What a REAL web developer interview is like (Front End)

What a REAL web developer interview is like (Front End)

Joshua Fluke

6 лет назад

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@MarsMellow84 - 20.12.2023 04:30

Who's watching this in 2023 and having a really hard time getting hired for a job you are 100 percent qualified for??? Its insane out there!

@minzugaming - 13.10.2023 20:55

Even this video is 5 years already. this is really insightful when it comes to what to expect after bootcamps

@epireve - 13.09.2023 13:34

You got Richard Hendricks’ vibes

@sugaslate14 - 10.09.2023 16:46

This was great thanks man. New sub here

@fyqq3988 - 07.09.2023 12:07

I got a interview for web developer role. Wish me luck 🎉

@Kids_fun2016 - 29.08.2023 18:49

I'm a BSIT graduate batch 2012. However, my degree was useless coz I was working in Accounting firm. Honestly, I have no confident to apply my degree. And now, I just realized that I need to use it. Can you help me? I have been studying for a month about HTML/CSS front end developer. I took some free quizzes to get the variables right. 3 out of 10 score. Sigh!

@TomasSandven - 24.05.2023 17:28

I appreciate the peek behind the scenes, but one question, do you have a dog off camera? I turned my head probably 20 times during the video wondering wtf that noise was xD

@flyhye793 - 29.04.2023 06:33

What da hell is react lifecycle...? 🤔

@12kenbutsuri - 27.04.2023 19:35

I can't remember pre-chatgpt times.

@lakeishag76 - 08.04.2023 13:04

I’m in the social work field so all of this jargon is Greek to me 😂 but this is so interesting to see. Thanks for sharing!

@katehillier1027 - 07.03.2023 01:46

How committed are you as an employee to SURVEILLANCE the more intrusive colonizing pervasive the better??’

@alextalos6141 - 28.02.2023 11:17

For the question at min 7 she wanted to know about react component lifecycle not react lifecycle. It's very important how you ask the question. She should have been more specific.

@xelefonte - 14.02.2023 05:25

I like Joshua Fluke but for someone who plays the role of a workplace guru, his interview was terrible. It’s like he has no interview skills. I know he didn’t really care to get this job and I felt that sense. But, he has a large audience and he should show his subscribers how to properly interview. DURING AN INTERVIEW YOU SHOULD NOT SAY THINGS LIKE “sorry for that rant” “do you want more specifics” “should I keep going?” It’s almost like Joshua does not know how to talk. In an interview, you answer questions the best way you know how to and leave it up to the interviewer to either cut you off or keep you going. You don’t indirectly ask about your responses to an interviewer. Was that good or do you want more? That’s not necessary. And another Josh does that’s not good is that he answers questions with a question. The whole point of an interview is for the interview to get information and feel you out. Now Josh seems to be technically adept which is why his interview is more disappointing. He should be able to nail an interview like this with his technical competence yet stumbles like a child at a new school. His delivery was not good and he seems to lack vocabulary at times. Don’t use words like “sweet” and “cool.” Keep it business casual. Instead of sweet and cool, say excellent or great. You don’t have to talk like a genius but you also don’t have to talk like a middle schooler. Josh also stutters, I’m. It sure why he’s so nervous. He’s also not very articulate at times and seems to ramble. I’m very disappointed with his interview. The unsurprising thing he likely still got the job offer.

@sabuein - 19.01.2023 15:00

Thank you, Josh.

@BLACK.SABBATH - 17.12.2022 00:38

Can I ask: what on earth are you wearing

@youtubedeletestheoppositio8188 - 04.12.2022 03:13

So awkward on the phone…

@BetYouHateMeNow - 21.11.2022 15:02

they don't belong to us. I am going to chop that one up as lost in translation

@VENOM-_-15 - 01.11.2022 01:10

If everyone likes you had me dying 💀💀💀

@sarugard9115 - 30.10.2022 13:56

Holy shit real interview

@wookieeMan06 - 27.10.2022 12:09

Home work tasks are normally a chance to get free work from the candidate. But you know when you get it or are asked a certain tech question

@ivoivic2448 - 17.09.2022 15:42

heheh, real developer, front end... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
sorry man. I love ya, but I love making fun of front end devs more.

