Getting the Search Engines to show your content to your ideal clients who are motivated to take action and spend money to solve their problems, is the easiest and least cost way to acquire new customers, right?
Organic search is more believable, is a more natural way for people to find ‘answers’ to their questions’, is more likely to be read, watched or listened to (c.f. people buy magazines to read the stories not the ads), as the author it can enhance your expert status or authority, and done right, can bring you exactly the type of people you want as customers - compared with ads (where people automatically know they are being sold to and will often scroll past or click to delete),
🛑 But …
… creating Organic Content is hard, it’s time consuming, it requires a lot of effort, and you just don’t know if it will work or not after putting in all the energy!
✅ Well … it can be but it doesn't have to be!!
With a bit of lateral ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking and a whole lot less effort than traditional SEO, you can get several pages deep in the search results and have other people do the work for FREE.
⁉️ How is that possible?
That is what this week’s Business Owners Smashing It Online Webinar session is all about, and you’ll want to be there so that you don’t have to shell out thousands to SEO companies, or struggle along on your own trying to work out what to do.
😝 Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn:
✨ How to post on other website for free
There are a tonne of sites that allow you to do this - and actively encourage you to add your content - not spam filled sites, not social media, but legitimate high ranking sites.
✨ Discover quickly what topics are trending
Then how to “Piggyback” on content created by others, for people interested to find you - and the content doesn’t need to be related to your business at all!
✨ Hijacking traditional media stories
These are stories people are reading right now to get more eyeballs on you and your content in some pretty unconventional ways.
✨ Using high traffic sites
These are often little known or used sites that can blow up traffic to your website overnight.
✨ How to get high profile influencers
… who don’t compete with you but have on their list the sweet spot of ideal clients you want to work with. You don’t have to pay the influencer; in fact they will market you for free and get you all over the search listings in ways you have not considered … yet!
✨ How to ‘Leapfrog’ businesses
These businesses are often paying thousands to get on page one of search, and you can do it for free by “thinking a little off centre” using media they have not thought about.
✨ Beat SEO companies
… at their own game by doing what they don’t. They often play to a set and forget formula and you can capitalise on the gaps they miss or that have been created in this ever changing digital landscape.
✨ How to use offline strategies to amplify your online profile
This one is so easy to do and incredibly effective … and it takes very little work.
Some of these are counterintuitive, and look like swimming against the current but, they are often 10 to 100 times more effective than swimming with the school.
The speaker is Nik Cree, host of the Business Owners Smashing It Online webinar and who has been actively marketing online for over three decades - he has a wealth of in-the-trenches experience and he will be sharing some of his secrets that are successful and working right now.
If you want to dominate the search results, be found by your ideal client and have them seek you out rather than wasting a whole lot of money on traditional marketing, join us for this eye opening session where you will leave with a list of real actionable things you can do.
Join us again next week for another topic that will surely bring your business to the next level.
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