Elden Ring 1.02.2 with vkd3d-proton wrapper on Win10 21H2

Elden Ring 1.02.2 with vkd3d-proton wrapper on Win10 21H2


2 года назад

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@HudsonMonteiro-px1cs - 21.12.2023 11:15

Do you think this may work on lords of the fallen (2023)? It uses dx12 and ue5. It crashes on startup on my r9 390, but can run on an rx 570

@AR_Benchmarks - 17.08.2022 18:08

I've tried the latest version of VKD3D for the Elden Ring v1. 05 but it made the performance results are incredibly lower than the original DX12 API implementation.

@kerkertrandov459 - 08.08.2022 19:56

Doesnt seem to work anymore, i tried everything all kinds of versions between the two, but no, it alawys runs with 5-10 fps. AC origins runs really well on Vulkan with DXVK, if i could make elden ring run on vulkan too i'd get at least +10-15 more fps than i do now, which is all the difference between 45-50 and 60 fps. But i just fuckin can't make it. Maybe the newest patch 1.05 broke it, or maybe it's because i'm using amd gpu vega idk but it wont work

@goiflin5056 - 02.04.2022 20:31

I know you didn't post this as a fix for it, but running the game with Vulkan did fix my white screen crash issue. Card supports dx12 and all that. Sucks about not being online but oh well! Looks nice and runs very smoothly for me, besides the occasional dips down to 30 in high foliage zones but even then it stays at that point until I'm out of it. Thank you for posting this, I've been trying to get it to run for weeks now.

If anyone is running into errors getting this fix to work, you either haven't disabled EAC correctly (you need to do the steps listed, as well as renaming the start_protected_program to anything else and renaming eldenring.exe to start_protected_program) or you didn't install the correct .dlls, so try fiddling around with it. Could also be that you simply don't meet the requirements to run it at all.

@gee79 - 01.04.2022 16:17

Is this effectively the same as running it through Linux -> Steam -> Proton? Or would the performance improve compared to Windows with the wrapper?

@yeajno7936 - 30.03.2022 09:12

does this still work in patch 1.3?

@Mr.Shersh - 24.03.2022 17:15

Have GTX 1080
I get crash to destop after white screen. Eh...

@michael-zv5xq - 21.03.2022 00:20

rx 570 and it made my fps 16 from 45 lol

@moizeba1 - 20.03.2022 05:57

any idea how to fix the white screen crash? it only happens when i try to use VKD3D

@Alex-nk8bw - 14.03.2022 13:05

It's crashing back to desktop right after I've launched the game. GTX 1660 Ti, fully DX12 compatible. Do I have to tweak some particular setting in my Nvidia Control Panel?

@pank331 - 12.03.2022 07:49

my game dont open :(

@promc2890 - 07.03.2022 17:18

on my 6800xt + 5800x i get 20fps at 1080p with vk3d

@lucaigansi - 07.03.2022 00:22

Didn't work for me :/ is there anything else I have to do to get vkd3d working? Do I just need to paste the .dlls?

@andgen6967 - 05.03.2022 05:11

I tried this with my gtx950m (which does have feature level 12_0), but I still got a white screen.

@adrothy6662 - 04.03.2022 21:50

This almost felt like the "way to play", but performance tanks hard during certain magic effects later in the game, which you can imagine isn't ideal when engaged in a fight. Doesn't occur in DX12. YMMV of course.

@desertfox3869 - 04.03.2022 10:01

What are your specs? My GPU (Nvidia) doesn't have DX12 feature level 12 (only has feature level 11) and I would like to know if VKD3D would work for me with this game, since the game is not working with the default DX12.

@wombat8812 - 03.03.2022 17:37

It didn't fix shit. LOL.

@SanHydraxon - 03.03.2022 13:39

Anon, is this running on the Steam Dick or just a regular PC with Linux?