@shazmahussain3395 - 10.09.2022 23:45


@leto1449 - 05.09.2022 17:19

Wait a fucking second she isn't expert
She doesn't fucking know web Deb
This is great because you can always start saying technical stuff that doesn't matter

@moooo1743 - 24.08.2022 09:47

I have my interview tomorrow. Wish me luck

@devdiaries- - 13.08.2022 01:50

Newbie here. I'll come back here 6 months later and see if I understand this then! See ya🤸🏾‍♀️

@Sassybliss404 - 09.08.2022 21:26

Those shirt holes are giving me goosebumps

@Fishamble - 07.08.2022 03:15

Thanks so much.

@finnlau3349 - 28.06.2022 20:22

Biggest lie in this world

Recruiter: ok that’s prefect

@labrajthakurathi5754 - 27.06.2022 20:41

That’s it? I’ve been preparing for this for months solving algorithms.

@badmapper4101 - 05.06.2022 12:26

4 years later you calmed my anxiety for my interview thank you

@HaloSmyth - 26.05.2022 02:16

Did you get a second interview?

@HaloSmyth - 26.05.2022 02:10

This was a softball interview

@kiroshi7364 - 13.05.2022 03:21

This video has me nervous and i just started learning lmao. I still got months or maybe even years of learning to go and i already got anxiety for my interview haha

@isaiahcedano138 - 11.05.2022 08:05

Just went on a G2I React coding interview, unfortunately didn't get the job. This is what I needed to review and work on for those who are interested:
* Understand react web development terminology.
* Practice solving complex coding exercises.
* Contribute to open source projects on your free time.
* What is HOC? How to optimize react websites perfomance? How to optimize pure functions perfomance? How to make a react website SEO friendly? How do promises work? What are mockups in software engineering/web development? What is end to end and unit testing? Where should mockups be more emphasized?
* What are the complete react lifecycles? Understand react on the most fundamental level.
* What is memoization? What is server side rendering? What is static generation? What are client side apps? What is imperative programming? What is declarative programming?
* Why were arrow functions introduced in javascript?
* What's the difference between class components and functional components in React? Why were functional components introduced?
* Get into the habit of applying best coding practices. Analyze the code, after writing it.
* What are primitive and reference types?
* What are error boundaries?

@drankenstein5241 - 10.05.2022 03:03

I'm looking for a bootcamp to go to or any training program for web developing. Qny suggestion and or advice

@acidcaaio - 04.05.2022 12:31

Man i'm super glad i found your channel. I'm also a Mechanical engineer changing carrears to web-development, focusing on front end!

@vancedvanced9188 - 22.04.2022 12:36

thank you 😊

@arsnakehert - 05.04.2022 09:42

Really nice of her to rephrase the question mentioning React lifecycle methods explicitly after you got all confused with the "lifecycle" question, lol

@MrProjectmayhem - 08.03.2022 22:05

My nerves end me. I can talk the talk but when I’m on the spot I just crumble.

@yuliagoncharova9936 - 27.02.2022 23:26

Hello. My comment is not related to the topic of the channel but it is important for many people in my country to be heard by the world. I am a citizen of Ukraine. At the time of writing, Russian forces are sieging Kyiv and many other big cities in Ukraine. They are bombing our houses, killing our friends and relatives with rockets and bullets. There are already kids among victims. Please support us and help to bring attention to Russian aggression. Thank you.

@mahir7530 - 26.02.2022 06:21

I fucked up my interview so hard cringe man ....

@grandlibulu3701 - 05.02.2022 03:33

Brave man 👨

@chrisdietrich1533 - 02.02.2022 19:08

I think it’s amazing you show your mistakes. Thank you for your humility.
