How to Prune Single-Flush Pine Bonsai | Bonsai-U

How to Prune Single-Flush Pine Bonsai | Bonsai-U

Eisei-en Bonsai Kyoto

4 года назад

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Alex - 31.05.2023 19:55

That's a good size Pinus Bjorn. You should be proud of yourself.

The Lost Ent-Wyfe
The Lost Ent-Wyfe - 17.04.2023 23:22

oh my goodness, the closed caption text is hilarious on this.

Milton Lopez
Milton Lopez - 25.03.2023 10:37

I’m very new to bonsai so I’m sorry for my ignorance, but why not just leave the tree grow so all the branches grow naturally and then cut when every they’ve grown?

Marcel Berger
Marcel Berger - 22.03.2023 23:29

That Start 😂😂😂

コール太郎 - 18.02.2023 23:58

Lmao. That intro 💀

lizardspiral - 13.01.2023 20:38

Ayo! For being that age, Your pinus looks pretty stubby. (You asked for it lol)

OleWetDog - 08.01.2023 05:46

If there is such as thing as bonsai jokes you win the century!

Alejandro Emiliano Guzmán Tejada
Alejandro Emiliano Guzmán Tejada - 05.12.2022 05:51

Your what

MommaSon D
MommaSon D - 23.05.2022 03:56

What? Giant what???

Daniel Müller
Daniel Müller - 01.05.2022 15:10

Does anyone know if pinus mugo is a single or double flush pine?

Maverick SE
Maverick SE - 28.04.2022 23:12

Should I let the tree untouched if I repotted it 2 months ago? Or can I apply this technique without risk?

Sad Oldgit
Sad Oldgit - 24.04.2022 11:37

I snap the candles with my fingers, this eliminates the problem with snipping the new needles!

netm - 20.04.2022 01:27

played this on the bus and the intro got everyone looking at me

Stuart oliver
Stuart oliver - 25.01.2022 01:22

Thanks mate I just found a 10 inch Scots pine I'm going to try to bonsai 👍🏻🇬🇧

Invincible cucumber
Invincible cucumber - 15.08.2021 23:09

What an amazing demonstration.
Thank you very much!

Martin Moeller
Martin Moeller - 16.07.2021 06:05

I can't rate this video high enough. Superbly explained in great detail in a very short time with no fuss. Love it, more of those please.

Murray821 - 15.07.2021 17:51

Are mugo pines considered double flush pines? I had in early spring some candles on my mugo what I pinched a bit back to balkende, and now there are lots of buds on each branch tip.

Adrienne M
Adrienne M - 03.07.2021 16:09

Straight to the point, good close ups and sound. Thank you!

CX. Media.D
CX. Media.D - 09.05.2021 00:46

Selecting 2 candles to prevent swolling at the base can you explain/show this further more. Did you pinch the tree al at once in one day or in sections with a time interfall? This is a final developed tree you work on, what about trees who need to be developed, you still apply these techniques?

Blackmarvel - 25.04.2021 17:12

Good one thanks!!!

Nikiddas - 22.04.2021 17:17

Great video! can you do one on pruning and maintenance for the Buddhist pine?

Aria Bonsai
Aria Bonsai - 13.04.2021 09:20

Just in time, wonderful

Cool Panda
Cool Panda - 08.04.2021 06:07

Sometimes I think that I can't learn more from your videos, then I watch something like this and am shocked yet again. The things that you know always amaze me.

Bacon Burger
Bacon Burger - 31.03.2021 01:12

Is it okay to prune the candles and roots, then repot in early spring?

Dev Kumar Tirkey
Dev Kumar Tirkey - 16.03.2021 21:02

Beep *

balot ubso
balot ubso - 27.12.2020 18:35

Is australian pines is a single flush

Hans Mater
Hans Mater - 18.12.2020 18:29

I'm a pretty big defender of the idea that there fundamentally is no wrong way to pronounce botanical Latin, since it never was a spoken language in the first place, but this guy really needs to stop pronouncing Pinus like that

Giovanni Passamonti
Giovanni Passamonti - 15.12.2020 01:46

Textbook definition of "taxing". Incredible patience!

