Google Sheets - Add (Import) Events in Bulk to Google Calendar Using Apps Script Tutorial - Part 11

Google Sheets - Add (Import) Events in Bulk to Google Calendar Using Apps Script Tutorial - Part 11

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@GaneshMahadevSirsat - 28.12.2022 11:32

gettting error Exception: The parameters (String,String,String) don't match the method signature for CalendarApp.Calendar.createEvent.

@markuswinter-cdps3008 - 20.10.2022 01:19

Another question about syncing/exporting google sheets to google calendar. Can you make a video about how to include the colors from google sheets into the calendar? As an example if you have a series of events in google sheets that you want to import into calendar and have them highlighted the same color in calendar as they are in sheets. Thanks as always for your videos!!

@diegodelfino9409 - 30.08.2022 18:05

how you prevent the script to duplicate the events already added to the calendar. let's say I add another event to the excel file and rerun the script, it will duplicate all the previous entries. thanks

@markuswinter-cdps3008 - 22.08.2022 21:49

Thanks, as always for your videos!! Can I request that you do a video, not so much for events, but for scheduling. We use google sheets for scheduling, and rather than duplicating efforts (and manually entering the schedule into Google Calendar), it would be great to be able to export it. And if you are able to, can you include days off. Reason that I ask is because I've run into the error where will not execute if it's a string (text), rather than date/time (value). To try to get around this, I used if([cell reference]="off", 0...but I'm sure there's a better way than using 12/30/1899 :D. Thanks again!!

@rishirishi4970 - 06.06.2022 18:36


@catherines4932 - 03.06.2022 00:23

This Google Apps Scripts for Sheets playlist is brilliant! for the addEvents function, I've used .getSheetByName("Sheet2") for the function to work. Despite clicking and saving Sheet 2, .getActiveSheet() wasn't working for me. Are there any common reasons for this? What makes the class know what my active sheet is?

@marcobanderas3306 - 04.12.2021 22:23

I'm getting the following error all the time: "Exception: Invalid argument: startTime", although I followed your tutorial twice ;/

@Stirlinggorilla - 23.11.2021 02:18

How can I add events that repeat weekly/monthly depending on information in the google sheet

@IsaacTannerDempsey - 22.11.2021 02:52

Can we download this from your website?

@ishanharshvardhan6687 - 21.09.2021 15:11

is it possible to automatically sync a sheet to calender as rows get added

@wongkinwah1052 - 01.09.2021 16:55

I started learn your videos tutorial from Google Sheets till Script now, really helpful, I have improved a lot. Thank you very much. I encountered a problem can't be solve, hopefully Sir could give me an advice. I have created 218 events in Google Sheets and desire to create all those events in Google Calendar, I can't create events in a bulk, how do I solve this problem?

@nhatkhiemlai3650 - 21.07.2021 01:05

Why my function show Cannot read property 'getTitle' of undefined?

@varunsethi5662 - 27.06.2021 14:15

Sir why dont you share the codes too .. thanks

@mohammedzaid3878 - 23.05.2021 16:42

How to get the events from all domains?

@tonyparini - 08.04.2021 17:09

Nice video! However: is it possible to do the same thing using different calendars?

@jenniferradcliffe9085 - 09.01.2021 02:00

how do you add events that are a combination of all day events and specific time events?

@stevenboss3813 - 19.11.2020 22:21

Fantastic and thank you, great presentation. Please can I ask, on your last line "description: data[i][4]});" is there a way of including a description from a 6th column in sheets?

@kimberlyonza8121 - 13.09.2020 10:34

Thank you so much!!

@phoenixempire8886 - 04.09.2020 00:37


@gringotaxis2296 - 20.06.2020 17:24

These are a great series of videos! However I'm getting a SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input on the last line. Any help on figuring this out would be great

@yo_swarnali - 06.06.2020 23:17

This code is for one calendar(or one gmail account) only. What if I want/need for more than one gmail ids? Means, I want to send calender events to many people.

