do this call without wrapping in `SideEffect`? This effect handler deserves better example.

karamba - 04.02.2023 20:19

Hello. I saw that people place derivedStateOf inside remember. Is that wrong?Because it cash and not calculate each run

Petter Stenberg
Petter Stenberg - 29.01.2023 00:36

Thanks for your educational and helpful videos! The Android Studio theme that you’re using looks awsome, what is the name of that? ⭐️🧐 Cheers from Sweden 🍻

Slobodan Manojlović
Slobodan Manojlović - 08.01.2023 00:17

Thanks for sharing, really cool video!

Ifedayo Adekoya
Ifedayo Adekoya - 08.12.2022 15:50

I’m trying to run a recursive task every 15seconds (like call an api) on my jetpack screen, how can I achieve this with launched effect or any other Android class without using workmanager.

Павел Фролов
Павел Фролов - 06.12.2022 13:38

Not clear without examples

Online Entrepreneur Tools
Online Entrepreneur Tools - 17.11.2022 11:13

Thanks for this! Although my mind couldn't absorb any of the discussed effect. Part 1 to 9 is clear and easy to follow as a newbie of Jetpack Compose. This part (Part 10) doesn't have any relevance in almost all discussed subjects in parts 1 to 9 that's why I couldn't comprehend. Maybe this should be moved in a more advanced playlist for compose. I will just skip to the next part hopefully I am not totally lost as I really love the tutorials. I'll take note on this effect handlers and when I got to the point when I already need this subject then I'll just get back here. Thanks Philipp! Cheers!

Testg4and Mmm
Testg4and Mmm - 15.11.2022 21:41

This side effect makes me think twice whet i should use this or maui csharpmarkup.

Compose makes it so much complicated especially in example.

Why not make normal oop. İnstead of frp

in order to conpansate for downside of functional programming,
they added remember state etc.

How to cover a hole
with another thing that also has a hole. Total bullshit..

Mohamed A. Dahab
Mohamed A. Dahab - 06.10.2022 10:00

Gem's channel , thanx man , wish you all the best in your life <3

Andrew Fomin
Andrew Fomin - 04.09.2022 23:18

Philipp, Hi! I love your content, thank you for that. I don't understand one thing. Could you please explain me ? Why cant we just use derivedStateOf everywhere since it optimizes everything ?

Anuranjan Srivastava
Anuranjan Srivastava - 15.08.2022 19:07

Months later, my webview was playing audio event after navigating away. Destroying it in DisposableEffect did the trick.
Good thing I bookmarked this video 😁

Asep Fawaz Munawar Rahlan
Asep Fawaz Munawar Rahlan - 23.06.2022 23:25

Omg thanks very much ! ✨

Daniel Keyes
Daniel Keyes - 14.06.2022 22:58

Thanks for the video. I appreciated all the examples and the simplicity of them for easier understandability.

Mat - 03.05.2022 10:05

Thank you for the video. I will watch all the Compose serie 👍

Safiya Khan
Safiya Khan - 17.04.2022 04:50

Sir Complete jetpack compose course.

yonghun choi
yonghun choi - 20.03.2022 09:41

형 너무 사랑해❤️❤️

Cristiano Vecchi
Cristiano Vecchi - 17.03.2022 18:09

Great! So much useful!

Prateek Sharma
Prateek Sharma - 12.03.2022 13:49

Respect++ 🔥🚀

Subind Suresh
Subind Suresh - 01.03.2022 11:47

Gym Shark should start sponsoring Philipp !!

Alon Minski
Alon Minski - 01.03.2022 10:07

Hi Phillipp!! As always, top notch videos! Thank you! I have a question, I have a Composable function that creates a JFreeChart object which basically gets recomposed when ever its DataSet values are updated. But in that case, the entire JFreeChart object gets recreated again and again with each recomposition. So it appears to be a side effect. Is LaunchedEffect the more accurate choice to prevent that? Do I create the JFreeChart object with key1 = true and then simply let it observe its DataSet updates? Thanks!

BRO CHENZOX - 25.02.2022 14:08

Cool episode! Which one of dark themes plugin do you use?

Abada S
Abada S - 23.02.2022 17:08

Is it good to use derucedStateOf instead of rememberStateOf in all cases?

Siva Teja Vajja
Siva Teja Vajja - 23.02.2022 07:32

In your MVVM News App, how to refresh the news list using swiprefershlayout listener or when call news list api from onresume override method?
I am new to MVVM architecture, please help me as i am calling the news list api in onresume but not in oncreate as i need to refresh the news list every time i came back to breakingnews fragment.

ali Hosseinnezhad
ali Hosseinnezhad - 23.02.2022 01:18

Thank you Philipp , You explain contents with interesting examples.
Here is one of the best channel for android.

Stylianos Gakis
Stylianos Gakis - 22.02.2022 23:50

Just be careful, think of derivedStateOf just as you would mutableStateOf in a sense that it needs to be remembered! Otherwise this isn't remembered and in case of recomposition will just be called again from scratch. And overall it feels like your explanation on derivedStateOf could be improved a bit. You didn't mention anything about how it implicitly "subscribes" to the state objects that are being accessed in there, but doesn't have any mechanism to update itself when non-state objects are being read in its lambda are changed so it would then show stale data.
I really suggest people to read the excellent documentation on these, it does a great job explaining with examples how they work.

Игорь Вялков
Игорь Вялков - 22.02.2022 09:36

Hey, just finished course about multimoduling. Have a question - when services are needed? For example, if there are any pros for moving api calls to service, if these are periodic calls made with workmanager? Thanks)

Mustafa Ammar
Mustafa Ammar - 22.02.2022 00:40

very cool video thank you bro

The Mister Ravenous
The Mister Ravenous - 21.02.2022 20:14

awesome video! just one simple thing I notest was he snapshotFlow using the distincUntilChanged(), actually the snapshotFlow itself is already handling it, so it will get the latest value of the state if its value is different, so in this case you dont need call the distinctUntilChanged. btw thanks a lot for this video it helped a lot to understand all of them <3

Timilehin Aregbesola
Timilehin Aregbesola - 21.02.2022 13:44

thank you so much for this

スヘアمحمد - 21.02.2022 13:24

As always Sir Philipp is here to save the day