Stu Last
Stu Last - 08.11.2020 00:47

I've just bought a pre-bonsai white pine so this video is super-useful. I love the detail and clear explanations you give, Bjorn. Your content is always so engaging, useful, and well-produced. Nice one!

Roshan Fernando
Roshan Fernando - 25.09.2020 21:37

Does this kind of decandling actually cause budding far in the back of the tree? Is that what he is trying to do?

William B
William B - 14.09.2020 19:36

Dude I was watching this through the car at the gas station and you said that people started starring lol ...

Less Talk, More Delicious
Less Talk, More Delicious - 28.08.2020 00:02

Do you do this spring-pruning on jbp/double-flush too?

Joe Peacock
Joe Peacock - 12.07.2020 02:05

Seriously made me laugh that intro😅

SpecialSP - 21.06.2020 07:05

What an AMAZING tree!

Simon - 20.06.2020 13:38

I nearly spat my breakfast out when I hard the intro 😂😂😂
I was like did he actually just say that.

Jason Lee Janke
Jason Lee Janke - 20.06.2020 12:05

what about Monterey pine? single or double flush

Francisco Del Valle
Francisco Del Valle - 08.06.2020 18:14

Bjorn, I have been following your channel for a few weeks and all I can say is thanks for all the information you share here. I recently acquired a 2-3 year old Japanese black pine thunderhead that I want to turn into a niwaki for our new home being built right now. Do you think in the near future you could do a video just like this one, but with a black pine? All the into I have found on most websites suggest to de-candle everything, but I have not seen one like yours that explain the best way to balance the tree.

rokrjohnson - 06.06.2020 21:46

Wouldn’t you usually have to work the lower weakest branches first, then th more vigorous branches a week later to further balance energy?

aBsuRd - 06.06.2020 09:25

And here I thought "I'll watch a calm Bonsai-U video before I go to sleep".
Laughed for 5 minutes straight

H. Randolph Scott III
H. Randolph Scott III - 20.05.2020 06:40

Excellent video

SyriusStar Multimedia
SyriusStar Multimedia - 12.05.2020 08:04

Your style of Bonsai is very elegant.

Chris Gawkowski
Chris Gawkowski - 10.05.2020 12:54

Well done Bjorn on showing/explaining the technique so succinctly however, could you please also clarify: 1. What the main objective is using this technique 2. How did you prepare the tree for this procedure in terms of feeding routine and 3. How you will feed the tree after the procedure.
Many thanks.

Maxbeanbag - 10.05.2020 11:48

This is a better presentation that Mirai Live

Steven Yacuta
Steven Yacuta - 10.05.2020 08:15

Yes yes and yes😻

Paul Schaefer
Paul Schaefer - 09.05.2020 22:43

You actually can completely remove candles on a two-needle pine, just not every year. Likely once every three years.

LarsDragonbeard - 07.05.2020 22:04

Thank you for making these videos Bjorn. I'm currently building up a scots pine that started as a whip a few years ago.
I was wondering how I should perform this procedure with regards to the sacrifice branch as well as the small branches that I'm maintaining to be the branches of the tree as it enters a more mature stage.
Can I prune the candles of those smaller branches while leaving the candles of the sacrifice branch untouched, or do I risk the tree shedding the small branches that I want to keep?

My main goal is to keep the small branches from getting leggy...

James Cook
James Cook - 06.05.2020 04:16

Can someone please explain: wouldn’t doing this cause the branches to grow longer and longer year after year?

D-Paul - 04.05.2020 07:30

BRAVO!!! Bonsai needs more joking.
Sidenote: this stay a home, has kinda help me get closer to being caught up with re-pots, wiring, etc, etc...But that is probably an unattainable goal, as I will always being chasing the next tree, next nebari, rock planting, carving, ewtc, etc, hahaha