@rmu1985 - 06.05.2020 16:54

Hello, you videos are really helping us in learning google sheets. Keep them coming and you are doing a great job.
Can you do a video on integrating Google tasks Api? Breaking talking for another Google ID and getting the status of tasks and updating the task status in sheet?

@khatushyamunitedpacking2468 - 28.02.2020 09:11

dear sir, when we are run this code , then error occur this , (Exception: The parameters (String,String,String,(class)) don't matchthe method signature for CalendarApp.Calendar.createEvent. (line 48, file "Code")) please needs to help for same.

@abdullahquhtani4247 - 16.02.2020 16:43

Hi. I hope you REPLY :-)
That’s great put you missed something. What will happen when new events added if for example is connected to google forms! What will happen in this case? Will the script delete the previous ones or overwrite them? shouldn’t be there if condition to add only new added event based on a field to be changed after the script add the event to the calendar? It’s a good point to be considered. Thank you.

@christianebers - 05.02.2020 09:49

Is there an easy way to split the date and time into two columns? If so can someone reply with the logic! ty

@pichit.raetai - 16.11.2019 11:32

thank you

@consultingsupport1096 - 01.10.2019 23:08

Love your presentation of app script. I enjoy much how faster things work. Is there a way to add events to multiple calendars?

@krisannespedillon7533 - 07.05.2019 10:15

How can I add the addGuest?

@user-pc5xt3gc7z - 30.03.2019 21:21

Thought (looking at the video's title) that you find out the way to make a bulk creation\updating calendar events...
heh) sad it's not... but cool video never the less

@golammusabbir914 - 28.03.2019 08:50

Hi.. I love your training. it makes me smarter. i m very much thankful to your effort that you are giving to us. In this script can u help us to avoid duplicate event and/or deleting any event

@mariyamego9613 - 26.03.2019 05:43

forEach does work. You just have to attach it to an array, i.e. data.forEach()

@pichit.raetai - 10.02.2019 03:14

Thank you

@itstigerplaysyt69420 - 23.01.2019 05:42

Everytime I add some events then run the add events code, the previous events keeps on duplicating after every run. How do I fix it?

@wakeyourdata2812 - 04.12.2018 00:23

Your videos are amazing!!! We use a Google Form for our managers to submit events to be added to our calendars. There are 60 calendars. Is there a way to add in some logic to what you demonstrated so that if certain fields contain certain text it will populate the event to the appropriate calendar? (i.e., If the Marketing column is Yes and the store field contains the word Chicago then the event will populate to the Chicago Marketing calendar?) If not, is there a way to write the macro so that it distributes the events to the appropriate sheet in the worksheet then we can use Zapier to populate the calendars. I'd prefer to avoid using Zapier.

@asyrafsyahmi9162 - 12.11.2018 15:22

Can I know how to create event in Google Calendar when it meet specified criteria in google sheet? Request leave for example. It create new events when only the request is approved.

@enzymeone1240 - 24.10.2018 23:47

Any video about delete events for ex by ID ?

@fantouch - 18.09.2018 02:00

I am having problems, LastRow is giving me a lot of blank rows . I do not know why. I bring the information with a query from another sheet. (When A is not Null). but the script when I run it gives me the information of all the blank cells. [,,,,,,,,] like this. why lr = ss.getLastRow(); is not working?

function addEvents() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var lr = ss.getLastRow();

var data = ss.getRange("A2:G" + lr).getValues();

for( var i = 0; i<data.length;i++){


**When I Loger.log(lr); --> 1000 (numer of rows in the file)

@dextersocc - 02.07.2018 23:14

Is it possible to modify the code to configure the color of each event?

@allinoneallinone3233 - 21.02.2018 11:57

Hi guys, Love your videos. Can you please update this one and see it is possible to invite some "guest" to a particular event, so all of the participants can receive a notification alerts regarding the event (let's say 5 min before it)?

@lorrainemchugh9742 - 12.10.2017 20:22

Would you consider posting the code itself so we may copy and paste? I know I am being very lazy! PS- Thank you so very much for your amazing tutorials!!! I have utilized them.

@johanvandervorst - 27.09.2017 22:29

Can you please add a video where you explain how to update the events in the calendar from the sheet?!
